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Lee Joon Gi 이준기 | [Drama 2023] "Arthdal Chronicles: The Sword of Aramoon"


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@oyashirazuThank you so much - you have worked so hard on this list - I'm sure we all appreciate it :wub:  I can help by checking the spelling, grammar and punctuation for you (New Zealand style though - maybe different from USA??? I'm not sure about that - I know that some spelling is ie,colour v color)  I have underlined and made bold any changes as it wouldn't let me choose any other colours. Of course these are just my suggestions and others may have different ideas :D Hope it helps. Oh and I also added a few thoughts along the way you may or may not want to add ie, about his horse riding skills which I applaud ^_^

1 hour ago, oyashirazu said:

100 Things We Love About Joon Gi

Acting skills

1. His incredible acting skills: His acting started off great but became even greater and refined over time. Great acting as in, he always makes us believe he's actually going through whatever his character is going through. His characters never seem fake or inauthentic.

2. His onscreen presence and charisma: the way he can pull you in and make you feel for his character.

3. He is one of the first definitions of "second-lead syndrome" in Kdrama. Anyone who watched "My Girl" (2006) experienced it. No wonder it didn't take even a year before he was promoted to first lead status to lead TBDW in 2007. In his dramas, everyone in the screen but Joon Gi fades into the background.

4. Perfect first-lead actor: No sane person gets second-lead syndrome in a drama or movie in which Joon Gi is first lead.

5. His micro acting: His subtle facial muscles and how they react while in character.

6. His voice acting: His voice alone can pull you in. If he stopped work as an actor some day (please, no!) he could dub movies.

7. King of sageuk: He's a joy for everyone who loves historical movies/dramas. No one can pull off a hanbok as naturally as him. His sageuk speech is on point. He always makes it look as if he belongs in that time of history.

8. His commitment and passion for his main profession as an actor: Despite his many side endeavours (fan meetings, photoshootings, variety shows) he gives us at least one new drama to watch every single year without fail - sometimes we get to see even more than one acting project a year.

9. His versatile acting. He'd never allow us to grow bored of him or his roles. He always chooses different kinds of roles that are challenging and deep. He can pull off roles with dual personalities easily. He is not afraid to act challenging roles and always sells the character convincingly. He also adapts his acting style and interpretation to suit the character.

10. His acting is always a joy to watch without fail because he knows how to "surprise" us viewers (even his fans who "know" him). His acting doesn't only seem real and convincing but he goes beyond that and creates something new and unpredictable within his roles' personality range. Everyone can interpret a character but many do it in the most obvious and plain way (even if it seems natural and realistic) but Joon Gi's interpretations are  never boring or predictable - his roles don't always seem different only because he chooses different kind of scripts, but because of this.

11. The way he uses his body as part of his acting: He knows how to walk and move around to make his role look convincing. His posture and movement is always harmonic, looks aesthetically pleasing and fits his roles. His body movement is never stiff or awkward (well, apart from when he wants to make his role look like that). For all we know, Joon Gi and stiffness are antonyms! 

12. Like Kim Kyu Tae once said, he's like a 'volcano'. His acting is not restricted but he goes all out. He completely pours himself into his role and doesn’t feel the need to hold himself back or feel embarrassed. He shows his vulnerable side through his acting and doesn't try to look "cool" or guarded. 

13. He is excellent at showcasing romance in his dramas. His kiss scenes in pretty much all his dramas, but especially his post military ones, have a certain authenticity or realness that is rarely found in other kiss scenes in dramas. They are usually not too aggressive or intense. Instead they are gentle and filled with so much emotion they can burn your screen. There is just that special feeling to them that is hard to put in words. When he is making love confessions, instead of them sounding cheesy or just like an actor reciting a script or trying to look cool, his sound is so passionate, so full of longing, so meaningful, so loving. Or the way he shows love towards his leading ladies by taking care of them (e.g. their feet after they hurt themselves).


Charm and Personality

14. His humor and ability to be goofy.

15. His ability to connect with the masses and make it genuine.

16. His expressive eyes! -that glance, cry, smile, smolder, showing vulnerability, etc.

17. He is incredibly humble and genuine. He sees himself as an artist working towards improving his craft. In his interviews when he says this, you would think that maybe he is just being humble and doesn't want to boast when they compliment him, but somehow - maybe we're biased - when he says this it feels genuine.

18. He has good manners. We saw this at the SBS drama awards 2016. He bows, greets and compliments his seniors (Kim Sung Ryeung). And he bows and greets his juniors (Lee Min Ho). 

19. His ability to go from serious to goofy to sexy in less than 3 seconds

20. He is incredibly caring to his hoobae/juniors and his leadership skills are on point at film set.

21. He is a gentleman. He sure knows how to interact with women. See the way he took care and led Nang Sang Mi and IU at the award ceremonies and also the way he interact with Shin Min Ah during interviews. Such a classy man.

22. His contagious and funny way of laughing and giggling.

23. He is very wise and intelligent behind all of his goofiness. Every interview with him shows how deep his thinking process is and how perceptive he is. When he is answering questions, he takes time to give genuine, original and well thought answers. Not just one word or phrase answers and not those well rehearsed bull crap generic answers celebs give at interviews.

24. He learns from his mistakes and now doesn't let fame get to his head even though he is a very successful person overall.

25. He's not afraid to tell the truth about himself, even when he's telling something that might make him look bad.

26. The way he's always willing to take responsibility for his decisions and try to make the best of them even in adverse situations.

27. The way he looks divinely shy when someone praises his work or his looks.

28. His ability to cry and still look amazing.

29. He's really good with people and tries to make them feel comfortable.

30. He loves kids. A man like that will instantly gain bonus points with women. We always ship Lee Joon Gi with babies and kids.

31. He's 34 years old but sometimes he's still like an adorable young boy. He simply is a cute cinnamon role!

32. He loves animals, especially dogs. Any person, more so a guy and a huge celebrity at that, who loves kids and animals that much makes us feel they have a compassionate heart and that character trait in any person to us is so attractive. He even has a sizzling chemistry with horses!

33. His personality as a whole. If he stops dramas or movies (Hell No!!!*cringes*) he would totally excel as a variety star. See his guest appearances in Running Man, Healing Camp, Family Outing and Golden Fisheries.

34. His pouting face. No man should be this cute when pouting but Joon Gi's pouting face is just plain adorable.

35. He has many interests aside from acting like dancing, singing, food (cooking?), martial arts, golf, soccer, drinking, and so on. 

36. He's got a romantic side to him and we love when he shows it! (e.g. My Ear's Candy)

37. He is zutter!

38. His sincerity in everything.

39. His boundless energy. He's always the moodmaker by jumping around and cheerfully sharing his energy even when he's exhausted himself.

40. His star quality/aura. In a room full of hundreds of stars and other regular people. You can't help but notice him. He has that shine to him.



41. His unique and intriguing looks are one of the reasons he got noticed by directors, fans, and so on when he was a young actor

42. Phoenix eyes: his eyes and their shape are special and beautiful

43. Straight nose

44. Killer jawline

45. Heart-shaped lips

46. Clear skin and beautiful complexion

47. His cute ears: We can totally imagine his Mum pulling them when he is acting naughty or doing aegyo when he was a baby. But their shape is really beautiful, too, like elf ears.

48. His strong hands, long fingers and well groomed fingernails. And those arm veins...

49. His broad shoulders.

50. His legs are strong, athletic and beautiful.

51. His Adams apple: You can't unsee it and when he exposes his neck it just enhances his sexy manly appeal.

52. Not only his acting is versatile but his looks, too: He can go from ethereal beautiful (beauty?) beating even women, to boyish and cute, manly heartachingly sexy like a rock star, gentleman-like handsome, to the Kpop idol look and when he wears hanbok, he can alternate between handsome, cute, sexy, beautiful within seconds. 

53. He can pull off any look and is a fashionista through and through. How can a man look so good in jewellery? From airport fashion to his fan meetings to simple casual wear when he is guesting at movie premiere's of his co-stars. Not forgetting how he can vary his hair colour from red to white to blonde to black to auburn and plus long hair, short hair, up do, porcupine hair style etc, etc and look damn good most of the time.

54. He ages like wine: He will be 35 soon but no sign of aging (not that 35 is old really but he doesn't look it).

55. His sexiness shines through even without him taking off his shirt and showing us his abs - his swagger and confidence does that for him.

56. He doesn't need to show us abs to prove his sexiness but we're still delighted that the Singapore FM has shown us uri oppa has a toned body especially his belly. He really has his "sexy on". Oppa if you have the urge to flaunt your body or a drama/movie requires you to do a shower scene or brooding half naked or treat a wound like with your shirt off, don't be shy and be more body confident. Your abs are not "fabric conditioner abs" like you said in your interview.

57. He looks stunning in a suit.

58. He could work as a fulltime model with his looks: If we were casting agents for a model agency or clients looking for an unconventional model we would definitely pick him. if you put his headshots along hundreds of headshots of equally beautiful and talented actors and models his look alone stands out.. Its so unique. No wonder he is the original flowerboy.

59. Big bonus points for no plastic surgery or botox.


Man of Talents and Hard Work

60. He's a man of survival: He's worked hard to get where he is now (e.g. enduring life in a small room full of cockroaches...)

61. Even though he's made it this far we admire that he hasn't thrown his hardworking personality away to this day and always tries to best (better?) himself with his next role. The way he always strives for more is how we believe he got better and better over the years in everything he does, not stagnating but giving his natural talent a chance to improve through his determination and will power.

62. His martial art and action skills as well as his astonishing flexibility. He's amazing! Things he can do with his legs - incredible. And he mastered several martial arts at that: Tae Kwon Do 3rd degree, Hapkido 1st degree and Taekkyeon 1st degree.

63. His cooking skills. We'd love to taste his food some day.

64. His language usage! International fans appreciate the fact he is learning and utilizing other languages to communicate with us all in spoken word and in his SNS usage. English, Mandarin, Japanese, and so on. Plus, we love that he's so confident in speaking them and that he has a clear articulation.

65. His pleasant singing voice and versatile music: he can sing ballads, electro-pop, hip hop, not limited to the genres he samples. And he can sing in Japanese, English, Korean, Chinese.

66. His incredible dancing skills (e.g. his fun, robotic dancing).

67. His song writing ability and composing ability <- can someone confirm he composed songs?

(@lisethvr has said in reply to me pp 1699 that he just wrote the lyrics of 'Selfless Dedicated Trees' and and he didn't write Thank you'. Also that his songs were composed by )

68. He is such a fantastic model not only because of his looks but because he has experience with the camera and knows exactly how to please the photographer. He changes his postures quickly and efficiently. We wouldn't be surprised if most of the times all shots could be used. His photo shoots are always interesting to watch if filmed and his pictorials are so fabulous to fangirl over and find new sides of him.

69. His horse riding skills!  (his concern for the horse's well-being when riding, his soft hands on the reins, his posture and balance, his ability to gallop while holding the reins in one hand and a sword in the other, his ability to hold the reins up while shooting with a rifle at a canter, to canter with another person in the saddle in front of him, his ability to make his horse rear up while maintaining his balance and seat.)

70. His diction - he speaks so clearly. He had to work hard on his pronunciation (and dialect?) for his acting career because he came from Busan and he did great!

71. Perfect shaped hearts...<3 And a great variety of them. He always amazes us with his fingers/hands abilities. (King of Hearts)

72. His work ethic.



73. We love his appreciation and connection to us - his fans. He's always lovely to us.

74. We love him for organizing so many fan meetings inside and outside of Korea to please all of his fans.

75. We love him for always making time to spend with his fans even when he doesn't have to, e.g. at the airport, press conferences, and so on.

76. We love that he is very active on various forms of social media like instagram, twitter, weibo, vlive app etc. And he doesn't only communicate in Korean/Hangul but uses many different languages. He even mastered the universal language: emoji. So we can understand what he is saying despite still remaining language barriers.

77. His pictures and videos on social media are always creative and fun.

78. Wherever he performs at his fanmeets, he incorporates local songs into his performance.

79. He knows how to be a fan himself: He's a big fan of Big Bang and EXO <- Not 100% sure I understood the former post by @emeraldblue about him being a Big Bang fanboy correctly. Did he call himself a Big Bang fan? And I do remember he also loves EXO so I added that but can someone confirm this to be safe? Or if someone knows what group/which singer he lkes best that would be a great help :)

80. His albums and songs that he shares with the masses.

81. The ultimate fanservice 1: His ability to make pouring water something of an event (and R18...).

82. The ultimate fanservice 2: Humbly washing the feet of his fans. It showed all of us his sincerity towards his fans.

83. He's the best ambassador of Korean culture and the best Korean language teacher we can think of.


So, we're at 83. now!

My suggestion for 100.: The Joon Gi Effect (no explanation needed :lol:)   (Yes - perfect - love it )




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weed a.k.a cannabis ehe. although, i think he's much more addictive/dangerous, difficult to control the dosage! lol


@glassnokamen yeas....sorry bout that, not really helping, isn't it. LoL. You can still try to compete though, I see Interpark has english version, although the site went funny when I was trying to sign up. That's why I went to the SG one. We all complained that the tix price was expensive for such unfavourable situation ( outdoor in rainy season, super long queues, fierce spot competitions, bad management, no fan service interaction etc). But really, even I had to queue for 10hrs and defended my spot literally with my life, at least it's a better chance than trying to win those K-fans. And I got my front row hehe, it'll be impossible if it's Seoul. Actually, i'm pretty sure, there're international fans who know the drill about this, hopefully they see your post and help you.

You type ---> @ ---> then the username


@oyashirazu I totally agree with @Silvermaine for point 4th. Who wrote that, it's very true and creative way to say! lol

I'm not sure if this can be added to the list:

His English? We all love his voice and his diction, right. But I guess, we all falling head over heels even more when he's speaking english. He sounds sexy/cool but cute at the same time with his accent. His 'stagey' and 'carefurry'.  It is so attractive. -----> I hope this sounds like compliments, not the other way around.

I actually think it's better to submit the list in english hehe. It's just feel more 'global', we beg to differ our love/perspective from the K-fans :tongue:. His english is pretty good, and Namoo can find someone to interpret, surely.

anyhow, perfectly done! brilliant

cc jg panda

WHYY?? You can sit forever there, JoonGi-ssi, I don't care. :tongue:




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2 hours ago, oyashirazu said:

4. Perfect first-lead actor: No sane person gets second-lead syndrome in a drama or movie in which Joon Gi is first lead.


Speaking about this, also when I totally hate the girl's character in his drama/ movie, I will endure and try to finish it because he's the first lead! lol... and the example of this will be 'Never Said Goodbye' haha... I just couldn't stand the girl but since JG is there, I had to persevere lol! Those of you living in South East Asian countries and subscribing for Celestial Movies channel (Astro for Malaysia, Indovision/ Top TV cable for Indonesia), you can watch 'Never Said Goodbye' again tonight at 9 pm Kuala Lumpur/ Singapore/ Eastern Indonesian Time while waiting for 'My Ear's Candy' streaming.

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7 minutes ago, NoonaE said:


Speaking about this, also when I totally hate the girl's character in his drama/ movie, I will endure and try to finish it because he's the first lead! lol... and the example of this will be 'Never Said Goodbye' haha... I just couldn't stand the girl but since JG is there, I had to persevere lol! Those of you living in South East Asian countries and subscribing for Celestial Movies channel (Astro for Malaysia, Indovision/ Top TV cable for Indonesia), you can watch 'Never Said Goodbye' again tonight at 9 pm Kuala Lumpur/ Singapore/ Eastern Indonesian Time while waiting for 'My Ear's Candy' streaming.

You know what happens to me? Even if I don't like the female lead, if Joon Gi's character wants her, then I want her for him too. :D 

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:( Anybody with withdrawal symptoms lasting till now? Last week this time, he was in Singapore breathing the same air and a lot of us were right there at the performance with him there and then. He was just right in front so near. A real life LGJ...when can I get to see him in person.

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4 minutes ago, pixelsticks said:

Acck...someone decided to come in and interrupt me in RL....dang them!  So is that it (in terms of JG) for this episode?  Although I find the 2nd couple very fun!  Why aren't one of their faces hidden?

You're right! Choi Ji Woo's part looks fun to watch too. Plus, my internet went 10x better when they aired. WHAT IN THE HELL UNIVERSE!!!!

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6 minutes ago, pixelsticks said:


Acck...someone decided to come in and interrupt me in RL....dang them!  So is that it (in terms of JG) for this episode?  Although I find the 2nd couple very fun!  Why aren't one of their faces hidden?

I was wondering the same thing, that was so short if it's the end. I didn't understand a single thing while watching it, was just staring at joongi's face:wub: he is so cute and his laugh ..... his voice was so deep and husky.

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Lee Joon Gi Confesses He Hates Being Alone And Corrects Misconceptions About His Personality

Lee Joon Gi

Actor Lee Joon Gi recently confessed that he is someone who, “suffers from loneliness quite often.”

The actor has decided to make his first variety appearance on the second season of tvN’s “My Ear’s Candy,” a show that has celebrities communicate with a mystery “candy” person through a phone, building friendships through conversations as they try to guess who their mystery callers are. The episode that aired on March 11 showed Lee Joon Gi in Florence, Italy as he began his fateful first phone conversation with his “candy.”

Lee Joon Gi 3

Lee Joon Gi first appeared in a meeting with the show’s staff, and he opened up about the misconceptions that people have about his personality based on his looks. He stated, “People think I’m a mysterious person who’s difficult to approach, but that’s really not the case. I’m actually quite a soft person. It frustrates me when people make assumptions like that,” and, “I’m a kind person who likes to be around other people. I don’t like being alone, and I suffer from loneliness quite often.”

Lee Joon Gi 2

He went on to express his anticipation for his “candy,” as he said that he hoped it was someone who is like him and shares many of his pains.

Hopefully, more people will learn through “My Ear’s Candy” just how warm and approachable Lee Joon Gi really is!

Source: https://www.soompi.com/2017/03/11/lee-joon-gi-confesses-hates-alone-corrects-misconceptions-personality/

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4 hours ago, Lynn11 said:

:( Anybody with withdrawal symptoms lasting till now? Last week this time, he was in Singapore breathing the same air and a lot of us were right there at the performance with him there and then. He was just right in front so near. A real life LGJ...when can I get to see him in person.

Me!!  I am in Vienna right now holidaying with my husband but I cant help myself lurking in here just to find out if Candy in My ear feature Jun Ki already have English sub. heee!! 


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