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chrissydiva said:

Hello, people :)

Wow this is like my first time ever posting in a thread other than the Kdrama/movies section hahaha Anyway, since I didn't want to post this in the Two Weeks thread, I will do it here. I read about your discussion about what kind of role we wish him to see him next. Personally, I do hope he does get some light comedy drama even though I love action Lee Jun Ki. I found it cute that he is so afraid to venture there because he thinks he has no experience in love LOL It's not like he had experience in being a father and I thought he did an awesome job with that adorable little actress. She might be my next Kim Yoo Jung.

So my friend and I were talking on the phone tonight. She was saying that Lee Jun Ki had played characters that were somewhat anti-hero than most but he has never really played a villain, right? Correct me if i'm wrong. By villain, I don't mean like a second lead villain or side character villain, but as in first male lead being the villain. Yes, it does happen lol  So since we are both big fan of the Japanese Manga, the Death Note, we were actually surprised that Korea hasn't tackled that one yet whether in movie or drama.  She was thinking of Lee Jun Ki as Light Yagami aka Kira. For those who might not be familiar with the manga, it's the story of a young bored genius who hates everything evil. One day, a god of death drops his "death note" in Light's schoolyard. Light sees the book and picked it up. At his house, he learns that the book's purpose is to pretty much write down the name of a person after seeing their faces in order to kill them. So at first, he uses the book as a test by killing a few criminals then he becomes so addicted to it and turned into a full fledged sociopath killing not only criminals but also anyone, whether cops or not, who might get in his way.  That's pretty much the rough draft of the character.  I'm all for villain characters as long as they are well written or acted like the one that comes to my mind is the villain in the drama Ghost/Phantom.  That guy was a sociopath to the bone but I just could never bring myself to hate him despite So Ji Sub being the hero in the drama (and I love me some So Ji Sub). Um Ki Joon was that good. My friend and I just thought it would be a great challenging role. Of course, the setting for Light wouldn't be higschool. Love the guy, but no way LJK will pass off as a highschooler. Lee Min Ho hardly does lol

This is a long post lol But I just wanted to share that thought and see what y'all might think. I'll will advise anyone to check the manga if you haven't yet. There is also a Japanese movie or movies (I think there's two) of it, but I never watched the movies.

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@patoi, thank you for that wonderfully written article-interview entitled "There are No Limits, Only Challenges..."

While reading it, some parts brought tears to my eyes.. He is right about Lee Chae-mi... in that playing a father, needs also the daughter who looks upon him as the father... and in that Lee Jun-Ki and Lee Chae-mi were perfect together.... I often said the real love story in Two Weeks was the father-daughter love story.... when Tae-sang was lonely and on the run his conversations with the doll first, and then with the real image of his daughter asking questions and giving answers, were personification of that love...

One of the reasons I love reading well done interviews with Lee Jun-ki, is because he is such a well thought and well expressed actor.... He does not just give silly answers expecting his fans to be happy no matter what he says... You can see, he really thinks about what he expresses...

I love that he had such relationship with the writer, So Hyeon-Kyong, who welcomed his ideas...
I loved his idea of that open ending to Two Weeks... I think we would all have been mortified if he was being killed in the end.... And I think it may have provided a healing not only for us, but also for him and that little girl...

I also would love to see him in more films... I do hope the right project lands on his desk.... I have faith that with his exceptional talent, this would happen... Reading the three names of actors he mentioned, I can totally see him in that league..   (I loved Masquerade... and Lee Byung-hun was fabulous in it, and - I could totally imagine Lee Jun-Ki in that role....)

Sounds like he really has his eyes set on a rom-com...  I do think it is a good idea....!

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@daegorr Thanks so much for the trans article of Joongi's interviews, it's great dear :x

@joonginess, @daegorr Welcome to this thread. Glad to see new fan friends who love & care him a lot :)

@petito Baby Joongi is the cutest baby boy :D Whenever I relook that old pic, his pose is so funny! He didn't seem having a hard time though it's difficult to stand on the adult's hands like that. Look at him smiling, he could be a ballerina^^ Or maybe he's showing us his balance to be the awesome action star as he's now, keke :P

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patoi said: petito said: “I once thought that I should do many action shows while I am still physically healthy. But on second thought, this also applies to melodramas. If I do melodramas as I get even older, it is no longer melodrama but adultery right?
Sorry for asking but what he means (or is meant) with this? I could just pass this but I'm just curious about everything, as you know ;))

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@petito....love love baby Jun-Ki photos.... Just take him home and feed him love....:x :x :x

@patoi thank you for current photos.. He is such a smart man... go out and be with your fans where you are loved and appreciated....

Welcome to newcomers.....(even though I am new here myself...),  @daegorr,  (How awesome is  this article that you translated...Thank you...!) and @joonginess  (I also love your name....!)

@grasha love... I have also been voting daily for both..... Glad to see that Two Weeks is back in the lead.... but I agree that we need to be consistent in voting daily....

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Yeah, whatever we are doing, just remember to vote once a day until they (voting organizer) finally tell us what the heck we have been voting for. Now, for me, it's just a pleasure to see Two Weeks on top and uri Joon at the top 3. 

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@irilight @patoi @petito @Merry Woah, thanks everybody!! It was my first time translating an article. I found it very well written, so I thought it would be good to share it with everyone. I like it that Junki seems to speak from the heart, and he really puts a lot of thought into his replies. The interview really gave us an insight into his inner thoughts. I'll try and translate some more articles if I have the time (busy with school at the moment).
Not sure if this has been shared before. I made this fanvid quite some time ago. Hope you all like it! ^__^

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daegorr said: @irilight @patoi @petito @Merry Woah, thanks everybody!! It was my first time translating an article. I found it very well written, so I thought it would be good to share it with everyone. I like it that Junki seems to speak from the heart, and he really puts a lot of thought into his replies. The interview really gave us an insight into his inner thoughts. I'll try and translate some more articles if I have the time (busy with school at the moment).
Not sure if this has been shared before. I made this fanvid quite some time ago. Hope you all like it! ^__^

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Guest Vanni Zae

love this forum girls, it like a big family, whenever i miss junki i always open and read this forum that make me feel close with him

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@daegorr,  what a lovely video.. thank you for sharing with us... It put me right back in "Two Weeks" mode....I have often said, I wish it were Two Months and not Two Weeks..... intense..and ended way too soon for me.... I just wanted more...

Vanni Zae
said: love this forum girls, it like a big family, whenever i miss junki i always open and read this forum that make me feel close with him

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class="articletitle" style="padding: 0px; margin: 0px; outline: none 0px; list-style: none; font-size: 33px; border: 0px none; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; line-height: 34px; font-family: arial, verdana, sans-serif; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-weight: bold; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: auto; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: auto; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px;"Lee Jun Ki's Agent, "His Depression Is Not Serious... It's Because of the Drama"


Actor Lee Jun Ki's agency talked about Lee Jun Ki's depression.

Today, one representative of Lee Jun Ki's agency said, "Lee Jun Ki did talk about depression in a recent interview. But it's not serious enough for the fans to be worried about."

The representative said, "Lee Jun Ki poured out everything for the drama 'Two Weeks.' He was feeling a little empty because he could not leave the character that he played. He's currently getting rest and will come back soon through a different work."

class="articletitle" style="padding: 0px; margin: 0px; outline: none 0px; list-style: none; font-size: 33px; border: 0px none; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; line-height: 34px; font-family: arial, verdana, sans-serif; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-weight: bold; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: auto; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: auto; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px;"source:  KpopStarz

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Guest Vanni Zae

The slitted eyes which become more conspicuous when I am tired.. kk I hope you wrap up your weekend well~♥ 
(Translation by Elly)

his eyes still pretty i think

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@Merry he was surely born to be an action guy ;)
He didn't become a ballerina but 

22 years later

he became a pretty clown who can stand on a rope, hehehe.. The postures are almost the same :D

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