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Lee Joon Gi 이준기 | [Drama 2023] "Arthdal Chronicles: The Sword of Aramoon"


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5 hours ago, glassnokamen said:

I've already memorized the english part... about the romanization part... ehm... I'm still working on it :D :D:D. I'm just arrived in Dubai... and my flight to Seoul is in about 3 hours...

Safe journey dear. Pls cheer the loudest cheer for JG. He really badly need our support. Take as many as possible videos of the FM :love:

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9 hours ago, oyashirazu said:

Something to brighten up the mood :)

Got this nice Japanese magazine with Joon Gi on the cover as well as the Japanese DVD for MLSHR, both with long and interesting interviews of the MLSHR cast.


Here are some comments by Joon Gi's co-stars I translated. Let them remind us of some of the numerous reasons why we love him so much (though I doubt anyone here needs a reminder): especially his great acting abilities and the way he cares for his juniors.

IU/LJE: He is a real soonbae to me so I was nervous in the beginning. Before the filming started we had some get-togethers and there he approached me in a relaxing manner when I felt very nervous and was uptight at first. Thanks to this we got close very quickly and developed a relationship in which we could easily exchange jokes. When I saw how he treated his juniors on an equal footing and boosted the mood on set I understood the reason why he was able to remain as a star for such a long time already. I was astonished when we filmed one of our first scenes: It was the scene when Wang So comes to the place where the stone towers are after he killed people. There he destroys the stone towers and cries. Just before we filmed that scene Joon Gi was talking with me about things like how cold the weather is and we were joking around but as soon as we got the sign for the filming to start, he instantly broke down crying. That moment I thought it was the real Wang So who appeared. So while I was still in the middle of admiring him for being able to jump into his role in mere seconds, I heard "cut" being said, and he already had returned to his former state again. Then I thought he is a real genius.

Kang Ha Neul: When I knew that we would be co-actors I was overcome with happiness and sent him a mail after I somehow found out his contact address. I have been watching his works since I was younger and was a big fan of his back then. I still remember how I hurried home after school in high school to watch Time Between Dog and Wolf. These memories resurfaced and I was overcome with the thought that I will be able to act along with that great Lee Joon Gi. Once we started to act alongside for real, I found that we get along well and that he is a caring soonbae.

Hong Jong Hyun: He is someone who often speaks with his juniors and takes care of them. He takes on the role of a moodmaker. In order for the filming to take place with a good atmosphere, he becomes the person who tries to boost everyone's mood and energy. During the filming, he often astonishes me and I have to admire him and think "He can do this much". He pulls off all kinds of things with a nonchalant air around him. And I think his action skills are the best among all the actors I know. He was really astonishing. His concern for his juniors is great so he makes it happen that I who is much younger than him can say my opinion freely in front of him. I'm very grateful for that.

Nam Joo Hyuk: The first thing I thought when I met him for the first time was "I know him from TV!" Hahaha. Once we started to act alongside each other I often thought "He is really amazing" and "How come his acting is this good?". I was watching him and thinking that I want to learn much from him and that I want to follow his example in acting.

Kang Han Na: Acting together with Joon Gi in particular was good. All of us often had dinner together thanks to his initiative. When we had to wait for the next scene on set he was taking funny videos with an app on his smartphone. He would even add music or subtitles by himself and say "I uploaded it on SNS so take a look, okay?" Haha. (Skipped unrelated) Because Joon Gi oppa jumped into his role in an instant and provided the right atmosphere, I was able to receive this energy and concentrate on my acting, as well. It gave me a really wondrous feeling! Although he normally is such a bright person (laughs), once he acts all of that disappears in an instant and, starting from the expression of his eyes, he completely and perfectly transforms into Wang So. He was really magnificent.

Hope reading all the nice praise boosts everyone's mood here a little ^_^ 

And wish everyone who goes to his FM a great time! Looking forward to all of your stories :)


Thank you for this! It did brigthen up my mood. He is indeed talented and skilled actor. :D he has a sharp focus on this - being goofy one moment then serious in a second. Love him so much! 

Edited by LyraYoo
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16 hours ago, krysyuy said:

This is nice, positive coverage, but why did they use a clip of him talking about Milla at the beginning??? ("She's such a beauty.") lol

Hahaha...deception yet again...although he would probably say that about JHB. UGH...such manipulation.


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13 minutes ago, krysyuy said:

A new photoshoot for a magazine, perhaps? Hmm... I doubt this is related to Criminal Minds. I could be wrong though.

Some concept print/media product I would guess, BUT it would be a treat if it was a character he was playing.  Even just a 7 Episode Web thing.  I'm trying to digest the imagery.  

Light/Dark Apples/Temptation Vans/Ripped Jeans/Youth/Luck Puppets/Manipulation (haha) Umbrella/Pinstripe Suit 

Man I want to be on a photoshoot set of his someday! 

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17 hours ago, LyraYoo said:

The video. SAYS.A.LOT. bled1 onion headbled1 onion head


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If Im reading the letter tats in his fingers.. Its reads LIGHT and DARK ? 

So cool. Can't wait for the reveal of this teaser.

He's face is not even showing but oh goodness, he looks so hot. That adams apple. You just can't unsee it. *sweats*

Edited by LyraYoo
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The Vlive video, I think it's for his website not criminal minds.Namoo uploaded some shots of his feet with the shoes in the video on their insta page and captioned it.Coming soon.

And that bad sexy boy concept photoshoot, it's not his first time doing it.he looks good though.Like when he was eating the apple.You can see his skin was glowing.

As for those interviews by the SHR team. Just:wub:..awww

And hooray for Seoul encore concert!!!!! Come on let's party party party!!!!Joon Gi and us...

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Shoes?  Coming soon?  Is it like basketball stars in the US and he will get his own JG version of each brand?  LOL  Just kidding. 

Interesting that Namoo seems to be controlling the pics released and using his actual facebook account or their own account....and avoiding the IG account.

That stage walkway?  Lucky floor fans!  Looks like a lot of big screens as well.  Since he was in the studio...are we getting new songs?

I hope @glassnokamen has a GREAT time!  

And wow...that is a lot of tribute vignettes/rice bags/setups for JG.


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50 minutes ago, pixelsticks said:

Interesting that Namoo seems to be controlling the pics released and using his actual facebook account or their own account....and avoiding the IG account.

They did upload on Namoo instagram though, the rehearsal picture.But Smart move by Namoo I think.Its easier on Facebook to track trolls and imbeciles(sorry not sorry for my words but I can't be nice to people who thrive on cyber bullying and harassment when things don't go their way)who could sabotage and spread negative vibes and energy on such a good day like this.

Oh maybe both Namoo and him are like this because they doesn't want the attention he gets over the FM to overshadow the first few updates on criminal minds.

Having said this, but why do I still have that strong need for JG himself to upload something on IG at least after this FM?I really think it would reassure his true fans that he is ok. I mean I would like to think he is but it just gives me that extra faith.Also it would show those who are bent on assassinating his character and career that "Nah folks..you gotta come at me a little stronger than these petty issues for you to bring me down.I am a veteran for a reason".

Anyway fighting JG!!!!


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