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Lee Joon Gi 이준기 | [Drama 2023] "Arthdal Chronicles: The Sword of Aramoon"


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Since I'm so stressed out right now, let me do some Joon acrostic of my own ;-) it'll definitely make me feel better.

L -lovely smile that melt thousands of hearts (perv alert!!!!!):-)

E- elegant, yet humble

E- eloquent (especially after his radio DJ stint in DEMA)

J - joyful to watch - nailed the right emotions every time

U- unmatched beauty, the jawline is...:-)..

N - naive, shy especially in the early days

K - kissable lips, totally!!!! (I warned you, perv alert!!!)

I - irresistable charm

There you have it!!!! My contribution to the society today.....

and my awful migraine is almost gone :-):-$;-)

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;)) ;)) My polls have revealed the poet in everyone. Good, very good, dear friends :)>- @patoi you and I may continue expressing our thoughts in freeform :D 

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Hi guys.. i'm new here but already read the older threads since couple times ago, lol. ♥

By the way, I voted two weeks, and just knew that we can vote as much as we want using mobile. Hehe. Lets make two weeks at top 8♥♥

so proud to be a part of here anyway :)

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@ Petito and @patoi, my creativity correlates positively with my stress levels. Because of this, Joongi has turned from a mere distraction to almost an obsession during these very difficult times for me. initially, it's just a form of escapism and a platform to unleash my bad ……"creative powers " on poor unsuspecting souls. But this thread has allowed me to meet so many people who are always genuinely nice and pleasant to each other, have great sense of humor and equally great intelligence. So, in the end, all of you and Joon have really been a 'balm' for my soul, @lilla11.

Having said that, I'm lucky that my 'distraction' is actually an honest and humble human being, who is quite worthy of being my 'obsession'. Despite all our compliments, we all know that our Joon is not perfect, but then who is...? He's just lovable the way he carries himself on and off screen. ……

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Welcome to the thread @lisagi, Feel free to join us with your posts :)
@joonginess, I'm also attracted to this thread and to dear all friends here due to the warmth and friendliness of everyone. It is indeed like a large family whose members are always understanding and sincere.. I don't feel awkward at all and can chit-chat all the time when I come here. It is amazing that no matter what age, from what culture and time zone you are, everyone is accepted easily and unconditionally (well, the only condition is to like Jun Ki ;)) ) And when I'm here I'm a totally different person, I'm actually an introverted, shy person who doesn't talk so much haha.. 
Even if we sometimes forget that he is a human-being too, of course he is not perfect like everyone else. But he is the best in comparison.. Reading his interviews and tweets and all, recent ones in particular, I cannot find a sentence, a word that would lessen my love to him. Or I'm that blinded by him to not see them :-/ I don't know ;))


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Welcome @lisagi, come chat with us about uri Joon often. We are glad to have you in our Family of Joon's lovers.
@Joonginess, @petito, your expressed thoughts made me speechless indeed. Although my feeling and thoughts for Joon are similar as those of you two, I can not express them as nicely as you two did. You said them right of my mouth. Superb.

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Guest Vanni Zae

@joonginess so when you're not stress you lose your creativity? :DThose poets are awesome and i think i cant make one , i appreciate you, to @petito & @Merry too  ^:)^  ^:)^@patoi we have the same feelings, those all poets represent our feelinbs  @lisagi welcome to this family >:D<

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@petito - thank you for the wonderful Star magazine video... so beautiful..

I am so honored to be in the company of such accomplished writers, @petito, @heks, @merry, @junginess..... I loved what you all wrote...

When I see questions like that I freeze with writer block (even though I am not a writer.. hehe)

^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^

And loved that photo @Vanni Zae...

@Merry - have a great trip

@lisagi - welcome to the thread...

Did you all know there is another Soompi thread for Lee Jun-Ki - about a sexy commercial he did a few years back...


He was sexy in those commercials...some of the photos you can see on that other soompi thread....Here are a couple more...






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i should stop my habit of checking this thread as soon as i open my eyes, because @irilight these photos have that oh-wow-OMG factor! And most of 'em are his killer profile.. though i saw all these pics i didn't know they had a thread, yeaahh they deserve one, obviously ;))

i saw another thread of photos before, but i dont remember what brand he was advertising 'cause i was too busy looking at him i guess :D

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petito said:  I don't feel awkward at all and can chit-chat all the time when I come here. It is amazing that no matter what age, from what culture and time zone you are, everyone is accepted easily and unconditionally (well, the only condition is to like Jun Ki ;)) ) And when I'm here I'm a totally different person, I'm actually an introverted, shy person who doesn't talk so much haha.. 

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I forgot to thank you for your compliments about what I wrote yesterday, but I really don't think I write well compared to everyone else in this thread.. I was terrible at writing essays in high school and I still am. Maybe our inspiration is jun ki here, that's why ;)heks said:So, what do you think? Is Jun Ki an introvert or an extrovert? I know he was shy in his early days but what do you think about not? Is is an extrovert on the screen and an introvert at home? he always says he feels better in front of the camera and doesn't like to be home alone. Or he really changed and is a genuine extrovert? (For most people I analyzed this is pretty obvious but it's hard when you don't personaly know someone. )I shall look into some of his interviews more :D

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Guest lilla11

Thank you, for the many valuable words Junki!  So much joy to read these to me.I may welcome a new member already @lisagi @petitoYou are shy, what you would make then, if would meet Junki? :-*

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