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❤ Park Shin Hye 박신혜 ❤ | Current Drama: Doctor Slump - Sat & Sun @10:30 PM [Upcoming Drama 2024: Judge From Hell]


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Actress Park Shin-hye, star of the SBS drama "The Heirs", met her fans in Chongqing and Shenzhen, China, on Aug. 2 and 3.

Park has held fan meets in Shanghai before, but this was the first time she has held her Asia tour, "2014 Story of Angel", in Chongqing and Shenzhen, according to Park's agency S.A.L.T. Entertainment.

During the fan meets, Park sang five songs, including "Lovely Day", part of the original soundtrack, "You're Beautiful" and "My Dear", which Park's brother, Park Shin-won, composed. Park's fans sang along with her when she started to sing "Story" from the drama "The Heirs".

Park will meet with her fans in Changsha and Beijing on Aug. 9 and 10, and will continue on to Taiwan, Thailand and Singapore.
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Hello friends,
Hope all are doing well. was having trouble logging into this site. Somehow the prob has cleared and here i am. :)
Happen to stumble upon Koalas blog.. And voila.. Koala has written a new article about shin hye's ceci shoot. I will post the link below. Do take a look.
As shin hye's fan,i think its time we too get involved in blogs like koalas and DB n show our support for shin hye. Let the world know she has more love than the hate thats been thrown at her way. :)
Oh do like and comment on the allkpop article too. :)

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Twitter update! PSH talks to her friend.

"@HAHAHAjiyoung3 난 보다가 답답해서 화딱지 났는데.. 꼭 나같아서 ㅎㅎㅎ"


Somebody translate :-O

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I got this from goldeneto twitter it said that Shin Hye's Africa Center School Project finally completed ....I always love reading about Shin Hye charity activities...

동행소식 : 우리는 세상의 가난과 굶주림이 끝나는 날까지 이웃을 섬깁니다.

[별빛천사마을만들기 사업진행보고] 반짝반짝 빛나는 별빛 천사마을을 소개합니다

2014-07-28 조회수 : 766 item1.ic.gif item1_off.sns.gifitem2_off.sns.gifitem3_off.sns.gif 제목없음



지난 2011년,  박신혜 홍보대사는 Stop Hunger 캠페인을 위해 가나 볼가탕가를 찾아 자신의 결연 아동인 5살 소녀 아반네를 만났습니다. 처음 아반네를 만났을 때는 영양이 부족해 제대로 자랄 수 없는 상황이었지만 박신혜 홍보대사의 나눔을 통해 아반네는 마을 유치원에 다닐 수 있게 되었고 영양식을 먹으며 건강도 회복할 수 있었습니다. 무엇보다 박신혜 홍보대사의 따뜻한 사랑은 한 아이의 삶을 변화시킬 수 있었습니다.


이후, 한국과 일본에 있던 박신혜 홍보대사의 팬들도 그 뜻에 동참하기로 함께 마음을 모았습니다. 그렇게 2012년, 가나의 볼가탕가 마을에  ‘별빛천사마을 만들기’ 프로젝트가 시작되었고 6개월의 공사기간을 거쳐 아이들에게 교육을 통해 꿈을 심어줄 “신혜 센터”가 건축되었습니다. 박신혜 홍보대사와 팬들이 함께한 “별빛 천사마을 만들기”, 그 과정을 후원자님들께 전해드립니다.





(▲ 마을의 청년들이 기초공사를 다지고 있는 모습)


2013년 4월, 마을의 청년들은 ‘신혜 센터’를 건축할 땅의 벽 콘크리트 기초공사를 시작했습니다.  이 과정은 많은 양의 흙과 모래로 바닥을 채워야 하기 때문에 시간이 오래 걸렸습니다. 하지만 마을의 많은 청년들은 이 작업이 튼튼한 신혜 센터를 만드는 기초가 되는 것을 알기에 구슬땀을 흘려가며 열심히 작업했습니다.




 (▲ 벽을 만들고 창틀을 고정하고 있는 모습)


2013년 8월에는 담벽을 세우고 철문과 철창문이 설치되었습니다. 또한 상하수도 파이프를 설치하고 전기공사를 했습니다. 어느 정도 모양새가 갖춰지는 모습에 마을의 청년들은 더욱 힘을내서 공사에 참여할 수 있었습니다.




(▲ 신혜센터의 보드를 만들고 내부장식을 설치하고 있다)


2013년 10월, 전체적인 센터의 페인트칠이 끝나고 운동장 한편에는 ‘신혜 센터 보드’도 설치했습니다. 그리고 내부의 시청각 홀에는 프로젝트와 텔레비전을 셋팅해 아이들을 맞을 최종 준비를 시작했습니다.




 (▲ 신혜 센터가 만들어지고 즐거워하는 아이들의 모습)


2013년 11월 12일, 신혜 센터의 준공식이 드디어 진행되었습니다. 기쁨에 찬 학생들은 흥겨움에 춤을 추기도 하였습니다. 마을의 공무원들과 추장 그리고 마을 주민들이 함께한 준공식은 축제의 현장이었습니다. 가나 볼가탕가의 어린이들에게  꿈과 기쁨을 심어준 별빛천사마을 후원자님, 감사합니다.


후원자님들의 관심과 사랑으로 만들어진 ‘별빛천사마을 만들기’ 프로젝트는 가나를 비롯한 빈곤국가의 어린이들에게 하루 한끼 최소한의 식사를 제공하게 됩니다. 또 물이 부족한 지역에는 우물을 설치하여 지역 주민과 아이들이 깨끗한 물을 마실 수 있도록 합니다. ’별빛천사 마을 만들기’ 프로젝트는 가나의 신혜센터를 시작으로 전세계에 희망의 공동체를 만들어 가기 위해 최선을 다할 것 입니다.


후원계좌: 우리은행 266-883812-18-915 (사) 한국국제기아대책기구


글 나눔마케팅팀 조아라 간사 ahra@kfhi.or.kr

source : KFHI

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Annyeong Chingus...

Not been posting for quite sometime....I'm just enjoying lurking and reading all your awesome post...Ive seen some of our friends here having a hard time making a spoiler especially to @Jennifer...Maybe I can help you..

Advantage of making spoiler...
*** It wont spoil the fun navigating the page, especially if your using phone..Its hard to view if the page are overload of pictures...That's always my problem when I'm lurking, its hard to me to view all the pictures.

Here's how to use spoiler..

1. Type bracket the word "spoiler" and bracket..... [  spoiler  ]..Remove the space between        bracket [ ] and the word spoiler..
2. Put  the image link...
    Ex. [  spoiler  ] http/;abbshsdhdjfdd.jpg
   You can put all the imge link you want..
3. close the spoiler by typing bracket, slash, type the word "spoiler" and bracket....[ /spoiler ]...

     EX. [  spoiler  ] http;// anbdgdgdhdhdjdjdjdjdjjdj.jpg [  /spoiler  ]

note: remove all the space  from the bracket.   i just put it cause the spoiler will work if i don't put the space..I hope, it can help..Just try it chingus...Remember no space...


Beautiful Ever
Shin Hye


credit as tagged

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Park shin hye is not just a pretty face,that is for sure. She's come a long way! She has proven that she is an ACTRESS in the real sense of the word. She is not just a STAR! She has evolved into a bright, mature and amazing actress. So proud of her! She does not have to prove anything to anybody. She has committed herself into improving her craft, and she achieved that aspect in her acting career. Of course, her physical attribute is undeniably going to be the focus because whether she likes it or not, people will always comment on it. Personally, I would rather see shin hye enjoy life and just wait for meaningful projects to come along, just like The Tailors. She is already at the top of the ladder which a lot of younger stars are trying to reach, rung by rung! I'm sure she's been through a lot in life and it has made her a stronger person. She has awesome fans who care about her. She has a circle of friends and family who look after her well-being. Okay, enough of my ranting already. Everybody's busy in life. I, as well as her other fans only want her happiness. That is PSH fans' ultimate goal: to see to it that PSH is living a happy life! I'm sure she is! With whom? That remains to be seen.....guess.....ok........see you...Take Care :)

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Annyeong Chingus...

Not been posting for quite sometime....I'm just enjoying lurking and reading all your awesome post...Ive seen some of our friends here having a hard time making a spoiler especially to @Jennifer...Maybe I can help you..

Advantage of making spoiler...
*** It wont spoil the fun navigating the page, especially if your using phone..Its hard to view if the page are overload of pictures...That's always my problem when I'm lurking, its hard to me to view all the pictures.

Here's how to use spoiler..

1. Type bracket the word "spoiler" and bracket..... [  spoiler  ]..Remove the space between        bracket [ ] and the word spoiler..
2. Put  the image link...
    Ex. [  spoiler  ] http/;abbshsdhdjfdd.jpg
   You can put all the imge link you want..
3. close the spoiler by typing bracket, slash, type the word "spoiler" and bracket....[ /spoiler ]...

     EX. [  spoiler  ] http;// anbdgdgdhdhdjdjdjdjdjjdj.jpg [  /spoiler  ]

note: remove all the space  from the bracket.   i just put it cause the spoiler will work if i don't put the space..I hope, it can help..Just try it chingus...Remember no space...

@kixamay you're absolutely rigth chingu, i'm having a hardtime doing it.specially that spoiler thing. i did what they say. but when i'm doing it the photo's are not showing it and i cannot retrieved the images.. i did everything and copy the image all in URL. i will tried the one you post. thanks...

@kixamay chingu i did what you said but it didn't work. i edit the pic that i post in 932 pages. it only show's the letters not the one that 'm trying to put spoiler[show]. i will edit it again later. so that you will see the result that i followed all  the instructions you said and to the other chingus who also concerned.

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class="titleNews"Park Shin Hye Continues Asia Fan Meeting Tour in Chinese Cities

Park Shin Hye carried the heat over to the fans in Chongqing and Shenzhen, China. Carrying out her Asia tour 2014 Story of Angel, Park Shin Hye held the fan meeting in Chongqing’s ‘Chongqing People’s Auditorium’ on August 2 and in Shenzhen’s ‘Poly Theatre’ on August 3, spending memorable moments with the fans. The fans surrounded the actress wherever she went, from the time she arrived in the country until she departed, welcoming her with their gifts and enthusiastic greetings.

Park Shin Hye performed a total of five songs for the fan meeting, including Love Day from the OST of You’re Beautiful, showing her innocent, sexy and lovely charms throughout the event. When she sang Story from the OST of The Heirs, the fans sang along the song in Korean lyrics, touching the heart of the actress. During performance of My Dear co-written by Park Shin Hye and her older brother, the fans filled the concert hall with their voices, shouting out ‘I love you, Park Shin Hye.’ Park Shin Hye Continues Asia Fan Meeting Tour in Chinese Cities Having wrapped up her fan meeting in Shanghai, Chongqing and Shenzhen, Park Shin Hye will be heading to Changsha and Beijing before continuing the tour in Taiwan, Thailand and Singapore, meeting with her overseas fans.

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