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[call] Schedule release in the second half of the year


However, 'Call' starring Park Shin-hye and Jeon Jong-seo, who postponed the release once in the aftermath of the Corona 19 postponed earlier this year, has been delayed. A NEW official said to Sports Korea, "There are no plans to release any other works other than 'Peninsula yet.'"




NEW says that there is no disclosure of its lineup until 'Peninsula'. The opening period of 'Call' seems to be possible as early as September after the 'Peninsula'. Personally, I expect it to be around October.







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Lotte Entertainment is preparing 'Alone'  and 'Mogadishu'. Cho Il-hyung's feature film 'Alone' is a film about the surviving city and the survivors who are completely isolated there. Hollywood scenario writer Matt Nayler wrote the original scenario, and Shin-hye Park, an infant, is the main character. 


-Lotte said, “If 'Alone' is released first, it may be released in June, but it is not confirmed. The exact timing is still being discussed."






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Finally the Queen is back!
Park Shin Hye gave a greeting present to the staff, seems like she is already start filming #SisyphusTheMyth

via queenshin_0218







날씨가 더워 함든 날이 많겠지만
끝까지 힘내요 우리 ♥️
잘 부탁드림니다!
-배우 박신혜 드림-

Even though there will be lots of hard and hot days in the future,

let’s do our best until the end   ♥️

Please take good care of me! 

Thank you!
- Actress Park Shin Hye -
Cr. LolaStarlight1

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Have you received the first round of mass messages yet?
Friends waiting We are packaging the round 2, waiting to receive at home straight away.
Who wants to support Shin Hye 's new work?

#SisyphusTheMyth # 시지프스
Please contact the DM or inbox.


cr: psh_thai





People who contribute to the fund and receive a cloth mask. We have sent all to everyone.
You can update the number registered.


For those who want to support the work of Shin Hye, more Now, there are not many souvenirs left. Thank you to everyone who helped encourage Shin Hye, again together.



google translate

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 stan A.N JELL


Finally Jang Geun-suk, who takes off the veil, Park Shin-hye's first fantastic duo stage! @You are handsome Episode 4 20091015


los angelitos


Imagen de you are beautiful, kdrama, and park shin hye


드디어 베일 벗는 장근석♥박신혜의 판타스틱 듀오 첫무대! @미남이시네요 4회 20091015


cr: SBS Drama

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The Darkside of South Korean Entertainment Industry

hallyufacts hallyufacts
2 years ago

First i want to disclaimer all the stories or issues or anything in this Blog, because it’s not my own story.

Second don’t demand of the names, because I absolutely don’t write any names here for prevents someone trying to drop a defamation lawsuit to me.

Third I don’t care for what you will believe, but this is the FACT.

Fourth If you search at international magazines or international websites, maybe you’ll find similar stories. I’m really sorry if these things no longer the new, I’m just found the time to write in my busyness job.


Friend of mine works as a Reporter from a famous American Magazine – I will call him as “X”. In year 2014, his Company sent him to Souh Korea for seek an Information about its Culture and Entertainment Industry, he didn’t go by himself – he’s accompanied by famous woman writer, who’s work at one of the New York’s Magazine.

Lot of people, in west, always wondered about the beautiful Country with a super topped Entertainment Industry like South Korea and Japan.

For your information I knew this guy for so long time ago, and last year 2017, we reunited at one of a dinner event in Canada. It’s all because of my curiosity and forced him for blurting all of this story about South Korea.

X and his friends stayed in South Korea for more than 2 years, to adapt and observed their lifestyle, before went to search deeper about the industry.

I’m write about several facts that really amazed me in my perspective.

1. Self image and Plastic Surgery

The first amazing thing for me is its plactic surgery trending and self image’s goddess. Most of women in South Korea did Plastic surgery, it’s revealed 1 between 5 women had a plastic surgery and 15% of men also did the same. Amazingly, they could talk about it like talking about put an eyeliner on their eyes.

Lot of issues said Korean Celebrities went under the knife and the survey said approximately 95% of them did Plastic Surgery. Do you really think their double eyelids are natural? Their fine form nose? Or their V shape face? X didn’t say all of Celebrities did the procedures, it’s true some of them beauty by birth but mostly did it even just minor surgeries for covered up their face’s or body’s scar – Yes! Medically, cover up scars always performed by plastic surgeons, so you could see their skin so flawless.


Well, we should admitted the fact that we always have difficulties to differentiate girl in a girls group at their first performance, because all of them look so similar.

But what can we expect about it? With almost all the society did the same thing. X revealed that he interviewed a college student who’s did her first surgery as a present from her parents for her 17th birthday and then her little sister also demanded the same thing at her 13th. And don’t be surprised by almost all Korean staring at themselves in mirrors constantly or do a lot of selfies, because they’re living in the culture that put self-image above anything else.


2. Idol’s Trainee Life

It’s almost no one care and no one wants to know about Celebrity’s early training life, many raised as a Top Star but many more vanished even before debuted or unknown even after debuted.

The difference is that Korean entertainment industry is extremely harsh and it places a lot of pressure on each trainee and even famous celebrities to always look amazing. And that would mean being tall, thin, beautiful, clear skin, flawless, and if your Company is rich enough they will force you to go under the knife to beautify yourself. They trained not only how to sing, dancing and acting, but also trained about how to behave, well body language and how to use Korean language for give a proper political answer. If you entered one of the Agency, you will see several posters about how to behave in the wall. All of this made for extremely perfect figures in appearance and behavior.

Some Idols stated they trained 8-12 hours/days, but others trained until 18 hours/days and still unsure about their debut date. There’s no payment in the trainee life, even they must payback the loan after they debuted. Beside all of those things trainee must do all their Manager said, no place for a dissident here.

Trainee life is mentioned hardest life for some Idols, with strict Managers and restricted access for even a food and waiting a longtime for uncertain debut with maybe could spend more than 10 years in their life, but X mentioned that’s not even close with the after debuted life.

3. Celebrity’s Rules

K-pop and K-drama are multi-million dollar industries, yet most of their stars do not earn very much. In other hand they are also bound by strict rules on how to be an idol. Entertainment companies control things like overloaded schedules, strict diets, weekly weight scales with the iron hand. There’s a punishment for missed step dancing, falsetto voice, wrong way answer or even getting fatter.


The Company’s order is a law and Celebrities are their property, that could use for Company’s benefits. The songs that they don’t want to sing, the dance’s type that they don’t want to dance, the acting that they don’t want to act and even the clothes they don’t want to wear. One of the girl group that wasn’t making enough money that made them must shared one serving of food for four members said the Company told them to do a seductive-erotic dance in their last MV. “When we didn’t have skin exposure, no one even know we released a new song.” One girl of the member said, explained why they did the dance, “If it’s not provocative, there will be no response and we will not get any attention from the public.” – Right! 

Korean Celebrities don’t get enough sleep and they aren’t eating enough. Lot of cases Korean Celebrities passing out when performing on stage or during filming due to fatigue, lack of sleep and intake, and tough schedules. Indeed, Korean Celebrities put their health issue below everything else.

1516301544057.jpg?w=840Nevermind – It’s usual to passing out

The “no dating” clause of the contracts has resulted in some idols being sued for breaking it, accused of damaging their reputations. In this Country many are not allowed to date and getting married requires permission from many aspects, not only from the Agency but also from the Public. Maybe we still remember about how one of South Korean Topped K-pop member suddenly announced his marriage and the group’s fans demanded that he must expelled from the group few years ago. Little mistakes about whether commenting something or wrong action could make them bashed by the public and they don’t even care if the Idols still on their teenager’s age. This harsh reality forced some Celebrities did apologize statements or an apology video to please Korean society.

img_8344-1.jpg?w=840One of girl group member publicly apologized for her wrong action. She only 16.

South Korean society demanded the perfect public figures and could control almost everything. With the limited national market – as we all known South Korean is a very small Country which you could travelled from north to south in only 4 hours car’s driving – they could bashed the Celebrities like a trash everytime.

4. Slave Contracts

X confirmed the existence of slave contracts in Korean entertainment industry for years with range between 5 to 15 years duration, after the debut. In addition to being locked up in some long-term contracts, those stars don’t earn very much.

According to X, the most common income distribution rates are either 80/20 (80% to the company, 20% to the artist) or rarely 60/40 (60% to the company, 40% to the artist). Which for K-pop groups, this number gets even lower as that 20% or 40% is must be split between each group member, with condition if one member get a contract with an Advertisement, the profit also split with other members and get almost full profit for Dramas/Movies project. Celebrities also need to pay back all the money that invested into their trainee life by the company, so it can take a long time before anyone could earn anything.

Outside of the low pay, it is very common to work up to 20 hours/day. It’s usually split up between filming, practicing, and recording, meaning that K-pop stars average only 4-5 hours of sleep. It’s not too different as an Actor, which the main lead usually do rehearsal and filming up to 18 hours/day not included several Magazine’s or Advertisers’ photoshot.

5. Underrated Band

K-pop is always been have a promising perspective and even many already knew that this only a short time’s profession – you couldn’t still being a boy group in your 40, could you? – there’re so many K-pop groups pop up every single week.

img_8266.jpg?w=840Korean Hallyu Idols – BTS and EXO earned Millions Dollar/years

X revealed there’re up to 10 new groups every week, dozens every month and hundreds every year. Do you think all of them are famous? Absolutely not. It’s so hard to be an Underrated Band or in Korea they called as Nugu Bands, from word “누구”that means “who” – I’m so sorry that actually i never heard “nugu band” before. X told me so many groups, boys and girls that competed each time to put this title off, struggled from disbanded threaten due to lack of popularity.

Not like famous group or Hallyu Idols, which have huge fanbase, beloved and always have a great anticipation for their new Single or Album. Infamous groups struggled with their existence all the time. They trained everyday, made the MV only with a low budget (US$ 10.000-13.000), they even bought their own clothes and did their own make up. Some of them even don’t have a proper dorm to stay with only a single bedroom and they must sleep together at the living room only with mattress.

In 2017 one female singer told to the public at one of Music Award event, that her income only US$ 370-850/months and she sell her trophy right after the show for US$ 450. The imbalance income revealed while the top 1% groups and singers could reach average income US$ 2.5 million/years and top 10% earns US$ 540.000/years, with the rest 90% including Nugu bands which struggled with their Albums that only sold thousands, earns average income US$ 6.800/years or US$ 560/months. Even if they called to perform in various events, many of them only paid less than US$ 270 and sometimes doesn’t even paid. The CEO from the event could as simply as said, “You must grateful could perform in this show.”

1516040418833.jpg?w=840Korean Nugu Bands must struggled everyday for their existence due to lack popularity

Various television music shows like the Unit, or several variety shows became their target to exposed themselves – even as we already knew how less payment as variety show’s guest. How easy they could perform in those shows? Well, it’s obviously not as easy as you think.

Mostly the managers must compete every single week to get the time slot for their group in KBS, SBS or MBC building, with the saddest fact, nothing guaranteed after they got their performance. Korean public always been skeptical about the new group performance and don’t forget about thousands people already being others famous group’s loyal fans. With this reality it’s so common for the Company intentionally bought dozens of their idols album to make their song raise on the top chart. In several cases the Company also paid the reporters to write the news or introduce the idols in their Magazine. Unhealthy? Indeed, but they must do that for face K-pop’s strong competition everytimes.

To be honest this reality really broke me, nugu groups get lack of attention from public and it seems nobody’s care about them, especially those whose come from small Agencies. Several citizen told X that they’re not even care about who they’re or whether they’ll be disbanded soon, other said they only like a passing by Idolsor lightheartedly said that they have no quality.

6. A-List, B-List, C-List, and D-List Actors

Okay, nothing’s new about this. All of the Country have a ranking list for their Public Figures especially for Actors and Actresses, for example Johnny depp and Brad Pitt included the A-List Actor in USA. A-List is well known Actors that beloved and always get attention for what their lastest issues, what their news project and even what their cars, clothes and shoes. B-List is Actors that did known by society but not as get as much attention for what they did. C-List is they whose we struggled enough to remember their names and mostly people will asked “Wait.. Who??” Instead, and for D-List almost nobody’s ever heard their names before.

What makes this list different in South Korea?

A-List Actors or Korean called them as Hallyu Star, usually get the main lead or rarely a second lead in the Drama’s production with shared 50-55% profit of the dramas/movies, with average income US$ 39.000-66.000/episode. The huge gap also revealed while the top 1% average income reaches US$ 1.7 million/person/years and top 10% earns US$ 313.000/person/years, when the bottom 90% of Actors including C and D-List made an average income only US$ 6.000/years or US$ 490/months, with off of the screen their occasionally help the filming crew. Low budget production will not hesitate to “use” these C or D-List Actors to help the crew and made them to hold the camera instead.

X said most people don’t even know how C and D-List Actors struggled to get a part in a drama, with the fact of K-Dramas only have limited productions every years. Their managers desperately seek productors or directors to plead for use their Actors and almost all of them will attend when the big drama production announced the audition even only for a very small screen.

1516524966445.jpg?w=840More than 100 reporters from domestic and international Media attended at the first shooting day of highly anticipated upcoming SBS’ drama “SaJa”

It’s so rare to cast C or D-List Actors as the main lead in South Korea, except the Production desperate enough for chasing A or B-List as their main cast or they don’t have enough money to pay them. Sadly the consequences for casted the unknown Actors mostly will give a big impact with low expectation and anticipation not only from the public, but also from the sponsorship, television news, Magazines headline and Advertisers, with the fact there’s no guarantee for the drama to become a big hit even they casted the A-List.

Again, this reality broke my heart which means being C-List or D-List Actor is absolutely not too different with an underrated band – and even worse – the thing what makes it different is in this case is more personal, involved one person only which made its more easy to burn and forget. Even being an Actor definitely more last longer profession than being a K-pop Idol – with fact you could still being an Actor at your 60 – but they also must face a strong competition with many young Actors pop up every years and even many K-pop Idols – who actually can’t sing – changed their profession.

7. Fans, Anti-Fans, Nitizen, and Sasaeng

First i will introduce the variety of each word.

Fans are those who will support their Celebrity no matter what. You can call them as a real fan. Most of them do no harm, maybe they will always rooting their Idols or searching their names everyday but they usually respect their Idols’ privacy. These type of fans still have a gray borderline with sasaeng in few things, but in X opinion you could call them sasaeng if you find them across the line that other fans didn’t. Sasaeng itself means privacy life and this type of fan more like an out of mind control in action or behavior, for an example they could following their Idols 24 hours/day, broke into their dorm/house, hijacked their CCTV, gave dolls or things that hidden camera on it or an extreme one, sent a letter that written by their menstrual blood.

img_8273.jpg?w=840JYJ’s Kim Jun-su “stalked” by his sasaeng fans. All of JYJ’s member tortured like this for more than 6 years.

According to several observers, there’re up to 100 sasaeng fans followed each Korean topped Celebrity everyday. X also revealed that many of those sasaeng fans don’t even mind to sell their bodies only to get more money to buy flowers, cakes, foods or rent a food truck for their beloved Idols. In a harsh opinion maybe they could be call as the real crazy stalker or even an intruder.

Netizen is the biggest number of all fans’ type. These type of fans are not even close to loyal, they will cheer and talk about the Idols when they’re raised to the top and quickly bashed them when they’re fall. Almost all of South Korean society included this type of fans whose changeable everytimes, with several finally could turned into a real fans, a hater or even a sasaeng.

The last one is the haters or they called them as Anti fans or Antis. More the group or the person being loved by fans or netizens, more bigger too their haters. This type of people would do anything or everything to bring a suffer or basically they want the Idols died. X said the haters always have a bizzare mind or more like a psychopathics one.


We also known about Internet Trolls for ages, and these people used those “free access” to create bad issues blog, tortured the Idols by malicious comments, and constantly bullied them. This is literally vague because sometimes internet trolls are the haters, but sometimes the internet trolls not even hate the Idols, they only craved more attention with used the Idol’s big name and created a defamation as its process.

Why do you think they need bodyguards 24/7? Fans?

Nope. It’s all because Sasaengs could rape them and Haters could kill them – Everytimes!

For the worst part, there’s a huge different type of society in South Korea than other Countries even Asian, with the Idealistic public expects their Idols to be faultless. The simple things are how they reacted about those trolls – which, don’t even truth proven. According to X, beside they exaggerated in everything and put their judgmental opinion above all, they also seems cannot see their Public Figure as a human being. And that the most important thing, which make so different mindset. You could see while other Countries share about “their Idols new project as an Entertainer” and South Korean shares about “their Idols affair, flaws and mistakes“. Indeed, rather then took a mirror and care about themselves, these people more care about another people’s business – which is so strange habit for us, western.


This small mindset didn’t change and seems cannot be change at all after decades, even after many news revealed and blown up Korean Celebrity suicide cases not only nationally but also internationally and many critics from professional agricultural came from inside and outside the Country, but its seem like a wind blowing that forgotten in days.

8. Depression Problems, Suicide Toll and Lack of Trust Society

Before we start about this, i will give you some fact. In South Korea suicide is the fourth that cause of death among the citizens. In 2016, 90% of those who committed suicide were diagnosed with depression and axiety as a result of stress. According to data from OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development), in 2015 there were 30 suicide deaths per 100.000 people in South Korea, Japan, Hungary and Slovenia. OECD said it was concerned about Korean increased suicides and psychiatric bed numbers. In 2014, according to The New York Times South Korea had the highest suicide rate in the industrialized world for eight consecutive years. In 2012, there were 14.160 people committed suicide per year, which means 39 people per day.


Korean entertainment industry is well known high pressure, but X told me that is not so different with a “Jungle Law” or “Hunger Game” -like environment with only the strongest could survive. They always compared one another, competitive for best of the best. Korean public in other hand also sets very high standard for attitude, behaviour and appearance.

“One mistake and you are Out”

With this fact there’re so many of them suffered Psychological problems, with mostly : depression. To be more funny, X said there is “no depression” in South Korea for decades. Korean society gave such a negative stigma for mental health rather than take it as a serious clinical problem. They seen them as a family’s burden or even seen as simply as “weak” or “crazy“.

That’s the main reason why its even harder for Celebrities.

Even now there were many South Korean Celebrities who’re brave enough to speak about their mental problem to the public, countless suffered from depression or another mental illness. Korean lack of trust society’s made some of them hide their problem perfectly and don’t try to seek any professional help. They’re afraid and worry that their medical record will blown out and “reveal” their weakness.

In 2009, revealed from hundreds of actors and actresses interview that 40% had considered suicide at least once due to a lack of privacy, online bullying or unstable incomes.

In 1996, Korean-American Singer, Seo Ji-Won is the first K-pop to take his own life, he was 19. In 2007 Singer UNee died by hanged herself and in the same year Actress Jeong Da-Bin also hanged herself by bath towel. In 2008 Actress Choi Jin-Sil hanged herself because of Internet bullying, followed by her brother, also an Actor killed himself in 2010. In 2008 Actor Ahn Jae-Hwan also killed himself with carbon monoxide poisoning in his car. In 2009 Actress Jang Ja-Yeon hanged herself. In 2010, Actor Park Yong-Ha hanged himself and in 2016 former actor Kim Sung-Min, did the same. The lastest news is from K-pop Hallyu group SHINee’s main vocalist, Kim Jong-Hyun killed himself with carbon monoxide poisoning in late 2017.

9. Prostitution still exists and will always been

In 2009 the world surprised by death of a South Korean Actress who’s left seven pages of suicide letter that blown up a dirty side of Korean Entertainment Industry.

The letter said her manager had been forcing her to service powerful people. If she tried to refuse, he’d beat her bloody. The police raided her agency’s office and found, on the third floor of the building, a secret sex room hidden behind a paneled wall. They had a brothel in their office to keep VIPs entertained and they were making their stars do the entertaining. The letter also mentioned prominent individuals in South Korea’s media and entertainment circles, including the head of one of the country’s largest dailies and the chief of a popular Internet news site.

The other case that also blown up is from Open World Entertainment that did sexual abuse to their own female trainees, involved idols boys group. The CEO drugged them and ordered the male idols to abuse them by hands. The big case then revealed that he abused more than 20 female trainees.

My question is after years had passed, is there anything like that now? And X said actually it’s not only in South Korea but also around the world there always been such a thing, but now Korean covered up better.

img_8272.jpg?w=840One of girl group member told that her Company’s CEO sees her as “a woman”

One of female trainee told X that sexual favors are very common in Entertainment Industry, she said, “it’s not an extraordinary that we often came to a Bar to meet the sponsorship’s CEO.” She added, “For me actually I don’t want to (do that), but many other girls willingly do that to boost their fame.” Two between three of all Korean girls in the entertainment industry say they’ve been pressured into having sex with an executive or a politician or even their own manager to advance their careers. This is just how things are done. As one other girl from another Agency said, “You have to know men in order to work.”

Girls are so common in the trade by brokers, some even requested Boys and all of them from various Agencies. A boy from a lesser group said that he told to strip and dance in front of female viewers in one of a luxury Karaoke room, with an addition they touched him everywhere they wanted. He said, “We have to do whatever our company told us, and if we don’t they will bashed us. So all of us had no choice but to do it.”

And Korean society talk about high standards of their traditional culture – like Internationals didn’t know about this FACT


Another female singer claimed when she was a member one of girl group, her agency bartered her body to potential investors. She said this is an open secret throughout Korean entertainment industry, actresses and singers are expected or forced to give sexual services in order to get advancement opportunities

The young trainee from the big three costed between US$ 700-900 with their Idols costed up to US$ 94.000/hour, with the trainee from small Agency could brought to your home only for US$ 220. The average age is 17-25 years old, but some 12-16 years old which means they’re still underage. Almost all of them bought for sex, but even not (only sex), they must do whatever the buyer requested.

Although in many cases revealed it’s about the money, but mostly it’s all about the favors. For the big Agency they absolutely prefer for buying a favor, hunch they doesn’t need any money. Lot of examples for this point like to get approval to expand their Company, get sponsorship for Idols new project or even to get long terms contracts with a big Advertiser Company. We could already guess who’s the buyer from this information, which absolutely not promiscuous. The buyer usually from foreign companies, high state authorities and influential person from inside or outside the Country.

Last Word

Is all of this sacrifice worthed? In my opinion it depends for each person. If you’re so talented and have strong mentality to face all of this – including sacrifice your moral and body – maybe it’s worthed. But for me personally it’s definitely a big No.

Do you think underrated celebrities happy? Absolutely not. They must face strong competition, for K-pop they struggled from disbanded and for Actors maybe they must seek another sidejob. They never could earn much income in this position and don’t forget they still have a loan for their trainee life. Positively they still could enjoy their live, have a little fanbase and doesn’t have any haters or sasaengs – yet.

After they’re popular, would they be happy? I doubted that. Beside of the busy schedules they no longer have privacy, they can’t date, they can’t visit their family often, they can’t walk around freely without people shoving cameras into their face and accompanied by bodyguards 24/7. Do you really think they’re happy make those aegyo gestures everytimes?

If it’s me, I think I would trade my popularity with freedom.

I think I’m done.

I want to share a good quote

“A human that must living as an Inhuman”

Described from X, when I asked him about how’s Celebrity’s life in South Korea.

Thank you for reading


No words!!! :vicx:


I though all that  was circulating about YG Entert.  and his CEO and artists, brokers using artists to provide “different type of services(R) in China, Japan, Thailand, USA and other western countries, that were also connected to diverse  well know agencies and artists, where a witch hunt! But I am waking up! Sad sad world! Why? Is it worthy? Where were the parents? Disappointment, and as a parent devastated to the max!
How are we as viewers and fans contributing to all these? 

Now I understand why Shin Hye’s ex-manager was glue to her like a Leon protecting her cub! Thank you! 

My heart :cold_sweat:

Let’s try to make the world a better place for all! Please practice kindness, compassion, and tolerance. 

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Shin Hye's bag I think that it is the third one because of the size of the logo, but it is not black in different colors ...
It's the second one if it's black ...
(2nd sheet ¥ 305,800 3rd sheet ¥ 242,000)


cr: the owner

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