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Finally ...base on google translator...Pinocchio secure all 4 leads.....yaaayyy

이종석·박신혜·김영광·이유비 '피노키오' 출연 확정

[일간스포츠] 입력 2014.09.12 08:20

글자크기 글자 크게글자 작게


SBS 기대작 '피노키오' 라인업이 확정됐다.

그 주인공은 이종석·박신혜·김영광·이유비다.

한 드라마 관계자는 12일 일간스포츠에 "앞서 몇 차례 언급됐던 네 사람이 출연 결정을 마무리하고 촬영에 돌입할 예정이다"고 밝혔다.

극중 이종석은 1년차 사회부 기자 최달포를 맡는다. 키도 크고 멀쩡한 외모를 가졌지만 초라한 옷차림과 바가지 헤어스타일에 가려져 알아보는 이가 없는 캐릭터. 꽃미남은 아니지만 가꾸기만 하면 머지않아 미남이 될 얼굴을 가졌으며 뛰어난 암기력과 언변이 화려해 자기소개서를 대필해주면 100% 합격하는 매력적인 인물이다.

제일 먼저 출연을 확정 지은 박신혜는 거짓말을 하면 딸꾹질을 하는 피노키오 증후군이 있어 사회부 기자를 직업으로 택하게 되는 여주인공 최인하로 분한다. 최초 '피노키오' 기획안이 나온 직후부터 제작사 측에서 박신혜만을 염두에 두고 열띤 러브콜을 보낼 정도로 최적화된 인물.

김영광은 극중 서민이라고 접해본 적 없는 재벌 아들 서범조로 어릴 때부터 부족함없이 살아 구김살 없고 천성이 밝은 캐릭터를 맡는다. 패션지 기자로 1년 근무하다가 때려치고 방송기자에 응시한 인물. 사람들이 힐끔 거릴 정도로 모델처럼 매끈한 외모와 몸매, 패션감각까지 뛰어나다. 이유비는 극성 사생팬 출신 기자 차혜승으로 변신한다. 소심하지만 지독한 근성의 소유자로 과거 고등학교와 대학교 시절 아이돌 그룹의 열성적인 사생팬 출신이다.

'피노키오'는 지난해 8월 종영한 SBS '너의 목소리가 들려' 박혜련 작가와 조수원 PD의 재회작. 치열한 세상 속으로 뛰어든 20대 사회부 수습기자들의 성장기를 다룬다.

방송은 '내겐 너무 사랑스러운 그녀' 후속으로 오는 11월이다.

credit : isplus join 

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Finally! why the wait?!! I like LJS as an actor! great actor! Looking forward on their new drama together! Can't wait for the story and PSH look! Good thing they are close friends already coz I don't want PSH to have another love team syndrome! Sooo tired of people pairing her up with her co stars! Whoever her bf is now, as a fan I respect her privacy! Good luck PSH hope that this will be your biggest break as an A list actress!

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@agie thanks for sharing , finally they complete cast of Pinocchio. im excited to watch :)

this is post of agie. sorry  i re post again. translate Google

 SBS was confirmed gidaejak 'Pinocchio' lineup. Lee, Jong - Seok, Park Shin Hye, gimyounggwang Vida, why is the main character. "Your man is going to finish which was mentioned a few times previously appeared determined to rush to shoot," said the daily drama, sports officials said 12. Social Affairs Reporter takes on the first year of the Lee, Jong - Seok Choi dalpo play.

The viewer does not know the character shrouded in shabby clothes and hair style taller gajyeotji overpriced but the decent appearance. Building an attractive person, but soon you will have a handsome face and good memorization and rhetoric are gorgeous ... and Biographical daepil to pass 100%, but not handsome. The minutes are up or down to select a profession heroine Social Affairs Reporter Pinocchio syndrome hiccups when you're lying Choi starred Park Shin Hye has confirmed the first built.

Optimized enough to send love calls only heated at Brand Park Shin Hye mind immediately from the first side from 'Pinocchio' proposal characters. Live comfortably without folds from childhood never called ordinary people facing the chaebol son seobeom Zorro movie takes on a bright character is indeed gimyounggwang. One year while working as a fashion magazine to hit beat reporter to take people to the broadcast journalist. Superior to the sleek appearance and shape, fashion sense so people like runnin hilkkeum model.

The transformation to polar sketch pan from the car journalist hyeseung why rain. The owner of the timid, but damn guts past high school and university days sketching enthusiastic fans from idol groups. Bakhyeryeon small reunion of writer and josuwon PD 'hear your voice' SBS have ceased last August 'Pinocchio' is. 20 deals with the growth of Social Affairs probationary reporter jumped into the fierce world. November is coming to the 'me too I love her lovely' subsequent broadcast.

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Kim Kwang Kyu & Jung In Gi are in for <Pinocchio> too, joining BHB, KSI & LPM. 140912_081512542.jpg

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many senior join the drama. i guess the lead couple will work in team broadcast with them.. 
I only watch drama about reporter in marry him if you dare.. the scene about reporter life is interesting.. omo..omo.. can't wait..
edit: oh i remember they will have separated team..i should go to kdrama-movie thread ;;) for more information;))

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I'm very excited for Shin Hye on her new drama. I really miss seeing her on screen. i hope we can see a briliant perfomance by Shin Hye in this drama and a better role. Lets pray that Pinocchio will be a great drama for her and she's working with a great PD and writer. :x So good luck to her and fighting! :-bd

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that guy below LJS is good looking! manly charms! I am soooo excited for their on screen chemistry together with the great veteran actors! I hope that this will be a big hit overseas and SK too! Higher ratings is a must! Caaan't wait!a

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[Daily Sports Kim,

 Jin - Seok] SBS was confirmed gidaejak 'Pinocchio' lineup. Lee, Jong - Seok, Park Shin Hye, gimyounggwang Vida, why is the main character. "Your man is going to finish which was mentioned a few times previously appeared determined to rush to shoot," said the daily drama, sports officials said 12. Social Affairs Reporter takes on the first year of the Lee, Jong - Seok Choi dalpo play.

The viewer does not know the character shrouded in shabby clothes and hair style taller gajyeotji overpriced but the decent appearance. Building an attractive person, but soon you will have a handsome face and good memorization and rhetoric are gorgeous ... and Biographical daepil to pass 100%, but not handsome. The minutes are up or down to select a profession heroine Social Affairs Reporter Pinocchio syndrome hiccups when you're lying Choi starred Park Shin Hye has confirmed the first built. Optimized enough to send love calls only heated at Brand Park Shin Hye mind immediately from the first side from 'Pinocchio' proposal characters.

 Live comfortably without folds from childhood never called ordinary people facing the chaebol son seobeom Zorro movie takes on a bright character is indeed gimyounggwang. One year while working as a fashion magazine to hit beat reporter to take people to the broadcast journalist. Superior to the sleek appearance and shape, fashion sense so people like runnin hilkkeum model.

The transformation to polar sketch pan from the car journalist hyeseung why rain. The owner of the timid, but damn guts past high school and university days sketching enthusiastic fans from idol groups. Bakhyeryeon small reunion of writer and josuwon PD 'hear your voice' SBS have ceased last August 'Pinocchio' is. 20 deals with the growth of Social Affairs probationary reporter jumped into the fierce world. November is coming to the 'me too I love her lovely' subsequent broadcast

Source :

김진석 기자 superjs@joongang.co.kr - Copyrights ⓒ 일간스포츠 : DramaHouse & J Content Hub Co.,Ltd. 무단 전재 및
재배포 금지

- http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=106&oid=241&aid=0002250274

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Lee, Jong - Seok, Park Shin Hye, gimyounggwang, why non "Pinocchio" starring confirmation[Daily Sports Kim, Jin - Seok] SBS was confirmed gidaejak 'Pinocchio' lineup. reason Vida Lee, Jong - Seok, Park Shin Hye, the main character, gimyounggwang. , and official drama on the 12th day sports "four men appeared before a decision which was mentioned a few times and finish will rush to shoot, "he said. takes on a minimum 1 year of Social Affairs Reporter Lee, Jong - Seok is dalpo play. The viewer does not know the character shrouded in shabby clothes and hair style taller gajyeotji overpriced but the decent appearance. Building an attractive person, but soon you will have a handsome face and good memorization and rhetoric are gorgeous ... and Biographical daepil to pass 100%, but not handsome.
The minutes are up or down to select a profession heroine Social Affairs Reporter Pinocchio syndrome hiccups when you're lying Choi starred Park Shin Hye has confirmed the first built.Optimized enough to send love calls only heated at Brand Park Shin Hye mind immediately from the first side from 'Pinocchio' proposal characters. folds not live comfortably without ever since I was a kid that ordinary people facing the chaebol son seobeom Zorro movie is indeed gimyounggwang takes on a bright character. One year while working as a fashion magazine to hit beat reporter to take people to the broadcast journalist. Superior to the sleek appearance and shape, fashion sense so people like runnin hilkkeum model. The transformation to polar sketch pan from the car journalist hyeseung why rain. The owner of the timid but damn guts of a high school and college days past idol group dedicated fans from sketching. reunion is less of SBS 'hear your voice' bakhyeryeon writer and PD have ceased last August josuwon 'Pinocchio' is. 20 deals with the growth of Social Affairs probationary reporter jumped into the fierce world is coming November as a 'me too I love her lovely' subsequent broadcast. reporter Kim, Jin - Seok superjs@joongang.co.kr
Source: http://m.media.daum.net/m/entertain/newsview/20140912082104884

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class="content-title" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-family: 'Open Sans', 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, sans-serif; line-height: 1.4em; font-size: 23px; vertical-align: baseline; color: rgb(63, 63, 64); text-shadow: rgb(255, 255, 255) 1px 1px 0px; visibility: visible; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"Actor Lee Jong Suk Confirmed to Star in “Pinocchio” Alongside Park Shin Hye

It has been confirmed that actor Lee Jong Suk will be starring in “Pinocchio” as the lead male role alongside actress Park Shin Hye, who also announced her casting in the drama last week.

The actor will be taking on the character of Choi Dal Po in the new SBSWednesday-Thursday drama scheduled to begin airing in November. Lee Jong Suk is prepared to display his sincere acting by transforming into his role as a social affairs reporter.

A SBS representative shared, “Actor Lee Jong Suk, whom we’ve had in mind as the character of Dal Po for a long time, has made his decision for casting. We are looking forward to the birth of another great production in the second half of the year through Lee Jong Suk’s developed acting.”

A representative of Lee Jong Suk’s agency revealed, “[He] has consistently been receiving love calls from the director and writer even while he was filming his previous project, as they were planning the production with him in mind for the role of Dal Po. It’s an honor for him to work with such great staff once again. Please look forward to it.”

“Pinocchio” is the work of writer Park Hye Ryun and director Jo Soo Won, who also worked together to create the popular drama “I Hear Your Voice,” through which Lee Jong Suk earned much love from viewers.

Are you excited for this new drama?


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