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K-drama actress Park Shin-hye’s girl-next-door appeal

Fresh face South Korean actress Park Shin-hye’s oh-so-dramatic lives on the small screen betray her relatively unassuming real life.

WITH wide-eyed innocence and occasional spunky demeanour, Park Shin-hye exudes a special kind of aegyo in the K-drama universe. It’s a kind of likable winsome manner that translates well on screen and draws audiences in to the various leading roles that she portrays.

From a shy orphan who assumes the identity of her K-pop idol twin brother (You’re Beautiful) to a tenacious poverty-stricken student at an elite school who catches the attention of a rich heir (The Heirs), Park’s fictional lives are nothing short of, well ... dramatic.

In real life though, the fresh face Gwangju native is pretty much your normal collegiate twentysomething who leads a larger than life existence on the hallyu lane. And if online news reports are any indication, she’s also an extremely diligent student.

“The weather is so good. This is a great day for hiking but I can only be there in spirit. The reality is that I am at school and I am experiencing the life of a university student who has back-to-back classes,” she once wrote on Twitter.

The cheerful 24-year-old beauty took some time off to talk about her new blockbuster drama Pinocchio, passion for acting, newfound respect for journalism and what it’s like to romance some of the most good-looking South Korean actors on the small screens in an interview transcript provided by ONE HD.


You play a reporter in Pinocchio. If you could be a reporter for a day, what question would you ask Park Shin-hye the actress?

That’s a difficult question, but a good one! It will really depend on what kind of reporter I am. If I could be an entertainment reporter for a day, I would want to dig information for my readers and her fans. I would ask Park Shin-hye what’s keeping her busy lately and if there’s anything we can look forward to.

Having tried your hand at being a reporter on screen, do you think you could be a reporter in real life?

Playing a reporter has changed my perception of them entirely! I feel that reporters are great and amazing! It is not an easy job and they truly deserve my respect.

In her latest drama Pinocchio, Park plays a girl who hiccups whenever she lies. I am an emotional person, so it wouldn’t be easy for me to become one. Through this drama, I learn that it is very difficult to deliver facts – good news and/or bad news to your readers. It is a really important job and at the same time, very difficult. You are responsible for the things you hear, read, witness and have to pick the right tone and words to bring forth the message. It is a huge responsibility.

It was sad that your character Choi In-ha has a mother who is cold and hostile to her in Pinocchio. How is your relationship like with your mother in real life?

My relationship with my mother is the exact opposite of In-ha’s. We are really close. My mum is so adorable. People tell me that I’m adorable and lovely but when they meet my mum, they’ll know where I got that from (laughs).

She’s always curious about my life; she’d ask me about my day on set, what I had for lunch, and what kind of conversations I had with the co-stars. Sometimes, I do feel sad that I can’t spend more time with her.

In the drama Pinocchio, your character Choi In-ha hiccups when she lies. In what situations do you think it’s OK to lie in real life?

My mum calls me and asks me where I am, and I tell her that ‘I’m on the way and am almost there’ when I am actually just preparing to leave home! (laughs)

What do you think is your appeal as an actress? Do you think it’s your beauty, or girl-next-door appeal, that makes you appealing to guys, girls, and even mothers?

I’m a very lively and cheerful person by nature, both at work and in my private life. I need to feel comfortable at my work place, if I don’t, I cannot concentrate on acting. So before I start working on any drama or show, I will familiarise myself with my colleagues and crew. This is no exception for my co-stars too. Once we are familiar with each other, the chemistry would be there and it will be so much easier to get things done well.

How was it like starring opposite your on-screen lover, played by up-and-coming actor Lee Jong-suk? How is his acting?

While shooting the drama, I enjoyed spending time and catching up with my co-star Lee Jong-suk. He is a quick thinker and a true gentleman. He gives me great assurance and would always listen to my opinion on things. He’s a really great co-star, like Jang Geun-suk in You’re Beautiful. I think the entire shoot went really smoothly too.

You are the envy of many K-drama fans. You have romanced Lee Min-ho in The Heirs, Yoon Si-yoon in Flower Boys Next Door, Jang Geun-suk in You’re Beautiful, Jung Yong-hwa in Heartstrings and now Lee Jong-suk in Pinocchio. In reality, which actor has the qualities closest to your ideal man?

I cannot just pick one. Every co-star has their own strengths, X-factor and charm. They are all great actors with great attitude. They’ve never made me or the other cast feel uncomfortable. So I think that’s why we could rely on each other to produce the best outcome, in times of shooting.

What are some of the upcoming projects that fans can expect to see you in soon?

I haven’t decided on my next project, but you can be certain that I will not be taking up any role as a student anytime soon! (laughs)

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OMG THANKS FOR THE SHOUTOUT!!!!!! You're so sweet, just like Shin Hye unnie! 

@callmeunniiieee thank you for the nice words chingu, it's my pleasure comparing me to my favorite one and only korean idol parkshinhye. but shinhye  has the more sweetness to everybody. that's why all of us here love this adorabled woman so much.

welcomeoptimizedblack0dp.gif prod_442_19595.gif@Jasmine1213 @missgaara@cristy.loeffelh... @innerbattles@twingals@leim to this beautiful soompi shinhye's thread chingus. were much more happy that this family become bigger and bigger. you guy's are adding with that volume.have a jovial spazzing and happy posting to all of you chingus....


credit the owner of the gifsthanks-rainbow-ag1.gif
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@Jasmine1213 and @JamieL, I really enjoyed reading what started your admiration for SH and your journey becoming a fan of hers. 
I would like to add mine too. It started way back in 2004. I watched Stairway to heaven because of CJW and KSW but it was the child version of Han Jung-suh and Cha sang-joo (Baek Sung Hung) that captured my heart first. At the time I thought what an excellent child actress, she was very pretty and her crying scenes were so real. I shipped SH and BSH so hard in the drama. 



Then, when she acted in Tree of Heaven (2006) and I found out she was the same child actress that impressed me in STH, I was immediately onboard. I wouldn't say I was a fan of hers at that time but I had a soft spot for her. She was very likeable. Only when I started watching the series that I realised her co-star was Lee Wan (the other ship of STH). Whilst following the series, I was absolutely taken aback by how well she portrayed Hana given her age was only 16 at the time and the big age gap between her and LW. 

Over the next few years, I did hear SH acted in Goong S but because its predecessor was such a hit and the male leads here were not to my liking so I gave it a miss. However, I would like to watch it now because of SH but I can't seem to find it in Viki or youtube. Can someone suggest where I might be able to watch it? I started Kimcheed Radish cubes but I found I had to forward a lot of scenes when SH was not in it and there was too much age difference between SH and the male lead.
You're beautiful was the one drama that made me a real fan of PSH. I loved her character as gominam/gominyu. She impressed me with her singing, acting and cross-dressing. She pulled off the short hairstyle so well that I was not used to seeing her dress like a girl. The scene that stole my heart was when they introduced her as the new member of ANJELL and the screen went back while she walked out in a white suit. 

I missed out on Hayate the combat butler because I didn't want to watch SH's voice being dubbed. Heartstrings was started by me but I didn't finish it because I was a bit busy with my life then. I will pick it up again and I have seen the scene where SH dances superbly.

Flower boys next door reignited my fangirl for SH. Go dok mi was the total opposite of SH but she acted the characters emotions with such conviction that I cried and laughed with her. I loved the pairing of her and YSY. 

I started to watch variety shows of SH and was amazed at how independent, sporty and a good cook she was. I admired the friendships she had with both males and females (not just celebrities). Also, I am totally impressed with her loyality.

I loved the spunky ghost character (Yeon-hwa) SH acted in Don't worry, I am a ghost and was shocked she did the diving scene herself. My respect for her attitude just went that much higher as an actress.

Everyone seems to have an opinion on Heirs because it was such a mega hit. I loved it because it was so easy to the eyes. I was slightly biased when I started the series because I didn't think SH and LMH suited each other. However, Heirs changed that perception. CES and KT are absolutely match made in heaven. I felt the love between them.


SH brought Choi In Ha to life so well in Pinocchio that it is impossible for me to choose a favorite scene. I was amazed at how natural her hiccups sounded. The aegyo she showed when she acted opposite her dad and grandad was adorable. The chemistry between her and LJS was off the charts. This drama really brought out her star quality and worth as an hallyu actress. Big thanks to the writer and PD of the drama.

Credit: owners of the images and Wikipedia.Sorry for the long post.

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class="yt watch-title-container" style="margin: 0px 0px 13px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-size: 24px; display: table-cell; vertical-align: top; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-weight: normal; line-height: normal; overflow: hidden; font-family: arial, sans-serif; background: rgb(255, 255, 255);"Lee Jong Suk & Park Shin Hye Interview 

credit: withjongsuk

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itemprop="name" style="box-sizing: border-box; font-family: Raleway; line-height: 1.25em; margin: 0px; text-rendering: optimizelegibility; font-size: 28.8px; color: rgb(45, 36, 36);"Where will Kim Soo Hyun, Lee Min Ho, and Park Shin Hye be during Korean Lunar New Year?Lotte_Duty_Free_2.jpg
Seollal, the Korean Lunar New Year holiday, has arrived on February 19. Most Korean people will take time off from work to be with their families. What will Kim Soo HyunLee Min Ho, and Park Shin Hye be doing during this year's Seollal?

Beautiful and talented Park Shin Hye just had her birthday on February 18 and celebrated it early with 200 of her Starlight Angels on Valentine's Day. She's had a very busy and productive year, and she is expected to take a much-needed rest with her family as well. She will next be seen in the movie Beauty Inside.

I'm actually jealous! I wish we had an official holiday for Lunar New Year too. I'm glad these top Korean stars are taking a break to rest and spend time with their family and loved ones. Hope to see them soon in a new drama!


(photo: Lotte, Lemona, Ceci)

source: Dramafever.com
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class="at_ttl"Kang Sora Gave Park Shin Hye A Sweet Birthday Present BY Adrienne Stanley | Feb 19, 2015



On February 18, Park Shin Hye enthusiastically shared her happiness over a birthday gift that given to her by her friend, Kang Sora. The actresses, who have previously spoken about their friendship, share the same birthday.

Park posted a photo which prominently displayed a Kenzo sweatshirt, on her Instagram account. She included a heartfelt message with the photo, where she addressed Kang and her fans. She stated, “It is a surprise gift from Kang Sora, who has the same birthday and blood type as me. I wore this pretty baby all day long and had a Happy Birthday!”

Their friendship was previously revealed in a January 2015 interview with Kuki News. The actresses concluded 2014 as the stars of highly successful dramas. Kang portrayed Ahn Young Yi, the female lead in the tvN office drama "Misaeng." "Misaeng" struck a chord with young professionals, who empathized with the struggles of the fictitious office workers.

Park solidified her fan base she with the role of Go Mi Nyeo in the 2011 drama "You're Beautiful." Her popularity was increased through her portrayal of Cha Eun Sung in "The Heirs" and through her starring role in the SBS series "Pinocchio." 

Park went on to thank her fans and provide well wishes for the New Year. The actress said, “Thank you for sending me your birthday wishes and support. I hope you have a very Happy Seollal!”

The 25-year-old actress planned on celebrating her birthday and the Lunar New Year at home. She has yet to name her next drama role but will appear in the upcoming film "Beauty Inside," as part of an ensemble cast of more than twenty prominent actors. After her Seollal festivities, the Hallyu star will prepare for her upcoming fan meeting tour. Her Asian tour, Dream of Angel, will begin in March 2015.

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5 Reasons We Love Birthday Girl Park Shin Hye!


Park Shin Hye has it all. She is the perfect combination of sexy and cute. She can sing, she can dance, she can act. She is always effortlessly chic and stylish. Her past male co-stars include heartthrobs Lee Min Ho, Lee Jong Suk, Kim Woo Bin and Choi Jin Hyuk. All the guys want her, and all the girls want to be like her. And today is her 25th birthday! Can life get any better for young Miss Park?

In honor of her special day, we thought it was about time we wrote down all the things we love about Asia’s “It Girl.” Here are five reasons we just can’t get enough of Park Shin Hye!

Everything She Touches Turns to Gold

Park Shin Hye is one of Korea’s most sought-after actresses, with each one of her dramas only boosting her star power to even greater heights!

She has starred in the hit dramas “You’re Beautiful,” “Heartstrings,” “Flower Boy Next Door,” “Heirs” and “Pinocchio.” While we’re not yet sure what her next television project will be, we can be sure that it will be a huge hit!


Park Shin Hye must pose as her twin brother in order to keep his boy band together in ‘You’re Beautiful 

She Is Funny, Quirky and Genuine

Park Shin Hye has appeared on “Top Gear Korea” and endeared herself to fans everywhere by giving her rendition of the “Gwiyomi Song”! See the performance for yourself below!


Park Shin Hye hasn’t let the fame get to her head and strives to remain accessible to her fans.

Her Instagram is full of selfies and candid photos that let fans get an inside look at her daily life

She Brings Out the Best in Her Male Co-Stars

Park Shin Hye has been lucky enough to share the screen with the likes of Lee Min Ho, Kim Woo Bin, Lee Jong Suk, Jung Yong Hwa, Choi Jin Hyuk, Kim Jung San and Jang Geun Suk.

Thanks to her easygoing charm and wonderful acting, the onscreen chemistry between Park Shin Hye and her leading men has been nothing short of sizzling!

Her “toast kiss” with Lee Jong Suk in “Pinocchio” is so steamy that the video clip has gone viral. Watch the hot scene below!

(Source: Viki)
Kim Woo Bin can’t resist Park Shin Hye’s allure in ‘Heirs
Sweet selfie! Park Shin Hye and and the hunky Lee Min Ho snap a quick photo together
Park Shin Hye and Jung Yong Hwa look like a real couple in this string of photos from ‘Heartstrings

She Is a Global Style Icon

Park Shin Hye’s beauty and grace make her an ideal spokesmodel for top international brands.

Park Shin Hye is the new face of the clothing brand VIKI (Source: couch-kimchi.org) 

She also made history when she became the first South Korean ever to represent Visa in their international advertisement campaigns.


She’s Multitalented

Did you know that Park Shin Hye can dance too? Here, she performs the entire dance choreography to Girls’ Generation’s hit song “Gee” and proves that she can shake her body with the best of them!

Park Shin Hye’s musical talents are on full display in the video below as she sings and plays guitar during a performance of “Falling In Love With a Friend.” Is there anything this woman can’t do?


Her many talents make it pretty obvious why we all have such a serious crush on Park Shin Hye. However, there are bound to be some awesome things about her that we missed. What are some other reasons that you are a Park Shin Hye fan? Let us know in the comments!

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