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❤ Park Shin Hye 박신혜 ❤ | Current Drama: Doctor Slump - Sat & Sun @10:30 PM [Upcoming Drama 2024: Judge From Hell]


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Guest mndymah

WOOOOW! The international fan club is just amazing! It is soo phenomenal! So much info! I haven't had a chance to explore everything yet but I will do that later!

And Agie, Tae Goon is 4 years older than Shin Hye. :) If you saw that Samsung Yepp Event, she did say YAB was the first series where the cast members were close in age to her. I think Hong Ki is actually younger than Shin Hye! Prior to that, she was always acting with actors who were at least 5 years older than her. And her co-star in KCR is 12 years older!! Shin Hye is amazing though. She can have chemistry with any male at any age, and of course! It's not her fault that she is such a good actress at her young age!

And NaviaChandra, I definitely wouldn't mind if she paired up with Lee Wan again now that she is older! :P

Thao, I do have a bit time later so maybe I will translate those 2 clips you linked. It's in Chinese so I do understand it! I just have to finish settling in first! :P

Anyways, THANK YOU to everyone who contributed to the International Fan Club and their hard work! It is just spectacular! And cheers to Shin Hye soompi fan club! It has exceeded 1100 members!

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Congratulations for PSH International Website...you guys doing great job...two thumbs up :D

And here....I want to share PSH segment in Love Request KBS1...took me ages to upload it in mediafire...blaming it on my network :P ...How I wish I could have full episode that cover all PSH activities in Nepal...she went there for 6 days, but we can only see her activities in 9 minutes :huh: I want more ...but I guess I can't be greedy lah... <_<


here's the link to download : PSH segment in Love Request KBS1 2009

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Guest 13sunshine

Hello all! i'm really impressed with the members in Shin Hye fanclub

I hope you all will join Shin Hye international as well! we need to show her our love!

We will contact Shin Hye's manager and let him know about the site, so hopefully, she will know about it too ^^

so, please spread the world ^^



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Guest jessiep

The 1st drama that I've learnt of SH is Stairway to Heaven. Her acting has left me a deep impression (especially when I found out later on that she was ~ 13-14 years old around the filming time). As years went by, I recently stumbled upon Tree of Heaven, and I just love it. Her onscreen chemistry with Lee Wan is undeniable, and the soundtracks are great as well. I still remembered using too much of kleenex while watching TOH :) Lastly, YAB came along, which we all know how good it is.

True that she not only gets along very well with all of her male costars that I've seen so far, but acting alongside with her also helps to bring the best out of them.

mndymah, thanks for sharing SH/LW interview.

ps: I do want to see SH and LW paired up again in the future. Their on-screen kiss is overdue ..lol...

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Guest mndymah

To thao and everyone else who is interested: I translated the first video when JSH proposes to Shin Hye. Here it is. I put both the time in case you want to compare with the video and the speakers in case you are just reading the script.

0:20 JSW: Hello Sa Ya.

0:22 PSH: Uncle, where are you?

0:24 JSW: I’m out. What’s up?

0:26 PSH: Just wanted to have lunch with you. Where are you? I’ll go over there?

0:31 JSW: It’s OK. I’m busy right now.

0:36 PSH: You’re so busy that you have no time to eat?

0:38 JSW: I am doing something that is more important than eating. (Awww…)

0:43 PSH: OK, I understand. Bye then.

0:46 JSW: Sorry Sa Ya.

1:10 PSH: Didn’t even phone for a whole day. And he said he didn’t want us to meet because he was busy.

1:16 PSH: He’s never been like this before.

1:29 JSW: You’re a little late today.

1:32 PSH: Yeah, I was a bit busy today

1:35 JSW: You’re not feeling good?

1:38 PSH: No,I’m OK.

1:41 JSW: No, there seems to be something wrong.

1:44 PSH: You seemed to be OK for the whole day. I wanted you eat but you said you were busy. I’m just a bit upset.

1:51 JSW: Ahh, so that’s why you’re not feeling good.

1:55 PSH: A little bit.

1:56 JSW: At times when you are feeling down…Just wait a moment.

2:08 JSW: You need to eat some chocolate. Here.

2:12 PSH: All this is chocolate?

2:15 JSW: Candy and chocolate.

2:17 PSH: What kind of chocolate is this? There’s so much.

2:19 JSW: It’s for you to share with your family. Hurry up and take it.

2:22 PSH: There’s too much.

2:26 JSW: Hurry up and go inside.

2:27 PSH: Come in for a bit before you leave.

2:30 JSW: I already said I’m really busy today. Hurry up and go inside.

2:33 PSH: Just five minutes.

2:36 JSW: Fine. Just five minutes.

2:45 PSH: I’m back!

2:47 Family member: We were just talking about you.

2:49 Family member: What’s that?

2:51 PSH: Ahh. It’s chocolate.

(Then she just passes all the chocolate to everyone)

4:09 Family member: Isn’t that a ring?

4:11 Family member: It is a ring. Where did that come from?

4:15 Family member: It’s really pretty.

4:18 Family member: This is real. It must have been expensive.

4:22 PSH: How can that be here? Strange.

4:26 PSH: And there is also a card.

4:30 Family member: Hurry and take a look at what it says.

4:37 Card: Sa Ya. I probably scared you. I have something to say to you right now.

4:42 Card: You’re my first and very last person.

4:46 Card: I also want to be your first and last man.

4:50 Card: If you accept what I have just said, please wear this ring and meet me in the park. I will be waiting for you.

4:59 Family member:What did it say? Let me take a look.

5:03 Family member: What does it say?

5:00 Family member: Jae Hyun proposed, Mother.

5:10 Family member: Ohh! Congratulations!

5:12 Family member: Hey! I want to congratulate you too.

5:15 Brother: That’s awesome, big sis!

5:16 Family member: What day is it today? I need to circle it.

6:27 Aunt: How come you’re not going?

6:37 Aunt: What is the matter with you? Hurry and go.

6:44 PSH: Aunt..

6:46 Aunt: Yeah?

6:51 Aunt: Right. A woman who accepts a marriage proposal will cry.

6:57 PSH: I’m not going.

7:00 Aunt: Huh? What is that suppose to mean?

7:03 PSH: I’m worried. Scared.

7:06 Aunt: What are you worried about? Scared about?

7:13 Aunt: Don’t you like him? Haven’t you been waiting for this day? Aren’t you happy?

7:20 PSH: I was indeed waiting for this day, but..

7:24 Aunt: But?

7:26 PSH: I think Uncle and I will be unlucky. Uncle will leave me.

7:32 Aunt: What are you talking about?

7:34 PSH: Even though things are like this now, Uncle will still leave me one day.

7:40 Aunt: Leave you? Why would you think that?

7:43 PSH: I will not acquire love from anyone.

7:49 Aunt: Sa Ya, what is wrong with you?

7:52 PSH: Even the world’s beloved mother abandoned me. When Uncle said he liked me, even though I was happy, I was also worried. When Uncle tells me he loves me, how should I respond? Like my mom who abandoned me, Uncle will also leave me. He will leave me…

8:28 PSH: I don’t want to be abandoned by anyone right now.

8:31 PSH: Auntie, I’m not going. I’m not going.

8:35 Auntie: No. Jae Hyung is definitely not going to abandon you.

8:42 PSH: Even my mother abandoned me! My mother!

8:55 Auntie: You’re mother is definitely feeling remorse right now. She will get the punishment she deserves for abandoning her child.

9:06 PSH: I’m not going! I’m not going! Auntie, I’m not going. (sad...)

9:14 Auntie: Child, there just seems to be no way of healing the scar your mother has left you for the rest of your life.

9:23 Auntie: I’m sorry. So sorry.

I have not watched this show yet so I do not know who all the family members are. I just put family member down. :) I was very touched with the last part of the episode. Shin Hye is quick at shedding tears, again showing her phenomenal acting abilities at her young age. She calls JSW "Uncle." :P

Oh, 13sunshine, how exciting to let her manager know! I hope she will always feel inspired and not be sensitive to anyone's criticism!

Jessiep, you said it! I loved Shin Hye 6 years ago. I feel like I watched her grow up. Yeah, I would love for her and LW to pair up again but for the 3rd time? That just seems so unlikely in the Korean industry. It was already luck she got re-paired with Lee Wan. But I guess we can only dream...She NEEDS to be re-paired with her other STH co-star, Baek Sung Hyun. He's grown to be one fine guy now and I think he has potential in the future since he is only 20!

And with this message, good nite everyone. I am soo tired!

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Guest currysushi33

Hey im not a ususal PSH thread visitor but since i was one of the many people to enjoy YAB i wanted to comment about the award show, i guess the reason sbs didnt give them many awards was probs because of the ratings which really dont mean much anyway

but on another note PSH still has a long way to go and develope her acting so thats why i dont think she could have expected a top ten star award just yet...too be honest YAB's character wasnt very demanding and was a streotypical role so she couldnt really show off her potential

ALso (im really sorry PSH fans) i think YAB like BOF mainly succeeded cos it has a group of hot guys together (F4, anjell)

so i cant wait to see PSH in a drama where we can see her talent on display :)

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Hi everyone,

Look like we haven't get any news of PSH lately.... I wonder what she's doing? Is she going to school? Is she busy?

To thao and everyone else who is interested: I translated the first video when JSH proposes to Shin Hye. Here it is. I put both the time in case you want to compare with the video and the speakers in case you are just reading the script.

She NEEDS to be re-paired with her other STH co-star, Baek Sung Hyun. He's grown to be one fine guy now and I think he has potential in the future since he is only 20!

And with this message, good nite everyone. I am soo tired!

Thank you for take your time and translating this, mndymah

This is very sweet of you. I am looking forward you to upload the sub in YT soon :P

As I watched I love this couple more and more so I am going to share with you (as you are interested)

Note: JW in the drama is a cold guy but he can be cheesy ( that make SY and us have goosebump) when it comes to SY :P

This is the situation before SW proposed to SY (PSH)

While the three of them were having dinner, JW kept staring at SY(PSH), who was eating delightfully. His brother-in-law told him not to stare at SY & concentrate on his dinner. JW wanted his brother-in-law to help SY & he asked if how both of them been progressing. Both of them could be thinking of the KISS & reacted pretty shyly. JW then asked what type of progress he is referring. He answered obviously it was the mother & added that she had asked some of SY’s private matters like her father, grandmother & Mother Jeong.

... He was sending her home ! they been walking round the park twice haha because he cant bear to part ..and keep asking her to do one more round ..so she teasingly asked is it really so great to be with me ..and he said ~~ the most happiest moment in a day is when he is sending her home ~lol then saya wondered if their conversation is overheard by anyone .they will think they are so childish .

and jaewoo .told her ...people in love always say childish things ! ahh then she was curious and asked him ..is she really his first love ! .kek ..at first he teased back ..saying ..he too wonder why do all those women will let such a man like him off

..but then he went on to explain .how he always been lonely no friends ...play by himself .and studies alone .his mother left him and his sister when he was six year old to germany and suddenly come back with money to start her career .telling her children she inherited it from a granny .....her mother had cautioned him that ..since they become rich .there will be also ppl who will dislike them and to be on guard for people who are nice to them without reason or try to get close to them . he hear it so many times from his mother that it sort of become true and

in fact he was also been used by people who wanted to get close to him .

and hence .he live like that .being alone ... and he feel it is easiler to do everything by himself ..and soon it become a habit

exercise alone ..climbing mountain by himself ....he doesnt really feel lonely or pathetic with no one beside him .as he alraedy take it for granted .

when he is bad mood .he will only try to work harder or work hiimself out in exercise ...never sharing his emotions with others and that's how he grow up ...now he think about it .perhaps it is loneliness that make him that way

~~ but now its is okay ..he has saya with him and he realise being with someone can be such happiness . !! though he will feel lonely after sending her home and going home alone !

so saya ...confessed : me too . after we part , once i reach home i thnk of you and hope tomorrow will come sooner

AWWWWWWW that had him spellbound he so feeling magical someone need him as much as he need her i think ^ * .and hold her in his arms

JW: Saya , if only we never need to separate during the night ..and stay togehter for the entire night ..every day .

SY : hwo could we be together everyday [ ...lol .she must be tihinking he such a sweet fool ]

JW: let's not go home today .and stay here like this

but SY worried ahjuma will worried about her

that's why i he thought of the ulimate solution ..marry her and be his wife ! .so they can be together day and night . he will probably be quite a clingly husband hahaha i think ..

CR: Thanks to shirley and queer

And these are some MV that captures some sweet( n sad) moments of the couple.




They are just cute <3 and quite match :) ( surprisingly)

Now I am back to mndymah,

hehe I do think it'd be extremly hard for her to repair with Lee Wan since this will be the third time but we never know. We can hope right? Because they seem to have some "business" that hasn't been resolved yet :P

And Baek Sung Hyun has grown to be a hot guy indeed but he hasn't been lead ... So I think we need to wait sometimes but I believe he has great potential in the future. Their re-pairing 'd be nice and intereting, for sure.

SH has worked really hard to get to this point, I really want her to corporate with some more experience actors that could help her improve in acting and popularityas well. She has been acting sweet and innocent girl, I want her to try out a role more bossy and smart, or even mean( oh, I haven't watch Goong S yet, since she's not the lead; but it 'll def. be the next one :)). I just noticed she love ( /to play ) baseball, what if she take a drama that related to baseball, what you guys think?

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Note: JW in the drama is a cold guy but he can be cheesy ( that make SY and us have goosebump) when it comes to SY :P

This is the situation before SW proposed to SY (PSH)

OMG....OMG...thao.. finally I have friends who could spazz out together about JSW and SY couple in KRC...your spolier...brought back my memory when I watched this series...I'll definetly watch this series again this weekend...only part of JW and SY of course...and call me crazy eventhough I already had DVD but I still download it again from aja-aja eventhough I know there is no subtitle...sadly aja-aja closed down for a moment...so I can not continue to download...

You can feel the chemistry between JSW and SY eventhough the age gap quite big...12 years...It so believeable their awkwardness and cuteness when their try to show that they really care for each other....owwww.... you have to understand that...because it is their first love...omo...how come a man in early 30 just found his first love so late...how lucky is SH :D

I had a plan to cut JSW and SY part in KRC and make it into my all time collection...sound like I'm canibalism of the series <_< ...hope the PD and scriptwriter dont mind :) .

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Guest jaimejgs

I've watched the first episode of Kimcheed Radish Cube, and Shin Hye is super cute in that drama. It's funny, and someone already mentioned this before, I forgot who, sorry, that she's a monk in training just like she's a nun in training in You're Beautiful. The drama looks good so far, but there's sooo many character and not enough of Shin Hye time. I hope we get to see more Shin Hye time as the drama progresses.

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Just when I thought I could have a successful school career, you guys pull me back in with tempting details about Kimcheed Radish Cubes. Studying or watching PSH's drama? Don't make me choose!!

Anyways, I just found this cute gif of Park Shin Hye and my future husband Jaejoong. it's from Taegoon's Call Me MV. I miss seeing PSH...


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Guest mndymah

Hi everyone!

Thao: Thanks for the little spoiler. So I guess it's a big deal if JSH is nice eh? I actually don't know how to encode and time. :( Usually, Miss Mellis is the one who does that. I will work on the translations of the second video tonight. School starts up again tomorrow. Arrgh! Oh yeah, Shin Hye should definitely be in a sports drama. She looked sooo beautiful in her baseball outfit.

Gems: I know waht you mean about school. However, PSH thread will be my break!

Just for everyone's info, Cecilia subbed part 4 of JGS Champagne. I haven't watched it yet so I don't know if there are any Shin Hye parts.

Guess there's been no more CN Blue news of Shin Hye. Hmmm...

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Guest yozoranomukou

OMG....OMG...thao.. finally I have friends who could spazz out together about JSW and SY couple in KRC...your spolier...brought back my memory when I watched this series...I'll definetly watch this series again this weekend...only part of JW and SY of course...and call me crazy eventhough I already had DVD but I still download it again from aja-aja eventhough I know there is no subtitle...sadly aja-aja closed down for a moment...so I can not continue to download...

You can feel the chemistry between JSW and SY eventhough the age gap quite big...12 years...It so believeable their awkwardness and cuteness when their try to show that they really care for each other....owwww.... you have to understand that...because it is their first love...omo...how come a man in early 30 just found his first love so late...how lucky is SH :D

I had a plan to cut JSW and SY part in KRC and make it into my all time collection...sound like I'm canibalism of the series <_< ...hope the PD and scriptwriter dont mind :) .

i also downloaded da eps from aja-aja and watched it even though theres no eng subs.

Agie does da dvd have eng subs?

oh, and is anyone here subbing KRC at viikii? i hope some kind soul would continue subbing it :)

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Ok...ok...ok...I know I'm bad...but I'm so sorry guys I cant help to tempting all of you to watch Kimcheed Radish Cube..kekekkeke :P ...here the cut from episode 26...hope you all like it :D


and here's link to download : http://www.mediafire.com/?ynvqwotg2nl

Dont forget to keep study and work OK :D ....go with guilty feeling...hehehhehe :P


yozoranomukou....sadly the DVD doesnt have English subs...only my native laguage subs...but the subs give me more headache than if we dont have a subs at all :)

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Guest mndymah

Ok guys, Here's my contribution of the day. THAO, this is for you especially. This is the translation for the second video:

0:00 JSW: Just follow me now.

0:22 JSW: Sa Ya, open your eyes now and take a look.

0:59 PSH: Who are these people?

1:02 JSW: Angels. (HAHA! Reminds me of ANJell)

1:06 JSW: Listen up (JSW starts serenading to her!)

2:51 PSH: Why can’t I hold back my tears?

3:13 Sa Ya, are you willing to marry a man who can’t sing well but loves you from the bottom of his heart?

4:01 Aunt: You’re back.

4:04 PSH: I’m back.

4:06 Aunt: Did you see him?

4:08 PSH: Yeah, he put this on me.

4:14 Aunt: Ahh. So pretty.

4:17 PSH: I think going was the right thing to do.

4:19 Aunt: Of course. Going to see him was a good thing and made you so happy.

4:23 PSH: Yeah. If you had not encouraged me, I really would not have gone.

4:31 Aunt: Did he say he wanted to marry you?

4:43 Aunt: Right. It is not easy to forget the past but this world still has a lot of good people.

4:53 Aunt: The fact that you have encountered a man like Jae Hyun leaves me very happy.

5:00 PSH: Thank you so much Aunt.

5:04 Aunt: OK. Get some rest now.

5:20 B-in-law: You just came back?

5:22 JSW: Oh, older sis and b-in-law, you came together.

5:24 JSW Sister: Where did you go?!

5:26 JSW: Oh, I went to see Sa Ya. Older sis, I proposed to Sa Ya.

5:33 JSW Sister: WHAT?!

5:34 JSW: Mom sees to be a lot better so…

5:37 B-in-law: So it was because of this?

5:39 JSW Sister: Does mom know you proposed?

5:40 JSW: No, she does not know.

5:45 JSW: Why? Is mom not back yet?

6:15 Sister: It’s honey water. Drink it Mother.

6:18 JSW Mom: Was I drunk really badly yesterday?

6:22 Sister: Yes, you were drunk but why did you break the mirror? What happened which made you so mad?

6:28 JSW Mom: I broke the mirror? I broke it?

6:33 Sister: You don’t remember?

6:35 JSW Mom: Ah…right. I broke it because I was drunk.

6:41 Sister: Why did you drink so much? Aren’t you the one who never drinks?

6:46 JSW Mom: Just randomly drinking.

6:47 Sister: Why did you drink?

6:49 JSW Mom: Ahh you. I told you already that there are times when I want to drink too so I drank out of leisure. That’s all.

7:00 Sister: Does that mean nothing happened yesterday?

7:02 JSW Mom: Nothing.

7:03 Sister: There seems to be something you are hiding from me.

7:07 JSW Mom: There’s nothing! Stop guessing! By the way, is Jae Hyun back yet?

7:14 Sister: Jae Hyun proposed to Sa Ya yesterday.

7:19 JSW Mom: What? What did you say?!

7:25 JSW: Mother, you’re awake.

7:27 JSW Mom: Mother, you have to hold back!

7:30 JSW: Mother..

7:31 JSW Mom: You proposed to Sa Ya?

7:35 JSW: Yeah, I proposed.

7:37 JSW Mom: Who let you just randomly propose? Is marriage just your own personal business?

7:40 JSW: It’s because I like her that I chose her.

7:42 JSW Mom: Do you have no mother? Did you raise yourself? Are you randomly going to pick a woman to marry?

7:49 JSW: Sa Ya is not some random woman!

7:50 JSW Mom: Then she is a proper woman?

7:54 JSW: During this period of time, you’ve also seen Sa Ya.

7:57 JSW: Even though being a secretary isn’t the best job, but I don’t find anything wrong with her.

8:00 JSW Mom: What you see as an angel, I see as garbage!

8:03 JSW: Mother, why are you like this? And I thought you were being nicer to Sa Ya lately.

8:09 JSW Mom: I told you already that I wanted to monitor her for awhile, but it’s obvious you didn’t give me the time and took matters into your own hands.

8:15 JSW: You might think it’s been a short time, but to me, it’s something I’ve wanted to do for a long time now.

8:18 JSW Mom: How long have you two been together that you call long? Last year or the year before last year?

8:21 JSW: Liking someone and the length of time has nothing to do with each other!

8:25 JSW: Mother, for having not taking you into consideration and taking matters into my own hands, I am sorry but if I don’t hold onto her and lose her to another man, I will pass the rest of my life by myself (Aww…cute! He’s saying if he doesn’t get to marry Sa Ya, he will not marry another woman for the rest of his life.) so Mother, please understand and take a step back and treat her nicely. We will treat you well too.

8:42: JSW Mom: There’s no need. Cancel it. What did you give her? A ring? A necklace? Bring them all back. Bring them all back today!

8:48: JSW: No!

8:49 JSW Mom: Bring them back!

JSW: No!


Why does JSW's mom hate Shin Hye so much? And thanks for the summary. This show sounds so cute but I really can't afford to get addicted to another drama. I am only snapping out of YAB addiction. I need a break! Haha

Thanks Agie for the clips. Sheesh. Ever since Shin Hye was old enough to kiss, she's getting all the passionate kisses.

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This is my first time to post pics in here so I don't know if it works( yeah, because of SH , I had to reactivate my photobucket account. It's been a while....)

Some new pics of hers. I dk if you guys have seen them




.... will be back to edit. I got to go out real quick

OMG....OMG...thao.. finally I have friends who could spazz out together about JSW and SY couple in KRC...your spolier...brought back my memory when I watched this series...I'll definetly watch this series again this weekend...only part of JW and SY of course...

You can feel the chemistry between JSW and SY eventhough the age gap quite big...12 years...It so believeable their awkwardness and cuteness when their try to show that they really care for each other....owwww.... you have to understand that...because it is their first love...omo...how come a man in early 30 just found his first love so late...how lucky is SH :D

haha... Agie, you are co cute <3

Yeah, I am in love with them. They are so cute and funny ( because of the 1st love, of course) but SW loves SY so much that he became so sweet compared to the cold guy beginning. Ahhh, my heart is melting too.

Even though SH has a baby face , but this couple will pass any day because their unbelievable chemistry. I was really surprised honestly.

SH, you will never fail to amaze me, will you?

Ok...ok...ok...I know I'm bad...but I'm so sorry guys I cant help to tempting all of you to watch Kimcheed Radish Cube..kekekkeke :P ...here the cut from episode 26...hope you all like it :D

Dont forget to keep study and work OK :D ....go with guilty feeling...hehehhehe :P

Just when I thought I could have a successful school career, you guys pull me back in with tempting details about Kimcheed Radish Cubes. Studying or watching PSH's drama? Don't make me choose!!

Again, haha, you are definitely a bad girl, Agie ( *but I like it :P, please keep the goodie coming :rolleyes: **)

This kiss kinda remind me of this kiss in YB ( ... I guess nun in training and soon-to-be-monk should have the same reaction for the 1st kiss :rolleyes: ). But their date was so cute ( and he tried to hold her hand was just hilarious and adorable for a 29 years-old guy)

Do they have another kiss later, Agie? I want to know

Gals (and guys), keep up with your work and study (I am sure watching only SW-SY interaction won't kill any of us- that's what I do. hehe)

And thanks for the cute gif, gems

NOTE: viikii just updated another episode :)

it is few days already dat we havne't heard any news bout Shin Hye

i'm dieing inside.... to hear bout d news :rolleyes:

owh.... so bad

Althought it doesn't help much, the pisc above were poste for you ( for a fix of the day)

I am looking around for SH news too

Many people are getting the roles for their new drama makes me anxious even more. I do want SH to pair up with LMH in his new drama. It sounds fun and they look like a cute couple ( in the CF)

*** praying ****

But I doubt it though, since she just finished YB and may have to catch up with school now. **sigh** I can't help but still hoping...

Ok guys, Here's my contribution of the day. THAO, this is for you especially. This is the translation for the second video:

Why does JSW's mom hate Shin Hye so much? And thanks for the summary. This show sounds so cute but I really can't afford to get addicted to another drama. I am only snapping out of YAB addiction. I need a break! Haha

Thanks Agie for the clips. Sheesh. Ever since Shin Hye was old enough to kiss, she's getting all the passionate kisses.

My beloved mndymah<3,

If only I could hold you and place a kiss on you cheek ... ^^

J/k Thank you so much<3. You are awesome. I was waiting for it hehe

Don't worry, you won't addict to this drama as much as YB ( I promise) but you may addict to the couple ( they 're just THAT lovable). I am not a family type drama so I just skip everything but SW and SY part.

Trust me , you won't be disapponted... I was amazed cause I never thought they could have that kind of chemistry... ( -->12 years apart---> scary ^^ keke)

Hey im not a ususal PSH thread visitor but since i was one of the many people to enjoy YAB i wanted to comment about the award show, i guess the reason sbs didnt give them many awards was probs because of the ratings which really dont mean much anyway

but on another note PSH still has a long way to go and develope her acting so thats why i dont think she could have expected a top ten star award just yet...too be honest YAB's character wasnt very demanding and was a streotypical role so she couldnt really show off her potential

ALso (im really sorry PSH fans) i think YAB like BOF mainly succeeded cos it has a group of hot guys together (F4, anjell)

so i cant wait to see PSH in a drama where we can see her talent on display :)

(*breath in, breath out**)

Thanks for stopping by currysushi33, and sorry if I offend you,

... I feel upset and displease reading your comment.

But I dont want to cause another fuss in my beloved PSH thread, so all I want to say is I disagree with what you said ( and I beliveve many people agree with me)

Although BOF and YB have many things in common (hotties in one of them) but they are so different in many levels (writting, acting level, chemistry b/w the lead, story plot, promotion and timing and much more). I don't think hotties is the only element that make yb success but the combination of everything, which include SH acting. GHS may be a good actress but I dont think she did a proper job in BOF and I couldnt imagine her or any other actress play GMN as well as SH

I just keep it short . So that's all

Just my opinion.

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Why does JSW's mom hate Shin Hye so much? And thanks for the summary. This show sounds so cute but I really can't afford to get addicted to another drama. I am only snapping out of YAB addiction. I need a break! Haha

Thanks Agie for the clips. Sheesh. Ever since Shin Hye was old enough to kiss, she's getting all the passionate kisses.

mndymah thanks a lot for translating KRC cut, really appreciate your hardwork :P

Answering your question about JSW's mom :


She hate Shin Hye so much because she doesnt want everybody know about a mistake she made in the past. As you already read from thao post, JSW told Shin Hye that after her mother return from Germany, she was getting rich. The truth is that his mother didnt go to Germany but getting married with Shin Hye's father...and if I'm not mistake JSW and his sister was put in orphanage. Shin Hye's father come from a rich family and at that time already has a lover that is Shin Hye's mother, but his family force him to get married with JSW's mother...Shin Hye's mother got pregnant and gave birth Shin Hye, the same as JSW's mother, but the baby from JSW's mother died during the delivery. Shin Hye's grandmother took Shin Hye from her mother as a replacement for her dead granddaughter, and told Shin Hye's mother that the baby who died was Shin Hye. Her grandmother asking JSW's mother to raise Shin Hye as her own child. At first JSW's mother agree, but in the end she dump Shin Hye to monestary and took all Shin Hye's family fortune and run away. So JSW's mother built her business with money she stole from Shin Hye's family....That's why she really hate Shin Hye so much...but I would like to think that she really afraid that Shin Hye will know her past sin:P ...I hope it answer your question :)

I dont want to sound pervert...but I think the kiss in KRC not that passionate because Shin Hye look really surprise when JSW took initiative to kiss her, he force to kiss her :P ...she opened her eyes when JSW already closed his eyes...but in the end Shin Hye closed her eyes too :lol:

I can not make comparison about which is the most passionate kiss Shin Hye had, because I havent seen Shin Hye kiss with Seven :rolleyes:

Must go back to work...I have spend too much time browsing...my boss will kill me <_<

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