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Weird eating habits

Guest rain.lee.bow

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Guest _chibi-dragon_

Haha, my pinky is always up when I drink too. I think I got it from trying to imitate Phil and Lil from The Rugrats too much T__T

Another habit? I guess I'm a generally sloppy eater. If it's finger-foods then half of it generally falls back onto the plate.

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  • 1 month later...

... whoa hahaha

when i'm drinking i sometimes feel the need to tap my cup on the table a few times before i can put it down.. no idea what that is.. kk

LOLS SAME HERE! xD idk if its like OCD or something, cause when it comes to pens and pencils, papers, tapping on a door and stuff I have to have everything in order, tap a certain amount of times and even have to complete the same ritual with the opposite hand sometimes LOL

i sort my gummi bears/m&ms by color...and then make sure that all the colors are equal. yea. i'm weird T_T

LOL XD yeah, when it comes to gummi bears I always eat the blue ones first, then equal out the other colours xD

-I don't like my food touching my rice

-Unless i'm at home I usually eat all of one thing before moving onto the next

-I turn my plate to reach different food instead of pushing/pulling it closer to myself

-I will NOT pick up meat like chicken wings with my hands, instead I'll jab my chopsticks into it to avoid getting oil on my hands o_o''

-I don't like sauce/liquid spilling down the side of my bowl/cup or to be on the rim of my plate

-At home I don't have a drink with my meal, instead I drink a whole cup of water/juice right after I finish o-o''

-I don't like other people touching my food cause I think it's 'contaminated' LOL (wow overly protective much)

-I drop food at least once in the bowl before picking it up and eating it o_o''

omg, i think I have more, but i can't name them right now ><" so many

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Guest hushed_secrets

2 Gummi bears must kiss, eat the heads first, then the body.

Pinky goes up when eating hamburguesas x)

Ah, rituals rituals.

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Guest sofantasticelastic

When I eat any type of noodle-soup-bowl thing (like Pho) I always put the noodles on a plate and then eat them. I don't drink the soup at all lol.

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Guest cindyformayor

- i take a drink of water/liquid after every one to three bites since I like washing down my food.

- in my mind more bites = more food so I tend to eat everything in small bites even if they are already bite sized (ie captain crunch)

- i love to make my food last so i tend to be a slow eater. for example, eating kit kats take me a while since i like to nibble off the chocolate surrounding the wafers before eating the individual wafers.

- not exactly a habit, more of a preference. i prefer eating on a plate to a bowl since i can separate all the food i have instead of having it all jumbled in a bowl.

- someone said when eating several things they have to eat each individual thing at a time rather than eating it all at once—i'm the opposite! i tend to go around in a circle. i'll have a couple bites of the entree, a bite of each side, and a sip of my beverage. i'll just eat in that order until i'm done ^__^

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Guest surfrgrlsophia

I like to mix ketchup and a WHOLE LOT of black pepper together and then dip my fries and burger in it. It's SOOO TASTY!

Oh and I eat popcorn with jalapenos, which is also very tasty.

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- I apparently scrape the food off my spoon with my teeth. My brother gets annoyed of that. Haha.

- Anytime I eat bread I always mush the soft part to make it softer and then I eat it.

- When I eat pho, I always "save the best for last" so I eat the meatballs last.

- I save my green skittles for last too, since green's my favorite.

- When it comes to candy like skittles or jelly beans, I always look at which colors I have less or more of and if I want to eat more than one at a time, they have to be the same colors. If there's more purple than yellow, I eat the purple ones first. :lol:

- When I eat fried rice, I like to smooth everything on top of each other so that it's flat. And then I dig in.

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Guest hikari_neko11

If I decide to make something really pretty, I'll take like 5 mins. taking pictures of it from different angles and only end up keeping 4/20 XD Then I eat/drink it and act like those girls in dramas when they eat something really delicious. Mind you, I'm alone when I do this haha

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Guest kassieisawalrus

When I eat McDonald's 10 piece McNuggets I have to count them first.

I want to know if they give me more then then. :D

If they do, I feel really lucky... I haven't had luck lately though. :(

When I eat a burger at school, I have to pull off the bread that is not touching the chicken.

Then I have to rip of tiny pieces while I eat.

I think that's it. :D

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1.i like drowning everything i eat with sauce.

sushi --> soysauce

chicken nuggets --> sweet and sour sauce

2. i like saving all the boba for last.

So i generally drink all the tea/smoothie first.

3. I like soft bread so i only like eating the soft interior of french breads.

Then my mom yells at me because that's wasting bread D:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, I have a habit of eating food starting from the part that is farthest from me. Like if you have the plate in front of you, instead of eating from the part that is closest to me I start eating from the farthest side. When it come to a sandwich, I eat from the bottom up.

Another weird habit is having my utensils in order even when I put it down to grab another one. And I also don't like having my utensils on the table, it have to be on a napkins or I'll start a fuss OTL

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  • 1 month later...
Guest doggiehearts

I eat all bread from the outside in... I just like to save the filling :P And also, burgers and pizza etc, i'll eat the non-flavoured part first (e.g. crust) and then eat into the flavoured part hehe. SAME THING WITH POCKY! 

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Guest kiorinami

nyuuung~ i have weirdos habits. i like to eats oats without mix water~ and i do that not infront other people  lor~ cause im not confident with my weirdos ..T><T

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Guest rhaison_detre

I rearrange and organize my food on the plate and keep things separated, unless they need to be mixed.  And then I eat a bite of each item together.  I've been doing this since I was a kid, lol.  Not exactly weird, but yeah...

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