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Weird eating habits

Guest rain.lee.bow

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Guest dearpaperheart.

My mom tells me I hold the bowl funny I'm always holding it like I hold a ball. I swallow my noodles instantly. o_o;. I cross my legs. I like picking the cheese and pepperonis off of pizzas =D. When my friends and I are sharing food, I always pick at hers. I have more weird eating habits... but those are my main one.

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Guest akiralove

weird food habits? hmmm

i have no clue...cant think of any

i also like to wait till cookies melt in my mouth ^_^

and same goes for cheetos puffs too ^_^

anyone try cream cheese with hot cheetos? i love that combo

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Guest TakeThatBack!

I melt a cube of chocolate in my coffee.

Before eating, I fold a napkin or a tissue into a triangle shape if it's not already done so.

I sometimes prefer eating a bowl of rice mixed with soy sauce and chilli sauce over anything else.

I eat the end of the cone of my ice cream and suck the cream out from there.

I don't like drinking luke or warm water. It has to be cold.

I don't use straws to drink out of bottles or glasses because it doesn't taste as nice in my opinion.


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I just started this happen a few months ago but everytime i drink something that requires a straw i get 2 or more. Reaons? I have a life long habit of bitting straws.

Stupid thing is....sometimes i bite and try and suck up the juice at the same time. doens't work people. ahhaha

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Guest cheerydumdum

my rice HAS to be in a bowl and i finish every last grain of it.

i like eating the skins of cherry tomatoes first.

i HAVE to have water after eating sweet things.

i like eating wafers layer by layer.

i like fries in my hamburgers.

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Guest kamui_hime

when i drink something my pinky always sticks out unconciously

when i eat sandwiches insted of biting them, i rip them (started b/c of my braces b/ci hate getting stuff stuck in them)

in a meal i always take a drink of liquid first before eating anything

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Guest revontulet

-I always have to eat something like omurice or any rice with sauce all together in little scoops. haha I just did that now actually..

- I chew ice cream, soft foods.

- when I eat I have to have water with my meal.

- I think about the order in which I want to eat my foods lol like rice first, then kimchi, then some gook, etc etc.

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Guest snapple!

whenever i'm on the computer and if any piece of food or candy is near me i HAVE to eat it. xDD

and when i eat rice, i only like putting one piece of food at a time in my bowl. O_o

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Guest aznprincess08

my friend eats his burgers vertically? (not the normal way u would bite into a burger)

hmmm for me i can eat almost anything with a fork. even chicken wings and pizza which my friends find weird ;x

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Guest kimchibabygurl

i like to pour my drinks half full. my father usually cook three dishes, and the 3 dishes must face me in a triangle shape. haha. meat must be on my left, veggies on my right. other dishes will be the tip of the triangle.

and you how packages always write "tear here".. i hate to tear packages like that. i think it's really ugly. i can't really explain, but i've to pull the 2 sides of the packaging to open a hole for me to take the food. if it can't be pulled, i'll get a scissors. and my hole can't be big, it's usually a small hole.

there are many other more wierd habits. haha.

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Guest simpleandpink

...hrm, well I don't know if it's a 'habit' well, maybe it is

I always put as many fries as I can into my burger so I can have that potato taste <3 yum

I eat my pizza with the end of the triangle facing me and then when I get down to the crust, I rotate it and eat it like that (people probably do this, but I noticed that I've been doing it excessively x_x and I think about it too x_x)

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Guest s0urp@tchk!d

when i have rice porridge. + side dishes. i put all my food in - like dried pork, veggies, various pickled veggies, tofu, etc etc. and i MUST mix it all together until it looks like something someone could have upchucked hahahahah. i dunno. i think it's b/c i really need to feel like i'm eating a little bit of EVERYTHING in each mouthful. yuuuuuum. just looks gross tho ahaha i admit it.

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I don't eat pizza crusts nor bread crusts.

Oreos and peanut butter, anyone?

I double-dip like no other...

When I eat french fries, cheez nips, those kind of things, I can't just eat one at a time but like 4, 5, or 6 at a time. Just stuff it into my mouth and chew. :P

You know how on cupcakes everyone licks the frosting off first. Not me, then the bread tastes all bland!

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Guest its ginny XD

I don't notice it but my friends do. I tend to bite small portions of everything I eat even though the piece is already bite size. For example... you know those bite sized oreos that people usually just pop into their mouths? i have to bit it. i can't stick it fully into my mouth or it would be to much for my mouth to handle lol. and chips and stuff.... it takes me forever to finish mini foods. my friends call me a hamster... O_O lol

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