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Xing Official Thread


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^ LOL is that CK he's wearing? O_O Like I've said before, JinHyun looks good in jeans. xD

They have interesting TSHIRTS.

HyeSung's pony looks FAT there.

I saw the camera man too, he kinda stood out despite the attention was supposed to be on XING.

Bleh....he was at the corner. It doesnt matter. xD

Maybe that wasn't the actual version...they might release another one?

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LOL MAN. I feel so excited because I see PD airport pics and since they haven't even been on any music shows it's kind of...I don't know....strange I guess to see airport pics.


Credits: As Tagged + CYNOSTAR.NET

Don't hotlink maaan.


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Guest shaaaron

He's feeling himself, YunAh. HAHAHAHAHA.

That and the capture of Yume pulling up his pants have got to be my favorite pictures. It would've been funny if they were captured at the same moment... :x Happening at the same time.

But I actually liked the whole camera man in the crowd angle and movement when we were watching HyeSung's part in the MV (and yeah, he was in-sync. XD Come on editers! Make things sync throughout!) because it looked movie like? For some reason, it looked meaningful too.. x_x Like a story.. dude I am totally not making sense. I don't know how to explain it.

"Make it happen" Kevin. :D


Poppin' Dragon. PD!

Thanks to Crayong at Cyno for clearing that up. :3

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^ You know I have NO idea. I think I'm just going to go with the schedule thing. Whenever they started to record I will start watching. Unless...I can find someone else's schedule or something.

No way man.....the thread is going at snail speed. T^T

Let's spice it up with a pants pulling up Yume pic?


Credits: As Tagged + Cyworld + CYNOSTAR.NET

Do not hotlink maaaan! Please take out with credits!

Yeah B)


I don't know when the other show airs but I think the DNC one will air at 6:30pm KOREA TIME.

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I seriously want their TSHIRTS. I think I've said that a billion times.

Ermmm...they're all wearing chains...aren't they? Whee Chains are in now? xD

I think Yume's fans...loves taking pictures of Yume from the back. xD

Just a side note....Kevin is giving THAT look in that picture. xD

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;_; With those sudden outbursts of updates before, I don't think I can survive XING being in Ireland for 5 more days. Oh the horror of no XING! I'm being dramatic, haha, it won't be that bad. Right? o_O


Credits: Cyworld + Cynostar.net

Don't hotlink dude.

Well, Hyesung is obviously not afraid of crazy jealous, man-eating fans. XDDDDD

I kid, I kid. But I think they should keep distance from their fans as their popularity rises.

Who knows what will lie ahead. *narrows eyes*

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Guest shaaaron

^That is pretty close contact compared to what we usually see, which is just an arm on the shoulder, or shoulder to shoulder, or no contact at all. LOL. Maybe they know each other? Or HyeSung's just a ladies' man. 8]

Oh Yume. You make me happy. :D

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Guest WithYunHo

Aww...he has his arm around her!! How sweet!!

My heart would be racing!! Lucky girl...

Jin Hyun looks so sexy! He's lifting up his shirt!!

so sexy~

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thanks for all the pictures and info bout them^^

I'm a new fan! I used to only listen to their songs... In my hands single/album...

Cos they're all like freaking younger than me T__T... I do not dare to 'explore' them further Lol...

But after watching My Girl MV, omg.. Yume reli caught my attention! haha...

he's reli born in the year 1988 right? U know some companies like to fake bdays like SM...

if so! yes I'm not a pedophile lol... but yes Yume is soo hawt! and his voice is so nicee.. *melts*

issit just me, or does he resemble a lil.. juz a lil! of Donghae from Suju...

I <3 Donghae too haha.... okay this is random hehehe

but I'm suffering from no internet now, so I can't be active..

so thanks a lot for the update =)

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^ Haha yes, he is said to look like Donghae and other celebs too. And it doesn't matter if their younger than you, they can still be cute. ;D

I believe this was at the airport too? :x


Credits: As Tagged + CYNOSTAR.NET

Do not hotlink man!

Kevin = Looks like he is a little boy. XD

And..super huge versions of Kev & Joon Hyung in the concert.

Whoa, I just called PD Joon Hyung. XDD

th_1190210560_2ndposter_jh.jpg th_1190210267_kevin01.jpg

Credits: As Tagged + CYNOSTAR.NET

Do not hotlink man!

It would be nice if they took self-cams on the set at Ireland. ;D

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Guest loveprint

There's a new skin up at Cyno! Be sure to head over to Cyno to take a look at the changes. :D

And here's PD's autpgraph to Cyno.


Credits: Cynostar.net


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Guest WithYunHo

^ WOW! How did we get that? That's awesome!! Did Yunah & them get that? That's cool!! I love his handwriting :)

It's cute!! Too bad he didn't do a smily like the usual...but I'm happy enough!! Thanks so much for sharing!!!

I saw the new skin! It's lovely~

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Guest loveprint


Yunah and them. =_=;; lol. Yunah's good and all, but she's not that good. But. Prove me wrong, Yunah, prove me wrong. <3

No, our friends at Poppin' Dragon's Fansite Crazy4Yong got it for us. And we didn't even ask. How nice.

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Ah I think the first airing of XING's performance is on at 7pm Korea Time.

If I got it wrong don't kill me, so I suggest you just check back on the TV thingo every hour or something.

T_T If I was you I would be looking out for it for that whole day. XD


Has been posted at CYNOSTAR.NET

LOL Nina, I don't think I can ever get an autograph for XING. D:

Even if I tried. T_T It's just not going to work when I am at the bottom of the earth. ):

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LOL Nina, I don't think I can ever get an autograph for XING. D:

Even if I tried. T_T It's just not going to work when I am at the bottom of the earth. ):

*pats back* Go ahead and try! I think you'd have better luck trying than me. T__T Try hard! Hwaiting! It's better to have tried and failed knowing you tried hard! ^^;

..alwase telling me sis that he looks like a rat in pixes but she hate it when i say that...

I've told you to stop calling him that! :tongue2: Even if you say your fave is Hyesung, you shouldn't go around saying that! I'd take him looking like a cat over looking like a rat anyday! T__T How you be so cruel, sis?

OMG, this part in the MV is soOo cute and adorable! I love the ears that they're wearing! ^__^ I think I like this MV more than the other one. This one is just too cute not to love!! ^______________^

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