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^How do you spot out things like that?

That poor scarf...to have to part with Yume in such a manner. I wonder if they fought over it. xD Why didn't Kevin chuck the scarf that he was wearing before, I'll know that THAT was the last time I see it. T_T

Whee its half of September already. Time flies pretty fast. Before we know it, the year's gona end. And XING's been around for around 10 months...wah that's a long time.


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Guest jack_yamap

Did someone post it yet?

The lastest of Kim Kibum from his cyworld ^^






credits ;cyworld.com/HnB ;SS501 Thailand;Xing Thailand

Upload again by jack_yamap @ XING Forum Pingbook

Taken out with full credit

Wooooo ~ He's adorable !!!! I miss him (T^T)

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Guest PloY_JaeJoonG

long time didnt come to this thread ^^

wow...their 2nd MV is out !!

really great >O<

they r look so cool ^O^

rhx for pix and clip ^^

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Guest shaaaron

KiBum's blonde hair suits him a lot. Seriously. A lot of fans sure do miss him from Xing, but at least he's less stressed I guess? And doing something he loves more. Possibly. Hahaha.

OH! Those are the mascots? Sorry.. XD Okay so they're raccoons. Whenever I think of raccoons, I always think of black and grey, I never take in the fact that there are brown ones also. I thought they could've been raccoons because of the dark color around the eyes but.. hahahaa nothing major. Thanks x3FOBBiiLiZZiix3

shir0-chan: I need to watch YooHak... especially after YunAh's mention of Yume. Hahahaha we can both be bias fans but huge Xing fans at the same time. :3 I'll spazz about HyeSung in the FOM performance, even if I didn't watch it yet because obviously he'd own it. :D

50 posts is really.. nothing. XD There are people with over 2,000 posts over at Cynostar. o_o

And since soompi's really more open to other people, that means more leechers have easy access to information to news that others took time to find, and they don't credit at all. At least YunAh is posting some of the major stuff here to keep members up to date with Xing.

People who find things need to get the acknowledgment they deserve rather than have people look, take, and not say anything. That's not the case for everyone, but there are a few people who do that.

Heck, I admit, I'd probably be pretty tempted to leave without a word if I could. But I don't, because I reply out of habit now since I've been doing it so much.. it feels weird to just go after a look. XD

My posts at soompi have grown a lot because of two threads. (I barely go in any other thread unless I have to) And that includes this thread. Before I started posting in this thread, I had around 30 posts? Something like that. Hahahaha... I'm 4th active here because I rarely go to the other artists thread. I use to before Xing.. but now it's like.... all Xing for me when I'm on soompi. Even if I already go to Cyno.

I need to be more productive. LOL.

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i haven't been here in a while :x

thank you so much jack_yamap for those kibum pictures.

gosh he's so beautiful and gorgeous. i miss him T_T

ilikedhimebtterinblackhairthough. BUT no doubt, he looks nice in blonde too (:

thank you everyone else for the second concert clips (:

omgg i wanna see yume's solo.

*runs off to see the lotte world MV* :x


omg topped a page T__T

nothing good to share...

a graphic i made of kibum some time ago....


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Guest shaaaron

Seriously, Kevin is really cute in the 00:46 moment of the Lotte World MV. :D

So I justed watched the FOM and YooHak performances, and I must say, they did extremely well. They sound so alike to the original version, I mean the studio-edited ones. And in YooHak, Kevin used different notes for the ending of his solo in the chorus and Yume added an "Ooo~" during Kevin's last line and.... ;lksad;alkds;lkas it was awesome. :D

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Guest illusions

KIBUM!! lols hes too skinny >.<

but anyways i like the new mv more

esp because every one gets an equal amount of

on screen time ;] i am hoping that they would have a dvd verison of the concert :lol:

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Guest sungieluv

1st time posting here! i but i have been listening to Xing for a while now :)

I really like their My Girl song.

im like in love with Yume lol i think he is so cute. lol [he looks like donghae]

gosh im the same ages as some of them. im glad Yume is older then me tho JP lol

well ok :) awesome new boyband!

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XING's Airing Schedule;

24/9 - YTN STAR Chunsa Film Festival

26/9 - YTN STAR Fashion Show

29/9 - YTN STAR Digital Night Concert


Duuuuude. B) I am so there to watch them! <3 NO more fancams. <33

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Guest maizakichi

Did someone post it yet?

i thought we're not allowed to post pics of him here since his not part of xing anymore ? -_-

so...could we still post pics of KiBum here? ^^,

and i still haven't seen all the fancams..tsk tsk..

lots of catching up to do...

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^ That's what I thought as well! But I think we aren't...he isn't a part of XING anymore and this is the XING thread. So if he isn't a part of XING then I don't think we're allowed to post it unless he takes part in some sort of XING activity. ><


Credits: Cyworld + Cynostar.net

No hotlinking dudeeees.

Aww isn't that just so cute?

Haha there's more XING-ness at CYNO. As always.

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^dang that this is huge! XING sure love their peace sign. xD YAY

shaaaron - Mediafire was playing a doggy game with me, so I still haven't download YooHak yet...but I know that Yume owns it. xD Wheee~ I downloaded FOM first cuz I was biased. xD

Wheee...I hope we can somehow find a HQ version of their appearance. ^^ I still haven't own a HQ XING clip yet. T_T

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Guest WithYunHo

I dunno...I think we could still keep updated on KiBum though he's a former member.

Ya know, like keep up with them & see how he's doing. We are or there are his fans

and he did wanted us to support his decision. Yet again, I think it's only right to continue

to support him & love him. So I think we should continue to keep ourselves updated with

him. It's just what I think...but if you guys don't think so then it's fine...

I watched the new MY GIRL MV like...10 times in one day! I dunno...they're just adorable.

I also hope the concert comes out on DVD!! Crossing my fingers for that!!

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Guest loveprint


No, what she meant was that if somebody is not part of the group anymore, you're not allowed to post any more information on them in the threads.

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Guest thealien.

wow! i havent been in this thread for a long time.

so many new updates

i loved pd's solo...

and the new mv was really fun to watch.....

but it was kinda confusing...

i see this person here.and the next thing i know ii see another..

but mayb its just me.....

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Guest shaaaron

I don't mind being updated with KiBum. It'll just get tedious when new people come in and confuse him for a remaining member of Xing rather than a former member, and than one of us will have to direct them to page 160 where YunAh links to her post about him leaving. Unless that is... new members/fans read the first page and see no KiBum as a member before they jump to questions and conclusions.

On another note.......

I really like HyeSung's part in the My Girl MV Lotte World version. Like, the way his part began, and the way the camera moved through the crowds on him in the concert. Meaning they do have professional/official videos and I want to see them because I like the camera angle when they're in the crowds and it gives off a cool effect. :D And obviously, it's better quality in sound and picture. XD Patience I guess.

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^Its better quality in sound AND picture because its not a fan cam. We've been watching fan cams for a while, I think I'm used to the screaming. Just that this random fan girl's scream during HyeSung's perf is unforgivable. T_T It made me jump.

Anyways, yes...page 160. LOL I think we've been answering that question for more then 20 times. I hope that there's a HQ version of it. Must search. >_<

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Guest shaaaron

^Of My Girl's MV.. Lotte World version? Definitely hope so. And one where their voices aren't off with the picture. Unless that was a mistake in the editing part because I noticed that near the end, Kevin's mouth was actually in-sync with the music, and it was like "what the heyy?" Because in the beginning, it's kind of off. So I don't know. XD

Let's reach 200 pages, loves. :D

Xing's busier now. Not many cyworld updates. I miss randomness. Ahaha. T_T But yay for productivity!

And we still have yet to read any entries by Kevin, if he ever decides to write one.

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^ I think it was only the start that was not in-sync? Most likely, cos I didn't notice it later. And Hyesung's concert bits were in-sync! XD

Haha, you know the camera man should of like blended into the background more instead of wearing a blue shirt, was it? XD It was very noticeable. You could see him anywhere. xDD


Credits: Cyworld + Cynostar.net

:o Jinhyun man! What are you doing? XDDD

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