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Xing Official Thread


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Guest shaaaron

You're not the only one Nina, I've been noticing how mature Kevin's been looking. I mean he has been already, but now he's becoming more handsome rather than the cute Kevin. I mean he's still cute but.... ahahahaha it's confusing. HE'S GETTING HOT. :x I never see the youngest of a group as someone hot, not even KyuHyun of Super Junior.. I see them as cute.. but Kevin's already been gorgeous, and he's maturing all the time. :3

^Yume's loved. :x BY MEEEEE.. and everyone else..... ME!! x_x;;

I appreciate Cynostar way more than I've appreciated any other forum, actually. Because we have only a few sources (which includes YunAh and Maiza), but we get so much news and when there's a lot happening, I feel overwhelmed, when really, it should be the sources who are the ones who get the most stressed. Especially since you all have other things to do. Without Cynostar, I'd be completely lost with Xing news. T_T So thank goodness for Cynostar. Seriously.

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This sucks. -_- I don't want to post up the new pictures anymore.

Anyway, this is the concert list so far:

Opening- My Girl


Forget Our Memories (Kor. of course)


In The Still of The Night - Acapella

Kevin's solo (Because of you - Ne Yo) (? I think it is)

Yume's solo (I don't know what it is but PD raps in it!!)

PD's dance

Hyesung's solo (He only sang. ><)

Jinhyun's flips

Group dance (Aka Street Jam)

My Girl (?? Again!? ._. But according to the pictures, it is!)


Do not take out of Soompi without permission from me.

I really wonder how they split Eojjeodaga. T_T I wished they performed IYH instead. ><

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Guest maizakichi

i just wanna share this..ehheh

i think these are XING's official glow stick? ehhe..

and yes..they're going for green...though it's more of a yellow green to me..

i think lots of fans will be happy about this...

(faces blurred out by me..just because...)



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Guest loveprint


International ones, anyway. I do like the sign, I really do. I was kind of hoping for just a star, though. It would be more difficult to hold, but I think it would look better. Not complaining, though. I do really like the one they have now. =)

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Guest ldh-ldw lover

hello:D new here. usually at the kdramas section:D I LOVE XING! haha:DDD kevin! so cute! some more so young! haha

i just foud out about xing.. i am fans of dbsk, super junior and big bang but XING is growing on me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest maizakichi

lol..yume needs to sleep...

tsk tsk..updating his cyworld at this time..

though he posted lots of untagged pictures of himself at the concert ..eheh

updating pictures..cause xing fans loves SEPTEMBER AND GREEN ^^, lol



xing + vocal trainer (+ hyunmin)


(click on pictures <3)

th_vocalHye.jpg th_vocalJH.jpg th_vocalPD.jpg th_IMG_4063_08387.jpg th_IMG_4082_07089.jpg


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Hey, that's Woo Hyun Min fr0m Singing in the Rain [at the pic when they're 7] right?

just making sure xDD.

they must be cl0se since they're fr0m the same ent. anyway =D.

Oooh, s0 that's their v0cal trainer. h0w lucky. ^^.

& she t0ok pictures with each 0f them t0o.

she's super duper lucky xP.

Hmmm, Xing's trying t0 learn t0 use intruments? :D

Kevin's interested 0n the mic 0nly xD.

& that's Hyesung with the e-guitar right? :P

Thanks f0r sharing!~ ^_^

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Guest shaaaron

Dude they're vocal trainer is so cute. XD <3

Aw but I love those pictures. Is HyeSung wearing makeup? (Jin looks like he's kind of wearing some too? Maybe they all are, but HyeSung's is most noticeable. Or I could be wrong and he's not wearing any, and that makes me look stupid.. :x)

Cut your hair duuuuude. Then you'll look more handsome than pretty. <3

I like-ah PD's hair. Yume's arm looks long in the second picture. 8D

I love them for being tall. T_T <3

Kevin's hair has been looking lighter. Blonder. So have his eyes. Is that just me? Contacts? Camera lighting? Natural? :o

Yume seriously looks like he's raising his eyebrow in the picture with their vocal trainer. He is.. isn't he? XD <3

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The following videos:

070908 - XING 2nd Concert - PD's Rap in Yume's Solo

070908 XING 2nd Concert - Acapella [in The Still of The Night]

070908 XING 2nd Concert - PD Solo Dance

Have been posted up at CYNOSTAR.NET for download. ^^

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Wahhh...now why can I imagine devoted fan girls photoshoping the pictures with the vocal trainer in there?

But thanks for sharing the pictures maiza <33

Urgg, their glowstick....is not like how I imagined. I imagined it to be in the frame of a star, not the actually sign itself. ==

Whew...oh wellz. Guess they're sticking with that.

Heheh ^^ I like the instrument picture! I wonder if there's more. xD

Thank you heaps for sharing guys. ^^

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Guest WithYunHo

I was watching PD's cut from Yume's solo...and I figured out the song Yume performed. *if no one has figured it out yet*

It's called 'Again, Even Though I Don't Like You' (미워도 다시한번만) Artist, VIBE. Just thought I let you guys know my discovery :)

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Guest plumeria

Is anyone going to watch the Digital Concert on YTN Star? Xing suppose to perform.

Tvants don't catch YTN and I'm having hard time connecting to YTN on tvsbox >__<.

I hope someone gets to record the show, so we can watch Xing them perform live on T.V. for the first time.

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Ahhh ahh~ I hope we find out the air date soon.

Whee the thread is so dead right now.

September is definitely XING's month. I hope they make everything other months XING's month too.

What bothers me is the fact that people can invite XING to their school. T_T lucky Korean people.

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Guest micnmin4eva

I'm sad to heard that someone took Cyno's hardwork out and never credit...

that's not fair... I hope they don't do it again...

becoz I would be sad if you guys don't post Xing's pics, informations , news and everything up here...

Anyway those pic of Xing with their vocal trainer r cute! they seem so happy to work together!

and yes I agree the vocal trainner is cute ^^ She's lucky hahah

Thanx for sharin pics, informations, news and everything here.. :wub:

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Credits: Cyworld + CYNOSTAR.NET

Do not hotlink

Okay, I feel ;sfhsf;kh abotu the thread moving so slowly.

T_T I wish they could just promote My Girl. T_T Even though their schedule starts today.

YTN ain't that all exciting, after what I read it seems very boring.

Hehe I'm having thoughts about making a thread about their concert in the krn celeb section. :x

Kevin, Jinhyun and Yume's picture with that girl is posted at CYNOSTAR.NET

&& bigger versions of what Maiza posted too.

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PD's got a nice forehead. ^^ I like it for some reason. xD

Well, I hope that once they start promoting they will do heaps of activities. YTN star....hmmmm oh wellz. We can't do anything about it. As long as they're performing I don't really mind what will happen.

Anything but another horrible 8 months of no update. Actually I'm still on guard, what if someday they go .... on us again?

Hahah that's just my imagination. xD

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Lies Cammy. They would never go 8 months on us again. Never. NEVER.

http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=165544 - 2ND CONCERT TOPIC!

Hehehehehehehehehheeheheh. Of course I added in pictures that we've (in Soompi) hasn't seen before, so go bumpity bump about it. ^^


Post seems kind of empty so yeah.

While making the topic, I noticed that the second picture of PD I posted looked like Micky YooChun.

Well it resembles, I think it's just the hair though. ^^

Kevin has super long fingers, like super super. Well I knew they were long but I don't remember them being this long and thin either. ;_;

Argh, there were so less of Jinhyun pictures too, I thought I was going to have to cap something from his fancam. But I managed. And I think I'm used to Hyesung's hair now, doesn't bother me that much. I still hopes he cuts it though. ><

Yumeeeee~ I really like his singing pictures. Ooh and I think he sang two songs for his solo actually, one is english and one is Korean. I think I'm going tot have to look into that.

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