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Guest maizakichi

^that's because they haven't debut yet T^T

and crazyhmonggirl i so love your avatar XD

just wanna share this cute mugs..ahahha (thumbnailed)


credits as tagged. & cynostar.net

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Guest micnmin4eva

I was study in Australia be4, I agree it's a nice place to shoot new MV.

According to Yume entry... I knew god will save him T_T I felt sad after I read his entry..

Hope everything going well with him and Xing...

Thanx for the pic of that mugs!! It's all cute!! >_<

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OMG, those mugs are soOo cute!! Kweh! ^__^ I would totally buy those if I saw them. ^^ *sniffles* That was when Marumir...was still here! Aww, such memories. Anyways...Yume's entry certainly gives us a look into how hard they're training. O_O Don't overwork yourselves!! T__T You'll still have your fans' support! Hope they all are taking care of themselves. *sigh* XING HWAITING!!!

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Guest shaaaron

^Kevin's... face? What's on his face? That's not a shadow, is it? HAHAHAHA.

Dude his outfit looks like a cross between an army uniform and casual clothing. :x

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What?? wat do u guys mean by they didnt debut yet??

i dont get it. Can anyone explain?

And for Yume. is hsi name pronounce like "You May" or "You Me" ?

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Guest shaaaron

^It's like Yoo Meh. :3 I use to say Yoo May, but since it's based off of the Japanese word for dream, I'm guessing it's the same pronunciation, which from my knowledge is yoomeh. :]

And the debut thing. Okay it's kind of complicated. They've had performances and all that, but they haven't had an official debut on Inkigayo or any of those music performance shows. (They've performed in Newstar, but no official video has been released so I doubt that's a debut perf. And they will be performing in YTNstar, don't know if it's their debut) It's like they're being kept in the dark, but not really at the same time. We're not exactly sure when they'll officially debut.. we hear things though.

It's something different for me since usually artists release their singles and debut shortly after, but Xing hasn't really.. uhm.. done that. Makes them different, but I don't think they're going for that kind of difference. XD They've had two singles and no official debut. Kind of strange, right? But I guess they're preparing for a mind-blowing debut that might happen when either their 3rd single comes out or their 1st album. Not sure.

They've got a lot of fans though, since they've performed and kind of promoted. Who knows if they'll ever debut! (I'm sure they will though.. xD)

Maybe someone else can explain better than me. I'm horrible at explanations.

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Guest canityo

^ I thought the YTNSTAR is their debut on stage. Although it's kind of like a special occasion I think it's still counted as their debut on the stage.


Click to enlarge

th_B0B3C0CE_-_3_cyehot.jpg th_C0AFC7D0_-_6_cyehot.jpg th_C0AFC7D0_-3_cyehot.jpg th_C0AFC7D0-_1_cyehot.jpg

th_BFB5B0E6BFC0BAFCB2A8BFA1BCAD_-2_cye.jpg th_BDBAC6AEB8B4-1_cyehot.jpg th_B0B3C0CE_-_12_cyehot.jpg th_B0B3C0CE_-_10_cyehot.jpg

Credits: As Tagged/Naver blog + CYNOSTAR.NET


I really don't like that scarf thingo. T_T;;

The rest is at CYNOSTAR.NET (19 of them, there's 27 altogether)

So hurry yourself over there. (: I'm pretty sure this is only the start of the concert updates.


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Guest shaaaron

Really YunAh? I don't know, I'm just guessing. I wish they'd just announce their official debut on stage. Bluntly so we'll know for sure. :\

Seriously, the fake gun in PD's pocket (it looks like a gun because of the handle, and you can kind of see the outline in his pocket) and the cane are both making me really interested to see the concert.

Oh you can't see the gun in his pocket in any of those pictures. But you can in the other cane pictures at Cyno.

Seriously, those two props together make you wonder what PD was doing with them. :3 I wanna see his solo.

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Guest canityo


Credits: As Tagegd + CYNOSTAR.NET

Don't hotlink! Only take out with full credits! RAWR!!


THAT IS TO DIE FALL. *squeaks*

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Guest engot02

^ BOWTIES! <3 how cute.

they all look so tall and skinny . lanky XP

Omg haha, I was just gna ask how to pronounce Yume's name.

I say it right! :D

My friend's the one that's wrong. She says it as Yoom. Bahah.

I can't wait for their OFFICAL debut :D

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Guest shaaaron

HAHAHAHA Yoom. xD <3

They all do look really good. AND IT'S THOSE COLORFUL BOWTIES. All of them with different colors. XD

They're so white. But they're gorgeous.

Wow Yume really reminds me of Kyu all over again in that group picture.

His hair looks really dark too. It's probably just the lighting. (I hope) I kind of want him to keep the red hair for a while. :x

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Guest canityo

^ Yes~ I think so.


^ Fan, Yume's mum, Hyesung's mum & Hyo Jung aka Super Yume fan. :D

Credits: As Tagged + CYNOSTAR.NET



Okay, Cammy and I found this picture just so adorabley retardedly hilarious. XDDDDDDDDD


Credits: Cyworld + CYNOSTAR.NET


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