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Xing Official Thread


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Guest fannxd
^ Kibum & Kevin is always next to them and least one of them has a hand on the fan's shoulder. *narrows eyes*

The first picture of the bottom row, Kevin looks like his going to jump off that thing. ._. And the guy looks random holding the thing way up high.

Hyesung looks so cute and tanned in his school picture. His hair reminds me of someone in an anime or something. XD It's so blurry. D: I wish there was a clear picture.

Here's Yume being compared to other people: Yunho, Donghae...etc



Credits: CYWORLD + Me

Yunho, Donghae and Se7en fosho...but not so much the last guy. Which I don't know who he is.

i think he looks alot like donghae, se7en and yul from goong [i dunno his name] XDD

btw the last guys is from ss501.. his name is kim hyung joong

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Guest clemie186
lol that's the thing. The ones who have followed Xing since the beginning have been waiting a hell of a long time for it. Almost half a year to be exact. Don't you think that wait has been too long?

YES. A little too long for my liking.. ours, i mean :)

Just wait... one day i'll be in my richard simmons-y* mood and then the next i'll be spazzing in front of the computer screen like crazy fan girl just because Xing decides to have a comeback.

It'll be a pro and con situation when they start promoting...

Pro... UPDATES all the time!

Con... literally a BAZILLION fan girls competing with us... though i know we should spread the love :P

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Guest illusions
lol that's the thing. The ones who have followed Xing since the beginning have been waiting a hell of a long time for it. Almost half a year to be exact. Don't you think that wait has been too long?

lols yeah that true thats why it better be good =]

just one more month... i think i can wait a little more

but if its gonna be delayed like jessica ho`s :tears:

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Guest shaaaron
lol that's the thing. The ones who have followed Xing since the beginning have been waiting a hell of a long time for it. Almost half a year to be exact. Don't you think that wait has been too long?

I can't believe it's been almost half a year already. :x

Cynostar's been keeping me preoccupied.. ahahaha, but yes, the wait is starting to become long. Actually, it's already long, it's becoming TOO long.

I want to hear the boys sing. I really do. T_T As in like, either audio (a new song), a new MV, or a performance.

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Guest canityo

^ I can't believe it's half a year already either. I never even knew how patient I could be. Anyway, let's get this 'I waited for XING this long blah blah blah...' out of our heads.

You know how we always want to know what's in XING's head? Well CYNOSTAR has got it. ^^


Here's one. The rest of them (Excluding P-D and Jin hyun) are at CYNOSTAR. :D


Cute huh?

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Guest loveprint

Excuse that giant question mark in that one. XD We couldn't get it translated. =/

But all of them are really cute so head over to Cyno to have a look. (:

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Guest maizakichi

^ thanks for the trans..i thought the brain pic was kinda familiar..

then i noticed that it's from one of the "posters" for each members in their fan cafe's..

just curious though..did they answer it themselves? or the fans made them?

i just love this gif..hehehe



and 'cause i love his smile :P

..can't help it..i want to see more of his smiles ;)


eunbyul's naver blog

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Guest luzCONTROL_7

Yooo! Hi! ^^

I was looking through the booklet I got with XING's first single...

And when I came to Poppin Dragon / Young Joon Hyung's pic I was like..."<3<33 *___*"

But I don't get it. He's not a member of XING is he? What is he? Why is he in the booklet? Was he only included in this single but not in the group? Is he atleast a part of XING ent.? Is he in another group?

Sorry I'm really slow. T_T But I couldn't really find a direct answer..


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Guest canityo

Man this thread needs LIFE. D:

New P-D picture that crazy4yong posted yesterday. I was going to keep it until the thread goes dead again, I guess it went dead pretty fast. :x


Credits: crazy4yong + Me

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I spent 5 minutes of my life yesterday typing a long richard simmons reply, just to have soompi go on "back-up running", so I couldnt be bothered writing it again afterwards. T_T

I love those pics in the Junior Mag. They just show them getting ready for the pshoot and during the shoot and all that fun stuff. XD Sorry Cammy forgot to scan them and I still haven't got a scanner. Not really Cammy's fault because they were at the end where nobody would notice unless you were looking for it. Which was me rofl. But yes.

Sorry people, =.= I should have raised every single page, but there was a time limit so I only looked a the big pictures. ==.

Thank you for sharing the wonderful pics maiza. There goes our answer of "how long has JinHyun been traning for?", from that picture, the answer is YEARS. T_T His cheeks looks so pinchable there by the way. Very cute indeed. Just that I hate watching little kid trains, they drink so much milk and have hard bones and they fight like crazy. T_T "I dont hit girls" they'll say and the minute you know they end up attacking like crazy. Ignore that last part.

Its almost been half a year, time sure flies fast. Before I know it, I'll be cramming.

Excuse that giant question mark in that one. XD We couldn't get it translated. =/

But all of them are really cute so head over to Cyno to have a look. (:

I'm sure that there's a good purpose for that question mark, its "waiting" for something to "replace" it. And that something is....XD.

Man this thread needs LIFE. D:

New P-D picture that crazy4yong posted yesterday. I was going to keep it until the thread goes dead again, I guess it went dead pretty fast. :x

I can name a billion reason why this thread goes dead really fast. T_T

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Guest maizakichi

hhehehe...we need something really big...and bright for this thread to comeback to life...

but as for now, all we could do is wait..wait..wait...wait..wait...oh my... :phew:

or else i'll fly to korea myself! and steal their second single cd..haha.. :sweatingbullets:

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Guest canityo

^ I'll go over there and replace their manager. xD

These were released today by XING ent. But most of us at CYNOSTAR and here have seen them already. But it's jsut to add life in the thread.

th_0705223.jpg th_0705222.jpg th_0705221.jpg


They need to release something before we all get busy and can't access their updates. D:

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Guest maizakichi

They need to release something before we all get busy and can't access their updates.

gawd..i hope so..ihope they update before classes starts for me -_-

well..at least they've relased some pics even if it's old...i wonder why it took them some time to upload those pics...


and the whiteday pics..

i noticed that the heart is more visible now..also hyesung's shoulders and the balloons..

compared to that othe pic from the magazine...hahaha


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Guest XhoXho
^ I can't believe it's half a year already either. I never even knew how patient I could be. Anyway, let's get this 'I waited for XING this long blah blah blah...' out of our heads.

You know how we always want to know what's in XING's head? Well CYNOSTAR has got it. ^^


Here's one. The rest of them (Excluding P-D and Jin hyun) are at CYNOSTAR. :D


Cute huh?

I went over to cynostar, but I couldn't find the rest of them....Actually I couldn't even find *that* one. T.T I must be horrid at navigating the site...

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