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Guest maizakichi

Anyone know if there will be a 2nd single from X-ing soon?

There is no new songs from them!!! >.<

well, at xing.tv they say that they'll release their 2nd single this summer..

click on thumbnails...

i also noticed that the "to kevinia" part was now gone..

since when did they changed it?



and now...


credits to xing.tv and naver

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Guest loveprint


lol yeah I noticed that when they changed it. Which was quite a while ago. If I remember correctly it was around 2 days after they put the banner up?

I guess they finally figured out that that Kevinia bit kind of made no sense on their website. XD

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Guest Haengb0kk

My friend keeps on teasing on

kevin looks like hes 12 years old.

Butt i think he looks his age! well 14/15 ish hahaha, seriously..or maybe im just weird.

I even asked around my buddy list to see how hold ppl thought he was they said 15-ish!

ANYWHO. I love that in the morning video aha, they must really like dogs!!

I like them soo..sucks im allergic to them >.<

Woww their hair looks more longer hehe

HAHA kevin with platnium blond hair..hmm trying to imagine

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Guest clemie186

^ awww you're not the only one with friends like that

One of my friend thinks that he looks like a girl :o :o

I was like in shockkk

but nonetheless I will adore Kevinnn

lol I cannot ever imagine Kevin with blonde hair or steaks whatsoever... please let it stay black! or a dark color~

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Guest canityo

T____________T!! My monitor melted? XD And now I can't go on my computer! AND I JUST FOUND UPDATES. I'm going to cry. ;~;


Credits: Baidu + CYNOSTAR.NET

Rest are at CYNOSTAR.NET

T_T Everything happens while I'm gone. I hope I didn't miss much. D:

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Guest maizakichi

^you monitor melted?!i didn't quite get that..hehe..nothing much happen so it's okey..

^i've seen that pics on his cy..but i didn't post it cause..err..he looks weird on those pics..nyahaha..

with all the make-ups..and the custume...

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Guest canityo

Those pictures are from like martial art shows? His make up looks like Chinese Opera make up. So, I take it that he was doing a play and singing opera. What an odd sight! But, him and his crew look...what do you call it...goth. That's right! XD

And how come it looks like he has scars on his arm? His awfully skinny!

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Guest maizakichi

^it also looks like some play to me..hehehe..

i wonder where his cafe took this pic..


credits on pic..

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Guest loveprint

Where did they get that picture from? =/ Well anyway it should surface soon. He looks really good. :D

It just kind of looks a bit weird from the neck up. XD Like somehow it doesn't match. Maybe it's the lighting.

^i've seen that pics on his cy..but i didn't post it cause..err..he looks weird on those pics..nyahaha..

with all the make-ups..and the custume...

It's not that bad. I remember watching this really crazy acrobatics show in China and the guys had all this makeup on. It was nice, though. Very hot. There was this segment where this lady came out and she was so pretty. She walked around in the aisles where the audience were and the acrobatic guys were all around here. And I got a close look and they were so pretty and haha yeah. I just went off topic.
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Guest canityo

Those markings on his arm is scaring me. T_T They look like scars or veins that are popping out. Both are scary either way. D:

That picture of Jin Hyun looks over-photoshopped? XD It just looks strange...~

XING ent. has a bunch of PD and Jin Hyun pictures that they probably can't be bothered releasing or are just keeping it a secret. Someone ought to give them a good punch.

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Guest jia_li

wow he have a hot body o_O

xing release this summer their new single? cool! I can't wait to it will release

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Guest maizakichi

maybe he got the scars from doing martial arts? specially those stunts where he uses real swords..he might have "sliced" himself in the process...nyahaha..or maybe not..

yeah..i bet they have tons of stored pics..cause it wouldn't be realistic that they would only click their camera for pd or jh once in a photoshoot..lol...

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Guest sweetharmony

bcuz of taekwon do i guess^-^

i have to say...my cousin adores kevin (he is so cute!!)

i really wonder what new songs they are going to sing!! :excited:

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I've...lost hope. Its been so quiet ever since that XiNG in the MORNING clip came out. Hmmm yes, skinny guys have scary veins, muscly guys have scarier veins. TaeKwonDo can be really cruel and the bruises are horrible!

XINGent...yes, they definitely have a lot. Just that they're being stingy right now. There's literally NOTHING new on the net. I feel slightly sad, my XiNG fan girl died, T_T. There are many pictures of JinHyun with his abs, is it his favourite/best feature or something?

He seems to emphasise that a bit.

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Guest canityo

^ I don't know, he seemed quite shy on Star King? Either that, or I forgot the meaning of shy. Anyway, I SAW A GUY WITH JINHYUN'S SMILE TODAY T_T Or I was hallucinating. Like how I went past a hapkido center and thought I saw Yunho and Jin Hyun practicing.

Heh, who do you think is supposedly the 'loud' one in XING?

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Guest loveprint

I'm slowly losing the Xing in me, too. I agree Cammy, they're really not being fair to us. Sometimes I just want to get over all of this but I think harder and they have so much potential and all of that and it feels wrong letting go. But they have given us hardly anything to go on. This is why so many talents go unheard of. There are so many good talents but due to the fact that they're not promoted in the right way or merely enough, people miss out.

But with that said I don't think I'll ever stop being their fan but.. you know? Just argh.

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Guest shaaaron

We definitely need more promotion from them.

Let's just hope for it to come soon, yeah?


Let's keep the hope up and....

like Yale said, to be patient, even if it's hard. <3

But I totally get where you girls are coming from. I'm feeling the same way.. :x

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Guest maizakichi

so this was supposed to be the one i'm sending for kibum..

but decided not to.. cause after drawing the other guys,

he's the only one who has "no legs"..lol..


so that's it..just bumping this thread..;p

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Guest canityo

Don't worry girls. It's all good. Just...I don't know, remain calm. ><;

Maiza! That is SO cute! T_T I should draw something, or not...my drawing is horrible it'll burn their eyes. O_O

Hmm...and here are some Kibum pictures...strange ones?





Credits: Baidu + me

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Well, the XiNG fangirl in me died, but she'll be revive once they do something. Its just sad that there's hardly any information on them. They should at least give us a little status of how XiNG's training is going on their main site instead of leaving it dead.

I'm still hanging onto XiNG even though I can't find reasons to spazz like how I spazzed before. T_T

Oh~ Maiza you draw too? Maybe I should go back to drawing and draw a happy happy group of XiNG chibies performing on stage! I'll even ink it and....T_T maybe I should plan this in my head.

Woah YunAh, those are weird pictures indeed. I wonder why he was crying. And who's the guy in pink!? XD old habbits again. ~

Thanks for sharing YunAh!

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