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Official Brian G. Joo Thread

Guest JinxFairy

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Guest ayadaokin

okay. first actual post!


i like this picture, haha it's dorky..

since i have time. though it's 1am but its SPRRINGGG BREEAAAK! =]

first of all. i admit..i found out about hwanhee before brian and fly to the sky and i admitt...that i had a crush on hwanhee BEFORE brian [haha]. point is! thanks for all the info first of all, of course.. i haven't heard ANY of The Brian, mainly because i'm broke, and the only way of getting it is ordering it online, isn't it..probbbably not gonna get it here. BUT. i will get it none of the less. i just might move it to the top of the list =P [because ihave like 20 ...803,892,489 things to buy..]

and i've only heard a couple of tracks from fly to the sky. can you believe it? but i have seen their show appearances and such, brian. is. hilarious. and i mean. hilarious. he makes ME snort from laughter.

anyway. i'm bummed that i'm not an ''ultimate'' fan like you guys, all notified and whatnot [and bummed about Hollywood Bowl .... <_< ] but i try! and i actually make some effort THANKS to the ultimate fans, aka you guys.

so...i'm NOT going to bed, but i AM signing out. thanks eeveryboddyy. i have pictures of my own but they're STILL on my computer that i cant get to right now.

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Guest supertammie

does anyone know if brian's performed any other songs from his albun other than kajima and a year in the winter?

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Guest .alyak_

^His album came out Dec. so its only been what, 3 months, definitely short promotion period...guess there'll be no more mv to look forward to from his solo album, bummer! Anybody know TheBrian's current album sale total?

Well 3 months is about the expected time period for an artist to promot their album. I guess 3 months already passed. Wow. Its so fast. :rolleyes:

just wanna ask izzit true that we arent allowed to download from clubbox anymore?? T__T

This question should really be going into the clubbox thread. But.....i guess no shows under SBS, MBC, and KBS are allowed to be downloaded. That's why some of the korean boxes are down due to this. I'm not sure if it affects overseaers. But i'm not an expert at this clubbox thing. Lisa can answer your question. PM her. <_<


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Guest yunsuklove_x;;


Hey everyone! ^^ Im sure everyones heard of the Hollywood Bowl already right?

Well, we were wondering if any HS people were going and if so ^_- check out the info below.

If youre going to attend the Hollwood Bowl, please go to the topic below and give us your e-mail address and chatting screen names (preferrable: MSN) so we all can chat on it. We would love to chat with everyone and see how we can meet up before the concert. ^_- We can even give each other advice and such so we all get a good deal out of it.


If youre one of those people who are going to attend the Hollywood Bowl and havent bought a ticket, please still leave your information in that thread.

Also, if you want full detials about the event go to the thread underneath this. Under the link I have what the post includes:


- Date, Times and Location of the Hollywood Bowl

- Seating Chats, Prices and Seat Views

- Park & Transportation Detials

- Reservation Issues

- Paying Issues

- How To Pick Up Tickets

:] We hope a lot of you attend and that we can meet up with each other<3.

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^ if you guys can go, that'd be so awesome!! :D besides the meet-up, any possibility of a FTTS project? :unsure: not sure if any of you guys will get to actually see brian or hwanhee or both... i'm participating in an eru project, so just thought i'd toss out the idea for a FTTS one. ^_^

turns out brian isn't doing a goodbye special on music core this weekend from the guest listed posted in that thread. but he should be on inkigayo and music bank tomorrow. :)

he was on super viking today, but i've been having a hard time looking for that show. :mellow: doesn't seem to be very popular among CB's.

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Guest loracnahc

just wondering, has anyone seen the Heroine 6 - 031107 episode? there's something i don't get, so what were they talking about hwanhee? and something like brian and yoon jong shin were singing, was he pretending to be hwanhee? it was pretty funny.

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Do NOT take this HQ cut out of my clubbox. Thanks! :D

Brian - MC cuts on Music Core (2007-03-17) [wackycashew].avi [55.6MB] (5 cuts joined) [include Kim Hyun Joong]

located under Fly to the Sky Videos subfolder --> Brian Music Core MC Cuts

Brian also sang with SS501 for their goodbye special towards the end. ^_^

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Guest .alyak_


click on thumbnails to view them.

beware. i made these gifs huge. i love seeing it big and clear...



couldn't get thumbnails... x_x. I love the close ups. His profile is so <3.


these two are mega huge. lol =)


i love the 3rd one. he's so cute.

Credits: Kayla / Heavenly Sent

decided not to post photobucket links. takes up way too much bandwidth

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Guest yunsuklove_x;;

^ if you guys can go, that'd be so awesome!! :D besides the meet-up, any possibility of a FTTS project? :unsure: not sure if any of you guys will get to actually see brian or hwanhee or both... i'm participating in an eru project, so just thought i'd toss out the idea for a FTTS one. ^_^

turns out brian isn't doing a goodbye special on music core this weekend from the guest listed posted in that thread. but he should be on inkigayo and music bank tomorrow. :)

he was on super viking today, but i've been having a hard time looking for that show. :mellow: doesn't seem to be very popular among CB's.

We arent going to hold a FTTS project due to various reasons such as;

- fear of lack of partcipation

- not a lot of time

- lack of MONEY

- how to get it to them

we could pull this off; but its too short of notice to do everything now

However, we will be selling something special for the FTTS fans to show support, so just wait and see what we shall present to you :].

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Guest -berry-

i am so jealous of you guys who are going to go to the hollywood bowl~~ i wanna see fly to the sky performs together again~ *sighs* ah well, hope you guys have lots of fun which i'm already sure that you guys will... ;)

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Guest ayadaokin

aw cute gifs kayla.

again, jealous of hollywood bowl-ers...

anyway. i just watched a part of an old image survival, where brian talks about a certain incident and his experience with it? it made me cry, and then i watched him talk about his hardships with hwanhee when they first started out, and it made me cry too. i've never seen this side of him, and it just makes you love him more because you know how deep he is. i hope he's truly happy, do you guys think so

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Guest misswa

^Was that the show where were all in their pjs? I saw Brian & HH and, I think, they talked about the radio-incident.

Brian will be MCing for hollywood bowl '07


Wow! that's big...that's a long way MCing MusicCore (I'm not belittling MusicCore but if you think about, HB could've gotten another artist/talent to MC and yet they chose Brian)...but of course this is not a surprise really since Brian's got skillz in MCing plust he speaks fluent English which is a big+, as I'm sure there'll be many non-Korean who will be watching (including me if only it's not finals wk *sigh*).

Anyhu, FTTS will be performing too right?

Thnx for the info...and you've confirmed this from Brian, right? (about him MCing the event) :)

Well 3 months is about the expected time period for an artist to promot their album. I guess 3 months already passed. Wow. Its so fast. :rolleyes:


Is that how short the shelf-life is for Korean promotion? Not sure about in the US, but it seems 3mos too short.

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Awwwwwwwww so lucky, I wanna go to HB~!!! T__T

OMFG the end of his album promotions, I totally forgot about them~ aww how sad T_T BUT THE 7TH JIB! YESSSS! ^^ I SOOO can’t wait until it’s out! It’s one of the albums I’m really anticipating for. ^^

Oh that image survival episode, where he talked about the radio incident? I cried when he talked about that. T_T It was just so sad… I can’t believe he actually said it.. :( poor Joo-boo.. <3

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Guest .:LaUrEn.:

AHHHH i'm so excited brian will be mc-ing hollywood bowl!!! more opportunities to take pictures of his beautiful face :wub:

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thanks for the info, meehee. :D that's awesome. :w00t: wonder who he'd be MC-ing with. there are usually 2, right? :unsure:

shelly, thanks for the update. that's totally understandable. :)

kayla, thanks for all the gifs. ^_^

available in my CB



[HQ] Happy Sunday Heroine 6 [Part 2] - Brian, Epik High, Yoon Jong Shin, etc. (2007-03-18) [699.8MB]

[HQ] Happy Sunday CD 1 - The Nice Guy Period (Hwang Bo) + Heroine 6 @ 44:16 070318 [700.6MB]

Do NOT take this HQ cut out of my clubbox. Thanks! :D

[HQ] Happy Sunday Heroine 6 [Part 1] - Brian, Epik High, Yoon Jong Shin, etc. (2007-03-18) [wackycashew].avi [202.3MB]

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Guest luvinkhero

hellooo ppl ^O^’’

im kinda lost with this hollywood thingo

anyone wanna explain it too mee ?!?!

ooo and cute gifs xDD

nd brian was on survival??

waahts the goodbye thing?? is brian going away??

ohh sorry foh asking the questions *turns around* im such a brianjoo noob ><”

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