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Official Brian G. Joo Thread

Guest JinxFairy

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i'm so swamped with work and haven't really caught up in here. >.< at least brian's giving out free kisses on facebook and i got one. :P *lol* just love this guy!! :wub: i still need to message him! eeep!

thanks for the interview. brian's such as sweetie!! ^^ kaleena, your melons to pumpkins comment cracked me up!! :rolleyes:

available in my CB



Thanks a bunch, Joyce! :D

Brian, Bae Seul Gi, Lee Hyun Ji - Park Kyung Lim's Wonderful Outing (2008-01-05) [699.1MB]

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Guest epiklove.

ladies, here are the instruction to get a reply!! it's very simple...just gotta message him...not on the wall...but actually pressing the "send brian a message" button!! he will most likely reply to the messages but please don't try to take too much of his time..he needs rest!! he's up at like 3 or 4AM korea time messaging fans. i'm sure he reads the posts on his wall once in a while but there are like 1000 new posts up on that wall every single day!! but i think he only checks his facebook like twice a week!

when i sent him the message to do the interview, the reply i got back seemed like he wasn't really happy...or that he's just really tired! he just send the answers back, nothing else. and then i replied back telling him to drop by ShenYuePop to read the our posts and his reply was "okie dokie"

he's a really sweet guy, he loves his fans and everything...but i think giving him some rest would be the best thing to do...hope u guys understand!!

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Guest tw2dorkkyy
i'm so swamped with work and haven't really caught up in here. >.< at least brian's giving out free kisses on facebook and i got one. :P *lol* just love this guy!! :wub: i still need to message him! eeep!

brian really knows how to make his fans heart's melt eh hahaha

he is so sweeeeeet :blush:

^ yeah i noticed brian has been up at the weirdest times.. i hope he gets enough rest

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Guest ..kaleena..

aww.... mission attempt #1 FAILED. rofl. i didn't get a reply yet. hahaha, [AJA AJA FIGHTING, YO~]

Yun - oh yea, i'm giving him a computer for his birthday alright! cuz i'm rich like that.. *cough cough* (i can't even afford to buy a new computer for myself! LOL) if i was rich... i'd be preparing to go to their hawaii concert with front row VIP TICKETS yo! hahaahhaha, *sigh*

Lisa, Deb - you guys got free kisses from him? LOL, *takes your kiss and rubs on my face* lol jk

so funny how we're all trying to connect with him on facebook. there's even instructions on how to get a reply from him!! lol, gotta love it!

we should publish "How to get a reply from Mr. Joo in 2 days" . KAKA, i'd totally buy it X_X

OHHHHHHHHHHHHH, he went on the Wonderful outing thingy?!?! FUNNNN!!! hahahahah, it's great to see him on some show again! gahhh

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ladies, here are the instruction to get a reply!! it's very simple...just gotta message him...not on the wall...but actually pressing the "send brian a message" button!! he will most likely reply to the messages but please don't try to take too much of his time..he needs rest!! he's up at like 3 or 4AM korea time messaging fans. i'm sure he reads the posts on his wall once in a while but there are like 1000 new posts up on that wall every single day!! but i think he only checks his facebook like twice a week!

when i sent him the message to do the interview, the reply i got back seemed like he wasn't really happy...or that he's just really tired! he just send the answers back, nothing else. and then i replied back telling him to drop by ShenYuePop to read the our posts and his reply was "okie dokie"

he's a really sweet guy, he loves his fans and everything...but i think giving him some rest would be the best thing to do...hope u guys understand!!

haha thanks for that.

seems like if he's always on around 3-4am....

gosh, i dont want to go on at that time =_= usually i'm on at that late though, but not on the computer.. eep!

alrighty. well. haven't sent a message to him yet, too lazy. but i shall work on it~

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Guest picklypickly

Ok, I have a question that I've always wanted to know the answer to and since some of you ladies are messaging with Brian, it'd be cool if maybe you could ask him for me. I've always wondered, does Brian dream in English or in Korean? haha, it'd be great if I could get an answer. one thing to check off on my to do list. :D

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Guest deb.xx.brian

epiklove.: dayumm, now we have instructions on how to get a reply from him! :P and yes I do agree with you... although getting a reply (or replies) from Brian is just too damn exciting, we must remember that he is a human being & it must be getting hard to reply to hundreds every day and read thousands every day... :D

tw2dorkkyy: hmm i agree, he is on at strange times... but as he said himself once (I think) he's not good at getting much sleep (if you get what i'm trying to say...?) but yeah i don't think that he's as busy as the no limitations days now as its over now :P

kaleena: aw sweetie! thats ok, don't feel down or anything :) i'm sure in time he will reply you soon. what i've gathered is that in the first couple of days brian actually activated his account, he replied to most of his messages... but now he has too many & he doesn't come on as often. plus, the boys are flying out sometime today... and yes i got a kiss from him *faints again*

picklypickly: LOL your post made me laugh! i think he does dream in english, or both... hwanhee said on tv once that he talks in his sleep in english... he was rapping once in english in his sleep XP

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Guest tw2dorkkyy

epiklove : hahaha so funny instructions on how to get a reply from brian .. but its very good and thanks for sharing LOL :D

picklypickly: LOL! thats a really funny question ..good one! now i wonder that too.. haha

deb.xx.brian: oh did he say that? hmm perhaps its due to the schedules they have so he is use to it? .. yeah i agree they are not as busy they deserve a break hehe

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Guest SillyYun

ok so epiklove is tifa cheung? LOL..

pickly..that is a SUPER DUPER WEIRD QUESTION to ask..! dreaming in english or korean..thats so weird..

i dont see kalenna's facebook

but i added dreamweaver shes ON THERE ALL THE TIME! i see alot of wacky stuffs on Brian's facebook LOL..

anyway i raced his mini cooper DAMN! i lost hahahaha and i won once i think..

imma challenge his mini cooper everyday!

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Guest blubberli1993

hey, i want to send a message to Brian, but I don't know what to wirte T.T

What did you write? It's more difficult than i thought ^^

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Guest jafa100


Can someone tell me how to search brian's facebook, there are several brian joo's facebook ^^.

You guys said he has 2 facebook? one that it's private and another one that is for his fans? the last one is where he accepts the friend invitations of his fans right?.

Can someone tell me his 2 official facebook?.

Thanks :D

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Guest loracnahc

Can someone tell me how to search brian's facebook, there are several brian joo's facebook ^^.

You guys said he has 2 facebook? one that it's private and another one that is for his fans? the last one is where he accepts the friend invitations of his fans right?.

Can someone tell me his 2 official facebook?.

Thanks :D

you can find his fan one if you search his email: brianmgjoo@gmail.com

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Guest ..kaleena..

Yun - you can find my FB link in my siggie, kekeke :D

-berry- - aww, that pic is so cute! hahaha, Ainaa? cool name! ^_^

blubberli1993 - hahaha, i know how you feel!! it's like, you have so much things to say, yet, when it comes down to writing, your mind goes blank XD just write about anything, like, how's your day, your voice is pure heaven, you are already buff, so no need to work out more, lol jk jk

HAPPY BIRTHDAY B-B-B-B--BRIAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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