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Kim Tae Hee * 김태희 * 金泰希 * キムテヒ


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CONGRATULATIONS, to the YONGPAL PRODUCER AND TEAM, for winning the 2015 Republic of Korea Drama Awards, Korean pop culture category! 


Joo Won Kim Tae Hee 'Yongpalyi', Republic of Korea Drama Awards Korean Wave Target
Joo Won, Kim Tae-hee starred in the SBS drama 'Republic of Korea Korean yongpalyi the 2015 Awards were selected on the popular drama in the target culture.
4 days HB Entertainment "'Yongpalyi' was selected as a winner in the 2015 Republic of Korea Drama Awards Korean pop culture subject memorial tribute held at National Assembly," he said.
This year SBS drama 'You come from the stars' in Korean Drama Awards HB Entertainment statements that represent key point mi won the category award was awarded the prize for two consecutive years, such as "Yongpalyi.
Organizers "'Meanwhile deunopin phase and the Republic of Korea Korean big ball of gukgyeok through superior broadcast content production, including yongpalyi" he told the hypothalamus reasons.
2015 Republic of Korea Korean targets ceremony encouraged to identify national and international subjects who have a significant role in domestic and international spread of the long Korean or contribute to limiting the development to the outstanding activity with respect to the Korean cultural industry during the year and held its achievements as widely alrija the spirit be.
The public's right to fifth this year, culture, heritage, tourism Wave, Hallyu industry, international exchanges, etc. to special order awarding a total of six areas.


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On 3 December 2015 at 12:48:33 AM, lavender2love said:

Hi @Nancyzak............. I was so frustrated yesterday when the post I wrote disappeared exactly at the time I submitted the reply only to get a Soompi " Error " sign and the site was closed for maintenance. Does this happen regularly?  Anyway I'll try to remember what I wrote about the program that talked about KTH's wealth.

Wow ...... Kim Tae Hee is not only gorgeous, brainy and possess talents and a good personality, she is also wealthy. Plus she comes from a warm, well to do and secure home. A classy lady owning a classy Bentley Continental .... so cool. Rain should treasure her just as she of him. Both will find the happiness of loving good partners.

Christmas is coming and I wish her best wishes. I would be thrilled with any of following development  ..... whichever comes first..... or come together....:wub:

* announcement of her wedding .... Come on Rain ... slip that diamond rock into her finger. In Yong Pal she got a Tiffany    Ring in that famous Blue Box from Tae Hyun and we were already melting. So imagine her true love presented her with one.

* announcement of a new drama .... an exciting one with a lovely eading man that we can swoon over in the land of make-believe. 

* more lovey dovey moments of dates with Rain...they hold hands, they enjoy their food, they pose for fans, they smile and go for holidays together..... to La Paris or other romantic places.

* Kim Tae Hee and Joo Won winning awards at the SBS presentation. They must win... they have entertained us so well with their fine acting and creating wonderful love scenes.I will never forget Han Yeo Jin and Dr Kim Tae Hyun.

Yes ....... it's a season of love and good will. Happy days to all here.






My dear @lavender2love,

You have plenty of wishes. I love them and I join you in all that you have wished for, plus some nice sweet words from Rain to KTH or about her or liking her posting in IG, and I shall say no more, as I am afraid for my 'talk too much luck!' :P:lol:

Soompi underwent some system upgrading recently. So, yes, I was caught in that situation like you where my post was deleted before I could submit and I had to rake my brain on what I had drafted! You will be happy to note that there is no more red line in this upgraded system. Some features are made easier now (like posting YouTube video from mobile URL) whereas some don't work as well as before (like posting image directly from Nate online news portal by pasting its image address directly in the editor). In conclusion, we'll just have to adjust and get use to the upgraded system. I am now waiting for the opportunity to edit the first post of this thread to update KTH's CelItrion CF. I tried several times yesterday but not successful. I suppose I have to wait a little longer for the upgraded system to ’stabilize' first. ;):D


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Getting to know Celltrion.

I have here some news articles that I have chosen for your reading. What I like about Celltrion based on what I have read so far is the fact that the company is helmed by people who once been in a big corporation who in turn are aware of the need for innovation and drive for success. No doubt, the company went through some rough patches in the past as it depended on its innovation and acceptance to promote its products, it seems that Celltrion is getting its footing right and in relation to this, signing on KTH to bring its company and products to a higher level awareness, to meet the company's mission and vision. Additionally, I also like the fact that Temasek Holdings, a Singapore sovereign wealth fund holds some shares in this company. In other words, Celltrion has the backing of a huge, well known and respected fund that is owned by the Singapore government.


S Korea’s techies strike out on their own



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Celltrion riding high on biosimilars



Celltrion, Hanmi Science: Drugs could be South Korea's next growth sector- Nikkei Asian Review



S. Korea’s Celltrion changes name to highlight cosmeceutical identity




This is to show Celltrion in Temasek's investments portfolio :







Celltrion Skin Cure, the first corporate campaign video released were with Kim Tae-hee
[Beauty Team] Skin Cure is a global biotechnology company Celltrion Celltrion from the newly launched (CELLTRION SKINCURE) This video is subject to a public official YouTube channel.
Celltrion Skin Cure has announced a new brand called ahead to the second half of next year, and the product is being launched exclusive model with Kim Tae Hee and we plan to deploy a large-scale advertising campaign containing the corporate philosophy and corporate vision. The video is the first time a public campaign 'promises' section.
Image actress Kim Tae-hee has appeared with the unaffected beauty wearing a space suit and found expresses well the image of the company with reliable technology and biomaterials.
The Celltrion Skin Cure is Celltrion based on developing a bio-material technology directly in the lab wrinkle, whitening, renewable, exclusive cosmetics to demonstrate the real effect and moisturizing development 'skin care (care)' beyond 'skin treatment (cure)' It is aiming to help new cosmetics.


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Rain appeared in KBS' Entertainment Relay, Guerilla Date, which was aired yesterday. As expected, there were questions related to his relationship with KTH. Here is an article where Rain mentioned KTH.


RAIN mentions about the recent rumor about his marriage with Kim Tae Hee

RAIN mentioned about the recent rumor about his marriage with Kim Tae Hee.

On December 5th, RAIN appeared on channel KBS 2TV's 'Entertainment Weekly' for an interview.

During the interview, RAIN said, "The recent rumor about my marriage with Kim Tae Hee is not true at all. We do not have any plan to get married yet. We will make an official announcement as soon as we make our decision."

Regarding how his relationship with Kim Tae Hee had been publicized on January 1st, RAIN said, "I wonder whose relationship will be publicized on January 1st, 2016. I can't be the only one."

Meanwhile, RAIN told that he wants to have a daughter who looks like Chu Sa Rang.









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On 04/12/2015, 1:56:31, Nancyzak said:
On 04/12/2015, 1:56:31, Nancyzak said:



My dear @lavender2love,

You have plenty of wishes. I love them and I join you in all that you have wished for, plus some nice sweet words from Rain to KTH or about her or liking her posting in IG, and I shall say no more, as I am afraid for my 'talk too much luck!' :P:lol:

Soompi underwent some system upgrading recently. So, yes, I was caught in that situation like you where my post was deleted before I could submit and I had to rake my brain on what I had drafted! You will be happy to note that there is no more red line in this upgraded system. Some features are made easier now (like posting YouTube video from mobile URL) whereas some don't work as well as before (like posting image directly from Nate online news portal by pasting its image address directly in the editor). In conclusion, we'll just have to adjust and get use to the upgraded system. I am now waiting for the opportunity to edit the first post of this thread to update KTH's CelItrion CF. I tried several times yesterday but not successful. I suppose I have to wait a little longer for the upgraded system to ’stabilize' first. ;):D



My dear @lavender2love,

You have plenty of wishes. I love them and I join you in all that you have wished for, plus some nice sweet words from Rain to KTH or about her or liking her posting in IG, and I shall say no more, as I am afraid for my 'talk too much luck!' :P:lol:

Soompi underwent some system upgrading recently. So, yes, I was caught in that situation like you where my post was deleted before I could submit and I had to rake my brain on what I had drafted! You will be happy to note that there is no more red line in this upgraded system. Some features are made easier now (like posting YouTube video from mobile URL) whereas some don't work as well as before (like posting image directly from Nate online news portal by pasting its image address directly in the editor). In conclusion, we'll just have to adjust and get use to the upgraded system. I am now waiting for the opportunity to edit the first post of this thread to update KTH's CelItrion CF. I tried several times yesterday but not successful. I suppose I have to wait a little longer for the upgraded system to 'settle' first. ;):D



Dear @Nancyzak.... another posting was lost when I replied to you..... :confounded: in fact Soompi was inaccessible All relies were "redirected and cannot complete the task..."

Thanks for taking the trouble to explain to me about the ubgrading...... took the heat off.

BTW how do you do quotes? I fiddled with the icons and messed up posts?

Next :heart::heart::heart: what Rain said in the interview you posted Wow ........ Christmas comes early.....

Soooooooo lovely .....expressing his feelings for Kim Tae Hee....that she is pretty. And the BIG smile that came with it. He did not DENY marriage plans with KTH, he only denied the RUMOURS of the wedding date. He said We don't have any plans yet. We are doing welll.. .:blush:   And babies? Ah....he's dreaming about that already and the baby is going to be the cutest ever and handsome or beautiful.

And Rain looks good, like a man in love....... his whole body language shows a man in love with his gorgeous wife-to-be. Yessss .... I noticed he coloured his hair like Yeo Jin in Yong Pal. Perhaps he loves the cool chaebol trendy look she sported. And he must have seen her on the red carpet, with much pride, walking up the steps with a zillion photographers capturing her beauty.

I'm happy watching the video interview. Rain comes across as affable, charming, engaging and has a sense of fun. You know, in the short clip that you posted , he never stopped smiling. And whenever Kim Tae ....... name is mention ( a trick question ) his heart seemed to skip a beat......... yep he's a man who has found the love of his life.

More news....... don't stop Rain ..... more of your adoring looks for KTH.

Thanks Nancyzak for posting. ......... waiting for more heating up.




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KTH updated her IG!!! Hahaha, yeah, a cause for celebration after a long silence! :D

Seems like she had gone scuba diving somewhere, seeing sea turtle and on a look out for a whale shark! Hopefully she did or if not this time, hopefully next time. She is having a lot of fun. Happy to note that and good for her! :wub:


Her IG message :

"바다거북이도 한마리 못본 이번 다이빙...ㅠ저도 만타를 보고싶어요...고래상어도 꼭 한번 보고싶어요~~!!!"


Google translation :

"Sea turtles also one motbon this dive ... ㅠ I want to see a whale shark, manta ... I want to see even just once ~~ !!!"


The link to her latest pic :







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Oh, I got it wrong about KTH seeing the sea turtle. She did not see it.    :P    Here is the report by Hancinema.  :)


Kim Tae-hee's flawless beauty, wedding rumors?






Kim Tae-hee posted a picture on her Instagram saying, "I haven't seen a single tortoise. I want to ride them and I want to see the whale shark too".

Kim Tae-hee is sitting on a boat in the emerald sea and is wearing her scuba outfit.

Kim Tae-hee is currently taking a break after "Yong Pal" and is reviewing new work. She also claimed that the wedding rumors weren't true.





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I'm not posting the picture here as it is the same as the ones posted above.


Kim Tae Hee shows off her flawless complexion while out scuba diving


Actress Kim Tae Hee has once again showed off her innocent beautiful image, where one could spot her flawless looking complexion and left one looking on in envy.

Kim Tae Hee posted on her Instagram today, “Couldn’t even spot a sea turtle during scuba diving this time…I really wanted to see a ray…or even a whale shark, I definitely have to see them when I got the chance,” while also sharing a photo.

In the photo, Kim Tae Hee is seen sitting on a boat as she posed in her professional diving suit. She is also seen wearing an adorable hat, and demonstrated her flawless beauty and complexion from close-up, and left many women feeling envious.

Kim Tae Hee is currently on a break after wrapping up her SBS TV drama ‘Yong Pal,’ while also reviewing offers for her next work. She also had to issue a statement to deny that she was getting married with singer Rain this December.

By: Alvin





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Vote in SBS's page. Link and instruction are provided in the article below.

Be aware that voting in Hancinema's poll does not count.

Aja, fighting KTH and everybody!!!


SBS Drama Awards 2015 Partial Nominees List







3 persons' own evaluation.


[Reporter Ko Seung-hee's Channel Review] 2015 Dramas evaluation: From unfortunate classics to poor quality ones




Dramas flooded this year from the 3 broadcasting stations: SBS, KBS, and MBC as well as JTBC and tvN.

The drama market gained life again as it withstood the years 2014 and 2015 which were called the years of 'unusual failures'. This is thanks to "My Love from the Star" 2 years ago. Dramas from E Channel and Drama Cube also stood out. One example would be "Riders: Get Tomorrow" which cost 300 million won to make. Drama H also presented the drama "You Will Love Me" starring Lee Tae-im. Dramas continued to spring up from everywhere and despite the poor viewing percentages, those involved in broadcasting say "Although there is the rise and fall in entertainment shows ranging from 5~7% in the weekdays, the contents that has the power to exceed this are dramas".

The qualities of the dramas in 2015 were of all sorts. Dramas have the power to draw the attention of viewers and make issues while there can be a case where some dramas become unfortunate failures. There are too many good dramas to count and they involve the 'unfortunate' ones. Ko Seung-hee takes a look at them and discusses them by category.

"Yong Pal" with the highest viewing percentage in 2015

Ko Seung-hee = shabby story, inconsistent characters and anti-climatic lines ★☆☆☆☆ (1 out of 5 stars)

Lee Hye-mi = the percentage and fun are inversely proportional ★☆☆☆☆ (1 out of 5 stars)

Jeong Jin-yeong = Kim Tae-hee's best performance so far, "Sleeping Beauty" is next ★★☆☆☆ (2 out of 5 stars)

This drama brought rain to a drought in the drama market. Actress Kim Tae-hee came back for the first time in 2 years and shined. It ended the drought in the standardized downward market. This is the first drama that recorded over 20% in a year and a half. The record number was 21.5% which makes it the highest rated miniseries this year and various personnel in the broadcasting biz saw the capabilities of this drama. "Yong Pal" appeared at a time when all hope was being lost. Several writers were relieved to know that there was still hope.

However, the drama lacked something. Joo Won's 'one man show' stood out and Kim Tae-hee's performance recovered her from all those criticism about her acting in the past but the drama ended in an anticlimax. The first half of the drama was focused only on Joo Won's one-man-show until the "Sleeping Beauty" woke up. Then the drama turned into a melodrama too fast. The drama was initially about revenge so it received plenty of criticism. The drama continued to wander around without a purpose and only left an impression of PPL. A cell phone application called, 'Farting' became popular thanks to the drama. It reminded drama makers that dramas should be based on 'scripts'. Still, "Yong Pal" was awarded the Best Drama Award at the Hallyu Culture Awards Show and Best Writer at the Jinju Drama Awards.


More, but unrelated to KTH : 




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KTH updated her IG, again!!! Yayyyyyyy!!!  :w00t::wub:

She is sure having a wonderful time at the beach. Oh, by the way, she's actually on magazine photoshoot in Maldives. Hope she posts more pictures since Maldives is a beautiful island with pristine sandy beach, as seen in KTH's picture!

I love mojito too! :D 


Her message :

화보촬영차갔던 모히또에서 몰디브한잔~~~^^
넘 짧아서 아쉬운 일정이었어요.....!!


Google translation : 

"Pictorial cup of Maldives ~~~ ^^ in chwalyoungcha went mohitto It was unfortunate constant over short ..... !!"


I'll post the picture later. Here's the link to her IG :



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KTH is considering some projects and one of them that is just reported is a movie with working title : Ckean and jerk way of the Lord. That is based on Google translation. Here's the Google translated SK news.


Kim Tae-hee, too early to confirm the movie "Clean and jerk way of the Lord" 




(BUSINESS 1 star) = yusugyeong reporter actor Kim Tae-Hee side: he said the early stage to determine the "clean and jerk way of the Lord" appeared.
Yesterday afternoon Kim Tae Hee agency official news 1 star movie: received the "clean and jerk way of the Lord "(working title), starring proposed right is under review works," he said, "but not a step to tune the specifics yet, the team has approval ratings packed did, "he said.
Following, he added, "are not appeared confirmed. The conditions are reviewing several works".
The 'Clean & Jerk: The Way of the Lord' catches of Seongjong and Han Myung-hoi, and yichanggyu director megaphone conspiracy surrounding them dealt with the work.





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Whoa, what a big difference between the Google translated working title that I posted above and the one by Soompi's writer in the article below. Thank you, Soompi!!!

The working title sounds like a period/sageuk drama. Anyway, we shall see how it pans out since KTH will likely make a decision early next year.

Fighting, KTH. Make another round of grand comeback! :wub::)


Kim Tae Hee in Talks for Big Screen Comeback

Kim Tae Hee in Talks for Big Screen Comeback


Kim Tae Hee is looking into making her acting comeback through a movie.

Her agency revealed on December 8 that the actress has received a casting offer for the film “Royal Throne: The Road of Monarchy” (literal translation and working title). Contrary to previous reports, she has yet to make the final decision regarding the casting.

“We have yet to confirm her next project. We are looking at many different projects right now and plan to make a decision early next year,” an agency rep commented to local news outlet Newsen.

But it looks like Kim Tae Hee will be seen on the big screen this time around. “It is much more likely that she will go for a movie, not a drama.”

Meanwhile, the actress wrapped up the popular SBS drama “Yong Pal” this fall, and has since been taking a break from acting.

Source (1)





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Kim Tae-hee considers sageuk film The Throne » Dramabeans Korean drama recaps

Chungmuro/Film News 


It hasn’t been long since she wrapped filming on her last drama series, but Kim Tae-hee is looking at a film project for her next role, with reports that she’s been offered the lead in a sageuk movie called The Throne: A Noble Man’s Path (a working title). According to a source with her management company, she found the script interesting and is positively considering the project.

Set in the Joseon era, the film centers around King Seongjong, his politician father-in-law, his son, and (naturally, for a sageuk) a conspiracy plot. Seongjong was Joseon’s ninth king, grandson to Sejo and father of Yeonsangun, and reigned in the 15th century until his death in 1494. The role out to Kim Tae-hee is of the woman he falls for at a glance, described merely as a beautiful and charismatic woman. Which, duh, I figured when you offered the role to Kim Tae-hee.

That’s all we’ve got to go on thus far, so any guessing about the movie will be purely that — guessing. Based on the period films that have been doing well in recent years, though, I’d expect something a little dark, a little suspenseful, and very stylish — something along the lines of Gwanghae, the Man Who Became King or King’s Wrath or Royal Tailor. Good thing for the film industry that Korea had so many kings, since we won’t be running out of assassination, backstabbing, and political coup storylines for a long while yet.

Overall, Kim Tae-hee has had better luck with dramas than with her film projects; the horse-racing movie Grand Prix back in 2010 was her last one, and she’s stuck to television since. Not a bad decision, especially with Yong-pal putting in an impressive ratings turn this year and earning her praise for improvements on the acting front. I didn’t love her last sageuk performance in 2013’s Jang Ok-jung, Live By Love, but I did like the harder edge and stronger backbone she found for Yong-pal, so maybe this movie will make good use of her recent progress.

Kim has yet to make a decision on The Throne: A Noble Man’s Path, which is still in early planning stages.

Via Osen





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In this AKP's article, there's mention of the character that KTH is currently considering. Interesting! If she takes it up, it could mean the type of character that KTH wants to express in her next project, as she had mentioned in her most recent interview with Sports Ilgan/Daily Sports.

I looked up the information of the King Seongjong and he apparently married a beautiful concubine, by the name of Lady Yun, after the death of his first queen. Lady Yun went on to gave birth to a son who was made the Crown Prince and eventually became a King himself. More information about Lady Yun, a.k.a. the Deposed Queen Lady Yun : https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deposed_Queen_Lady_Yun

Now, Lady Yun's end life reminds me of JOJ/Jang Hee Bin's, i.e. death by poison. :o:tears:

Oh no, not another sad ending for KTH in her next project, so was my speculation until I read AKP's article below. Is there a possibility of a character other than Lady Yun for KTH? I hope so as I dislike sad endings.  Can't wait for more information and decision by KTH! 

Can't wait to see her in her Maldives magazine spread too! Something bright, bold and sunny, to 'warm' the hearts and souls in the cold winter season in SK? ;):P:D


By the way, I had problem in logging in yesterday. This is an experience that I know others had too and some decided to create a new profile instead. If there's a delay in updating KTH's news in the future, you'll know that I am probably having log in issue or facing some problem like the act of God situation. ;):D


I'll post the picture for this article later.


Kim Tae Hee to come back in historical movie 'Royal Throne'


Actress Kim Tae Hee's next project is reported to be the upcoming historical film 'Royal Throne: Path to Monarchy'.

Though she hasn't made a final decision about the role, rumors say that Kim Tae Hee is looking to make her comeback on the big screen rather than in a drama. Kim Tae Hee is expected to play the part of Dong Hee, who takes the heart of the character Sung Jong in one moment. Dong Hee is described as a character who gets the attention of all men, but has enough charisma to keep them at bay.

Kim Tae Hee wrapped up the SBS drama 'Yong Pal' this past fall.





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13 hours ago, Nancyzak said:


KTH updated her IG, again!!! Yayyyyyyy!!!  :w00t::wub:

She is sure having a wonderful time at the beach. Oh, by the way, she's actually on magazine photoshoot in Maldives. Hope she posts more pictures since Maldives is a beautiful island with pristine sandy beach, as seen in KTH's picture!

I love mojito too! :D 


Her message :

화보촬영차갔던 모히또에서 몰디브한잔~~~^^
넘 짧아서 아쉬운 일정이었어요.....!!


Google translation : 

"Pictorial cup of Maldives ~~~ ^^ in chwalyoungcha went mohitto It was unfortunate constant over short ..... !!"


I'll post the picture later. Here's the link to her IG :




Here is the picture :





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It has become such a big buzz that KTH has now given her statement.


Kim Tae Hee addresses rumors about taking on role in historical film


Kim Tae Hee has addressed the rumors that she may be taking on a new role in a film, denying the reports that state she was cast in the historical movie 'Royal Throne: Path to Monarchy.' 

Her reps told Sport Chosun earlier today, "It's a drama which doesn't even have an official [production] team so her casting hasn't been confirmed. Currently, she is reviewing around five dramas and movies with a positive mindset and 'Royal Throne: Path to Monarchy' happens to be one of the projects. This movie in particular hasn't even selected a distributor," explaining that there can be changes in the casting lineup. 

'Royal Throne: Path to Monarchy' weaves the tale of Seongjong, the ninth ruler of Joseon, and politician Han Myeon Hee, and their various intrigues at court. Kim Tae Hee has been offered the role of the heroine Dong Hee. 









To be truthful, I was afraid to read the Knets' comments in NB about KTH considering the role in the Royal Throne : Path to Monarchy, knowing the past receptions and NB's way of selection of them, but wowwwww!!! ......my eyes went starry with all the positive comments. All KTH fans already know full well of how consistently hard working an actress she is, always seeking to improve, and when she comes back with a project, we can bet a good/watchable project! :wub:


Kim Tae Hee in talks for another historical movie


Article: [Exclusive] Kim Tae Hee in talks for next work... historical movie 'Yongsang'

Source: OSEN via Naver

1. [+3,909, -115] I like that she doesn't try to be all exclusive and mysterious and continues to work

2. [+4,168, -272] Yeah, she's different from the others like Go So Young, Won Bin, and Lee Na Young... they just stick to comfortable works like CFs but Kim Tae Hee continues to work no matter how much hate she gets.

3. [+2,792, -113] People either hate or love her acting so there's nothing she can do about it but if there's one thing about her in historical works, it's that she looks amazing in hanboks ㅎ

4. [+2,651, -117] I much prefer her continuing to work like this than just taking long hiatuses ㅎㅎㅎ

5. [+365, -24] Better than the other stars who shoot one drama and then live as a CF model for years on end


Source: Nate

1. [+1,38, -93] I find her amazing for continuing to work hard despite all the acting controversies unlike CF models Lee Na Young and Won Bin

2. [+1,046, -70] Compared to other top stars, she actually works consistently

3. [+740, -55] Looks so pretty in that picture

4. [+42, -13] I used to really put Kim Tae Hee down but I've come to recognize her greed and passion for acting. She's always taking on new works and her efforts are starting to show. I give her my acknowledgment!

5. [+39, -6] Celebrities like her who actually try should be commended considering the other stars who show their faces once every few years for a CF. Tae Hee's the real actress here compared to them. Stay away from your fans like that and they'll leave you too.

6. [+35, -7] Can't help but like Kim Tae Hee more for her efforts than all the other actors no matter how better they are at acting because she actually tries to communicate with the public through her works.






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2 hours ago, Nancyzak said:



It has become such a big buzz that KTH has now given her statement.


Kim Tae Hee addresses rumors about taking on role in historical film


Kim Tae Hee has addressed the rumors that she may be taking on a new role in a film, denying the reports that state she was cast in the historical movie 'Royal Throne: Path to Monarchy.' 

Her reps told Sport Chosun earlier today, "It's a drama which doesn't even have an official [production] team so her casting hasn't been confirmed. Currently, she is reviewing around five dramas and movies with a positive mindset and 'Royal Throne: Path to Monarchy' happens to be one of the projects. This movie in particular hasn't even selected a distributor," explaining that there can be changes in the casting lineup. 

'Royal Throne: Path to Monarchy' weaves the tale of Seongjong, the ninth ruler of Joseon, and politician Han Myeon Hee, and their various intrigues at court. Kim Tae Hee has been offered the role of the heroine Dong Hee. 









To be truthful, I was afraid to read the Knets' comments in NB about KTH considering the role in the Royal Throne : Path to Monarchy, knowing the past receptions and NB's way of selection of them, but wowwwww!!! ......my eyes went starry with all the positive comments. All KTH fans already know full well of how consistently hard working an actress she is, always seeking to improve, and when she comes back with a project, we can bet a good/watchable project! :wub:


Kim Tae Hee in talks for another historical movie

Article: [Exclusive] Kim Tae Hee in talks for next work... historical movie 'Yongsang'

Source: OSEN via Naver

1. [+3,909, -115] I like that she doesn't try to be all exclusive and mysterious and continues to work

2. [+4,168, -272] Yeah, she's different from the others like Go So Young, Won Bin, and Lee Na Young... they just stick to comfortable works like CFs but Kim Tae Hee continues to work no matter how much hate she gets.

3. [+2,792, -113] People either hate or love her acting so there's nothing she can do about it but if there's one thing about her in historical works, it's that she looks amazing in hanboks ㅎ

4. [+2,651, -117] I much prefer her continuing to work like this than just taking long hiatuses ㅎㅎㅎ

5. [+365, -24] Better than the other stars who shoot one drama and then live as a CF model for years on end


Source: Nate

1. [+1,38, -93] I find her amazing for continuing to work hard despite all the acting controversies unlike CF models Lee Na Young and Won Bin

2. [+1,046, -70] Compared to other top stars, she actually works consistently

3. [+740, -55] Looks so pretty in that picture

4. [+42, -13] I used to really put Kim Tae Hee down but I've come to recognize her greed and passion for acting. She's always taking on new works and her efforts are starting to show. I give her my acknowledgment!

5. [+39, -6] Celebrities like her who actually try should be commended considering the other stars who show their faces once every few years for a CF. Tae Hee's the real actress here compared to them. Stay away from your fans like that and they'll leave you too.

6. [+35, -7] Can't help but like Kim Tae Hee more for her efforts than all the other actors no matter how better they are at acting because she actually tries to communicate with the public through her works.







Hi Nancyzak, thanks for sharing more news about this. It's NICE that after her drama she might be considering taking this historical movie for her next project. It's a balanced decision in case since she's looking into a movie this time.  But, I guess she has yet to make the final decision regarding this, right? But it looks like KTH will be seen on the big screen this time around, huh? What's your take? Do you like her to take this? Me, it would be good if she will go for a movie & not a drama since she just wrapped-up her last drama recently. :P

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