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Guest mandalaywith


Lee Dong Wook in korea MTV Sunny Side Show pics

Lee Dong Wook guest sign



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Lee Dong Wook in MTV Sunny Side Show May be update.

Please wait~~!

Have a good time~!

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Guest incarnadine

Omo mandalaywith, nice big pic of Wookie! And woOow, you even got his autograph?? You're one luuuucky Pervie, hehe ^_^ The second pic looks too cute, too! thanks for sharing^^

roddy, Jo -- don't mention it ^_^ ohh, so it's the VIP screening today, eh? Can't wait to see more pics, I'm sure his buddies were there again to support him :)

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Guest love_jesus

I can't wait for the release of this movie, I'm sure this is a blockbuster movie. This is great because if that happens most of the credit goes to our Wookie unlike in Arang were he's only second lead. More blockbuster means more project, and it will means more TV appearnaces, more picture and more stuff for us. Really great!!!

lol yeay. more goodies~ ^^ thanks, as always, all the fans for the great pics and news. so was the VIP screening yesterday? today? well i hope it went well<3 and it's awesome to see it as number one movie search at daum ^__________^ now just to wait till it reaches the states -_____-;; which will take forever, but i can wait :]

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Guest maisara

20070117172411.jpg--> V sign again ^_^

Hello Pervies! B)

malou - thanks a lot for all Wookie wookielicious pics! :w00t: he's getting hotter each day!

jo, roddy - thanks a lot for all the news and updates! :D

so, Strongest Romance VIP screening is today! all the best luck to uri Wookie and also to all SR team members!

hopefully this movie will be a successful one and will be a good start for him for this year! :D


kellee, lyn, lavender sshi, fluer, amy, karla - hi to all of you guys!

to all newbies - welcome to Wookie's Thread!

Stay Wookie-fied everyone!

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Guest lavender*sshi

Hello everyone! I forgot if its been a long time coz I feel like I miss this thread so much! Hahaha. Ive been busy with exams but tomorrow will be the last day ;) Haha! Feel so nice coz i've got lotsa goodies from all of you chinggudeul. Thanks a bunch for all of those! Geesh wookie-inspired before taking the exam :D

akil - thanks so much for the picsss! Its all so nice ;)

sarah - ohmo! u just translate a very nice letter of Wookie to HY noona. Haha! He's so sweet and caring. Looks like they've established a one true sister-bro relationship huh. Good ^_^ Wookie is so thoughtful too :wub:


*sorry, i plead temporary insanity....hehe*

Geeesh! He's so handsome in here roddy! Thanks for this. Hahaha! *inspired inspired* :wub: And u've posted lotsa pics dear, thanks so much! Mwah mwah!! Im droooling! Hahaha. Geesh I hope I can still answer my exams later. Haha!

http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p306/d9571/HYLDW.jpg -->i like how he looks at her here :)

credit Baidu LDW's thread/ d9571 of DongHae Lovers for reposting

Aww yeah ur right malou unnie.. Its like a brotherly care for her noona. He's really so sweeet! :wub: And seems that Wookie's enjoying HY's presence so much. He's very comfortble with her already. ^_^

They sang together live at the event! Woah, calling pervie-fairies for CLIPS!


They sang together?!!? When did that happen? Awww. I wanna see the clip too. Hahaha! And wanna know what song did they sang. ^_^ He looks so good also with the leopard shirt under his coat. Awww! Hahaha! :wub:

kler - love the pics too! Thanks for sharing!

jo - he did injured himself during the SR filming? Hope its not that serious.. :)

There are a lot of news again.. Hope sarah can help us with this again.. Thanks!

Wow, I miss this thread really.. Thanks again for all chinggudeul!

Hello pervies~ vanessa, trish, deeta, roddy, malou unnie, jo unnie, sarah, maisara, sickako, mandalaywith, shazee and all~

And welcome to the new comers! Enjoy~

Wish me luck for my exams! Fighting~

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Guest babymarzy07

hi to all, havent been active much.. waves to all the pervies~~

wow loving all the wookielicious pic!!! :wub: thanks to kler, malou, jo, mandalaywith, roddy for the yummy pics and clips :)

lavender_sshi* goodluck to ur exam!! hwaiting!! :) hoping for ur help sarah to translate the news articles.

malou chinggu - help pls .. trying to find the korean class again lost the number/name u gave me before, would u know of a school that has classes on saturday? or at late afternoon? thanks!! :D

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Guest siCKako

thanks for sharing those pics madalaywith...so envious that you got his autograph...

wish all of his friends will be there to support him...including Mukgu...but I heard she has a fashion show on the same date...

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Hullo Pervies!

Here's something to perk u guyz up: It was mentioned as taken at a high school musical that he attended recently. Don't u think he looks like the sweetest kindest high school senior himself :blush:

Sitting crosslegged on the floor looking not much older than a high school kid himself, hehe:


*gasp* Having a chocolate-strawberry whipped cream sundae with the teachers?? LUCKY! (ps: i don't know if they're the teachers)


She's so thrilled her eyes completely disappeared! Really, he should come with a warning label....


Duzzn't he look a LOT like that happy cat?!


Pics credit from popcornfor2 forum & asianfanatics.net with thanks.

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I read this in donghae forum.. credit to d9571.. so m copy and paste for u all..

"I just read this post about SR premiere happened on the 16th. It was not the official premiere, it is only for the reporters.

HY and LDW sang the OST, but because they did not practise before hand, so they were off keys and ended up cracking up themselves in the end.

During the question period, HY said she was proud of SR as this was her first lead actress role in a film. She was happy to work with a younger actor LDW. HY also admitted that she was actually the one who asked the director to put in the kiss scene (NOT LDW). The director had left it up to them to decide if a kiss scene was to be added or not. LDW, forever the perfectionist, wanted to make the kiss scene perfect, so it ended up NG numerous times before they got it right.

LDW was asked if he felt repeatious playing the detective again in SR. He did not feel that way at all since SR is a comedy, so the character is totally different even though he played a detective the 2nd time. "

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roddy, thanx for the pics! He sure looks like a high school musical student having fun! Love his smiles.. =)

and Kler, thanx for the news. So it was HY who had actually asked for a kissing scene!! :rolleyes: I might do the same cos with Wookie around, you'd not want to miss such a chance huh? :wub:

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Another New Wookie Interview Clip - 10 mins

MC 썬의 YO!주의인물 - 최강 매력남 '이동욱'


LINK TO CLIP: http://tvnews.media.daum.net/part/entertv/.../v15432431.html (click on the small TV under Wookie's picture to see the clip)


오늘은 누굴 만나지? 이번 주 요주의 어떤 스타를 만날지 점괘로 알아보겠습니다. 선생님 저기 계시네요. 안녕하세요? 이번 주 요주의 스타로 누구를 만나면 좋을까요?


2007년을 빛낼 스타가 오고 계십니다. 잠깐만 기다리세요. 지금 오셨네요.

사랑하고 싶은 남자, 사랑받고 싶은 남자! 이동욱! 빠질 수 밖에 없는 그의 매력은, 한국을 넘어 아시아로, 세계로 쭉쭉 뻗어가고 있는데요. 대한민국 최강 매력남, 이동욱 씨를 만나보시죠.


오늘 이동욱 씨를 모시고 저희가 한해를 미리 점쳐보기 위해 왔습니다. 사주 같은 거 많이 보시나요?


영화 홍보팀이 제작보고회 때 주긴 했는데 제가 직접 보는 건 처음이에요.


오늘 사주 봐줄 선생님 모시고 한번 봐 볼게요. 선생님 안녕하세요?


반갑습니다. 실물로 보니 훨씬 잘 생겼네요.


동욱 씨 사주를 선생님께 부탁드릴게요.


일단 동욱 씨는 우두머리 사주를 타고 났다. 그래서 사람들을 많이 이끌고 가는 직위에 있어야 좋다고 여겨지는 겁니다. 배역을 맡을 때 장난기 섞인 배역을 맡으면 인기를 많이 끌 수 있고...


동욱 씨가 지금껏 맡은 역할은 웃음을 많이 웃고 하는 역할은 많이 없었잖아요?


별로 없었죠. 그래서 인기가 없군요.


앞으로 캐스팅 작품 선택에 있어 이런 점을 감안하는 게 좋을 것 같아요.


감독님과도 여기서 한번 웃으면 안되냐는 제안을 좀 해야 할 것 같아요.


이동욱 씨 성격 자체가 정직한 스타일이에요. 거짓말을 못하시죠.


거짓말 하면 티나요. 예전에 송윤아 선배님과 영화 할 때도... 너는 인터뷰 할 때 너무 솔직하게 이야기한다고...


색상이 굉장히 중요합니다. 앙드레김같은 경우는 계속 흰색으로만 입고 다니시죠. 동욱 씨 경우는 초록과 파란색, 빨간색 계통의 옷을 입어주셔야 됩니다.


초록과 파란색, 빨간색 옷을 즐겨 입으시나요?


흰색이나 검은색을 많이 입었거든요.


혹시 속옷은 빨간색 같은 걸 많이 입으시는지...


빨간색 속옷도 있긴 있어요.


그걸 애용하셔야겠네요.


코미디라면 좋은 결과를 유추할 수 있겠습니다. 동욱 씨는 확 튀기 보다는 뒤에서 차분하고 꾸준하게 버텨가는 연기를 하셔야지...


지금까지 꾸준히 뒤에만 있었는데...


홀로인데 외롭지 않은지...?


요즘 들어 많이 외롭더라고요. 연말이나 연초는 항상 혼자 지내서, 크리스마스에는 편집실에서 감독님과 있었거든요. 둘이 앉아서 감독님이 저한테 너랑 나는 전화도 안 오는구나. 그때 감독님께 전화 왔어요. 모르는 번호라고 받으셨는데 차 빼 달라고...


연애운은 평범하거든요.


그렇죠, 일만 열심히 하지, 연애는 무슨...


그리고 동욱 씨는 여자를 늦게 만날 운입니다. 그래도 2011년 정도에 오지 않나...




그래도 동욱 씨를 만나는 여성은 굉장히 행복할 겁니다.


그 이야기 좀 다시 크게 말씀해주세요. 목소리가 작았거든요.


동욱 씨 만날 분은 굉장히 행복할 겁니다. 그러니까 동욱 씨에게 많은 프로포즈 부탁드립니다.


전국에 계신 많은 여성분들, 잘 들으셨죠? 행복하게 해 드릴게요.


오늘 이렇게 동욱 씨 처음으로 사주도 보고...


의외로 몰랐던 거도 많이 알게 됐고 빨간색, 파란색 속옷을...


화려한 속옷, 방송 보시고 팬들이 원색 속옷을 많이 보내주지 않을까 하는 생각도 들어요.


그럴 수도 있겠네요.


영화 <최강 로맨스> 개봉을 앞두고 있는 심정은...?


하루하루 카운트다운 적어질 수록 점점 긴장되고 기대하는 만큼 잘 나와야 된다는 걱정도 되고...


<아랑>, <최강 로맨스> 중 어떤 역할이 더 어울리는 것 같으세요?


사실 이번 역할이 연기하기 편했죠. <아랑>에서는 이중적이고 복잡한 성격을 가진 인물이라... 중간 경계를 어느 정도 둬야되나로 고민했고, 이번에는 싸가지 없고 무뚝뚝하고 일밖에 모르고, 이런 캐릭터라 편하게 했습니다.


이동욱의 실제 성격은...?


실제로도 무뚝뚝하고 까칠하단 이야기를 듣거든요.


그래요? 까칠하단 이야기를 들으세요?


또 요거 너무 솔직했네. 아까 너무 솔직하면 안된다고 했는데...


영화 <최강 로맨스>에서 맡은 역할은...?


제가 모서리 공포증 환자로 나오거든요.


모서리 공포증, 뾰족한 거 보면...


칼이나 가위처럼 날카로운 걸 보면 힘들어하고, 그 증세가 대외적으로 많이 알려진 증세도 아니고 주변에서 겪어본 적이 없어서 수위조절을 힘들게 했죠.


동욱 씨 인생의 최강 로맨스는...?


여자친구와 크리스마스에 바닷가 갔거든요. 그때 화이트 크리스마스였어요. 눈 맞으며 바다 걸었던, 주위에는 아무도 없었어요. 캔커피 하나씩 들고 그 순간이 지금까지 로맨스 중 정말 로맨스 답지 않았나...


그때 동욱 씨 나이가...




어린 나이에... 여자친구와 크리스마스에 서해안에서 바닷가 걸은것은 좋은데 그 다음에는 어떻게 하셨어요?


커피 마시고 집에 왔죠.


정말요? 해외 진출 계획이 있다던데...?


<아랑>이 7개국 수출돼서요. 아시아, 독일, 미국에도 수출돼서... 사실 이건 아직 비밀인데 <최강 로맨스>도 해외에서 오퍼가 들어오는 곳이 있다고 하더라고요. 이번 영화도 흥행 잘 되면 해외팬들 또 찾아뵙지 않을까...


해외 팬들을 만난 에피소드...


한글로 플랫카드 써 오시는데 맞춤법이 틀려서, 사랑해의 해가 헤로, 이동욱을 이동윅으로...


꼭 한번 연기하고 싶은 배역이 있나요?


<데블스 에드버킷>에서 알파치노 같은... 길다면 긴 시간동안 제 이야기 들어줘서 감사합니다. <최강 로맨스> 개봉하니까 많이 봐 주시고요. 항상 건강하시고 행복하세요, 감사합니다.



[저작권자© YTNSTAR & Digital YTN. 무단 전재-재배포 금지]

credits: YTN/ baidu


Another smiling and laughing Wookie inside.. i loved how he came in with the bouquet of flowers! he's soo sweet...:wub:

I think the host asked him about his experience working with Lee Da Hae, Song Yun Ah and Hyun Young.. and he was especially shy when talking about LDH.. but i duno what did they actually say :rolleyes:

i hope some kind soul would translate the interview..^^

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Press Con Premier Clip


the clip came with an article

Hyun Young and Lee Dong Wook at Strongest Romance (Choi Kang Romantic Couple) Premier


Lee Dong Wook and Hyun Young, the leading stars of their new movie Strongest Romance attended the Press Con premier held in MEGABOX theatre on the 16th along with the Director, Kim Jung Woo.

This is the first comedic role/movie for S-Shape Sexy Star Hyun Young. She has never played a comedic role in all her years of acting and has expressed that she was quite pressured when filming the movie. She had put a lot of effort into filming this movie and she's confident that this movie will do well in the theatres.

Hyun Young talked about playing a journalist/reporter in the movie. Although she has encountered meetings with several reporters in the past, she still didn't get the gist of what a reporter should do. So she incorporated the prima facie experience she has had with reporters in the past into her role. Moreover, after doing the movie, she realised that being a reporter is not an easy job.

Hyun Young also told the media that the audience might be surprised with her over the top and exaggerated portrayal inside the movie. A serious and comedic script is totally different and she wants to bring laughter and happiness thru her OTT acting in this comedy. She hopes the audience wouldn't be too shocked.

At the press con premier, LDW and HY were asked to take a lot of intimate pictures. Both of them were very natural around each other and there were no signs of ackwardness. The media labelled them as The Most Romantic Couple.

credits: to me for translations ^^

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Guest incarnadine

Sitting crosslegged on the floor looking not much older than a high school kid himself, hehe:


Pics credit from popcornfor2 forum & asianfanatics.net with thanks.

^I love this pic! And his getup ~ quite boyish with that gray shirt underneath and sneakers, but an hint of manliness with the black shirt and coat. Perfect mixture of boyishness and manliness, hehe. Thanks roddy for these pics! I didn't know he attended a HS musical recently. I think that's sweet and cool of him, and I'm sure the students were pretty thrilled to see him there. Looks like he's into musicals, huh? :)

thanks Jo for the articles and translations! Lol so HY unnie is the culprit, huh? I wanna see those kiss NGs (for comparison, lol).

thanks also yo chinah for the pics! thanks everyone for sharing :)

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Guest incarnadine

‘최강로맨스’, 개인기에 기댄 일회성 코미디…뻔한 설정 아쉽다


영화의 재미를 위해 현실은 어디까지 변형이 가능한 걸까. 영화 ‘최강로맨스’(김정우 감독, 더드림앤픽쳐스·화인웍스 제작)에 대한 관객들의 반응은 이 질문에 대한 하나의 해답이 될 듯하다.

‘최강로맨스’는 각기 다른 개성을 가진 두 남녀가 티격태격하면서 결국 정이 드는 내용의 로맨틱 코미디. 이들 주인공이 극적으로 만나, 극적인 사건에 휘말릴 수 있도록 각자 직업을 기자와 형사로 설정했다. 이에 따라 마약, 스타 스캔들, 액션 코드 등이 주인공의 직업군을 살리는 요소로 나오지만 사실 이 모든 痼?결국 남녀의 연애상황에 맞도록 설계된 것이다.

어느 영화나 작가가 말하고자 하는 대로 캐릭터, 사건 등이 짜여지게 마련이지만 ‘최강로맨스’처럼 그 의도가 다분히 들여다보이는 것은 곤란하다. 우연히 길에서 부딪혀 어묵꼬치를 찔러버렸던 남자를, 이후 성희롱 사건, 최강보고서 프로젝트 등으로 자꾸 만나는 것은 둘 중 하나가 상대를 일부러 만나려고 노력했다고 봐야 할 정도다. 아무리 ‘빽’을 썼다해도 사회부에 방금 발령난 기자가 자신의 이름을 내건 프로젝트까지 맡는다는 것도 쉽게 납득이 가진 않는다.

성장이나 변화의 기미가 보이지 않는 캐릭터도 아쉽다. 두 주인공은 사고만 치는 ‘무개념’ 기자와 칼을 보기만 해도 눈을 질끈 감는 형사(모서리 공포증 환자)다.

둘 다 자신에게 맞지 않은 직업을 갖고 있지만, 이에 대한 고민이나 극복 과정은 두드러지지 않는다. 신파로 흐르지 않고 깔끔하게 마무리한 것은 좋았지만, 기자에 대한 묘사는 희화화의 최대치를 기록할 뿐 극중 현영은 기사 한 줄 쓰지 않는다.

단순히 ‘웃기냐’의 문제로만 본다면 이 영화는 물론 합격점이다. 자신의 목소리와 기존 이미지를 120% 발휘한 현영은 주연배우로서 손색이 없고, 힘을 쫙 뺀 이동욱은 연기 스펙트럼을 넓히며 차기 로맨틱 코미디 스타의 강력한 후보로 떠올랐다. 오기자 역의 전수경이 펼치는 코믹 연기도 발군이다.

그러나 영화 상영시간 내내 즐겁게 웃었으면서도 극장 밖에 나오는 순간 뭔가 아쉽다는 생각을 피할 순 없었다. 아마도 이 영화가 흥미로운 설정·캐릭터 등을 갖고서도 개인기에 기댄 일회성 코미디에만 방점을 찍음으로서 약간의 ‘울림’이나 ‘드라마’를 놓쳐버렸기 때문일 것이다. 25일 개봉예정.

이혜린 기자


ⓒ 세계일보&세계닷컴(www.segye.com), 무단전재 및 재배포 금지

<세계닷컴은 한국온라인신문협회(www.kona.or.kr)의 디지털뉴스이용규칙에 따른 저작권을 행사합니다.>

credit daum

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I have seen the latest interview and although I don't understand anything at all, I enjoyed watching it just by watching his face(we are a gonners' here remember?) I like the dress, very casual in the true sense of the wolrd but with Wookie wearing it, it looks very elegant.

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Another New Wookie Interview Clip - 10 mins

MC 썬의 YO!주의인물 - 최강 매력남 '이동욱'

LINK TO CLIP: http://tvnews.media.daum.net/part/entertv/.../v15432431.html (click on the small TV under Wookie's picture to see the clip)



Another smiling and laughing Wookie inside.. i loved how he came in with the bouquet of flowers! he's soo sweet...:wub:

I think the host asked him about his experience working with Lee Da Hae, Song Yun Ah and Hyun Young.. and he was especially shy when talking about LDH.. but i duno what did they actually say :rolleyes:

i hope some kind soul would translate the interview..^^

Jo: thanks for all the recent clips & translation! I really like this interview, he looked "flawless" in closeup & love the sound of his voice. Is there a downloadable link?

They got a fortune-teller (?) to read his signs for the new year, and the guy said some interesting things about his personality and his lovelife: something about 2007 going to be good year for him, his honest personality, something about meeting / marrying the love of his life in 2011 (he'll be 31!) - he was laughing at why it takes so long but the guy told him that it would be very happy / lasting, sthing like that. He was asked to describe his most romantic / "strongest romance" moment, and he mentioned a moment or date by the sea during one white Xmas when he was 23 (lucky-lucky-lucky gurl! Muz be that gurl who dumped him without saying why. All I can say to her is: don't look back, keep going sistah! And some jokes cracked about....what underwear will bring him luck?! Hehe, he didn't look like he took any of that seriously coz he was juz laffing (as usual :D ) thruout the interview.

Sorry guys, that's about what i cud figure out. Anyone who knows how to download that link, pls tell us!

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