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Lee Dong Wook 이동욱 Global Fans at Soompi


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@sassygirl94 thanks for sharing video. Will watch them right after Mandate of Heaven. I don't understand why people think Wookie is too strickt or serious. It's normal for person to be different in different situations.
@MaysoonD so you didn't like sometimes his voice in HK? It's good, when fungirling doesn't make you totally addicted when you think that everything is only perfect. As for me, to be honest, I don't like some of his facial expressions in Mandate of Heaven, but still his acting is great there.
@mon1459 Scent of a Woman is a musthave for each fan of LDW. And besides Wookie, this drama is one of those musthave korean dramas. So I'm sure we've all watched it :x
@itybittykitty thank's for sharing Wookie's hotness here  :x I will add some pics of young Dongwook. He was so handsome in his school years and after, though he was always changing in the weight, hairstyle and haircolor. 
His has a scratch on his hot lips :(6610112.png

Dongwook was looking like a man even in his 18-19.  Wookie and Jo In Sung. I'm curious if they are friends nowadays or just shaking hands while they meet...4435596.png

I love this pic. Dongwook and his sis look so close to each other. Anybody know how old is he here?4408972.jpg


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As for me, I think he seems cold when people see him for the first impression, even Da Hae once teased him during Hotel King interview..and in MS, he only be serious towards ones who has lower ranking than him..you can listen his story during army in Strong Heart ep 125 and 126..and there's more too especially when his good friends came to SH...They always teased him because being to strict, even towards his family...perhaps, because he was born as first child in family and that makes him become responsible person
And of course these two hot buddies, Jo In Sung and Wookie are best friends till now..this this video of them during army concert, they entered MS in the same year, 2009 but Jo In Sung did Air Force..

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@Princi_86‌ .yes my wookie is my BIAS, but when I like someone ,I want him to be perfect in everything .if you got the chance to look at blade man thread ,u will read comments criticizing some flaws in the drama ,but it comes from sincere heart and out of love and care, though I love him in this drama very much .wookie is the best ever

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The more I watch wookie in roommate , the more I understand what his sister meant when she said that wookie needs to participate in such shows and he had never been doing anything except work since he was teen, he is laughing all the time and his dorky dance :))wookie is very natural,spontanous,simple and innocent :x :)>-

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Guest itybittykitty

@Princi_86 ...aww I love his face in those pics....and his lips are my favorite body part of his...perfect "M" shape :\">

ok...I also found this gif set...which sheads a little more light about the health benefits of eels...looks like the implication is that Jackson really wanted to know which body part it was good for as opposed to which part of the eel...love wookie's shyness!!!!!





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Guest littlelolo

LoL at that picture with jo insung.. talking about jo insung, I really want to like him but just can't digest him :-S

I like dong wook's natural face in roommate.. in blade man, I noticed sometimes that he got too much make up on.. I mean come on he looks more gorgeous without it.. and I know he got natural cherry lips but sometimes I think they overdoing it.. Did anybody notice that or am I imagining this


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@sassygirl94 Yeh, I know  what you're talking about and feel this way too, that he's strict because he should become mature man when he was teen and work hard and of course coz he was firstborn. And we can even see that part of him on RM when he's trying to keep everything under control, to be caring and supportive as a big brother or leader.  I just can't get why people judge/blame him for the being serious during his MS or elsewhere. :-? Since all this characteristics are more then great for the man. I can suppose people havn't tried to understand him and just have put the stamp that he's cold man.But we can see how warm he is with the people he know.
@itybittykitty I have so much favourite part in his flawless body and face :\">
Already 33 but he can become shy from such cues. It's awesome. So we were right regarding eels theme :)) thanks for sharing. 
@MaysoonD I agree with you completely. Although I want my bias to be perfect, I know that nobody is perfect, and when I adore someone I'm trying to be as objective as I can. But when I critisize it's not because I don't like, but because I like but want smth to be better. I've read BM thread and I've read on a lots of sources that BM overall and Dongwook in particular have been blamed. But honestly for me those who should be blamed in BM are script writer and Pds who haven't promoted this drama enough. Wookie was portraiting Hong Bin amazingly. One of his best works. I can find something not so extremely brilliant in his acting in My Girl, Wild Romance or Mandate of Heaven, but his job in HK and BD persuaded my captious side to forget that it's even exist. If to take RM I have found out that it's the best Wookie's project for me, since I can see the real side of him. And you're right, he should go out and have fan at least with his almost fake roommates, but I hope good friends 9at least some of them should become good friends for him).
And what do you think chingus about his bad habbit?

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@littlelolo it's the matter of each taste. I appreciate In Sung's talent very much, but he doesn't touch my heart. And Wookie does. But lots and lots of people adore JIS. And in Korea especially. He's very popular there and there is a lot of CF with him in Seol and on Jeju.I hope someday (ok, asap) Wookie will play in top drama and will also be appreciated as JIS is now.
If talking about make-up, it's normal thing everywhere (not only for SK) to put make-up for filming, or photo-shoot, even when they go to the airport they are normally with make-up. And putting tint on celebrity men's lips in South Korea it's almost must-have. I like that they don't change the shape of Wookie's lips, face and nose, as they do with Lee Min Ho for example. And that they don't put a eye-liner when he's in RM, as they do with some of the male members.I also have noticed that sometimes the moles on his face are uncovered with fundation. And not only in RM, but in some dramas too. And I like his moles  :x So yes, you're right. Wookie is flawless without make-up :x 

After watchin @sassygirl94 's link, I've googled some stuff from Wookie's MS time.I never liked men in uniform, but this guy is so hot in it :xhttp://tvpot.daum.net/clip/ClipView.do?clipid=19228454&q=%C0%CC%B5%BF%BF%EDClipView.do?clipid=19228454&q=%C0%CC%B5%source: tvpot.daum.net

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Guest littlelolo

@Princi_86‌ lol i didn't notice any eyeliner on the guys,well, I guess that makes sure that my eyes stuck only on DW ;;)

Even when he smokes, he looks damn hot.. and besides the health issues that accompany the smoking, the smokers smell is unacceptable at all.. but I don't think our sweetheart is a heavy smoker.. hope he will quit it someday

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@Princi_86‌ ,I haven'twatch mandate of heaven, I don't like historical drama but wild romance was perfect and LDW was awesome and tottaly different . My girl is kind of drama that I like to watch every now and then , story was cute and triangle love , jealousy is appealing to me you know ;) Regarding JIS , I like him , his acting is cute but nothing special , I don't know how popular he is or wookie in Korea or internationally? I think this industry is very tough in korea , I wonder does wookie have a good connection ? How strong his agency is ? :-?

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@littlelolo almost everybody is with eyeliner since it's filming and they need to have more bright eyes (camera usually "eats" contours). My friend id make-up artist, so she always brings my attention to it. But Wookie has his own very bright eyes and contour, so there is lack of times when he was with eyeliner (pencil). Mostly, when he was returning after filming BM or HK.Yes, he looks really hot while smoking. Still I believe too that he's not a heavy smoker, since there is not so much photos of him smoking. Maybe he'll quit after marriage :))
@MaysoonD I don't like historical drama too, I've tried lots but quited. But MoH has really nice storyline but with lack of romance. Yes, he was awesome in each of his roles (so do in My Girl and WR), and MG is also the drama I've been rewatched. But if to be honest and objective, I can find some scenes in those dramas which I don't like so much as others. I don't know if it's actor's acting or script (I hope it's script), but still I'm noticing this scenes. In HK and BM I was completely blinded by his acting, so I haven't niticed any holes in script or smb's acting :):))South Korea have really weird industry :-S  Actor's or idol's popularity reminds splash. When I was there everything and everywhere was dedicated to Heirs, You Who Came from the Stars and It's Ok That's Love actors. They were everywhere.  I'm sure next year everything can change and there will be another faves on every bigboard, Magazin cover and shop's windows. I guess Wookie is more niche actor for SK and he's more popular abroad, were fans are more loyal and permanent. I hope he'll act in hit drama and will be more appreciated by koreans, but if not...I'm glad that nevertheless his current popularity or the level of ratings, he's trying to do the best to portrait his characters.If to take his agency, the most popular from it are Wookie and Lee Kwang Soo, who is quite popular because of Running man. So I guess their agency is not so prominent as Kim Soo Hyun's or JIS's. But I like that Wookie's agency trusts him and give some freedom.
I regret that we don't have each Wookie's interview with eng.subs. :(He's so gorgeous on this vids, but I don't understand what they're talking abot. :(
I just suppose it's from Strong Heart's set...

Here are some bts scenes from Scent of a woman...shirtless 

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Guest itybittykitty

I love when wookie gets emotional...like when he actually cried backstage after Song Ga Yeon's fight...can he get anymore awesome???


I wish I could find this vid on You Tube!!!
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I haven't seen this vid. Thanks! Yeh, he's awesome and always is good to youngsters :x
Have you seen this, girls?Wookie goes red-haired :-/ 6564895.jpg
source: http://m.blog.naver.com/red5771/220196802630
It's almost the same hair color and hair style, which he had last winter. I understand, that they need to change look for new projects in order to be different, but why so red?!! And he'll attend MAMA and other events with this new color. Maybe that's only me, but I find this color not suitable for Wookie. :( Yes, he seems more tan, but natural dark color is the best for him. 4421146.jpg

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@Princi_86 I was about to say the same things and you've mentioned it..Owh yes, most of us, Wookie fans don't really like the colour because its too light and doesn't suit him..yup, it is exactly the same colour when he did Kang Goo's story..
As for me, his natural colour is the best.. :-bd \m/

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Guest littlelolo

Me too, I dont like this colour.. doesnt suit him at all [-X

we should blame his hair stylist.. doesnt she know what suitable for him :-t

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Guest adikkeluangman

Shin Se Kyung and Lee Dong Wook at drama Blade Man film location.1545206_729560017138147_577725185286929510246266_729560060471476_344008863990629

I saw the last episode of BM and noticed his finger in bandage. When he got the injury. Is during the filming or Roommate.
LDW said don't look out for him until end of this year. It's December now. Maybe we can hear his next job in next month.
I just skimmed few pages back. OCN production or OCN drama is a cable TV OCN. They produced dramas mostly in crime, action and thriller  such as Vampire Prosecutor, Hero and current hit Bad Guys. The dramas mostly male-eccentric.

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