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Lee Dong Wook 이동욱 Global Fans at Soompi


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Guest siCKako

who was in the elj gate when wookie left abs last fri? i was there too! haha! remember that his van even stopped in front of us and he waved inside :) haha! the construction workers across the street were even laughing at us bcoz of our constant screams...haha!

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Guest samgirl

wow you are soo gutsy!!

as for me, sometimes when I read the thread I get those ideas as well.

but I dare not word it so as not to offend anyone.

I just dont respond or react to the post I feel is questionable.

you are a brave soul :)

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Akazukin -it's all good..but like what samgirl-u r one brave soul--but i gotta hand it to u--i do agree..

and since this is the internet--don't believe in everything u read--i guess it's up to the reader whether to believe or not..just don't be too gullible if it's way too obvious..

but really maybe becoz i kinda got affected when co-wookies of mine are getting paranoid coz of the stories they had read...

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Guest pinklily

lol...sorry guys...i'm back. phew! that almost gave me a heart attack...i was so happy upon reading your post honeypia. :lol: *blush blush*

Carla dear...lol...isn't it too much? a cross-stitch of the two of them? omo! what is he going to do w/ it? omg...now Wookie has our imaginations running wild. :lol: not that i'm complaining...this is more than i could have asked for....hehe...such sweetness. lol...i'll be daydreaming about these two non-stop. laughid5.gif

thanks for sharing your friend's account honeypia. i say...i just love this thread! these past couple of nights have been so exciting. i've been trying to keep up as much as possible. haha...but pardon me for being a bit behind. i'll catch up in no time...YAY! lol...but i really wanted to thank everyone for posting pictures, news, updates, and especially your own personal account of meeting Wookie...hehe...both formally and informally. laughid5.gif

you have all made this event so memorable for the rest of us. gahhh...i've been so excited these past couple of days...and although i haven't been commenting much...i've really enjoyed being in this thread and in everyone's company. lol...i hope something like this happens again...this was/is too much fun! :lol:

thank you all once again for sharing all your personal accounts. i still have many more posts to read through...haha...i'm going at it a bit slowly...savoring all of these neat tidbits from each and everyone of your posts. laughid5.gif


okay, i know i'm very late...but...i finally got the chance to watch Wookie on Wowowee.

and...i have to say...i really enjoyed it! :lol: lol...i duno...i was sort of preparing myself because of what i've read about it in the thread...but when i finally saw the clip...i didn't think it was too bad at all.

i just love the fans' excitement! when i saw everyone's reaction i was like...'wahhh...OPPA! YOU'RE A ROCKSTAR!' droolz2bi2.gif


it was too cool to see everyone so excited to see our dear Wookie...there wasn't a single face in the audience that wasn't smiling and gleaming with w/ pure exuberance and excitement. lol...it was incredible just for me to see it...and here i am just watching a recording...lol...can you imagine how touched and affected (in a good way ^_^) Wookie must have been to be surrounded by everyone's sheer excitement for him? laughid5.gif

gahhh...i just fell in love w/ him more and more...seeing him so graceful and smiling so brightly to his dear fans...not fazed at all by the intensity of his surroundings...lol...he's completely pro at these things...and he probably doesn't even know it. his natural demeanor is just so poised and graceful...and i loved that the Wowowee show allowed me to see this candid, completely genuine side of Wookie. and...when he did look a bit lost...gahhh...it just made him even cuter! ojitosxxfb5.gif

i also thought the two female hosts' excitement was sorta neat. hehe...they themselves were fans too! how flattering. well...i was flattered for Wookie...hehe...i hope he feels the same way. :lol: but yes, more than anything...the fan's reaction affected Wookie most...and i was so happy to see in oppa's face...how truly appreciative he was. it was in his smile to them...in his shy eyes that was looking wide-eyed and brightly at them...so humble and full of gratitude. i'm so happy to be your fan oppa! you make me proud! droolz2bi2.gif

as for the dancer...hm...yes, i can understand that. that part could've been done w/out. but overall, i actually really enjoyed seeing Wookie in this clip. i think more than anything the Wowowee guesting was for the fans... laughid5.gif...and...well, judging from all of their happy faces...i think it was a success.

really...guys...if it was me...i would do the same thing! lol...i'm a pervie afterall...haha...i would surely try to steal a kiss from Wookie if ever i had the opportunity. :blush: hehe...w/ Wookie within breathing distance...i assure you...my composure will fly out the door! but...lol...just to save face, i'll also try to be decent about it. dun know how that'll work though. laughid5.gif lol...what can i say?...i'm pervified to the max. oh yeah!

anyway, sorry about the essay. ^^;; i just thought i would share my impression of this guesting of oppa's in appreciation of all the Pinoy fans. i would love to be in your company if ever there is another Wookie (or Mukgu) event like this again. we can all be 100% pervified together! laughid5.gif

thanks so much once again everyone. Bok pa deu shil guh ae yo! BBASYA! lovejb0.gif

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Guest aksej

The LDW & LDH International Fans Club is having great progress.

Our website will be up and running soon. Watch out for the opening of www.donghaefans.org


Anyway, we need your help in getting new members and especially, BEING RECOGNIZED by LDW & LDH's management.

so if anyone knows people from ABS CBN, maybe you could help us get in touch with the right people so our fans club will be recognized.


count me in!!! :)

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Guest polabola

I don't know whether I should be saying this or not, but I guess I shall choose to be honest. I hope no one will be offended by this. After reading so much encounters, I really thank those for sharing it with us, especially the pictures and the story of where he is, describing how he is in real life, etc. However, I do feel quite skeptical about some encounters. I'm not pointing on names and I do believe most encounters that you all share with us, and I hope this is not discouraging to anyone. But I'm just quite skeptical reading some encounters that I thought was quite fishy as it doesn't really seem like how LDW will act. I might be wrong and I really apologise for doubting some encounters, I really do. I hope I'm not getting bashed for getting this across, but I just thought that sometimes we have to be very careful of what to believe and what not to. This is a forum that LDW fans will mostly come to to try to find some information about him and I just don't want any misleading or untrue information being circulated and repeated around. I do acknowledge that even media information can be distorted. However, I thought some of the information that is not supported by evidence, like pic or videos, maybe untrue. Now I'm not saying that all records of encounter that is without pic is untrue. I do believe in most of them. I'm just saying that I'm quite skeptical about some and I am concerned about whether I'm the only one that feels so because you know, people can always fake about their encounters. I feel so bad, in fact terrible, for saying this because it feels like I'm questioning people's (and worse to me, it's fellow soompi) genuineness for being kind for posting info about DW to share with us. But again, I just don't want to believe in something which might be untrue. At the same time, I also hope that other LDW fans do not believe in false information either.

I apologise again if this is offensive to anyone, I would just like to remind people that maybe... they should think critically again before believing every post. Sorry.

I agree with you and Carla regarding this. This is afterall the internet..anything could happen here and we have to choose who we trust or not :)

kirsten: awwwww I love your post even though it's so long (hey I read all of it, every word, every letter). You make me so fangirl giddy again :lol:. I think wookie's stay here in the Philippines, exceeded my expectations because he still accomodated his fans whereever he went and whatever he's feeling at that time.

Good thing you weren't affected by Wowowee, me and my sister were eck about it :lol: we hate it so much and I can't even bear look at it for the second time (well actually I did get a second glimpse, before the dance and the chaos happened). It showed Wookie's composure throughout the ordeal lol

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hehehe kirsten--i love reading ur essay post--it's worth reading...

hehehe it's sure convincing that the wowowee stint is not as bad as it seems..hehehe maybe ive seen that show before that's why i have this iffy feeling abt it--and also maybe i was a lil bit pissed at one of the cohost coz she was too clingy hehehe (i guess this was the jealous perve in me)..

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Guest chelsea

Malou, Roddy, Pia, Fleur, and everyone who was looking for this pix... :P

These are the pictures of the Gift we sent to Wookie. I posted this last Saturday night including our blow-by-blow account and my personal encounter with the man but it was one of those deleted posts... :crazy: tsk tsk, too bad!

by the way, we took turns in *hugging* the native box, knowing it will be held by wookie at one point... hahaha! :blush:



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Guest polabola

wanna see the preview of the layout of the donghaefans site?

it will be subjected to changes...

done by me and rentao


colors are inspired by a.) the bonjovi shirts b.) wookie's favorite colors...c. )for me only...cartoon network bwahahhahaa

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Guest siCKako

^ thanks for sharing the gift pics...i hope wookie will visit this thread so that he'll know how much he's loved...(and how much we like to see DH and him date) haha!

btw, what was written in the letter? too bad that ur posts were deleted...

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Guest Akazukin

Malou, Roddy, Pia, Fleur, and everyone who was looking for this pix... :P

These are the pictures of the Gift we sent to Wookie. I posted this last Saturday night including our blow-by-blow account and my personal encounter with the man but it was one of those deleted posts... :crazy: tsk tsk, too bad!

by the way, we took turns in *hugging* the native box, knowing it will be held by wookie at one point... hahaha! :blush:



Thanks for sharing this with us. The gifts look good, :D even the box looks good. Btw, care to share the letter with us? What is in the CD/VCD?

Which are the gifts for LDW and which are for LDH? It would be great if you have individual item pic, but maybe I'm too demanding. How about circling the item with description? Anyhow, they all look great. I'm sure LDW will be very happy being able to receive this gift.

And about the hugging the box thing, you gals are funny but so cute at the same time. Great idea though :D

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Guest pinklily

I agree with you and Carla regarding this. This is afterall the internet..anything could happen here and we have to choose who we trust or not :)

kirsten: awwwww I love your post even though it's so long (hey I read all of it, every word, every letter). You make me so fangirl giddy again :lol:. I think wookie's stay here in the Philippines, exceeded my expectations because he still accomodated his fans whereever he went and whatever he's feeling at that time.

Good thing you weren't affected by Wowowee, me and my sister were eck about it :lol: we hate it so much and I can't even bear look at it for the second time (well actually I did get a second glimpse, before the dance and the chaos happened). It showed Wookie's composure throughout the ordeal lol

puahaha...Lyn chinggu...you crack me up! laught31gg7.gif i literally bursted out LOL when i read your post. *in tears* hehe...sorry chinggu that it was so long. i really dun know what it is...Wookie and Mukgu just does this to me. i swear, i dun even write this much for my english classes. ^^;; :lol:

hehe...Lyn and Carla...i actually watched the clip a couple of times. you know how we (you girls :P ) would count Wookie's moles in pix. that's what i was doing at one point while watching the clip. laughrh7.gif :blush:

another reason why i appreciated Wowowee is because...those were some of the best close up shots of Wookie in motion (that i've seen). gahhh...his skin is flawless...glowing!...(and i've never said this about a man :lol: )...and those lips! i dun blame anyone for wanting to kiss those LIPS! laughrh7.gif

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oh man dried mangoes from the philippines--yum yum yum...

i love the box that u gals used...

im pretty sure that dong wook appreciates the gifts that u gals gave him..

hehehe lyn-im excited...this webby would be a bit for sure since there is a lot of ppl who r looking for english websites for their fave korean stars..

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Guest polabola

Malou, Roddy, Pia, Fleur, and everyone who was looking for this pix... :P

These are the pictures of the Gift we sent to Wookie. I posted this last Saturday night including our blow-by-blow account and my personal encounter with the man but it was one of those deleted posts... :crazy: tsk tsk, too bad!

by the way, we took turns in *hugging* the native box, knowing it will be held by wookie at one point... hahaha! :blush:



awwwww my baby is in there :sweatingbullets: hope it's happy with it's new parent :lol:

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hehehe kirsten..oh man u gotta love his moles..and i agree the wowowee guesting--he does look good on it..hehehe and watching it on my very own tv set (i was awed/amazed/speechless/etc)...i hope my cable box recorded it ( i didn't check it yet)..

but yeah i was glad they didn't cut wookie's part on our filipino channel since they don't show my girl..

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Guest pinklily

hehehe kirsten..oh man u gotta love his moles..and i agree the wowowee guesting--he does look good on it..hehehe and watching it on my very own tv set (i was awed/amazed/speechless/etc)...i hope my cable box recorded it ( i didn't check it yet)..

but yeah i was glad they didn't cut wookie's part on our filipino channel since they don't show my girl..

chinggu-ah...thanks for the heads-up...omo! ^^;;

hehe...you know...i'm quite the pervie aren't i? and here i was thinking that since i've been a bit reclusive from the thread...i'm not as pervie as the rest of you. :lol: oh no, boy was i wrong. lol...i think i've only gotten worst. all that repressed perviness. laughrh7.gif

p.s. gahhh...Lyn! i'm so sorry! for some reason...i thought it was Jo's post. ahhh...chongmal miahne. *cries*

i love your layout! :w00t: <--- *in no way trying to redeem myself...honest!* ^^;; you're so fast! and it looks great! :w00t:

i'm so excited! the progress for all of this is great!

Joc, i read your account...my dear, i'm so sorry you couldn't meet oppa...and you so deserved to meet him too. *hugs* but no worries. w/ all your wonderful efforts into the DongHae fanclub...we'll soon have a collective body to successfully stalk...*ah hem* i mean, meet oppa. :lol: gahhh...how wonderful it would be to have all the pervie meet up in Korea and attend a fan meeting of oppa's. i would die of happiness on the spot. :lol: okay, i know...i'm ahead of myself. sorry. ^^;; hehe...but this...is too awesome! hime ne ja DongHae.org...BBASYA! :w00t:

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Guest polabola

chinggu-ah...thanks for the heads-up...omo! ^^;;

hehe...you know...i'm quite the pervie aren't i? and here i was thinking that since i've been a bit reclusive from the thread...i'm not as pervie as the rest of you. :lol: oh no, boy was i wrong. laughrh7.gif

p.s. gahhh...Lyn! i'm so sorry! for some reason...i thought it was Jo's post. ahhh...chongmal miahne. *cries*

i love your layout! :w00t: <--- in no way trying to redeem myself...honest! ^^;; you're so fast! and it looks great! :w00t:

nah it's okay. I don't mind it hehehe you're just human like me :D

it's a teamwork by me and rentao :sweatingbullets: so yeah without her the thing would be half completed :lol:

edit: sorry rentao for mispelling your sn >< ack!

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