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Lee Dong Wook 이동욱 Global Fans at Soompi


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Guest kukuku

wow! blue moon great pics you can start your own photo galerry ehehehehe

yeah! if Dong Wook reads out post ih this thread maybe he goes "WHAT!" you know state of shock hahaha.... he will realize that alot of people start to become crazy because of him hahaha....

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Guest mirca

LDW's pic at the buffet dinner yesterday which DWHOLIC, his fan club offered.

100 staffs and actors enjoyed the dilicious dinner. And LDW was so delighted with the

offering from his supporters.

Kellee, I don't know how to put pictures. If you visit From dongwook section, at dwholic,

you can find his pic at the buffet.

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Guest pinklily

^Sally ... just saw those PS pics of yours ... wow! Excellent work! (clapping nonstop)

I've been MIA here ... I missed the pervilicious pervies :D

wowowo ... our family is getting bigger. Rhi is doing a wonderful job ... thanks dear.... BBASHYA!!!

just wanna share this pic


credits to dwholic

Kel dear...thanks for the huge pix of Wookie from his new movie. wahhh...i can't wait! really excited to see his turn as a detective...i'm already loving the vibe i'm getting from his character based on this pic alone...lol


:w00t:Sally ! you are just so uber talented! all of these new PS artwork of the couple. :wub: you really have a way of picking the perfect facial expression to match the pix. so well blended...and the cartoon look of it just looks soooo cool! gahhh...i don't know what else to say other than...what an awesome treat for us My Girl fans! :lol: your artwork always brings a huge smile to my face...LOL. thank you once again Sally for treating us to more of your lovely artwork. bbasya! ^_^

lol...and thanks to our lovely Pee Rhi for maintaining and updating the lists....wahhh...so long! :lol: welcome welcome everyone. *sniff sniff* <--- tears of joy...i'm so happy to be in all your company. a proud Wookier...pervy...clanner...BBASYA! :lol:

hehe...soon i shall be free to camp out in this thread and catch up w/ the all the discussion you lovely ladies have been so good to maintain here. lots of backlogging to do...lol, but that just means more of Wookie goodness all at once. :w00t:

thanks everyone for sharing pixies and news...i can't wait to go through all of them more thoroughly. BBASYA! ^_^

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Guest polabola

*sigh* since becoming a certified Wook-a-holic my behaviour has become vewy vewy baaaaadd: i'm spying, stalking, hunting, honing all the skills that would make an FBI agent proud (either that or maybe a tiger :blink: )....if i could strip him & examine every inch wif a magnifying glass... :lol: :lol: :lol:

The problem with Wookie is the more u know about him, the deeper trouble u get into coz he's such a lovely guy. When he wanted to give his costar the mike, he actually took the guy's hand first & put the mike nicely into it. And when he wants to make a point, he pokes his colleague in the arm repeatedly (which is quite funny coz if it was me i'd ask him: why are u tickling me?! :P ).

i'm imagining that he tickles DH shi when they go dating once his movie finnishes, harharhar!

I'd like to see the pic of him doing that to DH!!! hehehe :w00t:

You're right, you become so crazy about him when you get more of him. He has magical powers that make girls swoon and turn into wild animals :lol:

Clauric: if the real wookie is here, it would be better and funnier lol. I could imagine him laughing and chucking at our posts. He also can't wait to reply but unfortunately, he can't do so because his managers prevent him to :lol:

LDW's pic at the buffet dinner yesterday which DWHOLIC, his fan club offered.

100 staffs and actors enjoyed the dilicious dinner. And LDW was so delighted with the

offering from his supporters.

Kellee, I don't know how to put pictures. If you visit From dongwook section, at dwholic,

you can find his pic at the buffet.

ooooooh I hope LDH is in the dinner party :w00t:

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Guest kellee

LDW's pic at the buffet dinner yesterday which DWHOLIC, his fan club offered.

100 staffs and actors enjoyed the dilicious dinner. And LDW was so delighted with the

offering from his supporters.

Kellee, I don't know how to put pictures. If you visit From dongwook section, at dwholic,

you can find his pic at the buffet.

Hi Unni! .... really! Wookie had a buffet dinner w/ his fans yesterday!?!? :w00t:

oks ... though I can't read Korean ... I'll look for those pics ....

Can you give me the Korean characters of dongwook section? ... ehhhh, i'm so excited!!!

Unni ....thanks for the info :)

~~~runs to dwholic~~

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Guest kellee

I think ... these are the pics

많이들 기다리셨죠?

빨리 올리려고 맘만 급해서...참...

일단 개인적인 자세한 심정과 후기는 여유있을때 다시 올리기로 하고...

현장 분위기를 먼저 전달해 드립니다...

우선 뷔페행사 참석은 아래 계란님이 올리신 글에서 확인하실 수 있듯이...

저를 비롯해.. 비밀님, 계란한판님, 너는내것이라 님

이렇게 4명이 참석하게 되었구요...

바람이 많이 부는 관계로 실외였던 이벤트장소가 실내 식당으로 변경되었구요...

결과부터 얘기하자면...

동욱군을 비롯한 스텝...심지어는 주연배우분들까지

매우 흡족해 하시고 동욱홀릭에 감사하다는 말씀 전하셨습니다....

송윤아씨, 이종수씨, 추소영씨.....

동욱군의 마지막 멘트를 빌리자면...

"너무 자랑스럽구요...거의 쫑파티 분위기로 스텝분들이 좋아하고 즐기셨습니다...

고맙습니다...." 이랬거든요...

(촬영이 거의 막바지라고 하시더라구요...)

준비과정부터 쉽지만은 않았던 행사진행에

뷔페선정 및 메뉴 선택 또 시식까지 많은 도움을 주신...

외식관련업종서 오래 몸담고 계셨던 보라비님...진심으로 감사드리고...

행사진행에 적극적?으로 협조해주시고 노력해주신

피터팬님 이자리를 빌어 다시한번 감사드리고....

맛나게 먹었다는 동욱이...

사실 우리가 여기 존재하는 이유가 동욱... 아니겠습니까?

무엇보다도 동욱이에게 고맙습니다...

이벤트비용의 지출내역 및 준비사항등에 대한 내용은

추후 자세하게 보고하겠습니다....

오늘 현장 사진들 먼저 올려드립니다....

- 테이블 세팅...(촬영장 식당내 식탁과 의자를 사용..테이블보만 씌웠죠...

예정대로 야외였다면 원탁테이블에 의자보까지 더 멋졌을텐데...

식당도 나름대로 분위기가 좋았습니다...넓은창에...나름대로 깔끔한...^^)


- 세팅된 음식과 즉석코너에서 요리를 직접해주시는 요리사..

(초밥도 즉석에서 말아주시고...)

- 마지막 사진은 즉석코너의 한부분이었던 닭꼬지 요리를 해주실분...(실내에선 연기가

많이 나는 관계로 식당 바로 옆 테라스에서 세팅..)


- 세팅된 음식...

맛깔스럽고 고급스러워보이나요?

제일 중요하게 생각했던 음식맛과

음식은 넉넉하게 준비한다고 했는데 혹시 모자랄까 걱정을 많이했는데

피터팬님 말로는 넉넉하고 맛있게 많이 드셨다구요..^^


- 마지막 현장사진...오늘의 하이라이트....


행사장 입구에 떡하니 아이스카빙이 있으니 들어가시는 분들 죄다 한말씀씩하시고...

피터팬이 처음 봤을때 "오호" 하시며...

야외를 생각하고 준비했던

아이스카빙이 실내라 약간은 빛을 바라지 않을까 걱정했던 저희

생각을 한번에 날려버렸다죠....

테이블보 아래서 조명도 있어...그야말로 이뻤습니다...

동욱군을 포함,...스텝분들 아이스카빙 옆에서 사진 많이 찍으시더라구요~^^


이상 제가 공개하는 현장사진은 여기까지이구요....


:w00t: goodness!!! he's so cool & pervilicious in shirt & pants :D

credit: dwholic

Unni ... if you're not busy ... pls translate some important messages/notes

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Guest polabola

^^ hotta hotta hotta!!! :w00t: We pervies will be super grateful if some kind soul translates what's written ^_^

ETA: just want to inform readers of my fanfic that chapter 6 is up! enjoy!!! :D The fic is (hopefully) going to be finished before I start school hehehe then I might start on another one...

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Guest kellee

Kel dear...thanks for the huge pix of Wookie from his new movie. wahhh...i can't wait! really excited to see his turn as a detective...i'm already loving the vibe i'm getting from his character based on this pic alone...lol

Hi Kirsten dear ... long time no see hah! We've been MIAning in this thread

maybe ... this is his message to his fans :unsure:


credit: dwholic

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Guest mirca

Dear LDW fans including kellee,

LDW didn't say much words, DWHOLIC staffs said he was kind of shy to them.

Anyway LDW said in the end, "I'm so proud of this party and all the staffs really

enjoyed the dinner as if it's a farewell party. (the shooting is almost finished and plan to

premiere in end of june.) Thank you so much."

And after dinner, he invited four staffs of his fan club to the shooting set and offered

them instant coffees he made by himself. They said the coffee was the best ones

that they had in their lives. :w00t:

LDW was so humble to make coffee for his fans.

And he was relaxing with boarding around the set. He was very good at riding board.

It's all they said.

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Guest kellee

^thanks for the translations Unni .... (smooches my Unni) :)

awwww!!! He invited four of his fans to the shooting set then he prepared some instant coffee & gave those to his fans.... he's so thoughtful.

heehee ... I'm camping at dwholic .... I found these cute pics of Wookie & his friends :D

[MD포토] 이동욱의 '봄 여름 가을 겨울' 표정은?

[마이데일리 2006-05-15 18:36]


golly! his expressions & gestures are so cute/funny :blink::lol: ... Wookie is such an adorable guy. :wub:

MD포토] 김태우-KCM-이동욱, '수호와 우정으로 뭉쳤죠'

[마이데일리 2006.05.15 18:52:18]


credit: dwholic

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Guest kneekey

1) chrysle - Erin

2) lambutan - Rhi

3) raineyrain - Oraine/Rainey

4) pinklily - Kirsten

5) fleur - Amy

6) rainluver012 - Eunice

7) grace_cui - Cui Miao

8) kelle - Kel

9) nazznen - Erenah

10) zaizaif4_only - Rey

11) ay_link - Shenny

12) lisafh - Lisa

13) clauric - Carla

14) ripgal - Jo

15) MingDao20 - Elle

16) Second glance - chloe

17) Van4viv_GoSoo4DaHae - Tel

18) aggiesbaby - Shirley

19) kangaroo - Jojo

20) gracejen - Sabrina

21) lalaloo - Sue

22) loving_d - angie

23) oO L1LEE Oo - Lily


1) kellee

2) chrysle

3) porcelet

4) tengosuds

5) my immortality

6) G R E E N

7) clauric

8) second glance

9) pinklegirl007

10) pinklily

11) sasa-chan

12) anasa0420

13) nazznen

14) dlover

15) Fleur

16) lambutan

17) MingDao20 (Elle)

18) aggiesbaby


20) Eulicid

21) seissa

22) samgirl

23) raineyrain

24) zaizai_f4_only

25) tamia1146

26) ripgal

27) grace_cui

28) lime

29) oO L1LEE Oo

30) alakina

31) Van4Viv

32) kangaroo

33) kiss the rain

34) gracejen

35) squallie

36) miakajerry

37) peach

38) flower12

39) rhap

40) chaltier

41) Khai

42) kat_yuri

43) roddy

44) kukuku

45) angledreams

46) doodlicious

47) polabola

Updated list of LDW clan

1) Fleur

2) ClauRic

3) MingDao20

4) Nazznen

5) ripgal

6) lambutan

7) kellee

8) ay_link

9) *ayu*

10) dlover

11) this_kid

12) yuans7love

13) chrysle

14) pinklily

15) carlavb

16) second_glance

17) loveK

18) tanpopo

19) my immortality

20) Babigrl

21) Kangaroo

22) upikepik


24) celjoy

25) hehe

26) jhing


28) anasa0420

29) Ms_Kitty

30) Incise Soul

31) Shiverbaby

32) flyfany89

33) orna

34) porcelet


36) loving_D

37) tengosuds

38) leila

39) kitkat16

40) Evol Ecallaw

41) gloria 83


43) babymarzy07

44) Eulicid

45) won

46) sHaziEe

47) mirca

48) seissa

49) samgirl

50) raineyrain

51) zaizai_f4_only

52) tamia1146

53) Van4Viv_GoSoo4DaHae

54) grace_cui

55) saranghae012

56) lime

57) G R E E N

58) oO L1LEE Oo

59) alakina

60) kiss the rain

61) gracejen

62) squallie

63) miakajerry

64) peach

65) flower12

66) rhap

67) chaltier

68) Khai

69) kat_yuri

70) roddy

71) kukuku

72) angledreams

73) doodlicious

74) polabola

Update list Pervy & Clan.

***wave*** to Pervy & clan everyone....... :wub::wub:

me too!~~ add me up *please* :D

Dear LDW fans including kellee,

LDW didn't say much words, DWHOLIC staffs said he was kind of shy to them.

Anyway LDW said in the end, "I'm so proud of this party and all the staffs really

enjoyed the dinner as if it's a farewell party. (the shooting is almost finished and plan to

premiere in end of june.) Thank you so much."

And after dinner, he invited four staffs of his fan club to the shooting set and offered

them instant coffees he made by himself. They said the coffee was the best ones

that they had in their lives. :w00t:

LDW was so humble to make coffee for his fans.

And he was relaxing with boarding around the set. He was very good at riding board.

It's all they said.

wOw..wookie's so sweet! he even made coffee!! gahh, i wish i was there

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Guest polabola

Dear LDW fans including kellee,

LDW didn't say much words, DWHOLIC staffs said he was kind of shy to them.

Anyway LDW said in the end, "I'm so proud of this party and all the staffs really

enjoyed the dinner as if it's a farewell party. (the shooting is almost finished and plan to

premiere in end of june.) Thank you so much."

And after dinner, he invited four staffs of his fan club to the shooting set and offered

them instant coffees he made by himself. They said the coffee was the best ones

that they had in their lives. :w00t:

LDW was so humble to make coffee for his fans.

And he was relaxing with boarding around the set. He was very good at riding board.

It's all they said.

awwww that's so sweet of him to make coffee. I believe that he's a genuinely nice and sweet person, but I wish he was more talkative though! :sweatingbullets:

much love and gratitude for the translations and pics @kellie and mirca ! do come to this thread more often ^_^

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Guest kneekey

^thanks for the translations Unni .... (smooches my Unni) :)

awwww!!! He invited four of his fans to the shooting set then he prepared some instant coffee & gave those to his fans.... he's so thoughtful.

heehee ... I'm camping at dwholic .... I found these cute pics of Wookie & his friends :D

[MD포토] 이동욱의 '봄 여름 가을 겨울' 표정은?

[마이데일리 2006-05-15 18:36]


golly! his expressions & gestures are so cute/funny :blink::lol: ... Wookie is such an adorable guy. :wub:

credit: dwholic

wookie's so kyoot!! his actions makes me swoon! *drools* :P

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Guest roddy

KELLEE!!! u luvly sexy pervie wuv-u wuv-u wuv-uuuu!!!!.....translated that means "thank u very much" :P

Mirca: we really 'preciate the translation

He is jus beyond perviliciously kyuuuuute! What are the events for? The dinner/banquet & the four of them together? Are they a singing group now? Tell me he's singing!

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Guest lambutan

1) chrysle - Erin

2) lambutan - Rhi

3) raineyrain - Oraine/Rainey

4) pinklily - Kirsten

5) fleur - Amy

6) rainluver012 - Eunice

7) grace_cui - Cui Miao

8) kelle - Kel

9) nazznen - Erenah

10) zaizaif4_only - Rey

11) ay_link - Shenny

12) lisafh - Lisa

13) clauric - Carla

14) ripgal - Jo

15) MingDao20 - Elle

16) Second glance - chloe

17) Van4viv_GoSoo4DaHae - Tel

18) aggiesbaby - Shirley

19) kangaroo - Jojo

20) gracejen - Sabrina

21) lalaloo - Sue

22) loving_d - angie

23) oO L1LEE Oo - Lily


1) kellee

2) chrysle

3) porcelet

4) tengosuds

5) my immortality

6) G R E E N

7) clauric

8) second glance

9) pinklegirl007

10) pinklily

11) sasa-chan

12) anasa0420

13) nazznen

14) dlover

15) Fleur

16) lambutan

17) MingDao20 (Elle)

18) aggiesbaby


20) Eulicid

21) seissa

22) samgirl

23) raineyrain

24) zaizai_f4_only

25) tamia1146

26) ripgal

27) grace_cui

28) lime

29) oO L1LEE Oo

30) alakina

31) Van4Viv

32) kangaroo

33) kiss the rain

34) gracejen

35) squallie

36) miakajerry

37) peach

38) flower12

39) rhap

40) chaltier

41) Khai

42) kat_yuri

43) roddy

44) kukuku

45) angledreams

46) doodlicious

47) polabola

48) kneekey

Updated list of LDW clan

1) Fleur

2) ClauRic

3) MingDao20

4) Nazznen

5) ripgal

6) lambutan

7) kellee

8) ay_link

9) *ayu*

10) dlover

11) this_kid

12) yuans7love

13) chrysle

14) pinklily

15) carlavb

16) second_glance

17) loveK

18) tanpopo

19) my immortality

20) Babigrl

21) Kangaroo

22) upikepik


24) celjoy

25) hehe

26) jhing


28) anasa0420

29) Ms_Kitty

30) Incise Soul

31) Shiverbaby

32) flyfany89

33) orna

34) porcelet


36) loving_D

37) tengosuds

38) leila

39) kitkat16

40) Evol Ecallaw

41) gloria 83


43) babymarzy07

44) Eulicid

45) won

46) sHaziEe

47) mirca

48) seissa

49) samgirl

50) raineyrain

51) zaizai_f4_only

52) tamia1146

53) Van4Viv_GoSoo4DaHae

54) grace_cui

55) saranghae012

56) lime

57) G R E E N

58) oO L1LEE Oo

59) alakina

60) kiss the rain

61) gracejen

62) squallie

63) miakajerry

64) peach

65) flower12

66) rhap

67) chaltier

68) Khai

69) kat_yuri

70) roddy

71) kukuku

72) angledreams

73) doodlicious

74) polabola

75) kneekey

Update list Pervy & Clan.

***wave*** to Kirsten, Kel, Clara, Roddy, polabola and everyone...in this thread :wub:

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Guest Fleur

^What event is that? I see the word "Sohu" on the banner behind him Wuri Wookie soooo cute! Seems like any hairstyle goes well on him!

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Guest roddy

The second event is the launch of Suho's album, so all the four chingu turned up in support.

Woo! Let's hope there are clips.....want to see Oppa's cute antics :P

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Guest doodlicious

^ lols yeah.. he looks cute all the times, with his red red red lips.. gooodddd.. heylp meiyh

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