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Guest sulfuric_ACID

^hey i saw the simpsons movie, the day it came out..at innaloo, wow i never knew they had such a massive cinema there...and the movie was awesome...i loved it

anyways good luck everyone studying for tee exams. the pressures on, eh?

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Guest TrainDriver

^i'll prob watch simpsons movie after school sometime this week. TEE, nah no pressure yet, but i got pressure atm for remembering last term's work. couldn't do any work while overseas.

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Guest <3 Kim

^ haha I haven't seen it yet either :P I'm most likely going to end up getting it off someone who's downloaded it haha. I really need to concentrate on school so no time for going out anymore ><

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Guest <3 Kim

Yenni!! Haha if you read this xD

I didn’t expect you to be at performing arts :P I wished I could’ve stayed longer to talk to you though hehe.

Man I stuffed up my performance so bad, I really really wanted to poo really badly T____T I couldn’t leave during the performances cos that would be rude >< HAHA. I just wanted to rush my song and get to the toilet quickly >< I made so many mistakes and pauses too :x

the other people who played their songs off by heart were so good O__O LOL.

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LOL Kim, im sure you did really well still ahaha! you were really good when i saw you practise!! hehee

btw Kim, i love the lyrics (and the SONG=D) on your sig "Under The One Sky" <3333 *SPAZZ* hehe


^im thinking about Commerce with Asian studies but im not really sure exactly though T___T

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Guest <3 Kim

I definitely want to do pharmacy. I’m just afraid I wont get in *grratleastimnotcheating* >< haha. I’ll have to try harder this term… I really want a 90+ TER

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Teaching is always good, and it's easy too.

Plus apparently we will get more pay, and you can travel with it too (teach english in china, japan, korea).

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Guest TrainDriver

^apparently is the key word :P some of my teachers complain about the pay and make comments about the education system that they aren't supposed to comment on :) i don't think i could stand being a teacher, dealing with the way kids behave these days. wahhhh joanna i also want to do that at UWA :D gah next week is a long long long week, 4 tests 1 assignment, all big tests, 1500 word essay *sigh*

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I don't really have to worry about money too much now anyway.

I've worked out that it doesn't matter how much you get paid it's what you do with it that matters.

If you are stupid, white and drink, party, and be a general stupid idiot you probably won't have enough money no matter how much you earn.

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Guest TrainDriver

gah i've come down with a cold, i haven't been sick in ages. makes things worse when i got a ton of work to do.

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^i'm sick too T__T i was just started to get sick this morning. have a major headache and sore throat :X

and yeh i got soo much work to do too T__T i got 5 tests this wk ><

i hate doing work when your sick though =(

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Guest <3 Kim

haha yeah, im going to be so stuffed this week. so many testsssss T__T

but im glad i got alot of work done at the library today xD

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this week is gonna suck balls.

aww kim LOL seriously you and your pooing. meh i'm like that too, anyway... .__."

uni.. hm. i'm putting Nursing as my first pref.. then maybe Asian studies with something else.. or maybe teaching x.x gah. i do wanna travel. i wanna get out of here! x.x

i'd definitely do teaching, but.. dealing with kids.. oh god. x.x

hehe yeah my teachers always complain about the pay and the education system, too. X)

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Thats what i'm doing antz. Teaching then go to asia to teach English.

This place is so dead, and full of idiots.

As far as everyone getting sick is concerned the flu season is pretty bad this year. At work we have had so many drivers sick. Admittedly most bus drivers are not exactly very healthy people (ie, don't do any exercise, are over weight, and smell funny). At my school that I go to a fair few teachers have been sick and away. So many relief teachers!

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Guest TrainDriver

dammit, i loss 10% on my econs test today which i could've gotten :( kept calculating it wrong so i left the answer blank. i aim for 70% on all econ tests, but this one i might end up with only 65%, i don't want my average to drop :tears: i can't afford it to drop if i want a TER of 91.

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