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^ There's that dvd/cd shop near northbridge utopia, on the corner where the alley way is.. not sure how to explain lol but if u go there im sure u cant miss it xD

but isn't that all chinese subbed? i remember there was like no english subbing there. .but i havent been there in a while

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Guest green_T
^ There's that dvd/cd shop near northbridge utopia, on the corner where the alley way is.. not sure how to explain lol but if u go there im sure u cant miss it xD

Ok thanks, I shall check it out next week :)

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& I fell asleep during the athletes parade. -___-

Does anyone know what order they were coming out in? It was really random, it wasn't in alphabetical order in English or Chinese.

it was by the number of strokes in the first chinese character of the country's name, sorta thing. haha.

yay! chinese ftw! i felt so proud watching it. XD

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Guest mulletino




I AM : )



ASDHSIAUDHSA crap me down

had to let that out

HOWS EVERYONE BEEN? havnt been in here in yonks

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Guest -I+Jenvox+I-


like obsessed.


the boys look stunning dont they?!

oh i sat through all of the opening ceremony (with jocelyn screaming in my ear) for daehanmiguk&aussie (i like the march acutally ) =X i thought changmin&fayewong were gonna sing too. maybe i missed a bit of info or something oh well.

but gee a superbb opening

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Guest mulletino

oh JENTee shi ur korean is developing : )

aigo WE NEED TO HANG OUT AGEN. meh karaoke updates so i heard sduhasdiuaslhd

eff i thnk we need another soompi meetup.

yes 'stunning' they are HAHAAH

BAHAHAHAHHA SHUTUP pinkberry HAAHHA i was so not screaming more like you were with ur gay cheers HAHAHA jokes

omigosh i only watched for auso n korea eff they were all the way at the end : (

EHH that opening was grand with that aws countdown

meh i think aussie cut some opening shiet out tsk tsk

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Guest -I+Jenvox+I-

^ yah kojimal. you were the one into it. banging you hands on the table

i cant stop replaying haru haru =X

ill probably take the play count up to something ridiculous like noona nomu yepuh XD

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Why are the Aussies getting their butts kicked? -_- Been watching the swimming =/ When Rice got a medal...it was like the only thing they could keep replaying xD

...I don't usually watch the olympics ^^;;

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LMFAO you guys are hilarious with the korean. nomu jaemisseo~~ ;D

BIG BANG YEAAAAAAA! omg i listened to their album like 10 hours straight yesterday. freaking awesomeeee.

omg i wish roy & hg were back, too! wth man! they were the best part of the olympics!

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Guest myclock

omg. best match on so far in the olympics.. China vs USA mens basketball.. china was keeping up with USA for the first half until they got blown away, still a really good match! :D

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^agreed! i thought it was awesome that match. funny how Yao Ming was like the main focus of the commentary even when he was on the sidelines.

haru haru is fantabulous! gd is so emo with his eyeliner. the stand up mini album is pretty good except i don't like the last track where they scream OH MY FRIEND~ all through out the song.

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Guest Twilightforest

Olympics are cool, so many ppl gathered from all over the world. watching the korean vs Italians archery was interesting having done a little archery myself...

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Guest Xiaoba1tu

State election is set on September 6.

Who are yall voting for?

I don't care who wins it. Politicians never do what they say anyway.

I'll do a donkey vote most probably. >.>

But Colin Bartnett has this gap between his two front teeth for a long time now. Isn't he rich enough to fix up his teeth?

(Actually I haven't seen recent pics of him).


Everyone overtakes you on the freeway whenever they see an 'L' on the car. >.>

Also came across a few idiots that were taking their time crossing the road and I was in the middle of the four way intersection in the city.

They were looking at me and giving hand gestures that I could accelerate/drive ahead. Really irritating.

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omg. best match on so far in the olympics.. China vs USA mens basketball.. china was keeping up with USA for the first half until they got blown away, still a really good match! :D

well i havent really seen the other matches but that one i watched through the whole way! was really good even though USA was winning by a far bit xD yep i enjoyed watching it xD

^wow.. i got freaked out a bit cuz i just realised i havent filled in my form yet but then again im not 18 until November xD

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State election is set on September 6.

Who are yall voting for?

I don't care who wins it. Politicians never do what they say anyway.

I'll do a donkey vote most probably. >.>

But Colin Bartnett has this gap between his two front teeth for a long time now. Isn't he rich enough to fix up his teeth?

(Actually I haven't seen recent pics of him).


Everyone overtakes you on the freeway whenever they see an 'L' on the car. >.>

Also came across a few idiots that were taking their time crossing the road and I was in the middle of the four way intersection in the city.

They were looking at me and giving hand gestures that I could accelerate/drive ahead. Really irritating.

i have no idea who im going to vote for. but i wont donkey vote. man i need to read up on the policies then.

sep 6 is my mummy's bday...wheee

im worried in front or behind an L plater. i know not all L platers are crazy but remembering some of the retarded things i did on my L plates makes me worried. Also ur not allowed on the freeway on L plates from what i can remember...oh 2nd phase L's can right?

Last saturday in northbridge my friend beeped at randoms who we nearly hit, cos they were recklessly walking in front of our moving vehicle, then we were mooned at by them XP! I TOOK pictures LOL

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Guest Xiaoba1tu
im worried in front or behind an L plater. i know not all L platers are crazy but remembering some of the retarded things i did on my L plates makes me worried. Also ur not allowed on the freeway on L plates from what i can remember...oh 2nd phase L's can right?

Last saturday in northbridge my friend beeped at randoms who we nearly hit, cos they were recklessly walking in front of our moving vehicle, then we were mooned at by them XP! I TOOK pictures LOL

Yeah 2nd Phasers can. I think there's a new law that 1st phase learner's can drive on the freeway too. <--I did and it was quite scary so I like going the long way along Albany Highway. xD

Yea. Post them online too. xD


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