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its true..what is there to do in perth? my friends and i usually do the same thing over and over again..1)go watch movie 2)go to northbridge 3)stay home watch xman hahahah!

but somehow i don't really ever want to move away from perth.

im in vietnam so i don't know about the sales in perth. ah well im guessing didnt miss out on much anyway.

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^ aww yeah that's the same with me.

haha! i could watch xman all day. XDDD

yeah i'm watching a movie next week, and i just went out to the city. T_T soo boring..

but perth is my home, and i don't ever want to move away. ^^

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Guest TrainDriver

just saw casino royale, it was good. i don't mind moving away if i could use the same house :D although my house needs fixing up, getting kinda old.

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Guest sulfuric_ACID

I was gonna go see Casino Royale but went to see Happy Feet and Night at the Museum instead. Both were good movies, Happy Feet was sad!! Lol at least I thought it was, poor penguins running out of food. Makes a good movie to discuss in English or something.

Perth is nice and all but I don't think I'm going to stay here forever. Don't think I'd get employed either unless I move interstate. I'd like to stay in Australia though, it's a cool country!

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Guest iNtRiguE.

damnnnnnn perth is so boring if u have nothing planned lik today haha.. well we did have a plan but didnt go along with it. yeah anyone got any ideas what there is to do in perth?

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Guest TrainDriver

happy new year ppl, not doing anything special for new years though :P oh dear, my air-con isn't working today and its damn hot inside the house *sigh*

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i wanna see night at the museum! but my friends want to go see the holiday instead =/ hope it's good.. jude law!!

does anyone know if fireworks are illegal here in perth? (not the massive ones but like, the ones you muck around with) haha i miss playing with them; used to have them in hk all the time before they got banned.

all the holidays so far this year have been so boring... like xmas and new years. where did the fun go?

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LOL ok thanks xD ahaha everyone wants to see it, i told my brother i was going to see it and he starting whinging and saying he wanted to go see it with me xDD rofl, for someone who's 28 --; awesome, i can't wait until i watch it. ^^ owen wilson looks so cute in there~ ahaha.

YES NEW YEARS SOON! so weird, i totally forgot today. haha. illegal fireworks.. i'm not sure. i've heard that people do set them off. lmfao. i think they're not illegal? but don't trust my words =X gah i'm going to mandurah tomorrow, i so can't effing be bothered. T___________T

so hot right now, i should go get changed. so lazy though!

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Guest TrainDriver

so any1 doing anything atm for new years? i'm doing nothing, infact i'm in PJs :D don't know how i'm gonna sleep tonight with busted air-con.

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i was just watching tv but now my dad is watching some viet musical.

but right now. just talking to kim on msn. xD

ahhhhhhh come on fireworks!! there are fireworks in the city.. right?

better be. i'm gonna go watch it on my balcony, if i can see it again~

i wish i lived near the city again. T_T fireworks were just in my backyard. T_T

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happy new year everyone. haha.

i'm going to try sneak out later... go over to my friends place. it's unfair that my bro is allowed to go out wherever he wants but i'm always trapped at home cos my parents won't let me do anything.

i don't think they have fireworks in the city anymore right? well, if they did then i missed them lol

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Guest sulfuric_ACID

Happy New Year all! Boring day it is for me, I guess I'm going to spend the day packing up my room, it's like a warzone now. I've managed to stick up 19 kpop posters on my wall so far, I'm pretty impressed with myself cause it looks pretty cool haha. Mum went psycho at me when she saw what I did to the walls.

Yeah with me, I'm allowed to go out and stuff but I just can't be bothered. Don't know why, I'm at this anti-social phase where I don't really want to see friends too often.

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Guest TrainDriver

^ahahaha my friends get annoyed when i can't be bothered. hes like wanna go movies, and i just say can't be bothered.

EDIT: well i'm about to fly off overseas, coming back when school starts. its nice to know there are a few perth ppl on this forum, have fun on the remaining of ur summer hols, take it easy guys.

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Guest sulfuric_ACID

oh wow overseas so lucky..most people I know have gone overseas =\

OH I haven't been to freo in yonks, shall go sometime before class starts again. Just had a horrible day, worked for 9 hrs and I'm like so exhausted. To make myself feel better though, I ordered a large pizza just now and ate 2/3rd of it HAHA~~by the end of the break, I'm gonna be so fat.

Yeah I love the rain! I miss it so much haha. I like the change from the scorching sun.

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