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Official Perth Thread!


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Calling ALL Perthies! ♡ HELLOOOO~!
yes we are loners because everyone seems to miss us out.

are we allowed to have one official thread just for us perthians? :D

but ah! i'll start it off - how was your day? ^^ enjoying your holidays? haha.

actually. anyone see me today in the city with my friends? i was wearing a "I <3 YG" top. LOL. everyone was staring. T__T someone actually read it out loud after they walked past.. HAHA. i'm thinking of making the soompi one but soooo lazyyyyyy. :phew:

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HAHA yay Antz u made the official Perth thread xDD

now i feel special for being a Perthian! haha

LOL ur YG shirt haha that was funny. haha yeh for the holidays i've only been going to the city and working.. i'm going to carousel tmr! =)

haven't been for ages~~

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are you serious? eh you didn't even spend anything today. LOL. omg i want bulgogi again. if we go again, we are so getting korean for lunch! LOL. lets go to arirang <33

aha i seem to only make perth threads.. -_____-;;

my yg shirt is so ruined now T__T so gay hole. grr. stupid people-who-always-hog-the-fabric-markers-in-target! TT also those who closed down lincraft in BOTH the city and galleria! GRRRRRRR...

i should get back to packing for camp.. LOL.

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Hey! haha, I'm still so tired from today and haven't even packed half my stuff for camp yet T____T

ahaha korean for lunch, I'll go have Japanese again xD or kfc wouldn't be bad either :P

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kim you unhealthy girl, stop eating kfc! lol go against the koreans and eat japanese. :P

man i can't believe i was meant to have tuition tonight.. he didn't even call me! grrrrrrr... next week is starting tuition again :( i thought larissa was busy for the rest of december.. what the heck.

ahh hmm anyone go to the red bull air race last week? it was so awesome. we had to finish lunch at the park and omg we went to the jetty, just when it finished! god sakes....

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hey since Kim likes Japanese food and we like Korean (and Japanese) we should go to POPPO.. that Korean and Japanese restaurant LOL xD

HAHA I haven't packed anything for camp yet... i'll do it later before i sleep haha

ahh yeh tuition!.. i rather go this wk ey.. he should of told us earlier rather than right on the day when we needed to go ><

AHHA yeh omg the airshow.. it sucked cuz we missed it wen he were juz about to get closeup to watch it! hahah.. but it was still cool watching it from a distance

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you guys were lucky, you were watching the airshow enjoying yourselves while I suffered in the library studying T_____T but ahh yeah, we should have a soompi perth meetup sometime ^^

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Guest TrainDriver

its been so hot lately in perth, walking with the sun above u, burning u is not fun. u guys live south or north of river? i'm in the south.

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^^^ OMFG I ENVY YOU. someday i shall move to seoul. :X of course you can join! the more perthies, the better. ^^

^ i reckon.. TT i had to stay in my new house all day today and clean up.. my sis never came back to clean, that lazy crap. it was so hot as well. we didn't have aircon's yet, so i was sweating like hell. i walked outside to put rubbish outside, and it was so god damn hot. 2 hours before that it was hot, but like.. then it became hot like an oven.. like wtf. :/

but yeah, i'm from the north. currently i live in the perth cbd.

idol is on at the moment.. i just went to the thread in soompi and omfg i can't believe damien won.. TT

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^yehh it's been quite hot and we're going to camp in 2 days up North and it's gonna be EVEN hotter ToT

ahh i went to Carousel today.. gosh it's sooo big and spent half the day there and it was really COLD there.. so mani aircons >< haha

oh and i live North of the river

yay more Perthians! Hi |[eternally lonely]|. welcome to the Official Perth thread xD

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Guest TrainDriver

i haven't been to carousel in ages, nothing much there that interests me and the ppl there can be kinda iffy at times, if u know wat i mean.

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Guest --eternally lonely--

caro was open today?? serious.. didnt know that. hehe.. thanks for the welcome. oh and im from the south. hehee.. nice to meet everyone..

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