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Question about anime store...

Guest girl3744

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Guest girl3744
What would you want to see most in a anime store???
Hey everyone! My friend is opening an anime store in like 2 - 3 months...help okay? Let's say, if you were to go into his store, what would you expect to see and what would you recommand him to sell? Which show and manga is recommand? And what other things? Please help since he ask help from me, I dont really know, so please help me! Thanks in advance!
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Guest Strawberry Boba Tea

I think the most important thing is to have variety. Don't stick to one series because I wouldn't shop at a store that worships Dragon Ball. I also think it's great to have a website up so that others outside the area can have access to the store.

Make sure to have mangas, anime DVDs (I don't think there's really anyone left who watches VHS or would rather purchase VHS), OSTs, accessories (cell phone chains, figurines, posters, etc.) and also have Japanese CDs, movies, etc.

As far as Japanese CDs, try to include different genres of music. Don't sell just Jpop or Jrock, be as diverse as possible. People are different and different things appeal to different people.

Well... that's what I would definately look for if I were to have walked into his shop. Let us know when there's a website up, I'd love to see what he has.

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Guest the.elephant

action figures!!!!!!!! hahahhaha

i think a lot of anime stuff has to do with "collecting" so i guess

he should get a collection of everything

i think fans would never just buy one of anything

they would buy the whole series/collection

so dolls, dvds, keychains, accesories, books, picures, posters, soundtracks and maybe even clothes??

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Guest XxIllicitxX

Lots of merchandise! And rare items are always good.

Plus it sucks when you go into a store and they only have like, 1, 3, 7, and 9 of a dvd, and you need all the others >.<

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No bootlegs please. That is SUCH a turn-off.

It'd be nice if they sell cosplay costumes and accessories (the good ones. Not the cheesy kind. I would XD). Import video game section (where you can find import games that's not available in the U.S.) They should also have a TV that plays some random anime if possible and even game consoles where people can try out games mayble and people can sample music too if possible (where you can play cds for them to listen). I think that would be really nice.

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Guest AnonymouSouL

No bootlegs please. That is SUCH a turn-off.

It'd be nice if they sell cosplay costumes and accessories (the good ones. Not the cheesy kind. I would XD). Import video game section (where you can find import games that's not available in the U.S.) They should also have a TV that plays some random anime if possible and even game consoles where people can try out games mayble and people can sample music too if possible (where you can play cds for them to listen). I think that would be really nice.

i agree with the import so many better games that are not tinkered with by america

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Guest Golden Zeta Gundam

theres a few anime stores in Sydney

theres a section for box figures collectibles

gundam/mecha model kits , all varieties includin model kits of cars from Initial D etc

action figures etc , Anime OST Albums , Anime Posters , Anime Wall Scrolls

list goes on , maybe some Anime DVDs which are sold in your country , like others said , No Bootlegs! , though some could be fine...

trading cards.. and i cant think of anything else

also also! , like , merchandise from games aswell

like Final Fantasy stuff and such games from Japan etc (most RPG type etc and some Mecha[Armored Core] hmmz what else)

ill give you one of the sites of the anime stores in Syd


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I think a used section could be good too where people can sell stuff to you for you to put it back out on sale again (old mangas they don't want anymore, etc etc). That way people can find rare and hard to find stuff that you don't even need to make the effort to find for your customers?

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try to keep the costs as low as possible.

the anime store in my town is pretty big (i guess) and brings in customers from all over the state & outta state.

but they don't lower their damn costs!

personally i like manga, art books, mascot characters...anything unique that they can find...

and tell them not to badger ppl to buy stuff!

i know it's hard being a new business, but it's a real annoyance to have someone try and sell you a $50 art book when you're telling them you have to make $70 last 2 weeks... <_<

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Guest -g-aara

^ le-duh.

dvd's. lots of them. all the anime/videogame stores i go to don't have much dvd's.... ): maybe it's the area i

live in. plushies would be very nice, too. i want some naruto plushies soooo bad. and some fullmetal one's, too.


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Guest instantnoodlez

It shouldn't be uber expensive either or people will just shop online for like 25% off. I know a lot of people will still buy because the product is tangible at a store but to maximize your customer number, he should try to compete with online prices. It can't be too hard because the online people are still making profits even though they're selling it a lot cheaper than the MSRP, which stores like Suncoast or Sam Goody are selling at.

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Guest Golden Zeta Gundam

^ yeah true that about the costs

the anime stores in Sydney are like.. 2 bux extra then online Japanese prices , but some of the stuff is quite expensive , esp if they're rare ones aswell

try to keep the price where pocket money is just acceptable

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