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Kim Hee Chul 김희철 [希]

Guest damifino

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Guest damifino

At this point, I don't think it's up to MBC or even Heechul because the PD at Rainbow Romance made it clear that as soon as Heechul is out of the hospital, they wanted him back and Heechul, I'm sure is eager to get back to work. I think it's up to SM Entertainment whether they allow him to do it or not. If they do, some fans might get mad at them for rushing Heechul back to work while he's still recovering. If they don't, some fans might get mad that they are keeping him from doing something he wants to do and can do with a little bit of effort on the parts of the studio and SM Entertainment. Either way, they probably will get some bad press.

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Guest damifino

Heechul updated his minihompy. He must really be in a good mood by the sounds of his entry :)

Here's a translation of his entry which entitled "Typhoon"...


'TRAX's vocal 'Typhoon' . .

From now on, I'll just call him 'Jay'

What does it matter ~ it's my hompy ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ -_ㅡ++

This guy .. his voice when he sings and of course when he talks is awesome

That's why last year when the three of us, Donghae, Jay, and I, were hanging out . .

Me: Hey~ first of all, your voice is good~ you should be able to act with that voice~ㅋ

Donghae: You're right, hyung~ your face is good looking also~ your eyebrows are also dark and strong~!!

Jay: Should I think about it in earnest..?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Me: Yes, yes~ first of all, close off that piercing in your ear~ㅋ

Jay: ㅡㅡㆀ Do you really hate my piercing that much?

Me: Yesㅡㅡ^ I hate the sight of itㅡㅡ++

Jay: ㅡㅡㆀ

Donghae: ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ

Jay: Why are you laughing, twerp! 퍽! 퍽! (hitting noise)

Donghae: No, no.. (looking at me) This is all because of you, hyung!! &#&%#!!ㅋㅋ

Me: Why are you #%$#! You son of #&$#~ㅋ I'm going to knee kick your nose!!ㅋㅋ

Jay: Stop cussing you $#&$# ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Me: -_ㅡㅗ amused~

Jay: Why I oughta!!

Me: What? What? You, with your over 180cm height, why don't you go to the bathroom and scrub the grime off yourself -_ㅡ++

Donghae: Tsk, tsk, tsk.. old fogies..ㅎㅎㅎㅎ

Me&Jay: What?! You little $*$@#!! $&#*$!! We oughta just knee kick your eyeballs!!

ㅡㅡㆀ ............................................................................

I wonder what I was trying to write..

I was only going to say that Jay's voice is the best (ºㅁ º )=b . .

However, in all honesty, this is how guys act when they hang out ㅋ

Well, let's say that THIS is how we hang out

(Three of us are sitting politely with both our hands gently folded)

Me: Jay^-^ Your voice.. it's really nice to listen to^-^;; you should try acting..

Donghae: It's true, hyung^-^ You have good looks.. your eyebrows are well-defined..^-^;;

Jay: Really? Thanks, guys^-^;; I'll listen carefully to your words^-^

Me: That's right, friend^-^;;

Donghae: Yes, hyung^-^;;

-_ㅡ++ ...........................................................................

Just thinking about it makes my skin crawl . .

Anyways!! Jay's voice, even just thinking about it, makes my skin crawl . . . . huh?

DO NOT take this out without credit or permission. Translated by Damifino@Soompi & SJsource


I just noticed that Heechul got rid of his "diary" section. I bet he got annoyed with all those stickers that his fans keep putting all over his entries. Instead, he seems to be putting everything he writes in his miniroom and his photo sections where they can't put stickers.

Another ETA

Euichul wrote another post on Heechul's minihompy...

"Right now, I'm at the Rainbow Romance studio. The empty space left by you not being here, hyung, is just way too... big and boring... it's your turn! Yep! ㅋ"

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Guest damifino

Heechul not only knows Typhoon, they are best friends. They, along with Donghae, lived together for 4 years in the same SM Entertainment dorm and were practically joined at the hip before they debuted and had to go perform their separate activities.

Here's a secret friendship test that the host asked Typhoon to ask of Heechul. Typhoon is supposed to test whether Heechul would do something for him if he asked.


A= announcer

T= Typhoon

H= Heechul

A: Typhoon, I hear that you are very close to Super Junior's Heechul.

T: Yes, we lived together for a long time so I'm very close with Heechul.

A: Then your surprise mission now... to call Kim Heechul and ask him for a favor, can you sing a song? Do you think he will say yes?

T: He will definitely do me the favor since he's a friend.

A: Definitely?

(calling... Heechul's ringback tone sounds like the noise the ghost makes before she kills in "Ju-On" LOL)

H: Yeobosaem? (Korean equivalent to answering your phone "Yellow" in US :))

T: Yeah, hello?

H: Yeah

T: Hey, are you available to talk now?

H: Yeah, why?

T: Nothing much, I just have a favor to ask of you.

H: Yeah

T: This weekend we're having a party for my grandfather's 60th birthday and you know how my relatives really adore you so...

H: Hahahahahahahahahahaha

T: Don't laugh like that.

H: Huh, why?

T: I don't like the sound of it.

H: Ah, that's right.

T: The thing is, they want you to come over and sing a song...

H: Me?

T: But you have to sing Trot, there's a song that my grandfather likes.

H: Hey, I... trot...?

T: Can you do it? Will you do it?

H: Park SangChul's "MooJoGun"... "JaOakAh"

T: Can you do it?

H: Ay, I will always do you a favor.

T: Really? Thanks. As always, there's no one, but you.

H: Hey, in return treat me to "Sooseungeh Euneh" (a Korean horror movie)

T: Ah, a movie? OK, I'll treat you to a movie, then you are definitely doing me the favor?

H: Yeah.

DO NOT take this out without credit or permission. Translated by Damifino@Soompi & SJsource

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Guest damifino

Heechul is FINALLY out of the hospital!!! Unfortunately, all the SuJu members are in Thailand for their guest spot at the DBSK concert and will go to China from there so Heechul won't be able to hang out with them for a little while yet. At least he has Jay to help him function around his house according to Heechul's post on his fan cafe. Jay is such a sweetie :)

Anyways, Heechul posted on his fan cafe as well as his minihompy. I don't have access to his fan cafe so I can't translate, but here are the translations to some of the entries in his minihompy...


Today is... anxious

When a tower falls to ruin..

All one can do is rebuild it..

It might seem futile and hard..

But just staring at the ruins and regretting it..

it's not as if the answer will come..

Let's just.. think good thoughts..

That's what's good for the baby..


In the photo section, titled "Kneel.."


2006.09.15 23:16

Alas . .

While singing on the air, I knelt down . .

LOL ! !

Including this, I've only knelt down three times . .

2005年 Showcase.. while singing 'Malice Mizer's 'Au Revoir'..

2005年 Show! Music Tank.. while singing the last part of 'Twins'..

Hmmph ~ ♡

However . .

What's so great about kneeling that I'm acting like this ㅡㅡㆀ

It's not as if I didn't kneel endlessly at home when I was young and at school . .

ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ

This is also from the photo section, title "Capture"


2006.09.15 23:08

Capture . .

Capture . .

Capture . .

Hmmph . .

This is good looking enough to say I succeeded . . ?

Even so . .

If people set their minds to it, they can take a funny looking capture ㅡㅡ^

The feeling I get when I see a funny looking capture . .





Ah! That's my face ㅡㅡㆀ"


There is one more entry in the miniroom, but whenever I try to go in, my computer freezes. If someone could go in and at least copy the Korean post, I would really appreciate it.

It's titled "Clock"

"The hands of a clock winds towards the right

People walk forwards

Just because you wind the hands to the left..

Walk backwards..

Doesn't make the things that happened in the past return

Even knowing that, just once..

I try to wind the hands to the left..

Try to walk backwards..

Even though I know that it's no use.. "

For any of these, DO NOT take this out without permission. Translated by Damifino@Soompi & SJsource

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Guest MizJudge.d

Damifino I truly truly appriciate that you've taken your time to translate all Heechul's entries. I kinda know the feeling that he's feelin rite now. But the injuries will heal with time, I'm sure he's gain many many thoughts during his recovery time in the hospital. All I can do is give him my support <33

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Guest damifino

Here's a translation of Heechul's entry in his fan cafe regarding his hospital release... it was translated by Julie in the SuJu thread :)

heechul's message~ xDD

title: Discharge

I finally came out of the hospital -_-V

I became close to the doctor and the nurse noonas (older sisters)… hm…

Truthfully.. I tried to escape from the hospital after a week of being hospitalized, even if I got hospitalized again within a day of my escape --ㆀ

I, who can’t even sit tight without moving for 10minutes.. I have to do that for several months more.. ouch..

I asked the doctor before I got discharged.

“Hyung nim (older brother)- I would be able to move by november-december, right? I don’t want to miss the end of the year awards ceremony -_-++”

“hm…………… if everything goes fine, you might be able to move by then… hm…….”

“how about dancing?”

“dancing would be hard… it’s going to take 6months to a year before you can dance again..”

“since I’m a genius, I’ll be able to dance in 3months -_-V”

The doctor told me to try hard until I can walk again...

And my company said that I still have a lot of opportunities so I should take my time and never stress out until I fully recover..

This… seriously… a human wants to do something even more if people tell him not to do it..? right? ㅋㅋ

I used to really hate dancing..

Now I want to dance.. I’m a very greedy person..

“Should I do a carpoera (??) by strengthening both of my arms?”

“Should I do a head spin while singing by mastering it by the next album release?”

I thought of many different things.

I saw my X-Ray of my thigh bones and my ankle.

The doctor said that my thigh bones are recovering very fast.

My ankle picture… huh..? who are you --? (he’s asking the ankle cuz it doesn’t look like his)

“Hyung nim (older brother)~ what is this? Is this a puzzle matching game?”

The broken bones and the nails that are in between the ripped ligaments..

“The ankle is the problem. It’s very serious.. but it’s getting better..”


When I came to the apartment.. the computer was all broken.. the people didn’t come visit me.. I’m very bored by myself..

I showed for the first time in a long time. seriously.. I’m so thankful to Jay (T^T)V

Get the water for me.. take off my clothes.. put me in the bathtub.. when I said that he said..

“should I wash you?”




(looking at each other) ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


“Call me if something happens --ㆀ”

“Okay --ㆀ”

Oh~ I was growing my moustache for my image change during my rest..

And I was going to transform into a muscle man when my leg gets better..

Well, since I ate so much medicine, even if I eat, sleep, eat, sleep, I lost 3kg, and my hairs are falling out..

!!!!!!!!!! (⊙_⊙)a

What if I…

Turn into Smegal (that freaky monster thing from Lord of the Rings… I’m sorry, I don’t know how to spell his name :x) …

credits: me(xgoody2shoes15x)

if ur gonna take it somewhere else, please PM me and get my permission first...

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Guest damifino

For someone who claims that he doesn't socialize much and doesn't have many friends, Heechul certainly has his share of famous ones. I knew from before that he was close to Boa since they have the type of relationship where Boa calls Heechul 언니 (what girls call older sisters LOL) and he calls Boa 꼬마 (kiddo), but I was just watching the making of Donghae and Boa's Digicam CF and Boa said that although she had met Donghae on a couple of occasions, she had never talked to him before except in passing, but that Heechul asked her to take good care of Donghae because he's a dongsaeng he cherishes :) That's so sweet! I love Heechul and Donghae's big brother-kid brother relationship.

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Guest damifino

Here's an article from Naver...

Super Junior's Eeteuk, "Kim Heechul will join us soon"

[MyDaily 2006-09-16 12:07]

13 member group Super Junior's Eeteuk (23) relayed information about the recent condition of team member Kim Heechul who was hospitalized after a car accident

On the 15th, Eeteuk revealed during an post concert interview at the DBSK concert in Thailand's Bangkok Impact Arena that "After being released from the hospital on the 14th, Heechul's condition had improved a lot" and "in order not to have a relapse, he will recuperate for a little while longer before joining the group in their activities."

Also "Heechul's personality is such that just lying down was very frustrating for him" and that "even while he was in the hospital, he constantly monitored shows that the members appeared in and sent text messages with comments."

Not too long ago, he even talked to Heechul during the live airing of an M.NET program (probably the Mcountdown).

SuJu will participate in a fan sign event in Thailand on the 16th and also appear on a TV program.

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Guest itsf0'y0'mynd

Heechul is FINALLY out of the hospital!!! Unfortunately, all the SuJu members are in Thailand for their guest spot at the DBSK concert and will go to China from there so Heechul won't be able to hang out with them for a little while yet. At least he has Jay to help him function around his house according to Heechul's post on his fan cafe. Jay is such a sweetie :)

Anyways, Heechul posted on his fan cafe as well as his minihompy. I don't have access to his fan cafe so I can't translate, but here are the translations to some of the entries in his minihompy...


Today is... anxious

When a tower falls to ruin..

All one can do is rebuild it..

It might seem futile and hard..

But just staring at the ruins and regretting it..

it's not as if the answer will come..

Let's just.. think good thoughts..

That's what's good for the baby..


In the photo section, titled "Kneel.."


2006.09.15 23:16

Alas . .

While singing on the air, I knelt down . .

LOL ! !

Including this, I've only knelt down three times . .

2005年 Showcase.. while singing 'Malice Mizer's 'Au Revoir'..

2005年 Show! Music Tank.. while singing the last part of 'Twins'..

Hmmph ~ ♡

However . .

What's so great about kneeling that I'm acting like this ㅡㅡㆀ

It's not as if I didn't kneel endlessly at home when I was young and at school . .

ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ

This is also from the photo section, title "Capture"


2006.09.15 23:08

Capture . .

Capture . .

Capture . .

Hmmph . .

This is good looking enough to say I succeeded . . ?

Even so . .

If people set their minds to it, they can take a funny looking capture ㅡㅡ^

The feeling I get when I see a funny looking capture . .





Ah! That's my face ㅡㅡㆀ"


There is one more entry in the miniroom, but whenever I try to go in, my computer freezes. If someone could go in and at least copy the Korean post, I would really appreciate it.

It's titled "Clock"

"The hands of a clock winds towards the right

People walk forwards

Just because you wind the hands to the left..

Walk backwards..

Doesn't make the things that happened in the past return

Even knowing that, just once..

I try to wind the hands to the left..

Try to walk backwards..

Even though I know that it's no use.. "

For any of these, DO NOT take this out without permission. Translated by Damifino@Soompi & SJsource

HE SANG MALICE MIZER 'AU REVOIR'?!?!?!?!!?! i wanna see!!!!!!!!!!!!! =[

im so happy that hes getting dischargeddd!!!! *^^* i hope he gets a lottttt better and he can say good bye at least at the end of rr!!!

i hope he feels betterrr!!!~~

*page ownage*

****~i was waiting for one in this thread*^^*~****

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Guest damifino

Congrats on the page ownage :)

Well, Heechul is injured and he's had someone sponge bathe him in the hospital for the past 5 weeks I assume. Jay was just trying to be helpful since Heechul can't move very well, but it was funny nonetheless. I could just see their faces LOL You would think that especially in Korea where friends often go to bath houses together, it wouldn't be such a big deal :P

As for the ringtone, I know! Heechul and his horror movie fixation :)

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Guest shronie_x3

i just watched the clip with jay and heechul. they are so cute. since you wrote about that freaky ring tone thing i shut off the volume and put it back up afterwards but i still caught the end of it >.<

heechul`s updating his cyworld so much lately haha. he must be really bored.

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i just watched the clip with jay and heechul. they are so cute. since you wrote about that freaky ring tone thing i shut off the volume and put it back up afterwards but i still caught the end of it >.<

heechul`s updating his cyworld so much lately haha. he must be really bored.

LOL about the ringtone thing omg it was so funny. I didn't even watch the movie ju on myself becuse im a scardey cat and i can't take those movies ><. Anyways the ringtone wasn't bad it was just.. idk funny that it ws his ringtone??? LOL. Also jay and heechul i know aww god they're so cute and imagining that is so funny :D

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An old episode of Sponge that aired in 2004 (? - not sure of broadcast date) -

This is the beginning days when Heechul started coming out on variety programs and Super Junior hadn't even debuted.

Sponge - Epi. 93

Guests: Kim Heechul, Kilgun, Lee Euijeong, Pyo Inbong


Available @ http://clubbox.co.kr/teikyung

(silver box)

Search in Super Junior Folder

Also available @ http://clubbox.co.kr/sylver

(gold box)

Go to : Variety Folder --> Others subfolder

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Guest beauwhale

if anyone has Jay pic (Hee Chul's sweet friend,hihi), please post. i dont know his face.... i wonder how he is, and he is a singer too??? is he as humor as Hee Chul??

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Guest shronie_x3

if anyone has Jay pic (Hee Chul's sweet friend,hihi), please post. i dont know his face.... i wonder how he is, and he is a singer too??? is he as humor as Hee Chul??

Jay is typhoon from trax. here`s a pic from when they were on sukira. he`s the one next to eeteuk.


i found him hilarious.. he started doing this low voice during the play thing. oh man. if you wanna listen it`s 8/29 of kiss the radio. they also came on 9/12 and that was a bora.

i think if you go like one page back damifino posted the link to the phone conversation between him and heechul.

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Guest damifino

An old episode of Sponge that aired in 2004 (? - not sure of broadcast date) -

This is the beginning days when Heechul started coming out on variety programs and Super Junior hadn't even debuted.

Awww, I want to see it, but the old PC that I was using to download from clubbox went on the fritz so I no longer have access to clubbox. Is this episode on any non-clubbox or on YouTube or something?

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Awww, I want to see it, but the old PC that I was using to download from clubbox went on the fritz so I no longer have access to clubbox. Is this episode on any non-clubbox or on YouTube or something?

^ :( i really don't know.

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