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Han Hyo Joo 한효주 - [FIN: Happiness (2021) || NEXT: ThePirates: Goblin Flag (Jan 2022)]


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Han Hyo Joo - Samsung VLUU Mirror CF [15"A] (the "Front" side)

Han Hyo Joo - Samsung VLUU Mirror CF [15"B] (the "Back" side)

[Fancam] Han Hyo Joo - MNet 20's Choice Awards Blue Carpet

[Fancams] Han Hyo Joo - Jambangee Autograph Signing

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Fantaken photo from Aeja VIP premiere


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Do you guys remember how HHJ said she wanted a cellphone CF? lol, well a fan photoshopped the Samsung VLUU Mirror camera out and replaced it with the Cyon Cooky cell phone XD :lol:


It looks quite real, doesn't it? :P

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edward: Eee! You bought it already?! Haha, how are you liking BL so far? :D

And how much was it? :o

c0mbr0: Hello!! Welcome to the thread!! :D

And what does chukae mean? haha

fujiwara no sai: Heys! I see you in here a lot but you rarely leave a reply :sweatingbullets: lol

And yup! Congrats to our Hyojoo! ^^

catherine ann: Hehe HwanSung won Hot Drama Acting awards :D Well deserved win! ^^

asadal: Aw, why do you feel depressed? :o

And yeah, her smile is so lovely!

itic: I think the dress is pretty, but I wish the bodice area was shorter and I wish the dress was shorter too.. haha But other than that, I loveeeee her hair!! It was kind of weird seeing such a chic haircut with an elegant, classy dress but it looks really nice together! haha

Ah, we'll just have to get used to seeing her with brown hair even if we do miss the black tresses, lol.

But yeah, no MC or interactions -.- But it's okay because she won! Haha

& she was sitting next to Park Jae-jung.

sanderella: I like the one strap~ It makes it more unique :)

This is the first time HHJ wore a dress with one strap and the color pink~

And I actually really like her hair. It's definitely better than her old hair.. This one's edgy haha. And I like that it's choppy :D

I don't mind the short hair as much anymore.. I used to be like you hoping and praying it'd grow out, but now.. I think HHJ looks good with any hairstyle, lol. And she shouldn't stick to just one look throughout her entire career. A lot of actresses do that and it's boring frankly :\

Haha, I think her dress was really pretty~ But it was a bit too formal for the event o_o

And I was sad that it wasn't HHJ haha, I wasn't expecting Soojin, it was really random @_@

I want her autograph too! It's so cute! :D Really unique haha

xesre8: Yup! She looked really pretty in the MNet 20s Choice Awards <3

And I wonder if they congratulated each other haha I was wondering if they would show up together on the blue carpet, but LSGi wasn't there for the blue carpet..

IHeartHimxD: Haha, she looked really nice for the award show huh? :D

And I wish I was as gorgeous as her too T_T

Yup! Bye bye Eun Sung hair! haha Her new hairstyle looks fab! I really like it!

kozuesan: I was so happy to hear the fans scream louder when they called out HHJ's name from the nomination list XD

And yeah, she seems to always make the mood really comfortable =)

Converse isn't one of her endorsements, but it should be! I remember in the beginning of BL, HHJ bought converse shoes for all the cast and crew members ^^ So sweet~ ahah

I freaking want everything from her Vogue Girl photoshoot D8 Everything's absolutely gorgeous and she rocks that look so well! I love the lolita/rock chic look~

Yeah, it'd be great to see a Hyojoo/Ivy reunion~ Ivy moved ent. companies, so they're probably not as close now :(

Haha, I'm happy to know that I'm not the only one who thought her hair is the same length now as it was in HP! And HP is rumored to be begin promos soon too! :D :D I really hope they don't postpone it -.- *cries.

I noticed HHJ always gets really shy at award shows, which is so weird haha. She seems really self conscious lol

I hope she takes a much needed break too :( The girl is working too much T_T

For her MNet speech, she just basically says thank you a lot of times and thanks the fans who voted for her :)

Well, to answer your last question.. There's Vogue and there's Vogue Girl, they're different. HHJ is in both issues for this month, while SHK is in Vogue.

currysushi33: Lol, she seems to really like having short hair now.. Oh wells, I think she looks just as pretty with short hair as she does with long hair :D

Bing Yang: Icon love! ahah

Hehe, HwanSung won! :D :D Proves how popular BL was in order for it to shadow over the BOF craze~

hurley: Thanks again for the translations! :D :D

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no matter what hairstyle HHJ has, she always has that same genuine refreshing smile that can make anyone smile as well. :D

Thanks for the brief speech translation and the vogue clarification, harmony. So HHJ is not just in one but in two vogue issues for september :w00t:

And about her hair, I agree with you Harmony. I like it that HHJ is not afraid to try on different styles. She's young and she does not seem that conscious of her beauty image. What I mean is that HHJ, in my opinion knows a lot of her original fans want her old hairstyle, but she trusts them and believes they can understand her on her image experiments. After all its just the external beauty that looks different, but her daily interactions with fans and crew alike shows the HHJ that her fans come to like...plus she keeps getting better in the acting department in her drama, cf and photoshoots. I'm watching BL ( again, haha, but this time with my mom) and I observe a lot of nuances that I know were spontaneously done by HHJ. These types of nuances can be shrugged off by viewers as nothing because on tv, they come off as pretty natural that one tends to not observe it as acting and I really mean this not just as an HHJ fan, but as a drama fan. For quite some time now, I was thinking on why I like HHJ so much, then it was just while watching BL now, for the second time that it hit me. It was her acting that caught me first. No matter what people might say, I really like her style of acting. It is character-driven. She does need improvement but i like it more that she knows she needs improvement so I do observe that she keeps on improving in her acting. Oh, HHJ just keep on keeping on! :lol:

And her photoshoots, wooaahh. I was hesitant to watch her samsung dance before because I cringe everytime I watch her dance in Loveletter and nonstop, haha, but wooaaah, I could hardly believe its the same HHJ.

And converse should realize HHJ loves them, they must love her back! lolz.

I notice that her fans are spread almost evenly to girls, guys, little girls, little boys and even moms and grandmas alike! :D

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Guest hurley

Jo Min Gi hosted the interview with HHJ:(Part2)

(translated fr chinese:http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=635167413)

[JMG filming the star] HHJ, asking JMG for the directions

I am grateful, "the brilliant legacy" has brought me popularity, but I occasionally feel the burden of it.

It is just a process, like going to a bar ... for 2nd or 16th round, I still need to go.

HHJ sat down in the studio for the interview after finishing all the shootings. However, HHJ asked questions before she was interviewed.

"The senior does not seem to press the shutter when shooting? Generally we would hear 'Kacha Kacha' shutter sounds constantly during shooting sessions." JMG laughed at HHJ’s straightforward personality. JMG said" because I understand the feelings of the actors who stand in front of the camera. I do not want to shoot an empty body, do not want to take pictures with my own concept either, only want to take shots of HHJ in her most natural state.

"Is it the communication from the heart?” She agreed," right. It feels like telling lies when posing in front of the camera simply for shots. But today the atmosphere is very interesting and very comfortable. " She commented further with a photographer's tone:" Photo is not just digital but it involves heart. The model could be distracted if entangled in the camera shutter sounds... "They talked about photography for a while and moved on to the recent popularity.

After “brilliant legacy " HHJ’s popularity is hot, she said," I have made lots of effort to gain popularity. Unlike the past though, I can feel it, and now really appreciate it, but also feel the burden... ". Having experienced the same situation, JMG carefully brought up the suggestion: " after the sudden gain in popularity, and then months passed, you may one day suddenly feel that 'have they all forgotten me?' then comes a sense of panic. So, I am a bit concerned about those younger actors who have suddenly become stars. The solution is very simple. Don’t take this sudden popularity as the peak of the career; instead, take it as the process. Like drinking, one needs to move on, regardless of whether it’s the 2nd or the 16th round ... " HHJ had a look of eureka! (ha, lol, “I got it!”) “Right. I just got a taste of sweetness, I should feel grateful when I look back later." " really smart. Clever HHJ” (laughs)

What to do if wishing to erase the whole life?

Travel to Africa? Try theater plays!

The jam-packed schedules after the drama give HHJ no time for a break, she said, "too busy, and wish to erase myself," quietly told JMG about her dilemma.

" There are remnants of the characters left in actors’ minds after finishing dramas. The way to dispel the residual is to travel. South Korea is too small and so most places have been visited. I personally recommend Africa. Africa is rough, traveling there naturally will wipe out remnants of the kind. " JMG recommended Africa since he was engaged in volunteer work in Africa for some years. He also suggested theater plays. "I thought she fits in theater plays when I saw her earlier. She is exactly the Nina in “The Seagull” of Anton Chekhov’s play ...

will be able to show a healthy girl Nina's charm ... "" ah, I thought about it before :I must try a theater play. Not now, but will certainly try and challenge myself in the future. However, a bit worried about traveling in Africa, because I can’t even turn myself away when I see people around me are having difficulties. I cannot control my own feelings so it would be very difficult for me. In any case Africa will still be under my consideration. "(Laughs)

Rain wouldn’t stop after falling all day, it’s getting dark out, there came the dinner time. Towards the end of the interview, maybe it’s because of the rain, HHJ uttered "I want to eat JokBal." There was nothing people could do but gulping. Sure enough, Lovely honesty is HHJ’s ultimate charm.

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Thank you hurley for the translations!

Your translations are very much loved here ^^

Oh my.. I felt really bad while reading the interview.. Seems like she's regretting all the newfound fame she got from BL :( But I'm glad that she got such great advice from Jo Min Gi. She learned a lot from him in such a short photoshoot/interview. And it made me happy that Hyojoo was his first choice for his Interview/Photoshoot even a year ago when they met each other during Iljimae.. But anyways, this interview's really different compared to her other ones.. She was comfortable enough to express how she really felt about the fame and popularity and how she feels burdened by it now and wishes to erase herself sometimes :( Hopefully she'll take Jo Min Gi's advice about taking it in as a process to her heart. To be honest, I questioned how long her newfound fame would last and if she would be forgotten.. :(

Hyojoo's really, really mature for her age, despite acting like a total kid sometimes lol. She's very intelligent and has many deep thoughts. I like her straightfowardness and what she said about photoshoots. I'm surprised about it though because the girl is so incredibly good at pictorials. I agree with what she said about photography.. It takes more than a simple shot to produce a beautiful picture.

Interesting about her wanting to take on a theatre play role one day. Not many top actresses do that which makes it really interesting. I've never heard about "The Seagull" until now, so I did a quick Google search and read a brief character description about the character JMG mentioned.. and I have to say that I can really picture Hyojoo as Nina. Nina's an inspiring actress who's a hopeless romantic and is described to being naive, smart, idealistic and is a risk-taker. People overestimate her innocence and ambitiousness when she starts to take action for her dream to become a stage actress. That's exactly what Hyojoo is! She's always surprising us with all the different sides of her and she once said that she was a hopeless romantic and netizens have described her as idealistic.

& I love the little random "I want to eat jokbal" at the end of the interview. :lol:

Once again, I can't thank you enough hurley!!!

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kozuesan: I agree, her real trademark is that beautiful smile of hers~

I always feel so uplifted whenever I see her smile so beautifully~

And yup! For September issues, she's in Vogue, Vogue Girl, Nylon, CECI Beauty, and Instyle~ :w00t: That's a lot! haha

Yeah, she's not afraid to shed away the stereotypical pretty factor (i.e. long hair). The girl has had so many different, drastics hairstyles since she's debuted.. Starting off with the everyone's favorite, the long, dark tresses to cropping off half its length and dying it brown for Ad Lib Night, then going back to black in the beginning of AMAHAE, and then brown towards the end.. And then perming it for Ride Away, then having the Iljimae hair, and then dying it back to brown and perming it again, and then cutting it below ear-length and perming it once again lol for HP, and then mushroom haircut for BL, and now this hairstyle :)

Yup! I'm sure she knows her fans miss the long hair but I think she should be allowed to experiment with image. She's only 22! How boring would it be if she just stuck to one style just because it'd please fans? And eventually she's going to get heat for looking the same from critics! lol Most of her Korean fans on Daum, Naver, Cyworld, etc. don't complain about her image as much as us international fans ><

I don't care if she looks like an ahjumma for a drama/movie, as long as I get to see her still being herself off-camera, goofing around, smiling that gorgeous smile, then that's all that really matters, right? Hyojoo will get older, she'll start looking more mature, have more wrinkles, etc. but do people really just like her because of her image? :\ (Also, I meant no offense to anyone in my post D8) I mean yes, the face is usually the selling point for CFs, but not particularly in Hyojoo's case, in my opinion. She's gained such lovely nicknames from the netizens that every HHJ news article and interview contains "Insang-nyeo". That's what she's known now by the netizens and like HHJ said, it's much better than just being labeled as a "beautiful actress". What I'm trying to say is that the products that HHJ is endorsing... It's Hyojoo, Insang-nyeo, that's promoting the product, not her pretty face. I hope I made sense here :\

I know Hyojoo isn't the best at acting right now, but I'm just really surprised by her vast improvement, and that alone, is enough to make me extremely proud of her. But I do wish she'd have more of a variety in her roles, but perhaps we'll see that once her contract with Fantom ends.

I like the subtle, but powerful actions she has in acting too, particulary Ad-Lib Night. She barely spoke in that film, but she was able to portray all the emotions through her face, her movements, gestures, etc. and the viewers were able to grasp these emotions. It's no wonder she won so many acting awards for that role. She was great in it.

At first, in BL, I thought Hyojoo was really overdoing the crying scenes, but mostly because I had gotten used to seeing her cry softly, like in AMAHAE and Iljimae. Just a couple of teardrops, but in Heaven's Postman and BL, she turned it up a notch and I was shocked. But thankfully, she improved more and more by each episode and became a lot more natural. I totally agree about what you say though. She's driven and knows that her acting still needs improvements, and how she asks the veteran actors and actresses for help and tips.

I know how you feel. When I saw the Samsung VLUU rehearsal video, I was like.. Oh dear god, I can't watch this anymore! Lol, but I stuck through it and was really surprised to see the final product. She only had 3 days to learn it, and the CF shows how hard she worked and how dedicated she is.

I wish Converse would pick up HHJ as their model :P But I don't think they have any Converse promotions in Korea because they're already so popular internationally.

I like that her fans ranges in ages and sex :) It just shows how likable she is :lol:

Sorry, I wrote a lot for you ><

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This particular fan wrote on DCInside about her fanaccount. When HHJ first entered the room, the fan couldn't see her yet, but she heard screaming and people started shoving in line :o She said that Hyojoo has a really small face and that she looks a lot prettier in person. Also, she wrote that Hyojoo's really, really sweet and nice :)

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Guest MisS CuTe

heey ,,, I think the news is too old i do n't now about you GayS

anyway I'm really impressed when I heard this news i think is to Long you and I wish you read't because it is an

interesting theme


Actress Han Hyo Joo delivered her promise to do her best in the upcoming Japanese-Korean collaboration drama, “Heaven’s Postman.”

On the 22nd, Han Hyo Joo revealed through a phone interview that she liked the script ever since she saw it, and made the decision to accept the role. Also, the director was someone she’d worked with before in “Spring Waltz,” adding to her confidence.

About her role this time, Han Hyo Joo said, “In the past I had roles in history dramas or roles that weren’t compatible with my real age, but this time my role is just right for my age, so I believe I can show everyone my best.” She also expressed her anticipation for “Heaven’s Postman.”

The thing she’s spent the most time on for this drama is acting. She said, “We went through the script for the first time on the 21st, and interaction with the other actors is very important, but because this time we are working with many very famous people, we will focus on the quality of acting.”

Han Hyo Joo, who will be working with TVXQ’s Jaejoong, said,” We met for the first time when we were going through the script, and since we aren’t close regularly, it was kind of unnatural.” She also stated,” Youngwoong Jaejoong attends activities with the identity of a singer, and I believe we can work together well this time to show everyone our best side.”

Also, “Heaven’s Postman” will begin filming in early November. Release is set for May of 2009 in Korea.

woOoW ..oMG i hop they Together 4 eveR ><

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Guest thewashedawaysand

HOHO.. There's so much of HHJ nowadays!

Really really glad!

Thanks for all the pictures and news!

It's nearing~


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