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Han Hyo Joo 한효주 - [FIN: Happiness (2021) || NEXT: ThePirates: Goblin Flag (Jan 2022)]


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cindy, lolz, haha, :lol:, is my Dong Yi addiction that obvious?:lol: haha, but boy, am starting to hate myself for watching the drama while its being aired. I should've waited for it to end because really, I start and end my day looking for dong yi updates. In fact, I've read somewhere that (Shim Yun Taek is gonna appear soon, and the jade ring passed on by King Yeong Jo to Seong Song in Yi san, will soon be given by King Sukjong to Dong Yi )and I've spread my dong yi disease through out our household. Imagine my dad (who once teased me and my mom for our crazy kdrama obsession) and mom (and even my bro's girlfriend) sitting in front of the tv waiting for me to load a currently subbed episode and I just laugh at their disappointed faces whenever I say, "nope, no subs out yet for this episode", lolz, haha. I'm especially, laughing at my dad because I don't know what it was, but he's like ALWAYS asking me if subs are out yet, haha. See what dong yi did to my family? And my bro, he loves watching the anime-ish like expressions of Dong Yi (han hyo joo) especially in scenes with Young Dal and Hwang Joo Shik.

I'm actually glad I'm a saeguk fan because, though it's regarded as a fusion Drama, it is in  Iljimae where I  began my Han Hyo Joo addiction. Eunchae is just sooooooooo elegant and beautiful, and so perfect that I don't care what criticisms were given regarding Eunchae's characteristics. It's not her fault she's perfect:lol:. And it's not han Hyo joo's fault that she portrayed Eunchae's perfection to perfection. Even the Iljimae director agrees with me, lolz, haha.

and the video where Ueda just blurted out Han Hyo Joo....it's soooo cute, I bet Hyo joo also makes his heart fluttery inside:lol:. He just blurted it out even when they were asked about singers, lolz, haha. He's so sure about his answer, it's sooo cute.

Not so many updates now escept for this BTS video of Dong Yi....


she's just sooo lovely in that hanbok. I like the color of the costume on her.




Lolz, han hyo joo, ji jin hee and bae soo bin.:wub: I'm not sure what that racket is....maybe for whacking mosquitoes. :lol:. and look at those lucky fans watching them (jealous mode...arghh).


:wub:. lolz, they're playing on the set.:lol:

And regarding the lotte CF. It must have been a huge task for the stylist to make Hyo Joo nerdy because she's just so beautiful. And I think that her perception of herself that according to her, she does not consider herself beautiful but rather just refreshing makes her more charming because it just comes off as natural.


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cindy. I agree with you, its hard to choose which one's a more beautiful DongYi :lol:. I think that article about her stylist having difficulty to make her nerdy is true. The camera just keeps zooming on her beautiful angles regardless of what she wears or how she looks like:lol:.

this jambangee photoshoot was done way back in march but its only now that I discovered the tattoos printed around their bodies. (I must have been half asleep when I tried watching this one before, lolz) Hyo Joo has a bonita tatto imprinted on the left side of her neck:lol: (@ around 2:22)


and here's a preview to mondays' episode


that's the jade ring!:w00t:

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Guest orangemonkie

Hi everyone! thanks for all the wonderful updates! :w00t: i have to admit that she's one of the most down-to-earth actresses i've seen thus far! heh! and i can't wait for the upcoming episodes of dong yi. the plot is getting more and more exciting! :P

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Guest beeboo86

bashful/cindy: Well I think, as nice as she could be, with her tight schedule, I think she'd have to leave me behind if I ever fainted lol, it'd be quite embarrassing to the stage where I wouldn't want to wake up if she's just right there waiting for me to wake up lol, and I don't want to be a bother to her either lol, just a meet/greet/hand shake would have suffice. and yes, am going through the mushy mushy parts of BL lol, like when she comforted Hwan when grandma was in the hospital and etc.

kozuesan: LOL @ your family getting all influenced, I tried doing that to my family members too, but sadly my sister criticized her being unnatural which upsets me :( And my brother told my aunt about me going nuts over her, my aunt said she's not the typical hot/pretty/sexy type, so I just told them "pfft you all just won't understand, I don't like those types, she's just the angel above those girls LOL." And I check Dong Yi sub updates everyday too lol, that's like a must check whenever I wake up and turn on my laptop. XD

When she was portraying EunChae, it gave me the impression of how a lady back in those days should be like, so I thought it was a good performance.

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Guest oscarvxd

I got my family all influenced too. Once I told my mom and dad, they kept saying that I can't go on a single day without talking or looking at(pictures,dramas)Han Hyo Joo. Sadly, they are right.

I like that Han Hyo Joo is not your typical hot/pretty/sexy type, it makes her all the more special. Her smile is just so bewitching, you can never get tired of looking at it.

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beeboo86, the unnatural comment from your sister might be because of the eyepopping and jaw gaping whenever they are surprised. According to Jackie (of dramatomy site), those mannerisms are the PD's signature character mannerisms. As they say historical dramas have a different method of attack in terms of acting. The actors have a free hang\d in modern draqmas but with historical dramas they have to shed off some of her acting mannerisms and learn the mannerisms fit for a historical drama. At first I was worried also that Dong Yi will be all like that until the drama ends. Lolz, imagine a 49 year-old Dong Yi popping her eyes innocently while her jaw drops because something surprising came up:lol:. But have you noticed the subtlety of change in Han Hyo Joo's portrayal of Dong Yi? Her expressions of surprise (jaw gaping and eye-popping) in the earlier parts of the drama were a bit exagerrated to giving that innocent vibe to carry on a character who is in her teens. Historical dramas I think portrays their teens with an innocent vibe. But as the drama proceeds, I noticed that her expressions slowly matures also (hence less of that innocent vibed eyepopping and jaw-gaping expressions). I like it that the change isn't drastic because it symbolizes Dong Yi's maturity growth also.

That was also my impression of her performance as Eunchae. As I said before, it's not Han hyo Joo's fault that she played Eunchae's perfection to perfection. She just fits Eunchae to a T.:lol: I think the criticisms came because most viewers don't like seeing perfect characters because they look so boring and surreal. But I disagree. Oh well different strokes for different folks (or something like that, haha:lol:)

oscarvxd, lets spread the Dong Yi virus then :lol:. i also love looking at her smile because they look so natural and unrehearsed that when she smiles you just want to smile, too.

Cindy, I so agree, she has to copyright that smile, lolz, haha.

orangemonkie, me, too. I am sooooo anxious to see mondays' episode. Is that the king who surprised her at the end of the preview, or is it Chun soo?:blink:Did she really run away, or did she just change to her normal clothes so she could pay homage to her Father and brother? And if that's the king who surprised her at the end, will it lead to that oh-so-famous spoiler picture of Dong Yi and the king in their "normal" clothes?:w00t: Boy I want to drag the hours so that its monday already.

Guys just give me a shout if I spazz too much okay. I just can't hide it, my hearts gonna burst if I don't spazz:lol: about Dong Yi. Aww, man, and to think Dong yi's staying until september:huh:. Am I gonna be like this until september?:crazy::ph34r:

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(click for complete size... it's huge lol)

Attractiveness of Asian-red style

Love Asia, which is covered in food, clothing, and shelter.

KAT-TUN which will hold a public performance in Korea & Taiwan (Unfortunately, Thailand has been delayed for a period which could not be determined ...). When the taste appeal of a hot Asian-style red and black, which will soon be implemented. They talked about the roots of which do not doubt their love toward Asia.

Tatsuya Ueda

[♡ Hyo Joo exceeds Korean barbecue]

But that does not necessarily mean I dissolved the Korean drama series, huh? I like it because by chance only Korean actress that I often see on TV is Han Hyo Joo. Yes, since the last time at junior high school when I liked Ryoko Hirosue, it has been a long time for me to feel excited for the figure of an idol ♡ For example, someone living in the area, would think if you go to Tokyo to meet with the artist! Right? I'm also the same, thinking if I go to Korea it's to meet with Hyo Joo. Only by thinking so too, the sense of the spirit will rise. Of course that does not mean I'm not interested in Korean barbecue, but surely it can not compare to Hyo Joo, ne.

source: http://tatsuya-bocchan.livejournal.com/17112.html

Omgah, so cute ! haha!! He's so into her! It's adorable :lol:

The magazine is recent too :) August issue ^^

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Guest beeboo86

kozuesan: well my sister comments is towards BL not Dong Yi, anyways yea I've noticed that too, her expression of surprised is no longer that obvious and exaggerated a bit.

Oh dear, will Ueda's fans be as nuts as JaeJoong's fans when they were acting in Heaven's Postman? I bet they're dead jealous. Btw I watched an uncleared version of Heaven's Postman like 2 weeks ago, it was sooooooo good, too bad it's captured in cinema though. : (

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Haha, don't worry :) Fans of Jpop artists tend to be more chill about their idols dating/having crushes/etc. Johnny Ent. boys, for sure, are always dating so the fans have gotten used to it. They're not as crazy possessive as most of the fans of Kpop lol.

And Ueda was actually rumored to having a girlfriend a couple of months back. It was his first time being linked to a women in terms of dating, and because of his "neutrality," his fans were relieved once they heard of the rumor because now they know he's into women LOL. I feel bad for laughing but it's just so funny hahaa!!

And yeah, I really quite enjoyed Heaven's Postman :) I wish they had made it into a drama instead of a movie.. You could tell a lot of the scenes were cut out so the editing was very choppy and incohesive :\ That... and the scriptwriter wrote on her blog that they had cut out a lot of the scenes, so meh..

BBL for the other replies.. It's getting late in LA!


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kozuesan: Has Hyo Joo's eyepopping, jaw dropping really minimized now? Haha, because I knew that a lot of people didn't like her acting in Dong Yi for those reasons... Admittedly, I was getting annoyed with them myself :\ But nice to know that it's getting less and that it's actually the PD's trademark. But the fact that he's encouraging it is kinda meh... lol. But I guess, like you said, it went well with Dong Yi's development and growth from a teenager to a woman. And haha, Eun Chae was very perfect, but if Hyo Joo hadn't played her, I wouldn't have liked her to be honest XD I like female characters with spunk and are sassy, which is probably why I loved Eun Sung and Mi Ah so much :D

She should so get her smile copyrighted! Everytime I think of BEST SMILE or something, I automatically think of Hyo Joo and how perfect her smile and teeth are :o

Omgah How cute! You got your family into Dong Yi LOL XD I wish I could do that but my mom really just likes her TVB dramas -.-

Isn't Ueda's fanboyism over Hyo Joo the cutest?! Haha! Especially because he's more of the quiet one of the group, but yet he's so eager to meet Hyo Joo and is always talking about her when asked about South Korea XD He really said his answer with so much confidence! No hesitation at all! And I loved how there wasn't a breath in between Koki's (the member that answered Rain as his favorite Korean singer) last words to when Ueda spoke up! And I loved how you can distinctly hear others laughing in the background. I'm guessing those laughs belong to backstage people/crew members and they thought it was funny how Ueda said Han Hyo Joo as his answer! I swear I replayed that part so many times already LOL.

He's already mentioned her like... 4 times now! Twice in a magazine, and twice while he was in Seoul these past few days! He's such a fanboy, it's cute :)

orangemonkie: Heys! Welcome to the thread! :D

And yes, she's very sweet and humble ^^ And genuine! Most importantly :D

Glad you're enjoying Dong Yi though! What do you think of Hyo Joo's portrayal thus far? :)

beeboo86: I totally think Hyo Joo would stay with you if you were to faint in front of her :P

She doesn't seem the type to just run off while her fan is unconscious because of her haha. If anything, she'd probably disappear to film Dong Yi then come back ASAP to see if you've woken up yet XD That's how I see my fantasy! haha

oscarvxd: Omgah! You got your family into Dong Yi too? haha That's so cool that your family are into it XD

And yeah, I really like that Hyo Joo has many dimensions to her.. She can be sexy, beautiful, goddesslike, cute, etc. but in reality, she's just a normal person and dresses like a college student when she isn't working. I'm glad that she doesn't have to keep up the "Idol" or "Ideal" persona all the time though.. Most people know her for her genuineness and how sweet she is :)

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^ she makes me want to become a celebrity just to possibly meet and act with her 1 day.

my debut slogan will be: become famous to meet han hyo joo

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Guest beeboo86

^ LOLOLOLOLOL 817 !!!! That I used to have too, but I scraped that off hahahahaha.... I guess that's what most of the fanboys would like to dream of.

bashful: oh well, it'd be too bad to waste her previous time lol. I liked Mi Ah's character.

Saw episode 30 last night, loved the scene when DY and the King were in the tavern for supper, the expression she made when the King brought up the fact that she stepped on his back to make fun of her is just so funny and loveable, that whole scene is just so cute. = )

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Guest orangemonkie

bashful: heh, i felt that her acting has improved a lot over the years. she was able to portray the young dong yi convincingly (as she articulates lots of comical expressions on her charming face.) heh!

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Apparently……every time Ueda was interviewed…..he always said that he likes Hyo Joo and really want to meet her…….he really meant that…….I hope that his wish come true…...hehe

Dong Yi BTS Pictures.








cr : as labeled

Can't wait for tonight Episode...........The King would propose Dong Yi..... :D

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Guest oscarvxd

Gahh, I am still stuck on episode 26. I have to finish Dae Jang Geum before I can continue on with Dong Yi. From her time in Spring Waltz to Brilliant Legacy, her acting did improve over the years, didn't it? I hope that by the time I am done with DJG, I will have like 2 more episodes of Dong Yi to watch.

It seems like, she still have troubles getting out of the palanquin, haha. She looks for graceful in that hanbok :D It seems like my parents are right, I can't go on a day without looking at her lol :)

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^^ you're lucky you decided to stop at ep 26 because after that I doubt it if you can still allow yourself to wait. lolz, haha I sound like an addict. Everyone's spazzing about ep 31 especially the last scene. I panicked just awhile ago because the site where I download my stuff did not appear to have downloaded DY. It was such a relief when I finally found a way to downloading ep31. Ahhh I can't wait to see this one.

beeboo, well in the earlier episodes of BL she was kinda awkward in some scenes but as the drama moves forward, she was definitely, in my perception, acting so naturally that it was almost like a fusion of Han Hyo Joo and Eunsunglaugh.gif . her real brother said Han Hyo Joo is so somiliar with Eunsung. My mother was actually surprised when I told her the other day that the Eunsung whom she loves so much (and is like her ultimate fave kcharacter because she always recommends it to friends who would ask about kdrama) is actually played by the same actress who plays DY. She actually didn't recognize her but is still enthralled by the characterlaugh.gif . She said the actress is really good since she catches and holds my attention.  

cindy, I'm just so glad I like saeguks (especially LBH's drama since my ultimate fave is Jewel in the Palace) so I can enjoy the different feel of acting that comes with it. I actually thought the young and innocent DY  was so cute with her anime-ish expressions especially when she's with her music bureau friends. Her fans in dcinside even made some fanarts using all her expressions like the once they did with BL. But I do understand not everyone's ito saeguk hence the criticism. 

As for me, my top 2 faves are Eunsung and Dong Yi. Dong Yi can be really stubborn, and she's the only one who can answer the king in such a manner and she's so free spirited, she's always curious about anything, the king seemed to have develop worry lines because of her, haha.laugh.gif My favorite picture of the young Dong Yi will always be this one



fujiwara, I think she looks more charming in a hanbok when she's looking down. I don't know why but she just looks like that to me. 

I can't share much these days because I'm using my laptop and everything is with my desktop. sad.gif 


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