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Guest forest85

Hi! Just come here to say hi.

Anyway, i got few wishing words for Hyojoo, that is; JiaYou and all the best for Hyojoo! Gogogo! :)

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Guest iceangela

hi allanpuge23! :) haha thanks, but I think I'm still not up to standard yet. But I'll improve? I guess so. :)

Thanks bashful for sharing the news! :) oh so you learn french? cool. :)

haha yeah, edward1849, have to agree! <3

Oh hello forest85! Welcome to hyojoo's thread in soompi! haha you finally post! Do come by more often! Btw, you're not a fan of hyojoo right? Come here more often and I'm sure you'll definitely fall for her! :P

Anyways, samsung NX10 CF(new):


I love her laughter!!! <3 hope she'll always be that happy. :)

& a pic of hyojoo in japan BL press conference:


o.O whats she doing? haha. but it's cute!!! :D

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A reply! Finally! ahaha

HHJoo22: Ahh, I heard that Spring Waltz was really popular in the Philippines! There are a couple of posters in here that are from the Philippines too and most of them got to know her through Spring Waltz ^^ Spring Waltz was the first drama I saw her in too though =) I thought she was so gorgeous in it ahaha. And I remember being all upset because I thought Lee So Yeon was the main female lead in the beginning and didn't want to watch it anymore lol. I remember thinking Hyo Joo looked so much like Song Hye Kyo, Hyori, and even BoA in certain angles :lol: Her smile is just absolutely beautiful though <3 And her hair is so pretty in Spring Waltz! ahaha Plus she got to play Daniel Henney's love interest =.='

And like iceangela said, her new drama is Dong Yi! ^^ It's a sageuk, a super long one at that, so... I don't know if you'd be interested in watching it ahaha. Most people don't like sageuks >< And LOL, I do the same as you. I should be studying/paying attention to class, but here I am on Soompi on Hyo Joo's thread and trying to find new photos/information/news of her while the teacher is lecturing =P

I can't believe you're reading throughout the entire thread... Wow. x_x lol. Oh man, I posted some stupid stuff in here when I first got into her LOL. I was only like 15 so don't judge me :( ahaha. Hope to see you in here soon! :D

iceangela: I LOVE the fourth video on the BL Japanese website! LOL It's just so Hyo Joo to always screw up her introductions XD Lee Byung Hoon, the actor, not the PD of Dong Yi, says Hyo Joo is really good at Japanese... and in interviews, Hyo Joo has said that she's fluent in it... I wonder why she doesn't speak in Japanese? o_o Maybe she's not comfortable with speaking it yet... I'm loving how comfortable SeungJoo are with each other =) It warms my cold, cold heart hehe. It's so hard to choose between SeungJoo and JaeJoo now D: Their Japanese promotion has totally won me over ahaha.I hope there'll be promotions for Heaven's Postman when it begins to show in theaters in May... I'm dying to see JaeJoo together again <3

And me, fast? You're faster than me T_T lol I wake up in the morning, go on Baidu/Empas/whatever, and I come in here to post the new pictures and I see that you've already posted them! ahaha Are you trying to compete with me now?! :P I'm just kidding! Feel free to dethrone me lmfao T_T College sucks.

I don't think Hyo Joo will win either :( The last I checked, Yoona was still #1, with YEH really close to catching up to her. It's a close battle between those two :o But oh wells, next year! I know it's hard to compete against those two >< They've got a well established fanclub. Sometimes I wish Yoona hadn't become an actress LOL makes it hard for others to compete against her in these Popularity awards, or anything that can be voted by fans.

I never liked that girl, Hwang Jung Eum :( She was so annoying on Love Letter and XMan.. Ugh =.=' And now she's popping up everywhere D: Her personality on those shows always rubbed me the wrong way, so I guess it just kind of stuck with me.. that impression, I mean. But I know that Love Letter and Xman are scripted, so perhaps the writers made her like that but still.. I've found it difficult to like her even now ><

LOL Can you imagine how big that scandal would be *sighs. My unconscious really wants to see some JaeJoo :P I should appease it by watching Heaven's Postman but too lazy lmao. I hope my next dream involves a love triangle between Hyo Joo, JJ, and LSGi!! LOLL Fangirls would torch me even in my sleep *snickers.

And I don't blame you for wanting to make some fun with Photoshop after seeing those photos ^^ I was the same when photos of JaeJoo at the HP after-party celebration were leaked :P I totally died and spazzed and couldn't get my hands off my computer :lol:

But yeah, supposedly the final product has a lot of scenes that were cut off :( Eriko, the scriptwriter, wasn't very happen when she was subbing it to be released in Japanese theaters. I hope the DVD will have the full thing! D: You can never have enough JaeJoo <3 Even though Hyo Joo doesn't look her best in that movie >.> lol. Which is why I'm praying for a JaeJoo reunion to promote HP in Japan! I know a lot of JJ fans don't like Hyo Joo because they don't think she's pretty enough, but it's not her fault that they styled her to look so bad :( lol. But I guess, irrational fans are irrational :P I don't even care if HP DVD doesn't come with English subs! Being able to ogle at it on an HDTV is just going to be heaven lol. And tell me if you do end up needing the download links to the English-subbed HP! ^^ But remind me because I often forget x_x lol.

And I don't even know the name of her dog anymore T_T The Korean translation of Hyo Joo's Cyworld post says it's Dong Yi, so we'll just stick with that :lol: And heck no, I wish I could read Korean :( I understand very little but it's not much and kind of useless :\ And I can't even read Chinese so... I'm absolutely helpless lmao. I need alphabets damn it! I would've never thought that English wasn't your first language, to be honest. I thought you were American when I first saw your posts, so I was totally shocked when you said you were from Singapore :P

At least you KNOW some Chinese... It's a hell of a lot better than having to Google Translate or ask your parents to translate it for you lmao. >.> *coughs.

I was going to say.. "You're cheating in your Chinese class?! FOR SHAME!!" LOL but then I read the rest of your sentence and went "... Oh." lmfao

And yeah, I could've learned Japanese but... I frankly don't have as much of an interest in Japanese than I do in Korean. I hope you get into those Korean classes!

I couldn't believe BSB was 11 years older than Hyo Joo too T_T I was like... damnn, why must he be so old!? But he really doesn't look his age :P Lucky for him~ Gosh, I think when BSB settles down, Hyo Joo will be sad because she'll have to find a new BFF ahaha Those two are so close >< Sometimes I wish she and LSGi were that close.

The whole... marrying young thing reminds me of SHK and LBH's relationship... LBH proposed I think, but SHK didn't want to marry just yet. I can't remember if she accepted and ended up breaking up with him, or if she rejected his proposal... But yeah, I think SHK was around Hyo Joo's age now when that happened o_o

And I had no idea what an ehru is until you mentioned it. lol I had to Google to see what it looked like :P And they do look really alike! That's interesting.. ahaha.

Smileys are the BEST!! They totally make things less tense, and a lot livelier~ :D Never stop using smileys! ahaha

Also, that picture of Hyo Joo with the bunny ears or whatnot... It's from a Japanese interview that she had ^^ And I'm only taking French because I took it for three years in high school so... easy A >.> lmao.

Thanks for sharing all the pictures and videos! ^^

kozuesan: Hyo Joo's skin is so, so nice. That was the first thing that I really noticed when I see recent photos of her.. It's like woww... So luminous! Koreans have such nice skin =.= I can't wait until more photos of Hyo Joo as adult Dong Yi are released though. It's only been a couple of pictures that have been released. I wonder if she's shooting her scenes full-time now...

Also, don't you find it a bit weird that young Dong Yi is so... well... young? o_o Because BSB and even LSY are both portraying their characters already... And it's just weird seeing young Dong Yi having a crush on BSB's character... And having BSB falling in love with her? I don't know.. It's like um.... ahaha I hope it works out though >< I love how close Hyo Joo and little Dong Yi are. They held hands a lot when they were shooting Iljimae 8D My overactive imagination is telling me that Hyo Joo will be a great mother *giggles. But at the same time, the girl can be so childish =.=' lmfao.

Aw, it's okay about the whole 'not posting frequently' bit :P It's totally understandable! lol But I do hope with more Dong Yi news/pictures being released, you won't be able to contain your excitement and you'll just have to spam us with your presence because you just simply can't control your happiness :P It felt like there was a drought when Hyo Joo went M.I.A. on us like that T_T Stupid ninja D: Can you imagine Hyo Joo donning on ninja gear?! LOL

ilessthan3pho: Ahaha, did you expect me to greet you with a "GO AWAY!" when you first post?! :P But seriously... I want pho now D: lol It's no surprise that your username is always making people hungry. I bet you did it on purpose! lol jk

Ahh, so you saw her in Ad Lib Night first? Wow, that's kind of cool because most people see her through her dramas first. What'd you think of Ad Lib Night? I honestly thought it was boring T_T lol. But all the more power to it, because Hyo Joo won lots of praises and awards for her portrayal :D And.. what? No subtitles?! How'd you manage enough interest and patience to sit through the whole thing? I sound like I'm bashing Ad Lib Night/Hyo Joo, but seriously! haha How does one watch something foreign without any subtitles >< Unless it's a music video, lol. It's fate that you accidentally saw BL. God wanted you to find Hyo Joo <3 lmfao. jk

Ahahaa, so you've researched on Hyo Joo before but kind of forgot about her until you saw BL?

And yeah, I can see why people think she looks a bit like SHK =) I see a lot of comparisons to Hyori and BoA too ^^ I guess it all just depends on how Hyo Joo's hair and makeup is.. because her looks are so versatile and she can pretty much rock any look. I think in her natural state, she looks a lot of like SHK, but with heavier makeup and fierce hair she looks like Hyori ^^' And with an androgynous look, she looks like BoA :D I've also read that she looks like Narsha from Brown Eyed Girls, when they both have that pixie hair! It's interesting to see who's she's always being compared to ahaha. I think it's her smile that people find fresh though =) And the fact that she look so natural helps too lol.

I know Hyo Joo has had a couple of International fanclubs, but they never really got that big so they got closed down >< I would help to make one, but knowing how lazy I am... It'd be hard for me >.>

I think I can confidently say that those Twitter/Facebook/Myspace/Friendster accounts you see that proclaim they're her are all fake.. Hyo Joo isn't that fluent in English o_o

allanpuge: Ahh, how long did it take for you to download all the available Nonstop 5 episodes? o_o

>< Hopefully Dong Yi will be subbed soon D: What a disappointment if it isn't :( But there's always Viikii, but looking at the site, it looks like they're having trouble finding translators T_T

I'm not sure about Hyo Joo appearing in Dong Yi... I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't show up in the first couple of episodes because sageuks are always like that ><

janineventurina: I can send you the download links to HP if you'd like =) They're the English-subbed ones that DBSKnights subbed but they had to take down the videos because there was a possibility that they could've been sued >< Just PM me if you'd like me to share the links with you! :D *hopes I don't get in trouble for sharing the videos >.>

edward: I saw your comment in the Hyo Joo fanclub on Soompi and I LOL'ed in real life lmfao. You're so funny :P And I agree, she's a total goddess in those pictures!

forest85: Hey! Welcome to the thread! ^^ Also, welcome to Soompi! :D

Thanks for posting in here! :lol:

Cyndi Wang fighting too! ahaha I like her as well :P She's a cutie lol

- - - - -

*phew. Done! ahaha

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Hyo Joo did an interview while in Japan for the BL promo :)

In the interview, she says that her favorite Japanese drama is Long Vacation and if given the opportunity, she'd like to work with Ueno Juri and Nakatani Miki.

Interesting because so far Hyo Joo has mentioned that she likes Eita, and now she says she'd like to work with Ueno Juri. Coincidentally, JJ is currently working on a jdorama whose main stars are Eita and Ueno Juri :lol:

- - - - -

Anyways, I believe today is Dong Yi's press conference.. It should be in a couple of hours? o_o I'm not sure ahaha, but be ready for the pic spam that will surely ensue! :P

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Here are BL's ratings in Japan so far :)

It's pretty consistent so far, so that's a good thing :D And I read that Kim Sam Soon's ratings were about the same when it was aired in Japan. I also read that the ratings are pretty good for the timeslot it's on.

3/2일(화) 1,2회 5.3%

3/3일(수) 3회 4.4%

3/4일 (목) 4회 6%

3/5일 (금) 5회 6%

3/8일(월) 6회 5.4%

3/9일 (화) 7회 6.8%

3/10일(수) 8회 5.3%

3/11일(목) 9회 5.4%

3/12 일(금) 10,11회 5.7%

3/15일(월) 12회 5.7%

3/16일(화) 13회 5.7%

3/17일(수) 14회 6.8%

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"Dong Yi" sold overseas ahead of premiere

Historical epic "Dong Yi - Jewel in the Crown" has been sold overseas ahead of its airing in Korea, according to the show's broadcaster MBC on Wednesday.

The 50-part series starring top Korean actors Ji Jin-hee and Han Hyo-joo has been purchased by several countries in Asia including Japan, Thailand and Hong Kong to bring in profits worth over eight billion won, MBC explained.

"Dong Yi" is helmed by famed director Lee Byueong-hoon who is well-known among in the Asian region for his previous works including "Yi San", "Heo Jun" and 2003 smash hit drama "Jewel in the Palace" ("Dae Jang Geum").

In Lee's newest drama, Han will play the role of Dong Yi who grows up to become Choi Suk-bin, a consort of King Sukjong and the mother of King Youngjo during the Joseon Dynasty. Hallyu star Ji Jin-hee will appear as King Sukjong.

The first episode of "Dong Yi" will air on March 22.

Reporter : Lucia Hong luciahong@asiae.co.kr

Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@asiae.co.kr

<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>

source: http://www.hancinema.net/dong-yi-sold-over...iere-22626.html

Yay!! Go Dong Yi! :D

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Han Hyo-Joo with goddess force

Teaser pictures from Han Hyo-Joo secret photo session has been released. The photos were taken in Japan for the promotion of Samsung’s latest SLR camera NX10. From the released photos Han Hyo-Joo was wearing cloths from India and posed with dreamy expressions. Rest of the photos and possibly a video from the secret photo session is scheduled to be released soon.

Currently, Han Hyo-Joo is busy filming for her new drama Dong-Yi.

source: http://allkoreangossip.com/2010/03/han-hyo...-goddess-force/

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Guest forest85

to iceangela: Hah, ok sure.

to bashful: Thank you bashful for the welcome greeting and you are welcome, and thanks for the compliment of Cyndi Wang! xD

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No problem! Ahaha :)

So did you discover Hyo Joo through Brilliant Legacy/Shining Inheritance? :D

- - - - -

Dong Yi press conference is going on right now! *squeals.

Hyo Joo performed with the haegeum :D

BRB for pictures!


Sorry for any repeats!







































I love how serious she looks when she's performing, and then you see that absolutely cute smile of hers and it's like aww XD lmao

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Guest iceangela


P.S.: I'm too hyper... lol.

Thanks for sharing them, bashful! :D

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And yup! Hyo Joo played the haegeum!! I want to see the performance too!!! Omgah!! XD :D XD :D

More photos~














She looks so cute here! With the earmuffs XD

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Guest currysushi33

Hi everyone!!!...wow this thread has been growing...uni has strated and i havnt been able to follow the thread for a while....well ive caught up :) ...im gld hhj fan base is growing.....welcome to all new hhj fans!!!

thanku bashful and iceangela for all the pictures....i love the one where shes playing the instrunment and BSB and the lil dong yi are clapping and smiling at her so warmly...its like "thats my girl" and "thats my unnie"...hehehe dong yi pics hav resulted in cheesiness overload :)

cant wait for this!!!...loved hhj in the sari like dress thing for the japan pics...shes so beautiful and fresh....i cant believe she like Eita...hes like one of my fav japanese actors too!!!! and ueno juri is sooo amazing...i would luv to see them in a drama........

...i really want hhj to win popularity award!!!!....cinderella man wasnt even that great jeez lol jks

i want jaejoo!!!...lol as good as it was to see hwansung together i really think that these two are really just friends...off screen i think BSB and HHJ seems more comfortable than seung gi and HHJ .....but jaejoo...theres so much chemistry, which seems to be so much more intimate....

i really love this thread...thanku bashful for all ur speedy updates...i dnt knw how u balance it with college....i just started uni and its so hectic lol

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Dong Yi Press Conference

The cast of Dong Yi meets the press earlier today at their location set. This drama has created a bit of buzz ahead of its premiere on March 22nd. Directed by PD Lee Byung-Hyun of Jewel In The Palace’s fame, it has already been sold to Hong Kong, Thailand and Japan.

Han Hyo-Joo as Dong Yi, with the child actors; Lee So-Yeon who plays the concubine Jang Hee-Bin with Ji Jin-Hee as King Suk-Jong.

Bae Soo-Bin as Chun-Soo, Dong Yi’s devoted ‘guardian’

Jung Jin-Young as police officer and Park Ha-Sun as the Queen.

source: http://koreandiorama.wordpress.com/2010/03...ess-conference/

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currysushi33: Are we the same age then!? Is it your first year in uni? :o Because it's my first year too! Hehe, we're freshmens XD I have NO IDEA how I balance school and Hyo Joo LOL. But thank god my grades aren't dropping because of her! XD

And I know which picture you're talking about! :P I really like that one too :) It's super cute ahahaa. Hyo Joo looks adorable playing the haegeum lol. I love the bond Hyo Joo-BSB-Lee So Yeon share XD They've all worked with each other at least once! I was surprised Hyo Joo wore that hanbok though :\ Especially after seeing all the other cast members that are wearing the exact same hanbok T_T' You'd think they'd put the star in something unique D:

I love all the Japanese photos! I really can't wait to see more! Gosh, our girl is getting more beautiful everytime we see her <3 And yup! I wasn't aware she knew her Jdoramas that well :P But alas, she does. I've never seen any of Eita's work though :\ I should now that I know Hyo Joo likes him lol. And I know Ueno Juri from that one drama with the robot/cyborg lol. I never finished it though =.='

Ahaha, it's okay.. She won't win this year but she's still got a long career ahead of her, so I'm sure in the future she'll bag a Popularity award AND a Best Actress award at the Baeksang Awards! :D Be optimistic! lol

LOL gosh, all this constant JaeJoo-SeungJoo is making my heart flip flop :P I love them both <3 And I think they both have amazing chemistry <3 But I do get a just friends vibe sometimes from SeungJoo :\ But it's okay... because they are just so comfortable with each other :D I'm sure they're both very grateful towards the other due to how much popularity and success they've both achieved due to BL's successful run :D And I agree about Hyo Joo and BSB being closer than SeungJoo. I think Hyo Joo really looks up to BSB as an oppa :) She even moved to BH Entertainment of all the different agencies~ I'm sure it was a coincidence that BSB is part of BH Entertainment too :P Oh man, seeing JaeJoo together always makes my heart ache because they're both just SOOOO BEAUTIFUL!! lmao. I still go "aww" whenever I see photos of them from the HP press conference and the after-party celebration pictures ;D The HP presscon pics made me so happy because of all the DBSK drama that was going on at that time, but whenever they smiled at each other it was like time froze for me LOL. =.= So cheesy lmfao. And knowing that they most likely hadn't seen each other since filming HP (which was like.. over a year ago, mind you!) yet still being able to have so much chemistry is just amazing <3 There's just so potential between those two :rolleyes:

It's going to be hard to top both SeungJoo and JaeJoo :P

- - - - -









I love that picture.. Her posture is just lovely LOL. And I love the flow of her hanbok~













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Dong Yi meets the Press

MBC’s Dong Yi comes out the same day (22nd Mar) as SBS’s Oh! My Lady, but an hour later in the regular prime time slot. The historical drama had the main cast attend its production press conference in character on the 18th. The cast including Han Hyo Joo, Ji Jin Hee, Lee So Yeon, and Bae Soo Bin were present. Han also displayed her musical skills, apparently picked up for this role as a servant girl, who later becomes a royal consort and mother to a king.

Han playing what looks like a Korean fiddle (Haegeum).

Lady Jang (Lee So Yeon) shooting a longing look at King Sukjong (Ji Jin Hee) teehee.

I’m glad Kim Yoo Jung (Iljimae) is back to playing young Han Hyo Joo!

Han has previously expressed in an interview that she feels a tremendous amount of pressure playing the title role of a historical blockbuster. Am not surprised! Let’s see if she can become the next Dae Jang Geum :)

source: http://shadowlesslight.wordpress.com/2010/...eets-the-press/

Hyo Joo fighting! Dong Yi fighting! :D BSB/JJH/LSY/cast of Dong Yi fighting! lol

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Guest HHJoo22

iceangela:yay..you better watch SW and nonstop5. you'll surely love her character. :) i actually bought 2 dvds of it. i give the other one as a gift, haha.:)) it's never too late to watch hyojoo's past dramas! :D oh yes!im a seungjoo shipper! i really love their chemistry..:wub: :blush: and i also love hyojoo with tablo.they're so cute in nonstop5 :)

btw,where are you from?just curious :D

bashful_harmony: yep!spring waltz was a total blast here in the philippines :) because of it's unique story plot.everybody loves it! i really love eun young. :wub: btw,where are you from?im also just curious :) anyway, she's so pretty in there!actually in all her dramas :P at first,when im not that totally hook in hyojoo, i confused myself because i thought she was song hye kyo. but now, i can tell the differences between them, and i think i memorized every angle of hyojoo. YAY!:D she got the greatest smile ever. whenever i see her smile,im like.."gahh..*smiles also*"..

oh.her next drama is a sageuk. to be honest,im not fond of watching that kind of drama,because its like...old,and the climax is like..long way to go.lol.i dont know.i never get hooked on jumong,jewel in the palace,queen seon dok type of dramas. BUT! as long as hanhyojoo is there..i will love it!! totally!anyway,is her love interest in it BSB?

good to know that your teacher didn't caught you :P

owell.im enjoying reading the whole thread.yay.as for now im on the 190th page :D. at first i said.im gonna start posting on this thread when im done up to the last page.but!dang! can't wait to post here,so here i am. :D

wow!i won't judge you.:) im only 14 years old when i get hooked up with hyojoo!:P so it's ok to posts some stuff.

for now i can't post something useful in this thread because i have exams this week.:( but I'm visiting this thread everyday for me to get updated.

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