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Our first OFFICIAL confirmation of Heaven's Postman release date!!

But hmms.. I think I was right the first time about its release date.. This news article claims it'll be released on November 12th!


I so copied and pasted that into the HP thread LOL And my doggy woke up from my squeals ROFL


Hyojoo will be in some Korean Traditional Performing Arts? She'll be playing a kayakum, the Korean harp? o_O Wthell.. I didn't even know she knew how to play that thing o_o The national conference is on December 8th.

Is another Han Hyo Joo I believe.. the one listed is 20 years old o_O They both go to the Dongguk University though.. @_@ I don't know!!

Goddamn.. now I can't go to sleep T_T Too excited and hyper D8 So not good for my insomnia ><

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OMGSH I love Hyojoo's personality LOL

Han Hyo-joo & Chung-rim in Jean Ad 한효주 청림 청바지 광고

@ 2:50 Chung lim says he likes wearing baggy clothing because it covers up flaws and Hyojoo asks, "Your body has flaws? I don't think so." LOL

She's so honest! LMFAO

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Haru Haru Subs Presents,

Soul Special


Main Translator: momo

Spot Translator: meju

Timer: opus78

Editor/QC: leesja

Coordinators: sayroo, cute girl


Main Translator: momo

Spot Translator: meju

Timer: opus78

Editor/QC: leesja

Coordinators: sayroo, cute girl


Main Translator: momo

Spot Translator: meju

Timer: hitomi83

Editor/QC: sayroo

Coordinators: sayroo, cute girl


Main Translator: momo

Spot Translator: meju

Timer: tifcayo

Editor/QC: KumoYami

Coordinators: sayroo, cute girl

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DO spread the word to get High Quality english subtitles for Soul Special @ haru2subs.com*

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Cindy, Oh my gosh OMGosh *crazily happy* So maybe, yes maybe HP's release date could be earlier. Oh love it sooooooooo much :x

When reading the plot of HP, I can't describe how I love it. I'm over excited when watching its full preview. Maybe b/c I haven't read an unique script like this before :x

U said that u know which female singer I mention, haha, I don't know ur guess is true or false. U make me really curious :P

Ah, about Star Secret show, it's nearly the same as netizens but is much more objective than netizens. I mean only when it confirms the truth, it dares to claim or speak out. And this is the reason why I like it. Thanks to this show, I can see the different sides of showbiz and celebs as well. For example, Star Secret reveals that most of G-Dragon's self-created songs are plagiarism. It gives alot of proofs being against him. Even Moon Hee Joon (H.O.T) approves this -_-

Yes, many K actresses are blamed that they're surgery work but I think it's true. I mean b/c they always want to show their beauty as very natural one (among them, very few people can own natural beauty). So I hate this. I hate those telling lies easily. So at that time, we need some crews like netizens (just be the most strength of them) lol

Ah, discussing crazy fans, I'm afraid of them. When Yoochun (DBSK) casted as the lead actor in the movie named "Dating on Earth", after watching the picture of his kiss scene, there are some Cassie suicided :( I find it very childish to act like that. Therefore, when it's reported that Jae also has kiss scene, I imagine there would be some Cassies finding to the death like that and I'm afraid that HP would not be released for this reason. But now, it's fine and we just wait for 2 weeks more to enjoy the harmony between JJ and HJ :x *sighs*

About graduating, yes, in the next summer holiday, I'll graduate. Oh, so aren't u American huh? U don't even know which major u're lol Or next year, you are given into any majors, rite?

I'm also not really good at my study. As u know, b/c I'm graduating, I'm very busy. However, I can't stop surfing the internet, espcially soompi, haha. It's a motivation for me to overcome my hard study and everything :)

U're rite. HJ has no many antis. I think she's a kind of mood maker so why can someone hate her? :)

Ahhhhhhhhh, so there would be a performance in Dongkok University? OMG, wish SG would be there, too LOL They studied in this school in the past and I wonder they could meet each other accidentally before BL's co-operation :)

It's so funny to see HJ and KHD in BL's special. She's very honest when say out loud that: "I don't like this question". I see not many celebs can act like that b/c they want to lobby themselves or make their image nicer and nicer :)

So I love HJ more and more b/c of her trustworthy :)

Ah, we talk a lot and alot. Our convos is longer and longer but it's really interesting. B/c I'm a newbie in this thread, I also don't know much about HJ so can u help me to search more about her? :)

Thanks so much!

HaruSub: I'm still waiting for your BL's special ep translation :) *waving* lol

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Interesting that many of us are ex-SHK fans. I am also ex Jang Nara fan. I can relate HHJ's beauty to SHK, and her personality to JNR. :D

Hmmm, seems quite obvious to me the female singer you both are referring to. Sounds like someone who left her group. But that's another discussion and I don't want to go off topic too much.

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sayroo: Yay!! OMGSH that was so fast :D :D

Thank you guys so much for picking up Soul Special 8D 8D

*goes off to download all the videos.

YunKyo: Yup, yup! Heaven's Postman is coming to us in 2 weeks!! Lee Ji Ah (from Love is Blind, the first Telecinema segment to be released on Nov. 5th) recently had some sort of leg injury though.. so I wonder if that might postpone Heaven's Postman release date >.> Hopefully not D:

I am in love with all things related to Heaven's Postman. The storyline is really unique and interesting. I'm really curious to see how our JaeJoo couple will end up :( I think the storyline will go something like this... Hana's first lover dies, she writes a letter to him and somehow crosses paths with Jaejoon. He proposes she help him with delivering the letters, and the two fall in love somewhere along the lines. Jaejoon's time on Earth is running out, so he "breaks up" with Hana. Over time, Hana learns from her past experiences in love and falling in love with 2 men who would later leave her, so she moves to Seoul. Jaejoon wakes up from his coma, and the two meet up again. I think the ending will either be bittersweet or it'll be open for viewers' interpretations. Lol, man.. I've been so obsessed with Heaven's Postman that I have my own storyline for it haha

And... about that female singer.. I don't want to go too off-topic.. but at first I thought it was a certain someone from SNSD, but now edward's suggestion has me thinking lol.

Ah, I just Googled Star Secret Show and I see there's a segment on DBSK. I'd really like to see them do a show on Hyojoo! :D

And wow, I did not know that about the whole GD plagiarism accusations are real x_x I've never really been a big fan of GD (YB bias lol), so I don't really pay attention to him LOL

Hmms, it makes me curious.. What if Hyojoo lied about being natural? What would we think of her then? :o

I find it quite funny that the Korean netizens are generally okay with the kissing scene, most of them like Hyojoo so it doesn't affect them too much. Yet there are more international fans who throw hissy fits over the kissing scene and JaeJoo in general lol. Like on Baidu, there are a couple of JJ fans who don't like Hyojoo "just because". I don't believe that someone can just hate someone else "just because", so obviously, they're hating on her out of jealousy. That's why I'm always 50/50 on JaeJoo.. sometimes I'm a huge fangirl, other times I hate it because I have to deal with unpleasant comments about Hyojoo =.='

Man.. I really hope JaeJoo's chemistry comes out strong in Heaven's Postman =.= All that waiting for nothing lol. But Hyojoo has had really good chemistry with her past costars, other than Lee Jun Ki (don't know what happened there.. but she seemed kind of depressed during that time. I think it's because Fantom forced her to partake in the drama). JaeJoo seem to have good chemistry in their afterparty pictures, so hopefully it'll be translated into the movie >< Hopefully Hyojoo fixes her hairstyle D: I hate the hair she has in the LG SU:M 37' autograph session TT-TT

Yeah, I'm an American lol. Luckily, I don't have to choose a major until my 3rd year haha So you're 3 years older than I am and a year younger than Hyojoo! :P

LOL XD Soompi's addicting >< so I don't blame you haha YAY for bad stereotypical Asians! XD Studying is so boring huu huu TT-TT I wish you luck on your schoolwork though! :D

I think Hyojoo's face is so sweet and approachable. Which is why her nickname is Insang-nyeo! ^^

Seung Gi graduated early this year or last year I forgot which one T_T Hyojoo would've graduated with him too but I think she took a temporary leave of absence to concentrate on her acting career =.=

I forgot about Dongguk University, haha. It's another thing SeungJoo couple have in common :P

And I think the article was talking about another Han Hyo Joo TT-TT It would've been so cool if she did compete and played the Korean harp D:

Ah yes, she's very honest, haha. I like it though ^^ It makes her more appealing to me because I'm really honest too haha I don't believe in white lies :P But it's true... in interviews, she doesn't really come off as an "ideal" type for men :P Like Moon Chae Won.. she was very ladylike and conservative, as opposed to Hyojoo who was leaning against Kang Do Han trying to read the questions and reaching across the table lol. I'm glad she's doesn't have a boring personality :P

And of course I'll help you out! :D Seriously now.. we've both written like 5 pages worth of long richard simmons comments to each other, of course I'm willing to help you out ^^ Just ask away! haha

edward: Haha, I find that interesting too :P Maybe it's because Hyojoo and SHK kind of look similar so their beauty appeals to us XD And I don't know much about Jang Nara, but please tell me more about her personality ^^'' I'd like to compare hers to Hyojoo's lol.

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Old pictures from her Green Time CF

Brainy Hyojoo is still pretty~ ^^






Random .gifs from the BL Special




Photoshopped fanarts


Harry Potter LOL


She's so much better than Ben Franklin >.>



One more from the LG SU:M 37' autograph session


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[TRANS] 091026 Release Date of "Heaven's Postman" (Updated)

Popular group TVXQ member, Hero Jaejoong will have his first acting debut in “Heaven’s Postman” screened the first time on November 12th.

The famous directors and script writers from South Korea and Japan as well as popular actors gathered in the project titled “Tele Cinema 7″. “Heaven’s Postman” is confirmed to be released in theater on November 12th.

“Heaven’s Postman” is starring idol group TVXQ member Jaejoong who roles as the promising tycoon with his co-star Han Hyo-joo.

Source: joynews24

Translation: shinta @ sharingyoochun

Credits: sharingyoochun @ Wordpress

Brought to you by: welovetvxq-jj@blogspot

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woaah! the posts keeps getting longer and longer, haha...keep 'em going :D

Hyojoo's so...blunt, lolz. "Your body has flaws?I don't think so.." I don't know of any female k celebrity who can say that as nonchallant as she. haha. I like it when she makes people around her feel good about themselves, it makes them more comfortable around her.

thank goodness, HP is finally goig to be released. Phew!

regarding Soul Special, I know she's not a singer but I really like listening to her sing that song in Soul Special, and not just because I'm her fan. I really like it. I also like her speaking voice, it sounds so sweet and feminine.

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Edward, dun worry, we are still under your control so we won't go so far from this topic, haha. But your guess make me so confused b/c I don't know about female groups in which one of their members used to leave :)

Cindy, you count on our comments lol 5 pages already. U're so careful girl :)

Humm, one of my close friends, she's also Cassie told me that there are many JaeJoo couple's fan at the momen but she's afraid after watching HP, most of them can get over JaeJoo b/c Jae's acting :-<

She means maybe Jae's not really good acting can affect this movie and HJ's fans would feel upset about him. B/c everything of HP is very perfect and nice so if Jae's acting makes it worse or less wonderful, HJ's fans can turn back and hate him --> her idea's partly true so it makes me think alot. I love and look forward to watching it like nearly can be crazy (u know, 1 year already) so it's very terrible if what she said come true *cry*

Ah, you're like me that I'm also love JaeJoo at 50/50. But the reason is I'm addicted to SeungJoo at the same time so I have to share my feelings for two couples "just because" they're all cute and have chemistry :)

I don't know if you see the picture captured from HP or not. In this pic, JJ got a hug from the back of HJ when she's checking mails (if my guess is not mistaken, haha). This pic makes me feel happy b/c I can see their chemistry. I hope there are more intimate scenes like this :D

Oh, about Love is Blind's star, I don't know why his injury can affect the date of this movie release :| I mean he finished his role so his injury is not related to his movie, huh? :|

Haiz, plz don't think about the worst case that HJ lies about her beauty. I really don't want to accept that she's such kind of person. I think we should believe in her. It's the most important thing fans should be when having an idol :)

About female group (Edward! we just mention about this stuff in this time only, yes, the finale time, I promise :P), ur first guess is exact *smerk*

Say about "just because" problem, I think it's understandable only when you're really in fandom. Many people change their personality or the way of thinking when coming into fandom. I don't know how to explain exactly but fandom is like fantastic world or drug that attracts alot of people. And like my case, fandom positively affects me :) I learn from it many interesting and even bitter experience.

If you're really in love with somebody, even one who are celebs and u never could approach them, you still have some feelings like miss them, think the world of them or sometimes upset b/c of them. It can explain for "just because" u've said before. For example, you love JJ, thus of course you don't want to see him with any girls, although she's a good girl. U're rite. It seems to be jealousness in love. And once you come into fandom, you're like a blind :) B/c love is blind in some cases so I think you don't need to care so much about such kinds of fans. They're human so their expression can be sympathized.

If you love JaeJoo, you can put your love up to 100% until now. I think after watching HP, your love for them can rise, certainly (like me, in BL, I love SeungJoo so much that I can't love JaeJoo as much as before). I'm conflict to myself haha

Now, there is a trend that K celebs want to come Vietnam more and more, so I'm living in hope with I can meet Seung Gi and HJ here. You'll ask why I don't mention about DBSK :) b/c I don't really think if they come here, it'll be good or not, Vietnam fandom has many problems, truthfully.

Ah, HJ used to come to Vietnam in the last year but she came to Da Nang where is far from Hanoi 800 km T.T I nearly cry when I hearing this news :(

HJ looks really really like SHK, especially when she's thinking. At that time, her eyes and mouth are really SHK's lol. Yes, I can see most of HJ's fan here is ex-fans of SHK, except me haha. I'm still her big fan. And to tell the truth, SHK is not only the 1st K actress but also the actress and celeb I pay attention to and fall in love :) But b/c she's actress so she doesn't have as much activities as singers :) so I set most of time for DBSK now *sr onnie but I still love u alot*

Yay, thanks so much. I also hope ur study will be excellent :) And until now, I'll be "hard working" to ask for ur help :)

OMG, Cindy, I was successful in changing my ava =)) =))

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Aww it's HwanSung XD Did you draw it yourself?

Hi everybody!~

BH Entertainment artists help to raise money to fight cancer

World Star’ actor Lee Byung Hun and his fellow artists from BH Entertainment work together with InStyle magazine to put together a pictorial photoshoot.

BH Entertainment artists including Lee Byung Hun himself, actress Han Chae Young, Han Hyo Joo, Kim Min Hee, Jin Goo, Kim Byul, Hyeon Juni and Hong Ah Reum have been working together in a photo studio in Gangnam on October 26. This pictorial is to be published in InStyle – lifestyle magazine, sponsored by the Seoul National University – Cancer Center Hospital, in which the proceeds will go towards the pediatric patients. This funds will go towards those children who cannot get treatment because of their financial difficulties.

One of BH Entertainment representatives said that as a company these actors and actresses are willing to help with anything they could to help the needy, especially these cancer patients who need hep the most. These twelve familiar actors and actresses determine to finish the shooting despite their busy schedules. And as expected, while working together with their fellow actors, the scene atmosphere was very friendly and so much fun. It’s almost impossible to be working side-by-side with their 대선배 (Great Senior) actor Lee Byung Hun if it wasn’t for this opportunity. “It has been a long time since these actors (they’re all under one management, BH Entertainment*) get together in one place, so the mood was very friendly and family-like,” he also mentioned.

source: http://www.jazzholic.com/2009/10/27/promot...m-fight-cancer/

Eeek! I can't wait to see the photoshoot! 8D

Glad to know Hyojoo's fitting in nicely to her new management company :D

*prays for some Hyojoo/Bae Soo Bin or Lee Byung Hun shots >.>

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I guess I was the one not on the same page with the female singer you two are talking about. :(

Cindy, isn't Lee Ji Ah graduated from your school?

Jang Nara is not really pretty but very cute, and she has the very likable personality that I can compare to Hyo Joo. I can describe both of them as "sunshine" type of girls. :)

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Hyojoo's doing a lot of charity stuff this month :o

First the SBS Walking Festival for world hunger awareness, then the BH Entertainment photoshoot for cancer patients, and she's in another photoshoot for Phillip Lim's "Smile for Children" T-shirt design to bring awareness to nationwide child welfare

Well good of her to do all that! :D





Such baggy clothing >.>

I have no idea who the other people are... ><

More photos will be released sometime soon :)

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Cindy, don't think that I'm talent in drawing like that lol

It's the chibi picture of someone I take in Brilliant Legacy's official thread in soompi (I dun remember to credit) :(

Edward, dun worry, I also don't guess the female group you're talking about lol

Yes, I like the hair above of HJ. It suits her :)Cindy, you don't like she let her hair curly but I think if it has just a few curves, it may be cuter (like in BL's ep which Eun Sung is made up glamorously and Hwan's so surprised for her actual beauty lol)

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Guest heartnet_XIII

annyong haseo!! :D

im new here..so i'll only be reading all of your long posts..lol

and im really having fun reading all of them..haha

guess wat?! im also an addicted fan of HAN HYO JOO. :lol:

im also waiting for heaven postman's release..hahaha

please tell me more about han hyo joo!! hehe.. lol

thank you.

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