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Sayuri JaeJoong: Yeahhh!! Brutal hugs for the win!!

Aw, it's okay if you're busy! ^^ As long as you find the time to pop in here and say hello whenever you can hehe :D

Haha, you're friendlier and nicer than I am XD I know how hard it is to see your favorite male idol pairing up with a woman! But you're so kind to us and Hyojoo despite all of that :D :D

Just 5 more weeks until November 25th! But Nov. 25th is on a Thursday in Korea.. o_O Don't movies usually open on Fridays?

And gossshhhhh, JaeJoo doing a photoshoot together would be full of sooooo much gorgeousness D:

I really hope they do one for Heaven's Postman promotions!! They have to!! TT-TT

LOL @ your question XD It's okay though haha

This is what her ideal man is :)

Then what is your ideal type of man?

I like men who are passionate about their work, and on a personal level, someone I can depend on. I like boyfriends who are supportive.

It's a bit too vague of an answer though :P I do know that her celebrity crush is So Ji Sub though, haha And I think she has a thing for guys with single eyelids :P She's very family-orientated, so I think she'd want a guy who's similar in that aspect.

JaeJoo have a lot of similarities~

Hyojoo says she doesn't really know how to cook, so her cooking ability is limited, but she can make soup and stuff. She said she wanted to learn during her free time and well... we all know JJ can cook! XD

She's also a very active girl and loves running and doing outdoor sports! JJ likes to work out too haha

Another thing: Hyojoo was raised by her grandparents until she reached 4 years old, somewhat similar to JJ whose biological mother gave him away at that same age.

And they both can DRINK. Hyojoo loves loves loves wine and can drink at least half a bottle of it by herself LOL

She also loves eating spicy things and likes rock music haha

There's more stuff.. but... I forgot >< haha

LOL @ "sick fan" LMFAOOO XD I'm fine with YunJae but I only like them as BFFs, not.. as.. lovers >< I don't like seeing male x male idol pairings if it's romantic D:

Can I ask if you're a shipper to other JJ pairings as well? Like the Boa/JJ, Lee Yeon Hee/JJ, and JJ/Jang Ri In pairings?

Because JJ's so popular, he gets paired off with every girl LOL

And aww, sad that there aren't any news about the Telecinema project in Japan D: I'm sure interest will grow when they start promoting Heaven's Postman there though! JJ's like.. their #1 prettyboy there now XD

Yes! She's so funny in Soul Special! XD With all of her cute expressions and mannerisms! hehe

And don't worry about it! I'm just glad that you're posting in here ^^ :D

I'm happy that you're watching Soul Special btw! 8D The more people watching it, the merrier haha

Of course I'll visit your blog! I might even spam you in there LOL

kozuesan: Yes, I'm really enjoying all the different expressions Hyojoo has shown in Soul Special! I really love Mi Ah.. she's so carefree and so chill about everything and it's amusing to see how she handles situations XD

She's definitely very different from Eun Sung haha

And seriously! Her hair is terrible in the LG SU:M 37' autograph session photos! They curled it inward WAY too much =.= and I hate the coat she has on.. It's not flattering =.= But I'm guessing it must be getting cold in Seoul, that's why she's wearing it :\

Hyojoo always looks stunning in photoshoots! =.= lol

YunKyo: Huu huu TT-TT I wish JJ would stop smoking D: but I do know that it's common for Korean men to smoke :( It's so baddd! I really wish JJ would stop because his voice is too beautiful to ruin!

But yeah, I think because Seung Gi's always so busy with filming BL and filming 1N2D, it's harder for SeungJoo couple to get closer to one another :( That's why we see her being friendlier towards Moon Chae Won and Bae Soo Bin.

XD I like how you've already made that "story" about Seung Gi not choosing Hyojoo haha. Well, you know netizens though.. if Seung Gi had chosen Hyojoo... the netizens would be all over that!

I think Moon Chae Won is pretty, sometimes even prettier than Hyojoo, but I agree that Hyojoo's type of beauty is more preferable in my opinion. I don't know if Moon Chae Won has ever had plastic surgery or not, but like Hyojoo said on the BL Special, her type of look is a lot more natural looking.

But I definitely like Hyojoo a lot more (obviously!!)!!! haha She's got the whole package! Beautiful on the outside and lovely on the inside too :) But I love the friendship Hyojoo and Chae Won have ^^ It's very cute! haha

And that's true... there are some people who don't find Hyojoo very pretty (which baffles me to be honest!). She isn't the traditional, stereotypical pretty type, but she's very sweet looking and her being all natural helps too.

Haha, I watched HTTG's first episode, but thought it was pretty bad with Yunho's inexperienced acting and all the choppy editing. It made it hard to want to continue watching it, so I stopped for a while. But then I read that his acting has gotten a lot better, so I watched the kissing scene between him and Ara. I've always thought Ara to be very beautiful but I have never seen her act before. I know she made her debut a while ago though, way before Hyojoo made hers, so I would think her acting would be very good, but to my surprise, in the kissing scene.. I thought Yunho outperformed Ara! Yunho definitely was better than Ara during that scene, but I still like Ara haha XD Can't help it.. she's a pretty girl :P

What episode did you watch up to btw? And is Ara's acting really that bad? D: I've read that she's been pretty good and that her crying scenes are very touching.

But I do agree that Hyojoo and JJ are both VERY lucky to be able to take part in Heaven's Postman. The script, I'm sure, is going to be badass since the scriptwriter is a living legend. And the director's past work was MiSa, so Heaven's Postman HAS to be great! I wonder if JJ asked Hyojoo for any acting advice, like what K.Will did lol

Haha, I've liked Lee Yeon Hee ever since I watched Millionaire's First Love. This was before I even found out about Hyojoo~ But Lee Yeon Hee and Hyojoo are probably the more stronger actresses out of the three. I can't say who's better between the two because I think they're around the same level. But I think Hyojoo's made the most improvement since her debut. Lee Yeon Hee, like Ara, made her debut before Hyojoo, yet Hyojoo was able to improve her acting in just a couple of years.

I've never heard of If Only It Were True until now, but I just Googled it and I concur. Except the roles are reversed in Heaven's Postman, haha.

I loved going to Vietnam because of the food LOL. I can't really say much about Hanoi because I only stayed there for less than a day :( But Hanoi was very, very beautiful from what I saw! It was a lot cleaner than Saigon to say the least >< lol

And I'm a freshmannn haha Fresh meattt XD :P

Haha, I find Kim Dong Wook to be sort of charming in Soul Special XD I don't know why! I thought he was pretty ugly when I first saw his picture, but then watching Soul Special made me kind of like him :P

And no.. Hyojoo's not even confirmed for her lead role in Falling in Love yet. The scriptwriter really wants Hyojoo to be in it though, so it's all up to our girl and her decision. Nothing about her costar yet, so Lee Minho isn't confirmed, lol. I don't eve know if he auditioned for it ><

crazy-girl: Eee XD I have a new crush <3 haha

I hope Hyojoo gets to work with him one day!! LOL jk XD

It aggravates me a little bit, because they always curl her hair inwards, so it's all puffy looking =.= It doesn't suit her that well D:

There are a couple of people who don't find Hyojoo to be pretty :( But that's a small percentage compared to the people who do find her pretty. And I agree.. I just love looking at Hyojoo's face~ She doesn't have perfect features like the big eyes, full lips, perfect nose but all of her features just look so well together and sometimes, beauty isn't about the perfect features, it's also about the different imperfections that come look so lovely when they come together.

Bae Soo Bin's so hot.. *drools. He was the reason why I wanted Eun Sung and Jun Se together! haha

He played his role so well XD

sandixbabo: LOL You hate every female celebrity that isn't Hyojoo! haha :P

But gosh.. so mean D: I think Ara's so beautiful <3 lol But she lost points in my book because she had plastic surgery ><

I can't help it.. I'm judgmental D:

Haha, you've mentioned that almost everytime you talk about Falling in Love XD

Sadly, there still isn't any news on that drama :( There hasn't been much Hyojoo news lately D:

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Guest Sayuri JaeJoong

Sayuri JaeJoong: Yeahhh!! Brutal hugs for the win!!

Aw, it's okay if you're busy! ^^ As long as you find the time to pop in here and say hello whenever you can hehe :D

Haha, you're friendlier and nicer than I am XD I know how hard it is to see your favorite male idol pairing up with a woman! But you're so kind to us and Hyojoo despite all of that :D :D

Just 5 more weeks until November 25th! But Nov. 25th is on a Thursday in Korea.. o_O Don't movies usually open on Fridays?

And gossshhhhh, JaeJoo doing a photoshoot together would be full of sooooo much gorgeousness D:

I really hope they do one for Heaven's Postman promotions!! They have to!! TT-TT

LOL @ your question XD It's okay though haha

This is what her ideal man is :)

It's a bit too vague of an answer though :P I do know that her celebrity crush is So Ji Sub though, haha And I think she has a thing for guys with single eyelids :P She's very family-orientated, so I think she'd want a guy who's similar in that aspect.

JaeJoo have a lot of similarities~

Hyojoo says she doesn't really know how to cook, so her cooking ability is limited, but she can make soup and stuff. She said she wanted to learn during her free time and well... we all know JJ can cook! XD

She's also a very active girl and loves running and doing outdoor sports! JJ likes to work out too haha

Another thing: Hyojoo was raised by her grandparents until she reached 4 years old, somewhat similar to JJ whose biological mother gave him away at that same age.

And they both can DRINK. Hyojoo loves loves loves wine and can drink at least half a bottle of it by herself LOL

She also loves eating spicy things and likes rock music haha

There's more stuff.. but... I forgot >< haha

LOL @ "sick fan" LMFAOOO XD I'm fine with YunJae but I only like them as BFFs, not.. as.. lovers >< I don't like seeing male x male idol pairings if it's romantic D:

Can I ask if you're a shipper to other JJ pairings as well? Like the Boa/JJ, Lee Yeon Hee/JJ, and JJ/Jang Ri In pairings?

Because JJ's so popular, he gets paired off with every girl LOL

And aww, sad that there aren't any news about the Telecinema project in Japan D: I'm sure interest will grow when they start promoting Heaven's Postman there though! JJ's like.. their #1 prettyboy there now XD

Yes! She's so funny in Soul Special! XD With all of her cute expressions and mannerisms! hehe

And don't worry about it! I'm just glad that you're posting in here ^^ :D

I'm happy that you're watching Soul Special btw! 8D The more people watching it, the merrier haha

Of course I'll visit your blog! I might even spam you in there LOL

Bashfull_Harmony♥ Haha \0/

Brutal hugs to win was all LOL !!!


Ah Bashfull♥ In Japan♥ Movies opening it´s dependding of each channel

In Asahi is common to open movies on thursday...

But It´s doesn´t matter ¬

I´m really anxious to see JaeJoo♥ in photoshoot !!!

Ahhh!!! JaeJoo♥ similarities is amazing to know about it !!!

I don´t knew about her grandfathers But It´s sad ne T^T ...

Yes yes JaeJoong♥ bio mom gave him T^T...[sad so sad]

Hum...If I like another girl for JaeJoong♥ ???

To be honest ??? Really ???

Some girls maybe...let me see here...

Lee Yeon Hee♥ or maybe Tiffany

But HHJ♥ is the BEST for him♥

Coz I think HHJ♥ is

Very very similar as JJ♥ !!!

But this days I made one post in my 2 blogs talking with my readers about

ideal woman for JJ♥ and

U can check if it´s have something with HHJ♥ ok ???LOL

♥He said he wants a who LOOKS very innocent in the outside ,

But is actually very dirty inside

[LOL JJ♥ is a Perverted GUY LOL ] !!!

He said he wants a HOT wife LOL !!!

[Oh God I´m ROFL] !!!

♥ Beautifull Hands

[Till now really imagine what kind hand type

he loves ne??? He always said

"beautifull hands" but I don´t know if this

"beutifull hands" he talk is a large hand, a thin hand,

big or small nails ne ??? LOL !!! ]

♥ The girl must to have hands and feets

very pretty [he likes it ]!!!

JJ♥ is not very picky with girls

♥ He dream to go for an island

With his future Girlfriend !!!

But I really don´t know If HHJ♥ has something about it !!!

But yes yes he can cook for HHJ♥ !!!

Imagine the scene . !!!

She likes spicy foods huh ???

Ahhhh!!! One more similarity!!!

Haiii haiiii LOL !!!

She´s very Funny in Soul♥ I´m watching and I´m totally

In Love for this - !!!

By the way she loved his brown hair ne ???

Let me ask U...

HHJ♥ almost don´t changes her hairtyle ne???

Usually women has a little fear to change her hairstyle

But I noticed her hair grows so quickly :o !!!

Ahhh!!! She likes wine ne ???

I know this coz I was reading about it !!!

Can U gimme the link from her cyworld???

Gomen to ask U it ne...T^T...

Ah JJ♥ loves actually Tequila...

But he supports to drink a lot and HHJ♥ tooo LOL My God

Let´s imagine funny scenes LOL !!!

JaeJoo♥ drunk mode LOL !!!

Oh my God what am I said :o ??? LOL !!!


I made some gifs for Us ok ???

She´sexy here ne ???


She has so beautifull eyessss :wub:


And this is in my opnion the Most beautifull smile !!!


Ahhh If she ask for JJ♥ if he wants to marry somedayyyyyy with her - !!!

And I little GIFT for Us here :wub: a cute thing ok???

I thought it very equal at our HHJ♥ :wub:


HHJ♥ Candied Version !!! LOL !!!

Oh Am I Kind :wub: ???

Domo Arigato !!!

If I am Kind here it´s because U´re Kind too !!!

Our education depends from another too right ???

Thank U always for all posts U do here Bashfull♥ !!!


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Sayuri JaeJoong: LOL XD I likes huggings you :wub::lol: haha XD

I've always thought all movies opened on Fridays x_x That's why I was all like.. o_O Heaven's Postman will be screened on a Thursday? when I looked up Nov 25th on the calender.

But yeah, Hyojoo's grandparents took care of her when she was little because her parents couldn't find the time to do it since they were busy with work and everything..

Another thing that Hyojoo and JJ have in common is that they both moved out to Seoul in hopes of being a singer/actress/w.e lol

And yeah.. Poor JJ D: He and his mama look the same! Same with Hyojoo and her mom! haha Hyojoo and her mom look like sisters =.=

I liked Lee Yeon Hee and Jaejoong pairing before too, so it's okay XD haha I was like crushing on LYH after I watched Millionaire's First Love <3 But then I found Hyojoo and she's been my #1 for like.. over 3 years now hehe.

Haha I'll go check out your blog right now! XD

Hmms... I don't know of Hyojoo's perverted LOL but she does look innocent! She doesn't always act ladylike though~ Competitive, vengeful, teases her sunbaes A LOT lol

And Hyojoo can be hot ;) Hyojoo has reallyyy elegant hands and feet LOL That sounds so weird, but it's true.. She has pretty hands and feet >< And I usually cringe when I look at feet because for some reason, I'm automatically disgusted by them! But Hyojoo really has nice feet and toes XD haha

But it's true! JJ's never really specified about how he wants hands and feet to look like XD haha

Hyojoo recently said she wants to go on a cruise for a vacation X] Not exactly an island, but close! haha

Yes! Hyojoo loveees spicy food and loves to drink LOL Everytime I see photos of her at an afterparty or something, she's always more outgoing than usual and seems to have a good time XD She can drink a lot for her size! Half a bottle of wine or a couple of bottles of soju, haha. Imagine the hilarity of JaeJoo becoming drinking buddies LOL :lol:

And hmms, I disagree. I think Hyojoo changes her hairstyle a lot! haha Hyojoo's not afraid to experiment with her looks :) Sometimes it's annoying, other times it's fun haha

Most actresses her age always stick with one look and that look becomes their trademark, but Hyojoo's always spicing things up and cuts, dyes, styles her hair differently all the time.

I know it's not confirmed or anything, but after filming Heaven's Postman, Hyojoo got two new ear piercings :P

Personally, I believe JJ influenced her to do this XD haha

The ear piercings she got after filming Heaven's Postman:



Here's the link to her Cyworld! :)

She hasn't updated it in a while though =.=


LOL thanks for the .gifs XD She's so funny in that episode! When she sees the car and gets all excited then kidnaps the guy! ROFL

And awww, that Candied version of Hyojoo is so cute XD It's very similar to her! Hyojoo even has a bunny doll that she carries around with her all the time! XD Which reminds me.. I haven't seen it in a while TT-TT I miss it D:

sandixbabo: Haha, it's okay!

I was like that too.. Hyojoo was the only thing I saw through my eyes LOL but then I learned there's no point in hating on other actresses because Hyojoo's friends with a lot of them haha

I'm judgmental too, but I rarely voice my opinions about a stranger.

And I seriously can't wait for them to release more information on Falling in Love D:

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waaah all of ur comments are so long ! haha

i tried reading them all ^^

i'll try to keep my comment short since this page will be so wordy if i made it long haha..

i'm back to anticipating for HP's premiere

Jaejoo ftw !

umm i don't know what else to say lol...

just wanted to drop by and say hi to everyone ^^

glad to see that there are more frequent posters in this thread ! =D

i remember when i first started posting in this thread back when iljimae was airing x]

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Sandixbabo: I don't really understand what "DSK" is :( Do u mean DBSK???

Ah, about surgery, I think CW went because as I said before, in Korea, people are addicted to beauty and they can spend alot of money in surgery for making them more beautiful.

I think only celebrities who declare that they're natural like SHK and HJ, I just believe that's it :)

Cindy: So u like Ah Ra, haha. To tell the truth, I just like person who is beauty naturally so maybe it's the 1st thing I pay attention to them, then I care for their talent :) And it's the reason why I love SHK and HJ so much :X

Ah, I watched HTTG at ep 6 (if I can remember) and I can see the bad acting of Ah Ra while Yunho's is better and better :)

You're rite. At the kiss scene, Ah Ra expresses worse than Yunho does. I hurt so much when seeing this scene. Maybe I'm bias Yunho but indeed, I could be less hurt if it's not Ah Ra (forgive me if u like Ah Ra so much) :(

About Yeonhee, her acting is quite good but it's not stable :) It can be seen through Millionaire's first love and East of Eden. Her acting in these two film quite opposite :">

Ah, friendship between HJ and CW, I also love it. They're close as I can see in BTS clips. B/c CW is older than HJ, HJ calls her "Onnie". So kewt! I wonder how HJ calls SG as I don't know in Korea, how people at the same age call each other :)

Hanoi is cleaner than Ho Chi Minh City but not as developed as it :) But I love Hanoi than HCM b/c of its ancient and long history.

Ah, in autograph meeting yesterday, is HJ's hairstyle newest one?

U're freshman, it means you're 3 year younger than me :) And what university you study?

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fujiwara no sai: Heys! ^^

And yes, Hyojoo always looks amazing in photoshoots! The camera loves her face and she knows how to pose! Most Kactresses and singers just stand there with the same facial expression all the time D: It gets quite boring after a while, but Hyojoo always brings something new to the table and it helps that she's able to rock almost every style!

I agree with you. :D

She always make me excited about her photoshoots.

When cameras On.......she can turn her expression just like that.

And sometimes I can't rocognise her. hehe

I think she really like a supermodel. :)

about her hair style.

I like the hair when she goes to new york for fashion week.

she looks absolutely stunning.

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itic: LOL sorry. I'll try to keep my replies not so long :P

I guess I tend to blabber x_x More so when it involves Hyojoo aha. That's when my fangirl side comes out :D

Haha, YEAHHH!! Heaven's Postman ftw!! I'm only interested in HP and 19 Years Old.. but definitely more intrigued by Heaven's Postman, not only because of JaeJoo, but because the plot is more interesting to me than 19's, though I do love me some TOP :D haha

Hopefully November 25th is the real date.. D: We should start seeing news articles confirming it sometime soon, then movie stills should be released afterwards.. but I'm not sure about that since Heaven's Postman probably has the most photos of it released compared to the other segments. Either way.. I'm so excited! XD

And omgsh, I remember when you first posted in here XD Can't believe it's been over a year now!

I'm loving all the frequent posters now XD Makes me HAAAAPPPPPYYY~!

YunKyo: Haha, well I'm not necessarily a fan of Ara, but I do think she's very pretty ^^

This thread is the only official thread that I post in so frequently XD :P

Well, I think Ara's only had ear surgery.. but she's rumored to have gone under eyelid surgery too o_o but I'm not so sure...

There are actually quite a lot of Korean actresses who say they're natural, but netizens always dig up old photos and stuff and call that celebrity a liar. Like with Hyojoo. In her late middle school and high school photos, she looks the same, but her eyelids weren't as pronounced during elementary school. Netizens speculate she got eyelid surgery, but I personally don't think so and Hyojoo has said she hasn't either, so I believe her. Besides.. the photos that netizens choose to post up are either bad photos of Hyojoo or they're in a bad angle =.= They purposely choose crappy photos to prove their point.

But netizens are so annoying in general, they even speculate SHK has had plastic surgery =.= It's like.. wow. So. Pathetic. They seem to believe that a celebrity is natural only if they look the same when they're a little kid to present time, which is ridiculous! Comparing a picture of a one year old to a 20-something year old =.=

/rant. lol Sorry ><

I'm sad to see Yunho's acting debut to do less than expected :( You can tell he works really hard at his role, but it's a shame the script and director screwed him over =.=

Haha, you're a Yunho fan, it's expected for you to be upset over the kiss XD That's how all the JJ fans felt when he kissed Hyojoo for Heaven's Postman! But then again.. Yunho's kiss scene with Ara was a lot more visible, compared to the silhouette kiss of JaeJoo's >.>

And omgsh, imagine it were Hyojoo in Ara's place! How would you feel then?! LOL

About Yeonhee.. I think she's a good actress, dare I say maybe even better than Hyojoo. But I like Hyojoo more because of her personality and her beauty. Some people think Yeonhee is prettier, but I don't think so.. I don't really like her smile >< Whereas I'm in love with Hyojoo's. And Yeonhee's very introverted, unlike Hyojoo who likes to smile and goof around. And Hyojoo comes off more likable in interviews than Yeonhee. But on Yeonhee's defense, even though her acting was pretty bad in East of Eden, her character was rather difficult to portray compared to her past roles. I considered Yeonhee Hyojoo's rival, but then I remembered that they were friends so I gave up on that, haha.

I love Hyojoo's friendship with Moon Chae Won. It's very cute XD haha She's like the baby and Moon Chae Won takes care of her LOL

If I'm not mistaken, I think Hyojoo called Moon Chae Won dongsang once haha She also calls Bae Soo Bin a variety of names, haha. She calls him oppa (on her good days), ahjusshi or uncle (on her bad days), and sometimes even refers to him as hyung LOL Hyojoo! You're not a boy!!

In a lot of their interviews, Hyojoo calls him Seung Gi-sshi, so it's all formal with them most of them :( But sometimes they forget about formality, and just call each other by their names I think.

And ugh, I didn't like Saigon.. D: It took me 5 minutes just to cross one of the streets there T_T But Hanoi was so pretty D:

And yeah... fresh meat here :blush: Be nice to me okay! lol jk & I go to Pasadena City College :)

fujiwara no sai: She's a very good model ^^ She leaves an impression on you and there's rarely ever a dull photo of hers. She must be a joy to work with too! Bubbly, friendly, and does an extremely good job at modeling. I wish she'd do a runway one day though.. D: I want to see her do an Andre Kim show, even if the man is totally crazy! His designs are still beautiful, though sometimes they all look the same =.=

I love the New York hairstyle too :( I wish she kept it T_T

sandixbabo: Haha, Hyojoo's piercings are so simple compared to others :P

I think she took out the new piercings though.. I haven't seen them since the beginning of BL..

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There's this girl on some forum that's using Hyojoo's photos as her own. I left her a comment on her profile telling her to stop, but she deleted it =.=' So I left her another message, lol. If she deletes it again.. I'm going to go CAPSLOCK on her richard simmons.


Hyojoo's name was in some book o_O


I don't know what it says, but judging from her fans' comments.. it must be something weird. lol

They're all going.. wuht but in Korean form XD

EDIT: One of Hyojoo's fans on her Naver fanclub was nice enough to tell me what it's about :P

He said it's from a text-like book in Korea where all the problems you learned in school are on and the poster found Hyojoo in one of the problems and took a photo of it :P

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Haha, yeah. There's like 4 different sources where I get the photos from, and usually I save them when it's around 3AM over here, so I'm like half asleep saving all these photos lol. OH WELLLS~ Doesn't matter to me since my Photobucket account is premium. lol

Heaven’s Postman Showing at The Theators in Korea?

It seems to have decided the theater opening of TVXQ’s Jejung starring “Heavens Postman” in South Korea to the public according to South Korean media source.

The opening date is announced to be November 25th, 2009, at the theaters. Seoul city CGV movie theaters and 5 theaters are to be showing “Heavens Postman” on the release date.

Because this is an announcement for the medias only, If you say, “I want to go absolutely to see this in Seoul” : Please research the latest information beforehand. (091022: HMV NEWS)

Source: HMV News (Japan)

Translated by: Junsulv@OneTVXQ.com

Shared by: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }

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Cindy: Oh, so netizens used to claim that HJ underwent surgery. Netizens jerk! They also used to think JJ passed eyelids surgery. Wow, one more things that JJ and HJ have in common lol

They also showed a picture which has very bad light condition and claimed that JJ's eyelids were worked but all Cassie don't believe this. U're rite. Very ridiculous for comparing two pics with very far distance of time :) Netizens sometimes make people so tired and annoyed b/c of their news. If u remember of Jaebeum (2PM), I'm sure that netizens are very cruel that they forced him to leave in shame. Poor him :(

Hum, yes, many K actresses say they're natural but only when they can prove their real beauty, I believe. Like the case of SHK (b/c I'm fan of SHK, too so I search carefully lol), she says she's natural. Then it is reported that a group of staff (maybe of Star Secret show) came back to her schools (elementary one, secondary and high school) for searching and making the confirm for this prob. And finally, they said that it's true and SHK is voted as the most natural beautiful actress in Korea. So proud of it :x

About Ah Ra, the 1st time I saw her is in DBSK's debut MV, "Hug". If I'm not mistaken, she was about 14 years old at that time. I thought she's nice. Not glamorous but good-looking. However, by the time, I realize that I'm wrong. Her face is angle and she's very thin but her bodyline is not as good as HJ. I mean HJ's is nicer than hers.

Don't care too much about my opinion. It's just the difference of taste :) I also see many people think Ah Ra is beautiful, not only u :smile:

Ah, if HJ were in Ah Ra's position in kissing scene, to tell the truth, I would feel ok. I'm not the type of fan that can be suicide b/c of my idol :) My love is very sincere and I don't care so much if my idol can co-operate with some talent actresses ;) This is the reason why I feel so good and a bit excited when watching JaeJoo's kiss scene lol sr Jae's fans *shy*

About LYH, I also like her at the 1st time I saw her, also in one of DBSK's MV named "The way you are". And, I like her. Her beauty, how can I say, is more natural than Ah Ra. Also not gorgeous but good. And I like her coolness, not her smile, too. But when I watched her in East of Eden, I felt a bit disappointed with her acting. Agree with u, her role is more difficult than her past roles :) Can sympathy with her. But until now, I don't pay attention to her any longer (the most important reason is I'm attracted by SHK and HJ lol, I'm girl, of course rofll)

I realize one more common thing of us that you and me like HJ b/c of her personality bias. I don't deny a good actress must be talent but if she is not good at her personality, I can't like her. i.e, I can't like a girl who sings well but always related to many scandals like her statement in front of public or her manner -_-

Like I said before, I like friendship of HJ and CW but I feel it is a bit strange when they're really close in BTS clips, in contrast, in special episode of BL (Yashimanman), they acted as if they just met each other at the 1st time. It makes me wonder so much :) Also with SeungJoo, they usually call each other like Seung Gi sshi or Hyo Joo sshi. However, in BL's special, they just call them by their name so you can see many fans of SeungJoo couple feel crazy about it. They think that their relationship is real lol

Not only them but me. Reading this detail makes me believe a bit more in their future love lol *sr for my imaginary*

Although I'm Vietnamese, I came to Saigon 2 times until now. Once when I was 5 and once last two years ago. It's modern city but many people don't like it, especially the older ones (I think u can understand the reason)

So which specialisation you're studying? Laguage, Mathematics, Physics, psychologics or...? :D

Sayuri Jaejoong: Sr, I read alot of conversation between you and Cindy so I realize that u're fall in JaeJoo couple. I hope that after watching HP, my love for JaeJoo would come back to me :) In the past, at the same time but one year ago, I also love JaeJoo couple, especially watching fancam of the ending party of HP, they're really close and cute to be together. Just when watching BL, love BL, love everything of this film, my fav couple has changed *guilty*

Seeing you post a lot in thread of DBSK and HJ as well, I feel very guilty b/c I hardly post in DBSK's thread. Just act like a silent hard working reader :)

Nice to see u here :)

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Yup, yup. No one is safe under netizens' scrutiny. *sighs

There are a few antis who claim that Hyojoo's had other things done to her face too =.= They claim she got jaw surgery (which is.. wtf?) and nose surgery (another wtf because her nose obviously bent during HwanSung's first kiss in BL =.=).

I think almost every Korean celebrity is accused of having plastic surgery, it's just.. normal haha.

And yeah, antifans always choose crappy pictures to prove their point.. Just shows that they don't have much "evidence" to work with in the first place. But the power of netizens is just.. insane in South Korea.. It's sad to see them have so much influence when they're not even personally involved in any of the situations in the first place. I was definitely saddened over the whole Jay thing, and still am. It's very disappointing for me to be so in love with this country because of their entertainment industry, and have these awful people who harass celebrities to no extent. Luckily, Hyojoo doesn't have that many anti-fans ><

Haha, I think most of us in here were fans of Song Hye Kyo some time before becoming Hyojoo's fan :P I was a big fan of SHK too before I got into Hyojoo XD SHK is like.. one of the most naturally beautiful woman in the Korean entertainment industry, so it's just so lol worthy to see people accusing her of having plastic surgery.

What's the Star Secret show btw? I just remembered that a crew of people went to Hyojoo's high school to confirm her natural beauty, and the principal showed old photos of her from the yearbook and her student records. She definitely looks the same though.

The first time I saw Ara was in the "Hug" music video too! lol That was before she had her ear surgery, I believe. She wasn't as pretty in that music video, but she's grown into her looks. But like I've previously said.. She loses points in my books because she isn't a natural beauty >< I can't help it.. it's just so rare for there to be a truly natural beauty in Korean actresses ><

The thing I don't like about Ara's face is that her head is too small and that it's not proportional to her body because she's a pretty tall girl. Like Hyojoo's head is small too, but her head size fits her height and body size, lol. But I do think Ara has a nice body :P haha I wish Hyojoo was a bit bustier LOL She's so flat.. but oh wells~ As long as she's happy with her appearance and that she's healthy, that's all that matters.

Which reminds me.. I loved how Hyojoo addressed the natural beauty and plastic surgery question in that one interview.

You’re a natural beauty, aren’t you?

Yes. I haven’t had any work done. But I don’t have any opposition to receiving plastic surgery.

Does that mean there’s nothing you’d like done?

It doesn’t mean I don’t, but I like how I look now. I’ve had areas that I’ve disliked, but I fixed the way I thought and became comfortable with it. I think the instant you think of it as a complex, things that didn’t bother you before turn into complexes. Some people tell me to remove the dot from under my left eye, but I won’t. I like it.

Her answer was very respectable and she comes off as a good role model.

Haha, Hyojoo would definitely be harassed to no end if she were in Ara's place! Acting with JJ and Yunho! Oh man.. lol. But it's good to hear that you're not the type of fan to go crazy when they see their idol with the opposite sex, haha. Man.. stupid JaeJoo kiss.. It's such a sweet kiss, with the sun setting and JJ's character comforting Hyojoo's character after she has a mental breakdown. And with Hyojoo's character begging him to take her with him and pretty much not to leave her :( So heartbreaking!

I hope when Heaven's Postman comes out, there aren't any more scenes of her screaming or crazy sobbing >.> lol I love her, but her screams got annoying after the 5th time watching the trailer, haha. But I have to admire her acting in it because in the previews and photos, her eyes are SOOOO puffy looking, similar to how they were in Spring Waltz. That means the girl had real waterworks going on!

Yeah, Lee Yeon Hee and Hyojoo are very natural looking~ I'm not a big fan of LYH's gummy smile though >.>

Some people will like it, others won't. Just like with Hyojoo's teethy smile lol

I do sympathize for her though because she got so much heat in East of Eden but I kind of drifted sides when she addressed the acting criticisms. I didn't like her answer :X

Hehe yes, we both love Hyojoo's personality! haha She's such a lovely girl that it's so hard not to hate her. And lol, I know which female singer you're talking about :P

I think Hyojoo was super friendly towards Moon Chae Won, but you can definitely tell MCW was very shy haha. It was her first time appearing on a talk show, so it's no surprise. But dang.. Hyojoo would make a great MC don't you think? :P She interacts with everyone! haha And is definitely not afraid to voice her opinions. I love her and Kang Ho Dong together LOL

Haha, it's okay :P I giggle when Hyojoo called JJ oppa so it's understandable XD

And yeah, I prefered the smaller cities in Vietnam compared to Saigon, even if it is more developed. I just hate all the cockroaches and lizards! haha

Oh gosh, don't bring up school with me LOL I'm not a very good Asian student :P I have no idea what I plan on majoring in >< But gosh, you're so close to graduating! :o How do you like your major btw? Maybe you can give me a hindsight on majors :P hehs.

Man... our convos are getting longer and longer LOL But I like it hehe

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Guest allanpuge23

Hi All,

tnx cindy for the LG autograph session pics

Well im just looking at NATE the when i turn to HHJ page wow i see all this article about this look a like of HJ... is she a stan up comedian?

well if somebody is copying HJ well is that a sign the she is getting more popular?

and lastly well it's nice to see that HP is showing but when it will be available in the net? and still no news for FIL it's almost the end of the month...sigh!

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Ah, yeah.. saw those articles on Empas too but don't really think they're that important :P

It is about a stand up comedian who resembles Hyojoo (mostly because of the Eun Sung hair...)

I saw her selcas on Cyworld a couple of months ago (the one where she's covering her mouth and smiling) but never shared it in here >.>

And that person using Hyojoo's photos as her own.. It's annoying D: lol I don't like it so I'm giving her a piece of my mind haha.

As for Heaven's Postman.. I'm not sure if people record the movie and upload it online like they do here in USA, so I'm not sure when it'll be available online.. I just mostly care about the promotional stuff to be honest, lol.

Still no news on Falling in Love :( Quite sad *cries.

- - - -

Han Hyo-Joo in New York for Lacoste

Did you recognize that the person in the photo was Great Inheritance’s main girl, Han Hyo-Joo? Well, I didn’t. Nevertheless she looks spectacular and the photos also look spectacular. Check them out!

source: http://allkoreangossip.com/2009/10/han-hyo...rk-for-lacoste/

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