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Han Hyo Joo 한효주 - [FIN: Happiness (2021) || NEXT: ThePirates: Goblin Flag (Jan 2022)]


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Guest pan2cute

pan2cute: Yeah, I never see anyone mentioning Summer Scent, haha.

I loved her hair in Spring Waltz :ph34r: It was so prettttttyyyyyyyy with all the waves 8D

I wanted to go perm my hair like that once I finished the first episode lol

But it's so expensive TT-TT

Yup, she was in an indie film (she's in a lot of these types of films) titled Ad Lib Night. She won several acting awards for her role :) But it's kind of a boring film... lol. It's like those serious types of movies ><

But it's basically about Hyojoo's character being mistaken to be the missing daughter of a dying man, so one day, these two men come up to her on the streets and ask her to pretend to be the missing daughter. She agrees and they drive to the countryside and yeah... lol ><

I'm so glad she didn't give up on acting D8 I'd be so bored without her in my life LOL

Half an hour a day is like watching a soap opera... wait, are soap operas half an hour or an hour x_x Don't remember..

But so true about the ahjummas loving their daily dramas, haha. They love weekend dramas too! Which is partly the reason why BL was so popular. But BL had a wide range of audience.. everyone loved it! From elder to teenager.. age did not matter!

I thought she was sooo darn adorable in Nonstop 5 even when she was playing stupid LOL I love the episode where she's auditioning for a role and the other cast members ask her to portray different facial expressions like shocked, scared, happy, etc. and she has the same expression for each one! LOL It was so cute XD

I loved her moments with Tablo the most though... They were so cute together >< So sad he's getting married D: Epik High came to LA for a tour and I was so tempted to ask him about Hyojoo LOL

Omgsh, her teeth are so pretty~ So white and straight D: I love her smile hehe Some people don't but it's okay.. different views on beauty :)

And yeah, natural beauty~! :w00t: She's so pretty in the Apart MV... it's like who would even dare break Hyojoo's heart?!

Yup! Took MBC 2 years to prepare for Falling in Love so it must be good! I hope we see a different Hyojoo in this drama! Her character in Soul Special is different from her previous roles, but not a lot of people are watching Soul Special so they wouldn't know that, lol.

It'd be sooo awesome if Falling in Love became her 4th consecutive high-rated drama :o It'd definitely prove that there's a Hyojoo effect, haha.

Her high-rated dramas now make up for the low-rated Spring Waltz :P So it's all good now! lol

Yeah, HYD was awweesomeee! I really wanted Hyojoo to be cast in BOF, but then she was filming Heaven's Postman when news of the cast came out :( I think she would've done a great job as Jandi D:

I've only watched the first part of the first episode, lol. I don't want my view of HYD to change by watching it D:

Seriously, females in sageuks are so damn dull =.= Like Eun Chae was pretty much the perfect damsel in distress =.=' But well.. it's a historical drama.. women were still oppressed :\

Yup! I guess my insomnia does pay off :P I have time to research on news haha

I hope the rumor is true D: November 12th... that's only about 3 weeks from now!! 8D

yeyyyy!! if its true it meanss our long waiting will be paid!!

wow.. only three weeks (I can't imagine it!!)

how much you paid for perming like her?? I really want to perm my hair like her, but i'm scared it doesn't suit with me!!

I thought this movie is good...

hmm.. maybe I can insert it on my waiting list..

yeahh BL have a wide range of audience I feel relieve when they said that this drama make a BIG HIT!! it means people more and more recognize hyojoo

what?!! what episode is it?? I try to watch all of them but I only found some of nonstop 5 on youtube..

so sad.. yeah.. I like tablo and hyojoo too~ he's so cute when he find hyojoo "is hyojoo shii here?" and the room is empty (poor him)

so you're living in LA?!! then you must ask him when you meet him on concert maybe!!

yeah yeah!! her teeth is cute!! i think that's her plus plus~ you know what I mean, different side of her with other people~

hahaha... I like your word!! hyojoo effect!! whoaa... can't wait the official statement from MBC!!

I never heard hyojoo being casted on BOF?!! seriously.. I don't really like hyesun there (sorry for the fans) but I don't think jandi's character suits her best (she looks not strong enough for jandi)... well, hyojoo looks good in it (but not really too~ i'm not sure, because jandi is so strong girl...)

so you don't watch BO afterall?!!

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Guest jelly_pudding

i think hyo joo should release an album soon :]

she's good at singing~

i hate waiting for the soul special episodes to come out :[ such a long time waiting.. i wish they just released the whole drama at once because i don't understand the plot of the story at all lols.. so yeah, i <3 kim dong wook these days too, and hopefully they can both be in a drama/movie soon together.. bcuz this music drama thing is too short..

and i want to say thanks again bashful_harmony for always uploading/sharing pictures & news of hyo joo with us soompiers~! how do you make picture caps?

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@CIndy: Omo! So there isn't Esub for Yashimmanman huh? *cry*

I love it and just because I heard that there are many interaction scenes between HJ and SG so I try to find the Esub vid but maybe now I'm failed :(

Thanks for ur help. I'll try later.

About the caps of MV edward show, what's name? Falling in love, rite?

Btw, I completely agree with you that I also dream of one day Jae will sing ost of HP and HJ will play the piano :x so sweet. The song of HP is really really sweet and nice :x Hope for that day :)

About "All of sudden", her voice is not really strong but has potential to be better if it's trained :) The content of MV is mainly from Soul Special's scenes so not really impressive :)

Anw, it's good b/c HJ is an actress, not a professional singer so it's okay.

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thanks for all the pictures!! han hyo joo is definitely no.1 in my fav actress list!!haha..she's soo pretty and talented!


Title: Confirmation of movie “Heaven’s Postman” airing on the 25th of November

Youngwoong Jaejoong, Han Hyojoo, Kim Changwan and Shingu acting. Director – Lee Hyungmin

The movie is scheduled to be screened at 5 CGV cinemas

source: [神迹域”hero-love/rockjj]

translation credits: tvxq_luv@tohosomnia.net

shared by: tohosomnia.net

aaaa...finally the wait is over!! ..i hope its 100% confirm this time..gosh i've been waiting for a year for this..jaejoo couple<333333

sry for the rant..im just too excited for this.

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Hi everyone!!

pan2cute: Lol, now the rumor's changed to November 25th :P Either way... it's going to be this year!! 8D I am suddenly very, very happy that I don't start school until January next year hehs.

And nah, I didn't perm it (yet) because it was too damn expensive. The lady said it'd cost my close to 250-300 bucks because my hair is long (waist-length) ><

I think I'll just wait to go vacation Korea or something and just get it done there, lol.

Ad Lib Night's not my type of genre, so I didn't like it that much, but I am glad that Hyojoo won some acting awards for it :) I'm sure it gave her a boost of confidence after the Spring Waltz flop.

I'm glad BL was so big! :D It really was one of the best dramas of 2009, and is deserving of the high ratings. And of course, Hyojoo's very deserving of the newfound recognition she's gained from BL :)

I can't find the Nonstop 5 episode T_T Sorry D: And yeah, it's hard to find all of the Nonstop 5 episodes.. I don't even know what episode Hyojoo made her first appearance in TT-TT

I love how devoted Tablo was to Hyojoo XD And their little romance and love triangle with Lee Minwoo on that Love Letter episode still makes me giggle haha

Yup, I'm from LA :) lol if Epik High ever come back for a concert, I'll make sure to ask him! haha Random but Tablo has really nice skin in person o_o lol

Her smile is definitely one of her special traits :) And yeah, Hyojoo effect! 8D She's been super lucky that most, if not all of her work have been successful!

Nah, there weren't any rumors of her being cast in BOF because she was already committed to Heaven's Postman already during that time. It's okay though, because I can't imagine Hyojoo not being in Heaven's Postman.. I can't imagine anyone but her :P

And I think Eun Sung and Jandi had a lot of similarities, haha. But I think that Hyojoo does look sweet and fragile, her tall height makes up for looking weak :P I'd be intimidated by a girl who's 5'8" LOL

And nopes, I didn't watch BOF at all, other than the first ten minutes of the episode, haha. I love HYD too much <3 lol

suee: Oh my, an album!? I don't think she's ready for that yet, haha. Although netizens are supportive of her new song :) They're liking it! hehe ^^

But yeah.. Hyojoo should definitely stick to acting.. I just don't get that singer idol vibe from her haha

And if she were to release an album, it'd have more of an indie feeling instead of being Kpop.

I also hate waiting for Soul Special to come out TT-TT Luckily there are only 4 more episodes, so two more weeks left! And I kind of get the plot now.. it just took a long time to comprehend it TT-TT

Well, I only understand Hyojoo and Kim Dong Wook's plot, I'm not even watching K. Will and Lee Chae Young's parts LOL ><

Don't you find Kim Dong Wook charming? I don't know why.. but I see his appeal in Soul Special, haha. He's not that great looking, but he definitely is very likable in Soul Special.

And it's no problem ^^'' No classes + smart friends who do have classes = bored as hale Cindy >< lol

I usually don't make caps because they're so tiring, that's why I make .gifs instead, but I usually just find the caps off from DCInside or her Daum Fancafe or her Naver fancafe, lol.

sandixbabo: Haha, I always hear mixed reviews of GHS' performance in BOF, but I've liked her since I saw her on Nonstop 5 with Hyojoo :P

And yeah, 2 years~ That's a lot of prepping >< And they're airing it right after QSD, so MBC must be feeling very, very confident in Falling in Love right now. Hopefully it won't disappoint D:

I think I'm the only one that doesn't find Jung Il Woo to be cute >.> lol

Pity that you won't watch Heaven's Postman, haha. But I take it that you're not a JJ fan?

& yeah, Falling in Love is schedule to air in January :) I hope it starts and ends off with a BANG! :D

januttha: Thank you for the download link! :D

edward: Haha, wow 900+ members in that Hyojoo fanclub :P Her Korean fancafe on Daum has over 12,000 members and her Naver fancafe has almost 17,000 fans :D

And I agree~ One of the best smiles in Korean Entertainment :)

YunKyo: Yup, no video with the subs :( But there's a transcript at least >< haha It kind of ruins the mood when you have to constantly switch from watching the video to reading the script though, lol. But at least there's a translation of what they're saying! :D

And yeah, there are a lot of funny moments between Hyojoo and Seung Gi :P They talked about how they'd coincidentally end up wearing matching clothes for filming, but they never planned for it. Also, Seung Gi would mouth Hyojoo's lines when they had scenes together LOL

Hyojoo is so awesome <3 She can be so blunt sometimes haha

I loooooooveeeeeeee the song from Heaven's Postman!! Jae's voice and the lyrics make my heart cry D: It's like.. I FEEL YOU JAEJOONG!! YOU DON'T WANT TO LEAVE HYOJOO D8 YOU MUST FIGHT DEATH!! *sobs. LOL

But seriously, the lyrics to that song is just... heartbreaking to me.. I think I cried when I first read them o_o My friend kept teasing me by calling me a sap lol. It'd be so lovely if Jae performed the song and Hyojoo planned the piano.. GAH. *gushes.

And what caps? o_o lol

Haha, I don't think Hyojoo plans on being a singer, that's why her voice isn't that strong. But I'm sure she either took some singing lessons or got some help from her male singers turned actors costars :P Like Junki, Seung Gi, Jaejoong, and K. Will, haha. One on one training :X

And yeah, the MV's boring LOL I was like.... she's just in her room looking absentminded... D:

LOL!! I don't think Kim Dong Wook is all that great looking either, but somehow, he's charming in Soul Special! haha

jamine: hehe, thanks for posting the lovely news! :D :D

And yay! A JJ fan who likes Hyojoo! :D :D

But omgsh!! Confirmation date!! FINALLY!! Now... to wait for news of it to come out on Korean news, lol.

I'm pretty sure that it's true though, since Hyojoo's cut her hair and all~

Jaejoo couple makes me so happy XD <3 With the coincidental new ear piercings (that resemble JJ's) that Hyojoo got after filming Heaven's Postman and then calling him oppa in an interview, and then saying they got close during shooting makes me giggle now! LOL

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@ Cindy: Of course I prefer watching the show with sub to reading the script so I just read the part of Seung Gi and Hyo Joo. All of the rest (related to 2 ahjumas, MCW, BSB, etc), I passed LOL

Like you, I love the part when SG explain so much the reason why he asked director whether he should make a real or fake kiss :) He's so cute :x

The revenge of HJ. She's very smart. And the most important here is SG also know her revenge but he didn't react at all. He's gentle, I admit LOL

He also mouth HJ's line. When reading this part, I think they're really close so SG can mouth and treat her like that. So why can't I see any interactions between them in BTS clips? Whenever HJ is, SG seems to be far away hers. They avoid scandal, huh?

But I wonder at the first kiss scene, they retake 10 times O.o Really???? Oh, I feel their lips could be ruined ROFL

And even at the second kiss, when they may had more experience, they still made a NG :) So strange :)

About the cap of MV which edward shows in the previous page, I want to ask about it's name and if it's possible, can you give me the YT link of it? Thanks in advance :x

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LOL, it's okay I did the same when I read the transcript!! haha I was like... Oh I love you Jun se, but you're not that interesting! >< SORRYYY!! And omgah, the two ahjummas were boring :X

Oh yeah, haha like Hyojoo's said, Seung Gi's very, very well-prepared :) It was sweet that he was trying to think of how she'd look during the kiss, but her nose gets bent anyways after 10 NGs LOL

And I love Hyojoo's little "revenge" on Seung Gi! ROFL. She's such a dork sometimes XD But they must be pretty close if Hyojoo can do something like that with him haha. But then again, Hyojoo's friendly with almost everyone ><

And I think the reason why there are so few BTS clips of the two is because Seung Gi was also shooting 1N2D during BL, so he was probably too busy most of the time :(

That reminds me... When I read this about JJ's ideal girl:

Hero Jae Joong

1. A girl who will always tell him she loves him

2. Has a student-type fashion

3. A little vengeful

4. Straight, short hair

I thought of Hyojoo :X Well.. I don't know about the first requirement, but I do know that Hyojoo is like insanely in love with love, lol. She's a hopeless romantic~ And she has said that she's the type to rely heavily on her boyfriend :)

And veteran actor Jo Min Ki said she dresses exactly like a college student in an interview/photoshoot sometime this summer, lol.

Anddd... we all know about her little "revenge" on Seung Gi :P

The last one.. well.. she has short hair, lol. And Hyojoo has pretty hands and feet XD

Anyways... LOL their lips were probably all dry after all the kissing NGs :P Makes me wonder if JaeJoo had any kissing NGs :X Oh lord.. I'm all JaeJoo today thanks to the wonderful Heaven's Postman news! ><

OHHHHH, the music video clip, right?! haha

Here it is :)


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Oh, so the obsession of BL is going to storm Japan =))

JaeJoo kissing scene has 7 NGs but I don't know whether they kissed in each NG or not (maybe they made NG before their lips touch each other :D)

And, Jae's ideal girl really fits with our HJ :D But I think we don't have couple JaeJoo because:

1. At the beginning, Jaejoong and Hyo Joo found it hard to talk with each other (credit: HJ's cyworld) and HJ had to send a message to Jae that she wanted they can have a good co-operation

2. HJ thinks that Jae's acting is not natural (isn't like SG's situation when HJ praises his acting a lot and also says that he's so cute :x)

3. HJ gave a comment that kissing Jae was not a big problem with her b/c she wasn't afraid of Cassie's reaction but the only thing there was Jae's smoking (I don't know how to say exactly). Maybe Jae gave her not really good impression :D

4. They even didn't have close interaction as much as SeungJoo :) At the party for HP, they just sat together, took some photos and showed their friendliness :(

Oh, it's just my own opinion, maybe I'm bias HwanSung/SeungJoo so much :x

Btw, Cindy, where are u from? :)

And, I can't find the vid of Soul Special with Esub. I feel awkward when watching without any understanding :(

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I just want to make a mini-announcement here at the Han Hyo Joo thread.. :D

Haru2subS is currently working on Soul Special as a mini-project. We'll be releasing softsubs for it.

And if your saying that there is VIIKII and the softsubs created by fans, that won't stop us!

We will be subbing everything on the videos! Including songs! Yes! SONGS!! The wonderful songs of K-Will!

So, we'll be needing some small-time help, anyone who knows korean and can help us do some spot translating, please PM me or e-mail us ASAP! *cough*ANNA, hope you can also see this message and check your e-mail*cough*

Oh, and i'll be posting soompi posts for this thread to notify everyone that the Soul Special subtitles are out! :D

Oh oh, i've noticed that you guys are still wondering about the Brilliant Legacy Special (YaShimManMan) We're still working on it!

It's very challenging for our timers. We have 50% left and it'll be going to spot translating. We'll never give-up on this one! it's a celebration on our part as the finale of Brilliant Legacy~~

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Where do you get your information? I've never some of those LOL

And I know JaeJoo rehearsed the kissing scene 7 times supposedly before shooting even started, but don't know about NGs...

And yeah, things started off awkward between JaeJoo but one of them (some sources say Hyojoo, others say JJ) said that they gave the other a call and asked that person to drop the honorifics.

When did Hyojoo say Lee Seung Gi was cute? haha I don't recall >< But yeah, she did say JJ's acting was unnatural :P But the interview where she said this was during the early filming of HP ^^'

And O_O She did say she was scared of Cassies' reaction to the kiss scene haha She said she was scared for her life but also said that she couldn't do anything about it because it's just part of the job as an actor >< lol Also, I've never heard of Hyojoo and the smoking thing o_O Interesting.. I thought JJ quit smoking though?

She said it was stressful acting with JJ because he has big eyes and a small head lmfao XD

I loved the little interactions between JaeJoo during filming.. like when they're sitting on the bus and talking, when all of a sudden, Hyojoo points at one of the fans watching and JJ stops talking mid-sentence and smacks her finger down and just goes back to talking XD hehe Also, their long richard simmons hug XD

And Hyojoo did say "While doing the drama, I got really friend with Jaejoong oppa..." She calls him oppa! She doesn't even call Seung Gi that :X lol

I don't know.. You're bias to SeungJoo but I'm bias to JJ because JJ's my first Kpop crush XD haha

I'm from LA :) Where in Vietnam are you from? ^^

And yeah! BL lovee~~ XD I hope it's a hit in Japan! *crosses fingers.

You can find English subbed episodes of Soul Special on VIIKII! :D

Here's the link: http://www.viikii.net/channels/goto/SoulSpecial#

- - - -

Thank you sayroo and Haru2subS for deciding to pick up subbing Soul Special! :D

I can't wait!! XD Even though VIIKII is subbing, I want to download softsubs, hehs. lol

ANDDD you guys are subbing the songs!! <3 <3 <3 you guys!! :D :D :D

And glad to know you guys haven't given up on subbing the BL Special! :D 50% !! almost done :)

I assumed you guys gave up on it since there are so many new dramas that require subbing this season, but it's great to know that we should be expecting a fully subbed Special sometime soon ^^

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