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Han Hyo Joo 한효주 - [FIN: Happiness (2021) || NEXT: ThePirates: Goblin Flag (Jan 2022)]


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luckyyyy fans! I'm so jealous...I also want to write my own Hyojoo fan encounter someday..I hope it'll come true :lol:

and I guess HP is really coming but I wish it is sooner than january but I guess we have to be thankful that it'll be shown at least.

and her new 'do is so HP-ish..lolz

and I always love her smile..it's great to know that she's voted #2 after SHK (a hallyu star and I like her also, next to Hyojoo B) )

And I about her hair, I think the short hair stuck on me and I really like it since she looks younger and she can style it as much as she can. But if she wants to go back to her long hair, I hope it'll be a different style than before to keep up with her personality.

thanks for all the updates harmony.

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I know right! VERY lucky fans D8 One of the fans wrote that it was his 3rd time seeing her in person TT-TT So jealous :(

Well, technically, it's coming out in November, maybe even in December (if they decide to put HP towards the couple last segments), but I DON'T CAREEE 8D It's coming out finally! haha

But a small part of me does pray that it's released a bit earlier because I start school again in January >.> lol

I love her smile too~ I'm always surprised when people say they don't like it :o

Hmms.. what's a stylish long hairdo... haha imagine she dyes it some crazy color XD I want to see her with black hair again... It's been since Iljimae that she's had it :(

Do you really think her new hairdo is Heaven's Postman-ish? haha I thought of Eun Sung o_o

And it's no problem (remember, I'm bored at home >< lol)

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I think she styles her hair according to her schedule or something x:

Like w. the eunsung hair its more friendly I guess? compared to the style in soul special.

I can see her black roots from the top of her head xP

&I agree with the fan 100%.

She does have a very nice voice. The perfect voice for a lady. Not too high & not too low :lol:

& oh boy, HP! I kinda hope it comes out in Decemeber.

It would be a very nice christmas/holiday special as well as a nice birthday present for all the december people [:

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Haha, I think she styles her hair according to schedule too :P

But who knows.. the girl is constantly changing her hair TT-TT

In next week's autograph session, we'll probably see another hairstyle on her lol

I hateeee the Eun Sung hair D: I hate all the weird waves/ripples! >< haha Soul Special and New York hair is the best so far 8D I think she looks best with side bangs though...

And yeah, Hyojoo needs a root touch-up haha :P

I like her voice too :) It's just as you described it.. Not too high and not too low :) It's girly though~ hehe

It would be nice if HP came out in December... but another month we gotta wait.. T-T

Well.. I'm pretty sure most people can deal with another month.. we've already waited an entire year LOL

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^ yes, I see her hair as HP-ish and not Eunsung-ish (lolz, I love coining words to describe her hairstyle haha). Eunsung's hair is a bit longer than that one. And I also don't like the ripples in Eunsung's hair but I like the one when it was all straight or it was pulled to a knot.

and I also think she styles her hair according to her schedule and the mood the shoot or event requires.

thank goodness episodes 3 & 4 are out already. I was actually afraid the subbers will forget about soul special. I'm glad they continue to sub this.

love LOVE her jambangee photoshoots...

and since the telecinemas already have a schedule for one of their dramas, I hope a press conference will follow soon. I'm hoping HP will have its own conference so that it'd only be JaeJoong and Hyojoo.

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kozuesan: Haha, it's true that her current hair isn't long enough for it to be Eun Sung hair. Hmms... But it's not curly enough to be Heaven's Postman hair either :P haha

It'd make sense if she does do her hair by event/schedule/whatever because when she came back from New York and had the Soul Special press conference, her hair was back to the hair she had in the music drama, except she had extensions, lol. Ooh I hope she puts on extensions if they have a Heaven's Postman press con 8D

The ripples in the Eun Sung hair is just... weird TT-TT I don't get it D:

But yeah, I liked it when she put her hair up or half-up/half-down, or of course... when Halmoni takes her out shopping and primped up XD

I guess the short hair is just really convenient and versatile for her, haha. Even if it does make her fans anxious sometimes hehe.

Haha, I was afraid subbers would forget Soul Special too :( But they're probably super busy with all the weekday dramas, so they sub Soul Special during the weekends :) I don't mind, as long as it's being subbed! :D

And I actually don't like her Jambangee photoshoot :\ Her eyes are lookin' dead to me.. and the mouth agape thing.. stop doing it, Hyojoo! T_TAnd she reused one of the poses from her Vogue photoshoot :( But I'm still excited about the cube/box set for the photoshoot 8D I can already see all kinds of fierceness from her!! lol

I hope there'll be separate press conferences for the Telecinema projects. It's more practical and sensible that way, even if it does cost more money. So I'm wondering if it's going to be playing in Japanese or Korean theaters, or both? o_o

I really can't wait for JaeJoo interaction XD I hope they're not awkward with each other :( It has been a long time... lol.


Heh, I don't know why but I giggled when I read Herbie car XD

And does she really have Elmo in there? haha I didn't notice ><

Is it towards the end when she's rearranging the stuff in her trunk before someone tries to creep up behind her? lol

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Guest allanpuge23

Hi All..,

Well as i telling yesterday that i wish that she make her hair long again...then she's back to the shorter version of eun sung hair (i think that picture of her that she is modeling a bike that is the HP version of her hair)

well im not hating it,actually i like it but im hoping that she make her hair grew again...

about the subber of soul special i like to to say thanks to them for not forgetting soul special (well it's good that this series is 5 mins per episode so subbing will be not that hard IMO)

and i think that it's good to go in korea today because Hyojoo is everywhere... i think there is a chance that you can see her because we all know her sched...(well im very jealous also i wish i was there)

and finally thanks harmony for all the updates (are you taking any sleep? :D )

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Lol, the hair that you're talking about in the Samchuly autographed pictures is Heaven's Postman hair. XD

She shot that photoshoot like... right after Heaven's Postman was done filming :P

I don't care about the length.. just I like side bangs D: haha

And yeah, with Soul Special being as short as it is, it's easier for subbers since there's usually a 2-3 minutes of talking at the most.

Lol, Korea is a small place.. I'd go to all of her fan meetings/autograph session if I lived there D:

Haha, no I'm not sleeping anymore ^^' It's afternoon here in LA now :) But I was playing Pokemon LOL

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^ lol i was a pokemon dork too xD

right now, i think she will never grow her hair out and dye it black anymore haha i have no hopes anymore

and i do agree that her hair in AMAHAE was the best..

her hair just gets shorter and shorter ><

just don't curl it (because i really don't like eunsung's hair style and i especially hate her hair in HP)

and such lucky fans

i was reading comments on the past pages too and its good to find out that i wasn't the only one who isn't interested in watching soul ^^"

but i am looking forward to that romantic comedy, just hope she takes the role

& great video Sayuri JaeJoong!

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OMGSH I just saw Hyojoo on channel 18-3, the MBC channel. Section TV was on and I tuned in just in time to see the Soul Special interview XD

And they're playing Samsung VLUU commercials here in the USA now, lol. Obviously it's not Hyojoo's version but still.. I want the camera TT-TT

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itic: Haha, I'm still a Pokemon dork XD

Aww, she'll grow out her hair again, haha. Don't worry.. It'll take a while, but as long as she's happy!

And see... AMAHAE was like 100+ episodes. So it was a long richard simmons time of long-haired Hyojoo that we had haha. I'm sure we'll live with short-haired Hyojoo. :P

And like I said earlier. I don't really care about the length... I'm more concerned on how they style it and if she has side bangs or not. I really hate the Eun Sung hair... I think I prefer Heaven's Postman hair more :X

And I can't believe you missed out on BL and Soul Special!! BADD!! haha jk

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haha harmony

i did watch the first few episodes of BL but missed out on the last episodes lol

but i did go and back skimmed through it ^^

as for her hair, with her black long hair, i dun mind if she has straight bangs or side bangs because it both looks great

but when she has short hair i prefer her to have side bangs x]

and her face looks rosy again !

haha it takes so long to load the page though

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