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Lee Jung Jin 이정진


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Guest piano_lady

FOund this today in dramabeans' blog:


  • Lee Jung Jin (Bottom of the 9th with 2 Outs, Love Story in Harvard) held his first official fanmeeting on May 30 in Tokyo, following the end of Bottom of the 9th’s recent Japanese broadcast. A thousand Japanese fans were in attendance; he returned to Korea on the 31st to prep for filming his next movie, Daetol [대털].

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9 Ends 2 Out Fanmade MVs

These are my fanmade MVs for this drama..Enjoy!

1)MV 9 Ends 2 Out - Love Theme

Song : The OST "Sarang Dang Gi Gi By Mose"

Clips : Hyung Tae and Nan Hee Scenes

2)Fly Again

Song : The OST "Fly Again By Byul"

Clips : Hyung Tae and Nan Hee Scenes

3)Sad Theme

Song : The OST "Bo Ee Na Yo By Jiho"

Clips : Hyung Tae and Nan Hee Scenes

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Guest noknok

Noknok all that stuff is in blue one can't make that out and I can't see any pics. Does he have an English site?Remember he has more than just Korean fans.

Dear tanio and eowyn (i miss U)

you click this link and see more photo here!!!

he really cool and handsome....

Japanese fan Fansite post photo about his 1st meeting in Japan.

click : http://circle.cururu.jp/jungjin

hope you enjoy :D

but,Japanese site don't permission us to post other place.

I don't understand why? Why? can't shared.

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Youtube (VOD)

VOD Interview Promote DVD 9End 2Outs (Japanese Version)

VOD Interview 9End 2Outs

I love it Nok and keep em coming,we want to keep LJJ's name out in the open. Now if I could only understand what he was saying in the video, I can catch a couple of sentences but not the whole entire interview oh well that's what my Rosetta Stone Cd's learning Korean is for. :)

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Guest noknok

I love it Nok and keep em coming,we want to keep LJJ's name out in the open. Now if I could only understand what he was saying in the video, I can catch a couple of sentences but not the whole entire interview oh well that's what my Rosetta Stone Cd's learning Korean is for. :)

Dear tanio12

we are so lucky :D

My friend chinsu Japanese friend.

Translate this VOD for us

VOD Interview Link




hello I'm LeeJungjin.

I do it this way for a formula for the first time in Japan and interview all of you with promotion.



"vod of 9end2outs"?

When it watches a title, it seems to be a story of the baseball, but it is not a baseball drama.

The story that takes words of the baseball into account….

Do they aim at being in just what so far or the reversal of the life while

the man and woman of the childhood friend becomes 30 years old

and feels a sense of impending crisis in work and love?….

It is the love story of two men and women who drew it.



You became 30 years old the other day…How?

I really became 30 years old and thought. I think that I became an adult than before.

I think that it is necessary to advance for the work step by step carefully from now on.

I think that a spectator and an audience think that I become 30's and perform seriously.



How do you think about the nickname of "the smile of 1,000,000 dollars"?


I do not really understand it.

I have not thought about appearance(Looks?) deeply.

Please continue being interested in Korean culture from now on.

We actor makes the works which seem to answer it.

And I think that I can become an intermediary of the Korean culture.

I say hello for the first time this time.

I want to meet of all of you with a good work.

I think that the opportunities when I can meet All of you increase from now on.

Thanking you.

Thank you very much.

translate by Chinsu

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Guest noknok


message from Lee Jung Jin (1)

http://leejungjin.net/starj.html / 17/June/2008



안녕하세요...이정진 입니다...


이정진 입니다. 잘 지내셨나요!!~~

여러분들의 성원에 힘입어 일본 팬미팅을 잘 마치고 돌아왔습니다.

너무 늦게 사진을 올려서 죄송 하구요 앞으로도 많은 관심 부탁드립니다.

일본 팬미팅 일정 중에 첫날 디즈니랜드에서 찍은 사진입니다.

첫번째 사진은 놀이기구 타는 장면이구요.

두번째 사진은 디즈니랜드 캐릭터를 배경으로 찍은 사진입니다.

볼거리도 많았고 스릴 넘치는 놀이 기구들이 많았는데요 비가 와서

많은 곳을 둘러 보진 못했습니다.

하지만 정말 재미 있었고 좋은 추억을 남긴 여행이었습니다.

조만간 좋은 작품을 통해서 만날 테니까요. 다시 만날 때까지 건강시하구요.

이제 장마가 시작된다고 하는데 피해 없도록 유의 하세요.

자주 글을 올리도록 노력 하겠습니다.



Hello, I’m Lee Jung Jin.

How are you? With everyone’s support, I’m back safe and sound.

The Fan Meeting in Japan went well with success.

I have to apologise for posting photos quite late.

I’ll pay more attention to this in the future.

The above photo was in Disneyland. I rode “Splash Mountain” too.

The second one was me with the background.

In Disneyland, there were a lot of adventurous attractions .

Too bad it rained that day so

I couldn’t play as much as I wanted to but it was an impressive and memorable experience.

In due course, we’ll meet again.

I’ll be back with the quality work to which that I’ve given my heart

and dedication. Till then, I wish all of you a good health.

Now (in Korea), it’s a rainy season. Please be careful of the cold.

I’ll try to come write more often.


message from Lee Jung Jin (2)

http://leejungjin.net/starj.html /17/June/2008



안녕하세요...이정진 입니다...

일본 팬미팅 일정 중에 두번째날 입니다.

사진 하나는 추첨을 통해서 일본 팬들에게 선물을 주는 사진이구요~~

또 하나는 싸인공을 선물로 주는 사진입니다.

조만간 좋은 작품을 통해서 만날 테니까요. 다시 만날 때까지 건강시하구요.

이제 장마가 시작된다고 하는데 피해 없도록 유의 하세요.

자주 글을 올리도록 노력 하겠습니다.



Hello, I’m Lee Jung Jin.

The second day in Japan was the Fan Meeting.

The above photo was when I presented the 9 End 2 out poster

to the representative of the fan club as a token.

The photo below was the ball with my autograph

that I gave to the Japanese fans.

We’ll meet again soon with the quality work

that I’ve given my heart into. Until then,

I wish you all a good health. In Korea it’s a rainy season.

Please be careful of the cold.

Thank you

Fhun and yuy @ popcorn webboard

translated this message

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Guest piano_lady

wah...i was just kind of watching bits of 9e2o since i really miss this hottie!

what's new with him these days? is he coming up with a new drama? or movie perhaps?

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message from Lee Jung Jin (1)

http://leejungjin.net/starj.html / 17/June/2008

Hi noknok - thanks for sharing here his messages. He's such a sweet & nice guy to find time to write them to his fans. I'll be waiting for his next project soon. I wish for another success for him again. Aja, LJJ, oppa! :)

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VOD Interview Link



noknok, thanks for sharing here the translation of the link. At least, I understood what he's saying in the video. And he deserves that nickname - I like his smiles that goes with his twinkling eyes. And his drama, 9E2O, I like the story & not disappointed with the ending. But I craved for more episodes. When you watch this drama without any idea of what's the storyline is, you'd think that the series revolves about baseball sports. :)

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Guest teaforme

i surfed the daum site and found lots of news on yeonhee but they're in full korean, with my limited translation i'm still confused what the article means. but so far it seems that: Actor Lee JungJin and Actress Lee Yeonhee are selected as the new spokesperson (image person?) for the upcoming 4th Korean Int'l Music Festival. There so its good news! once again, yeonhee is pairing up with talented actor(s) in korea


이정진-이연희, 제천음악영화제 홍보대사 위촉

정명화기자 some@joynews24.com 사진 조이뉴스24 포토 DB

배우 이정진과 이연희가 제4회 제천국제음악영화제의 홍보대사로 위촉됐다.

영화제 집행위는 "자신의 색깔을 만들어가며 꾸준히 변화, 발전 하는 배우 이정진, 이연희의 모습이 4회를 맞아 도약을 준비하는 제천국제음악영화제와 닮아 있어 홍보대사로 위촉하게 됐다"며 "재능과 열정을 겸비한 매력적인 두 배우와 함께하는 제4회 제천국제음악영화제가 많은 관객에게 큰 즐거움을 선사하길 기대한다"고 선정 이유를 밝혔다.

2006년 공효진, 2007년 온주완, 이소연에 이어 세 번째 홍보대사로 선정된 이정진과 이연희는 오는 7월 15일 예정인 기자회견에서 홍보대사 위촉식을 갖고 공식적인 활동을 시작한다.

두 홍보대사는 영화제 홍보 사진촬영을 비롯해, 영화제 개막식 등 영화제 행사에 적극 참석하며 제천국제음악영화제를 알리는데 힘쓸 예정이다.

제천국제음악영화제는 충청북도 제천시 일원에서 오는 8월 14일부터 8월 19일까지 총 6일간 열린다


이연희 이정진 제천국제음악영화제 홍보대사 위촉

이정진과 이연희가 제천국제음악영화제 홍보대사로 위촉됐다.

제천국제음악영화제 집행위원회는 23일 영화 '말죽거리 잔혹사' '마파도' MBC 드라마 '9회 말 2아웃' 등 영화와 드라마를 넘나들며 폭넓은 연기를 선보인 배우 이정진과 영화 'M' '내 사랑'을 통해 차세대 스타로 등극한 이연희를 홍보대사로 위촉했다고 밝혔다.

제천국제음악영화제 집행위원회는 “자신의 색깔을 만들어가며 발전하는 배우 이정진과 이연희의 모습이 4회를 맞아 도약을 준비하는 제천국제음악영화제와 닮아 홍보대사로 위촉하게 됐다”며 “재능과 열정을 겸비한 매력적인 두 배우와 함께하는 제4회 제천국제음악영화제가 많은 관객에게 큰 즐거움을 선사하길 기대한다”고 전했다.

2006년 공효진, 2007년 온주완, 이소연에 이어 세 번째 홍보대사로 선정된 이정진, 이연희는 오는 7월 15일 예정인 기자회견에서 홍보대사 위촉식을 갖고 공식적인 활동을 시작한다. 두 홍보대사는 영화제 홍보 사진촬영을 비롯해 영화제 개막식 등 영화제 행사에 적극 참석하며 제천국제음악영화제를 알리는데 힘쓸 예정이다. 제천국제음악영화제는 충청북도 제천시 일원에서 오는 8월 14일부터 8월 19일까지 총 6일간 진행된다.

Credits: joy news, and newsen

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Guest yooboo710

I am currently watching '9 end 2 outs' and I find Jung Jin so cute... (Omo! am I going to add Jung Jin to my favorite K-actors?) My answer is...YES! I love his eyes and whenever he smile...

I am looking for "LOVE STORY IN HARVARD" DVD right now...

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Guest eowyn25

hello everyone!!! :wave:

i know i havent been dropping by here, but i promise that i'll be better ljj fan in the coming days...:D

noknok, i miss you too, i miss commenting on the pictures you're posting! and youre the only one who appreciates my fanarts!! haha! :hug:

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Guest yooboo710

Finished watching 9E2O and I find him really actractive and hot...

Hope to see more of him in the future... :wub:

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Finished watching 9E2O and I find him really actractive and hot...

Hope to see more of him in the future... :wub:

I heard he's cast in a movie - is this still pushing-through, I hope it is. It's been a long while since his last drama. I couldn't agree with you more - he's attractive & HOT! :)

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