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Lee Joon x Jung So Min Couple (Actor x Assistant) - Official Couple (1/1/18)


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Thanks for all reacting to my post , especially understanding my poor English:tongue:  Sharing my view towards Joonmin couple is a very happy thing. LJ and JSM are only not a Korean actor/ actress for me , their cute and nice personality which make themselves, are  just as like as a "BEST FRIEND" around us . We are so happy to share their sweet moments and wish them could  live blissfully forever:love: After my previous post, I would like to share my views about their timeline of " fall in love":heart:  And I will choose as LJ side to provide my comment as I think LJ 's behaviors and "eye sight" are more obvious and "easy to catch " compare with SoMin ^_^ isn't it? haha~


(sharing some my edition:wub:)



As a Joonmin fan, the most happiest moment is seeing their "sweet interaction" and "love sparks". But i dislike to make assumptions based on imagination , In contrast,  I prefer to make analysis based on some hints and evidences ~haha~B)  Since 1 Jan, I start to watch back all interviews and variety shows of LJ. I found myself strangely to be familiar with LJ when knowing more and more about him. His thought and behavior are similar as my normal style:w00t: Finally, i know that he is born on 7th Feb 1988, which i am just older than him for 7 days:tongue: . I am a typical "Aquarius", and I found that most of my friends which are born in close dates and in same horoscope, having a lot of common characteristics:ph34r: ) Seems LJ have a lots of personalities which are same as an " "Aquarius" too.  Let's see and just for an funny reference before commenting their "love line" :rolleyes:



  • Aquarius-born are shy and quiet, but on the other hand they can be energetic with friends  (LJ is really easy to shy ,especially for girls:D  I rmb that his MBLAQ's teammates said that LJ is different from his on-screen image, he is quiet when off-screen. Although all MBLAQ are living in the same hostels and mostly work together everyday, LJ is not so close with Mir at the beginning as LJ has slow-warm-up personality. However, LJ can play crazily with his good friends such as Jung Yong Hwa and Yoon Du-jun)
  • Aquarius-born have a deep need to be some time alone and away from everything, in order to restore power.  (When I watch through a lot of LJ's interviews and variety shows during his idol time, sometimes LJ will suddenly become a bit cool and absent-minded if the camera is not mainly focus on him or his team are chatting happily. And LJ always said that he enjoys staying at home to take rest instead of going trips with friends when have vacations)
  • Aquarius have a rebellious side that hates being told what to do or how to think. They are capable of perceiving the future and they know exactly what they want to be doing five or ten years from now. Aquarius isn’t afraid to innovate and likes to do things their way. (Although others make jokes on LJ and make him seems as a "pa bo" image on screen's effect:wink: , actually we all know that LJ is a well-planned with clear-thinking towards his future since his teenage, so that he chose ballet dance and left his MBLAQ team to focus being actor to achieve his dream)
  • Aquarius has strong opinions and they aren’t afraid to voice them(haha~ remember LJ 's phrase-  "Zoo Kingdom" and he feel unfair for women who wear less are being tagged  "cheap" while men are being tagged "sexy and cool" )
  • Aquarius  are  careful about who they befriend and allow into their world, and learns from their past mistakes and doesn’t make the same mistake twice.   (I also obviously same as this trait and appreciate LJ has this , too. It means he will not enter a friendship or love relationship with others easily , and from "Strong Heart" show, LJ should be a bit hurt and depressed from his previous love experiences and let him will take long consideration if "fall in love" again:wub: )'
  • Aquarius-born have a reputation for being cold and insensitive persons, but this is just their defense mechanism against premature intimacy. (it is that why LJ sometimes shows that he is so cool and quiet towards unfamiliar one, and it is difficult for us to open our "heart" and " inner thought" towards others except the one who are highly believe in")
  •  Aquarius is afraid of being alone and can be quite emotional but they don’t always show it to others. They need to learn to trust others and express their emotions in a healthy way. And Aquarius have a bad habit of overthinking things way more than they should.  (*I also have a deep feeling of this trait.  I am easy to feel nervous and depressed, but i can KEEP to act "normal" towards my friends or colleagues. It is because i don't want to affect others to worry about me and would like to keep my "reputation". I think LJ is typically having this traits, too.  Sometimes we find ourselves over analyzing things to the point and feel incredibly stressed and anxious ,only to realize later that it wasn’t even that big of a deal in the first place. We tend to focus on  "negative" comments rather then the "positive" comments. it may the reason why LJ will suffer "bipolar disorder" during his idol time and " panic disorder " due to busy working schedule and our sensitive personality":cry: )

LJ really is a typically "AQUARIUS":tongue: As I am also a AQUARIUS , I hope my views towards Joonmin's "love relationship" could be a bit closer with what  LJ's thought (:warning:haha~ Please don't need to take so serious since I don't want to have conflict and argument with some Joonmin fans. We are all ourselves, not LJ or JSM, no one will get 100 % truth")


From my observation, I think Joonmin's loveline can be divided into 5 stages:

1)  Unfamiliar stage (Feb - May) - "Working team" relationship but both are "positive"

The script reading is held on late Jan and FIS start shooting in Feb. During the press conference on 28 Feb, we can see that LJ and Somin are not so close with each other, It is because they only shoot 2-3 scenes before that day , all of them are a bit shy during the press con, but obviously they also have positive appearance towards each other. LJ says he think SoMin is a nice person and have good acting skills during the script reading session, while SoMin think that "Jooni Oppa" is so manly and I think SoMin already found that LJ is a funny boy , as Somin  always laugh of LJ talk style and behavior"


Their appearance already match and provide us a "comfortable" feeling:)



sorry that i don't know how to share video and some of them are in Chinese subtiltles from mainland forum:tongue: only create some gif and share to you:D


At this interview, Lee Yuri says that LJ is so cool at first meet as he is a famous idol (haha~ in joking tone). It makes LJ feel nervous.

At that moment, SoMin notice that and slightly hit his arm, just like an encouragement for him and let him to take it easy! (so cute:tongue:)



And during this interview,  Lee Yuri said that SoMin use less make-up to intentionally increase her "ugly"  during shooting  as her character is so "normal" at the beginning .Yuri is so surprised about SoMin's beauty, She says that SoMin is really "Super pretty" when meeting in real person instead of watching her on TV, therefore she says TV is so strange. Haha~ Her comments make all laugh. This moment is so funny and let us know SoMin is incredibly pretty in real, LJ must be knowing that and that why keep "awakening shy" towards this cute girl:wub:



2)  Familiar stage (late May - June) - "Friend relationship " and start to "comfortable" 

According to the FIS, there are so few individual scenes and only short -period scenes before ep 22 of "Miyoung and Jong-hee". In late May, Miyoung start to change her look and Jong-Hee start to have "special" feeling toward her. Besides the plot development, ACTUALLY our Joonmin become closer and they can start to play happily with each other. They took photos and upload into their ig.



In early June, they shoot the dance practice scene. i agree with @eyjooniesh ,  it is different from what LJ treat other girls before , he starts to take care of SoMin so much and sometimes he is the one who actively have "skin ship" with SoMin. (for the massage) It shows that he is so comfortable with this girl and we all can start to find their "love chemistry", too.:glasses:

When facing SoMin, LJ always is the defeated one of her cuteness :blush: So sweet!

There is something start to cooking up between them but they are not noticed. (LOVE is coming!)



3)  "Close" stage (July- August) - something "fishy" and "love sparks" can't hide

LJ is not so easy to get closer with female idols or actresses , i spent almost 2 months to search for his past live shows, interviews, dramas and movie press con. Recent years, Ji-Yeon Im is the only female actress which cooperate with LJ in movie- "Lucky Key" , and become close friend with him. LJ said that he always drunk wines and have dinner with Ji-Yeon but no media to took photos of them.


They are really close friend. During press con of Lucky key, Ji-Yeon is taking close-up and LJ noticed there is a hair on her face, it is UNBELIEVABLE THAT our shy shy LJ help her to take away when on-live. haha~ but don't worry, i think LJ actually treat her as a "boy" , their " brotherhood" makes him not shy and have this action !! ("love with someone" need "heart-fluttering" and "shy"B) , YOU KNOW)



Same as most Joonmin's fans, I love the "Marie Claire" BTS so much:wub:  LJ's eyesight towards SoMin is so "brightening" and fill with love. It is so obvious. I agree with @eyjooniesh that SoMin seems act like before with other co-stars in other dramas, but LJ really shows that "addicting" to this lovely girl and couldn't move out :wub:




Some Joonmin fans think Joonmin have been already start "love relationship" before end-drama as the following two moments. 

1)  SoMin call LJ "cha-gi-ya" in BTS and 2) Joonmin hold hands secretly at the after- dinner party.:blink:  Um.. I feel a bit strange when i seeing this point of view, it is becuase as SoMin fan since 2010, I know that SoMin is so cute as like as a small girl , but she is a mature one when working and keeping all of her private life in low-profile, Therefore, i am a bit shock suddenly SoMin so boldly to show off her "love life" on-screen during shooting!?


for the "cha-gi-ya" part , i repeat to watch around 30 times .Um.... there is some syllable which sound like "cha-gi-ya" from the video, but as i am a Chinese and not familiar with the Korean syllable. i decide to find some of my Korean friends for help (haha~ i am working in an international company, so that can find local Korean to seek opinions XD i am so serious)


I have asked two of my Korean colleagues. They haven't seen FIS and i don't tell them what i REALLY want to get from this BTS. Just let them to watch and them ask them what it is talking about. After they watched, i ask them "Do you hear the girl says "Cha-gi-ya" . The answer of  them both are "NO", they both says there is some duplicated sound out of the shooting place and the shape of girl's mouth is not same as pronouncing "Cha-gi-ya" , she only sounds like some sounds like "Er...er..er". So , saying ""Cha-gi-ya"  may be a misunderstanding. For my view, i agree with my colleagues and i think LJ must be shy if SoMin suddenly call him that way when on screen. So, i think they are still in "fishy" that time but not start as "boyfriend and girlfriend".




And for the Joonmin hold hands secretly at the after- dinner party, i have slowed down the video in 0.1X and repeat 20 times XD. I found that there is a illusion of their overlapping hands. I STILL think that Joonmin will not present their "love relationship" so obviously on screen if they can choose:ph34r: 


4)  "Cool down" stage (Sep) -  collect thoughts 

"Cool down" is not mean that their love have to be disappear. In Contrast, it is a good time for them to think about their "real feeling" towards each other and "build up in mind". For the previous 7 months, they are work together and almost meet up every day. And they act as a couple and have a lot of skinship and kisses scene in the last one month before ended-drama. i think they may afraid to have "misunderstand" of this "feeling" , may  "too drowned themselves " into the characters according to the plot development . A short period of separation is a good chance for Joonmin to distinguish their "feeling" and follow from their heart.  Besides, FIS is ended in late Aug, LJ immediately have to start his fanmeeting in Mexico/Japan/ Korea while Somin is busying at her new drama, too. From their tight and busy working schedule, i think it is difficult for them to date individually, BUT their "friendship"  obviously isn't ended, they are concerned about recent situation of each other and leave comments from each ig. And some fans says that LJ has bought a phone case for Somin in Mexico or Japan ,right? :tongue: It shows that they treat other as "an important one" .


In fact, i think after that period of "cool down" , LJ knows that he likes JSM but he may struggle to make confession or not. LJ is so detailed- minded and he doesn’t want to hurt others. He knows that he must go in military services in Oct. How can he let Somin to wait him for 2 years!? (maybe he is lack of confidence). At that time, he is thinking this question repeatedly, but his love is overwhelmed towards SoMin via an interview in Japan.


MC ask "what is the same of  "the manager and actor" relationship betwwen the FIS and reality?"

LJ: In reality, manager is a male and will not work as free as MiYoung. But if the manager is a pretty female as like as MiYoung, it's good! I think Miyoung's glass is so suitable to her and ask where can buy.. then SoMin bought me a new one and i am wearing until now.. haha~ what i am saying... (smile sweetly)




MC ask " What is your comment towards Jung So Min"

LJ: Until Ep.30, we are a bit embarrassed and still using "honorific" terms. But we work comfortable when shooting. But i think her acting skill is good and I can depend on her (smile), so i can finish all shooting with her peacefully. I really know her acting is good during script reading, it makes all of us can act brightenly together in the drama.




I REALLY like his sweet smile when mentioning SoMin. haha~ And some Joonmin fans from China is so interesting. Per LJ "i think her acting skill is good and I can depend on her (smile)" , Some Joonmin fans left their comments that "LJ~You are not only depend on JSM acting, your rest of life can also depend on her":wub:


MC ask " Which sisters will you choose if in reality?"

LJ: (Laugh) haha~ if in reality, i think MiYoung is the most suitable to me. As the other two sisters' momentum is stronger than me... I am not good at presenting myself and tend to be a listener.. so MiYoung will be the comfortable type that suit me..."





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Sorry that everyone i press wrong button and submit before finishing:D Haha ~ let me continue the last stage of this postB)


5)  Confirming stage (late Sep - Oct) -  fall in love and officially "start love relationship"


In late Sep , LJ may still struggling about confession .SoMin change her shooting schedule to LJ's last fanmeeting before MS is a catalyst. Some fans think that LJ already known that SoMin will come to his fanmeeting as the prepared name card. But  i have a friend who are working in HK entertainment industry. Normally, the idol really don't know who can come to be their secret guests. From LJ's reaction, i think he really doesn't know. He is so shocked at first..



Then have a bit embarrassed and i think he must so touching when SoMin says she has changed her shoots and only slept 2 hours to support him.



From SoMin, i think her action just consistently with her sharing during Life bar, "have you tried to get hint on?" ,  JSM: " I think once" , " I think i try to show interest" :rolleyes: i think SoMin really would like LJ know that she is really stand on his side and will support him. After that meeting, LJ will strongly don't would like to lose this girl which he really loves and would like to protect:tongue: her.Therefore, i guess Joonmin may meet around those few days and officially make confession and start their "love relationship"


From LJ's ig, he has posted the Ep.30 bts on 3 Oct , haha ~why he post on that day , i think it must have some remarkable moments that making him to share this towards us.:tongue: LJ is a simple-minded boy and easy to guess his action:heart: 




In conclusion, their chemistry and " fishy" feeling are obviously appeared before Oct, but for officially "start" , may really in "Oct" :love: which same as their official statement from agent.

But at this moment, the most important is their future, isn't it? Let’s wait for LJ to end his MS and our Joonmin couple will love forever!!




Later i will share the most touching part of Joonmin to me:relaxed: so sorry that my post always so long:sweatingbullets: See you and good night!

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@firebird88 I love reading it:heart:, your posts are very interesting and thanks for the translation of LJ's interview at Japan, I don't think I've seen it translated yet before this, maybe because he was talking about JSM all the time:lol:  LJ's fangirls didn't want to translate?:D I agree with your thoughts about Aquarius, I'm also Aquarius, and somehow I can relate with all of that :tongue: As a long time LJ's fan, I agree with what you said about him, his personality and so on, LJ is very transparent sometimes, he didn't hide his feeling, it's obvious. And about Lim Ji Yeon, I remember LJ said kissing her feels funny? because it feels like he kissed his guy friends :lol: There's no love feeling between LJ and LJY at all, they just get close because LJY is born at 1989, so she's just one year younger than him and they also shared dirty jokes together, I don't think LJ would talk about his dirty jokes to his girlfriend, his reputation as a sweet boyfriend/husband will be ruined :lol: He only talked about his dirty jokes among his circle of guy friends because it's sensitive and embarrassing issue and some girls are too innocent they don't understand about it. I remember LJ said he didn't think of his ex classmate who mostly are girls as a woman because they're so close, therefore I think LJY is just the same as his ex classmate. 



Lee Joon Shares Thoughts On Friendship Between Men And Women


Lee Joon recently sat down for a “tipsy interview” where he shared his sentiments about concluding his latest drama and more!

Every “tipsy interview” starts with the question, “What is your alcohol tolerance level?” When asked this, Lee Joon said, “I don’t really drink a lot. I wasn’t like this in the past, but whenever I drink nowadays, my back aches. I’m like this when I drink coffee too.” Because he doesn’t like drinking often, he revealed that he only goes out to drink with his friends about three times a year.


Lee Joon then continued by talking about his latest project, “Father is Strange.” He was asked, “Why did you choose to star in a weekend drama? Obviously this question is biased, but as a trendy actor, it was a bit of a surprise that you chose a weekend drama.” To this, he answered, I wanted to try various things and thought that I should not be picky about those new challenges. So, I’ve done dramas with all broadcasting stations besides JTBC. I’ve also done everything from one-episode dramas to 50-episode dramas.”

Lee Joon also talked about working with his partner on screen, Jung So Min. He said, “Whenever we filmed a happy scene, my life became happy. On the other hand, whenever we shot a darker or emotionally charged scene, my life became gloomy. So, I’m happy that I could finish shooting on a happy note.”

Lastly, Lee Joon was asked whether it was possible for females and males to be first friends and then evolve into lovers like in the drama. He said, “I [studied dance] and maybe it’s because the circumstances that I grew up in were different from many, but I think females and males can be friends.”

“Performing arts high schools are basically all-girls high schools,” he explained. “The ratio is basically for every 50 female students, there’s two male students. While attending school, there were only girls around me, so I think it’s definitely possible. Those friends are my best friends, but I don’t see them as females. If you know the other person too much, there’s no way it can evolve into a romantic relationship.”

Meanwhile, Lee Joon held a fan meeting in Mexico recently, and will enlist in the army to fulfill his mandatory service in October.


I've pasted his interview last year regarding his thoughts about man and woman friendship. He's so cool about it. That's why his fans are all so shocked when he was revealed to be dating beautiful actress Jung Somin! :wub:


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11 hours ago, firebird88 said:

Thanks for all reacting to my post , especially understanding my poor English:tongue:  Sharing my view towards Joonmin couple is a very happy thing. LJ and JSM are only not a Korean actor/ actress for me , their cute and nice personality which make themselves, are  just as like as a "BEST FRIEND" around us . We are so happy to share their sweet moments and wish them could  live blissfully forever:love: After my previous post, I would like to share my views about their timeline of " fall in love":heart:  And I will choose as LJ side to provide my comment as I think LJ 's behaviors and "eye sight" are more obvious and "easy to catch " compare with SoMin ^_^ isn't it? haha~


(sharing some my edition:wub:)



As a Joonmin fan, the most happiest moment is seeing their "sweet interaction" and "love sparks". But i dislike to make assumptions based on imagination , In contrast,  I prefer to make analysis based on some hints and evidences ~haha~B)  Since 1 Jan, I start to watch back all interviews and variety shows of LJ. I found myself strangely to be familiar with LJ when knowing more and more about him. His thought and behavior are similar as my normal style:w00t: Finally, i know that he is born on 7th Feb 1988, which i am just older than him for 7 days:tongue: . I am a typical "Aquarius", and I found that most of my friends which are born in close dates and in same horoscope, having a lot of common characteristics:ph34r: ) Seems LJ have a lots of personalities which are same as an " "Aquarius" too.  Let's see and just for an funny reference before commenting their "love line" :rolleyes:



  • Aquarius-born are shy and quiet, but on the other hand they can be energetic with friends  (LJ is really easy to shy ,especially for girls:D  I rmb that his MBLAQ's teammates said that LJ is different from his on-screen image, he is quiet when off-screen. Although all MBLAQ are living in the same hostels and mostly work together everyday, LJ is not so close with Mir at the beginning as LJ has slow-warm-up personality. However, LJ can play crazily with his good friends such as Jung Yong Hwa and Yoon Du-jun)
  • Aquarius-born have a deep need to be some time alone and away from everything, in order to restore power.  (When I watch through a lot of LJ's interviews and variety shows during his idol time, sometimes LJ will suddenly become a bit cool and absent-minded if the camera is not mainly focus on him or his team are chatting happily. And LJ always said that he enjoys staying at home to take rest instead of going trips with friends when have vacations)
  • Aquarius have a rebellious side that hates being told what to do or how to think. They are capable of perceiving the future and they know exactly what they want to be doing five or ten years from now. Aquarius isn’t afraid to innovate and likes to do things their way. (Although others make jokes on LJ and make him seems as a "pa bo" image on screen's effect:wink: , actually we all know that LJ is a well-planned with clear-thinking towards his future since his teenage, so that he chose ballet dance and left his MBLAQ team to focus being actor to achieve his dream)
  • Aquarius has strong opinions and they aren’t afraid to voice them(haha~ remember LJ 's phrase-  "Zoo Kingdom" and he feel unfair for women who wear less are being tagged  "cheap" while men are being tagged "sexy and cool" )
  • Aquarius  are  careful about who they befriend and allow into their world, and learns from their past mistakes and doesn’t make the same mistake twice.   (I also obviously same as this trait and appreciate LJ has this , too. It means he will not enter a friendship or love relationship with others easily , and from "Strong Heart" show, LJ should be a bit hurt and depressed from his previous love experiences and let him will take long consideration if "fall in love" again:wub: )'
  • Aquarius-born have a reputation for being cold and insensitive persons, but this is just their defense mechanism against premature intimacy. (it is that why LJ sometimes shows that he is so cool and quiet towards unfamiliar one, and it is different for us to open our "heart" and " inner thought" towards others except the one who are highly believe in")
  •  Aquarius is afraid of being alone and can be quite emotional but they don’t always show it to others. They need to learn to trust others and express their emotions in a healthy way. And Aquarius have a bad habit of overthinking things way more than they should.  (*I also have a deep feeling of this trait.  I am easy to feel nervous and depressed, but i can KEEP to act "normal" towards my friends or colleagues. It is because i don't want to affect others to worry about me and would like to keep my "reputation". I think LJ is typically having this traits, too.  Sometimes we find ourselves over analyzing things to the point and feel incredibly stressed and anxious ,only to realize later that it wasn’t even that big of a deal in the first place. We tend to focus on  "negative" comments rather then the "positive" comments. it may the reason why LJ will suffer "bipolar disorder" during his idol time and " panic disorder " due to busy working schedule and our sensitive personality":cry: )

LJ really is a typically "AQUARIUS":tongue: As I am also a AQUARIUS , I hope my views towards Joonmin's "love relationship" could be a bit closer with what  LJ's thought (:warning:haha~ Please don't need to take so serious since I don't want to have conflict and argument with some Joonmin fans. We are all ourselves, not LJ or JSM, no one will get 100 % truth")


From my observation, I think Joonmin's loveline can be divided into 5 stages:

1)  Unfamiliar stage (Jan - May) - "Working team" relationship but both are "positive"

The script reading is held on late Jan and FIS start shooting in Feb. During the press conference on 28 Feb, we can see that LJ and Somin are not so close with each other, It is because they only shoot 2-3 scenes before that day , all of them are a bit shy during the press con, but obviously they also have positive appearance towards each other. LJ says he think SoMin is a nice person and have good acting skills during the script reading session, while SoMin think that "Jooni Oppa" is so manly and I think SoMin already found that LJ is a funny boy , as Somin  always laugh of LJ talk style and behavior"


Their appearance already match and provide us a "comfortable" feeling:)



sorry that i don't know how to share video and some of them are in Chinese subtiltles from mainland forum:tongue: only create some gif and share to you:D


At this interview, Lee Yuri says that LJ is so cool at first meet as he is a famous idol (haha~ in joking tone). It makes LJ feel nervous.

At that moment, SoMin notice that and slightly hit his arm, just like an encouragement for him and let him to take it easy! (so cute:tongue:)



And during this interview,  Lee Yuri said that SoMin use less make-up to intentionally increase her "ugly"  during shooting  as her character is so "normal" at the beginning .Yuri is so surprised about SoMin's beauty, She says that SoMin is really "Super pretty" when meeting in real person instead of watching her on TV, therefore she says TV is so strange. Haha~ Her comments make all laugh. This moment is so funny and let us know SoMin is incredibly pretty in real, LJ must be knowing that and that why keep "awakening shy" towards this cute girl:wub:



2)  Familiar stage (late May - June) - "Friend relationship " and start to "comfortable" 

According to the FIS, there are so few individual scenes and only short -period scenes before ep 22 of "Miyoung and Jong-hee". In late May, Miyoung start to change her look and Jong-Hee start to have "special" feeling toward her. Besides the plot development, ACTUALLY our Joonmin become closer and they can start to play happily with each other. They took photos and upload into their ig.



In early June, they shoot the dance practice scene. i agree with @eyjooniesh ,  it is different from what LJ treat other girls before , he starts to take care of SoMin so much and sometimes he is the one who actively have "skin ship" with SoMin. (for the massage) It shows that he is so comfortable with this girl and we all can start to find their "love chemistry", too.:glasses:

When facing SoMin, LJ always is the defeated one of her cuteness :blush: So sweet!

There is something start to cooking up between them but they are not noticed. (LOVE is coming!)



3)  "Close" stage (July- August) - something "fishy" and "love sparks" can't hide

LJ is not so easy to get closer with female idols or actresses , i spent almost 2 months to search for his past live shows, interviews, dramas and movie press con. Recent years, Ji-Yeon Im is the only female actress which cooperate with LJ in movie- "Lucky Key" , and become close friend with him. LJ said that he always drunk wines and have dinner with Ji-Yeon but no media to took photos of them.


They are really close friend. During press con of Lucky key, Ji-Yeon is taking close-up and LJ noticed there is a hair on her face, it is UNBELIEVABLE THAT our shy shy LJ help her to take away when on-live. haha~ but don't worry, i think LJ actually treat her as a "boy" , their " brotherhood" makes him not shy and have this action !! ("love with someone" need "heart-fluttering" and "shy"B) , YOU KNOW)



Same as most Joonmin's fans, I love the "Marie Claire" BTS so much:wub:  LJ's eyesight towards SoMin is so "brightening" and fill with love. It is so obvious. I agree with @eyjooniesh that SoMin seems act like before with other co-stars in other dramas, but LJ really shows that "addicting" to this lovely girl and couldn't move out :wub:




Some Joonmin fans think Joonmin have been already start "love relationship" before end-drama as the following two moments. 

1)  SoMin call LJ "cha-gi-ya" in BTS and 2) Joonmin hold hands secretly at the after- dinner party.:blink:  Um.. I feel a bit strange when i seeing this point of view, it is becuase as SoMin fan since 2010, I know that SoMin is so cute as like as a small girl , but she is a mature one when working and keeping all of her private life in low-profile, Therefore, i am a bit shock suddenly SoMin so boldly to show off her "love life" on-screen during shooting!?


for the "cha-gi-ya" part , i repeat to watch around 30 times .Um.... there is some syllable which sound like "cha-gi-ya" from the video, but as i am a Chinese and not familiar with the Korean syllable. i decide to find some of my Korean friends for help (haha~ i am working in an international company, so that can find local Korean to seek opinions XD i am so serious)


I have asked two of my Korean colleagues. They haven't seen FIS and i don't tell them what i REALLY want to get from this BTS. Just let them to watch and them ask them what it is talking about. After they watched, i ask them "Do you hear the girl says "Cha-gi-ya" . The answer of  them both are "NO", they both says there is some duplicated sound out of the shooting place and the shape of girl's mouth is not same as pronouncing "Cha-gi-ya" , she only sounds like some sounds like "Er...er..er". So , saying ""Cha-gi-ya"  may be a misunderstanding. For my view, i agree with my colleagues and i think LJ must be shy if SoMin suddenly call him that way when on screen. So, i think they are still in "fishy" that time but not start as "boyfriend and girlfriend".




And for the Joonmin hold hands secretly at the after- dinner party, i have slowed down the video in 0.1X and repeat 20 times XD. I found that there is a illusion of their overlapping hands. I STILL think that Joonmin will not present their "love relationship" so obviously on screen if they can choose:ph34r: 


4)  "Cool down" stage (Sep) -  collect thoughts 

"Cool down" is not mean that their love have to be disappear. In Contrast, it is a good time for them to think about their "real feeling" towards each other and "build up in mind". For the previous 7 months, they are work together and almost meet up every day. And they act as a couple and have a lot of skinship and kisses scene in the last one month before ended-drama. i think they may afraid to have "misunderstand" of this "feeling" , may  "too drowned themselves " into the characters according to the plot development . A short period of separation is a good chance for Joonmin to distinguish their "feeling" and follow from their heart.  Besides, FIS is ended in late Aug, LJ immediately have to start his fanmeeting in Mexico/Japan/ Korea while Somin is busying at her new drama, too. From their tight and busy working schedule, i think it is difficult for them to date individually, BUT their "friendship"  obviously isn't ended, they are concerned about recent situation of each other and leave comments from each ig. And some fans says that LJ has bought a phone case for Somin in Mexico or Japan ,right? :tongue: It shows that they treat other as "an important one" .

In fact, i think after that period of "cool down" , LJ knows that he likes JSM but he may struggle to make confession or not. LJ is so detailed- minded and he don't want to hurt others. He knows that he must go in military services in Oct. How can he let Somin to wait him for 2 years!? (maybe he is lack of confidence). At that time, he is thinking this question repeatedly, but his love is overwhelmed towards SoMin via an interview in Japan.


MC ask "what is the same of  "the manager and actor" relationship betwwen the FIS and reality?"

LJ: In reality, manager is a male and will not work as free as MiYoung. But if the manager is a pretty female as like as MiYoung, it's good! I think Miyoung's glass is so suitable to her and ask where can buy.. then SoMin bought me a new one and i am wearing until now.. haha~ what i am saying... (smile sweetly)




MC ask " What is your comment towards Jung So Min"

LJ: Until Ep.30, we are a bit embarrassed and still using "honorific" terms. But we work comfortable when shooting. But i think her acting skill is good and I can depend on her (smile), so i can finish all shooting with her peacefully. I really know her acting is good during script reading, it makes all of us can act brightenly together in the drama.




I REALLY like his sweet smile when mentioning SoMin. haha~ And some Joonmin fans from China is so interesting. Per LJ "i think her acting skill is good and I can depend on her (smile)" , Some Joonmin fans left their comments that "LJ~You are not only depend on JSM acting, your rest of life can also depend on her":wub:


MC ask " Which sisters will you choose if in reality?"

LJ: (Laugh) haha~ if in reality, i think MiYoung is the most suitable to me. As the other two sisters' momentum is stronger than me... I am not good at presenting myself and tend to be a listener.. so MiYoung will be the comfortable type that suit me..."



Were i can watch the video intrview in Japan? please#

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@firebird88 I love reading your post :heart: I know its late but welcome to this thread :) . And after i saw the gif of interview after the  press con, i have never seen that before, so i search that video in the Father is Strange Soompi thread but only found the  raw video. And then i search it at KBS World Youtube and because  im always watching that show and watched all episodes of  EW for March 2017 , so i  confuse why i never see that interview. Then i check Dramabus, when i click episode 1661 , this video is longer than KBS World YT video (about 11 minutes). So, in the KBS World version, this interview is in the last segment and they cut it. So, i edit and  upload this video for all Joonmin shippers here. 

1) Lee Joon is honest when he don't feel that RSY look young :D

2) When Lee Yuri said Somin is too pretty, she just keep quiet.And she said Somin ranked second place behind Ha Ga In ( I thought she will said 2nd place behind her :tongue:) .

3) From this interview, they show the line like difference attitude between Walnut & Cracker couple and Judo Couple (they are quiet in this interview) . This interview is recorded before FIS 1st episode ,but they must pretend it was aired (EW before this was aired on Saturday) , and LYR said it was good episode and RSY said good response from his friends and many of them commented online and he received many phone calls kekeke

4) Lee Yuri said when she met LJ at the script reading session, he had a glassy stare:ph34r: and then she change what she said about him because Lee Joon has many fans ,so she said she likes LJ.:D



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Thanks @irisariadne for the FiS cast interview in entertainment weekly

:heart: I've been searching for that interview and only now I got to watch it with eng sub! :lol: Thanks to you, really appreciate it a lot. Didn't know LYR said LJ had glassy stare during first script reading:D it's understandable because LJ is quiet in real life, he's a serious person like Mir MBLAQ said, LJ also confesses many people misunderstood him as playboy/Casanova because of his look,  and g guessing him must be a naughty/troublemaker students during school when he just a quiet students and never cause any problem :D This is one of the example of it :D He's shy and hard to get close with. LYR said everyone else is friendly except LJ,  I can understand why.


I also realised LJ opened his mouth very big when LYR said SM is ranked no 2 as the most beautiful actress in her list. LJ must felt like, she's so pretty but there's another actresses prettier?:lol::lol: haha 


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:lol:Thanks @irisariadne for uploading the FiS cast interview in entertainment weekly with English subtitles.


You are so great!!! :blush: Previously, I have spent a lot of time to search his video, too.:tongue:I really don't  want to miss each sweet moment of our Joonmin couple:wub: I know most of the Joonmin fans here are only understand English. But for LJ 's Japan interview , I still only could find a one with Chinese subtitle. I JUST try my best to capture those sweet moments and translate them with my poor English:tongue:. Hope all of you will enjoy it!

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33 minutes ago, firebird88 said:

:lol:Thanks @irisariadne for uploading the FiS cast interview in entertainment weekly with English subtitles.


You are so great!!! :blush: Previously, I have spent a lot of time to search his video, too.:tongue:I really don't  want to miss each sweet moment of our Joonmin couple:wub: I know most of the Joonmin fans here are only understand English. But for LJ 's Japan interview , I still only could find a one with Chinese subtitle. I JUST try my best to capture those sweet moments and translate them with my poor English:tongue:. Hope all of you will enjoy it!

Link places!!!

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