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Lee Joon x Jung So Min Couple (Actor x Assistant) - Official Couple (1/1/18)


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5 hours ago, soft1234 said:

I dont think he approached to her first .

maybe you're right but i think they have a crush on each other initially. probably jsm's friendliness to everyone and her other positive qualities may have won lj's heart.. jsm is just generally friendly with everyone.

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8 hours ago, soft1234 said:

I dont think he approached to her first .


hi I read your unedited version in my email, usually who follows the thread in soompi will get the email once it's sent. I get what you truly mean. Based on my observation of them from the early moments they met, it's LJ who likes her first. In LJ's interview, he remembers vividly when the first time he met her during first script reading, he mention about her nice voice (very detailed info about someone you met for the first time and amazing he still remembers about it when the interview is held after FiS ended)  

SM's long time fans said she's a friendly girl and I find she acted totally the same way she acted with all her male co star before during earlier FiS days, like during Marie Claire photoshoot and Starcast report of them during the making of dancing practice scene, it's where LJ start to make a move on her. Starcast reported that in the drama SM is manager of LJ but in real life it's the opposite, LJ is the manager of SM, he brought her water, massage her and holding the mirror for her. It's the same thing I observed from LJ in Marie Claire photo shoot, we can see LJ care for her so much, but SM still act neutral around him, I don't find her liking him yet, but it's just a neutral comrade feeling, meanwhile LJ is head over heels over her during that photo shoot. LJ never act like this before with other girls he worked or have photo shoot with, he usually maintain his distance even though they sometimes they laugh together, but after that he will keep his distance with the girl, unlike SM, he shows his caring attitude towards her, and to me it's weird for LJ if he does that unless he has developed 'some' feeling towards the girl. LJ can't hide his feelings well and I've seen many comments saying the same. After that phase, we can see LJ distancing himself from SM, but we all know it's for the sake of hiding their real relationship. SM commented to the camera that LJ is very different when there's camera, LJ is beside her when she said that, LJ can't hide that it's the truth and he remains silent about it and start changing the topic. He really doesn't want viewers or fans to know and being cautious to avoid rumor from arising since the drama didn't ended yet and he wants to protect SM too from bad comments if they're dating while filming the drama. 

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Distance relationship is never easy particularly celebrities who are always in the limelight. 


In one of the interviews, LJ has confessed that he is always worried about his future post MS and willing to explore other options if he can't continue in the entertainment industry.  I agree with him that this is a better approach in this situation.  Why worry over something u can't control or will happen 2 years later? As for panic disroder he sufferers recently,   likely is the harsh military environment that triggers it.  He is under treatment and is recovering.  Many celebrities I.e. John Mayer, Oprah Winfrey, Ellie Goulding, Emma Stone to name a few suffered from it.  Perhaps the public perception in Korea differs from the western countries. 


As a fan of both LJ and JSM,  I hope they can overcome the present challenges and come out stronger and even more confident and committed. 



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@shsu actually he start suffering from bipolar and insomnia due to his busy schedules when he was still an idol, he only got to sleep for 20 minutes a day, his bipolar disorder got worsen during that period of time. He's on a really high demand  being the most popular idol member of the group and being called the 'Blue Chip of Variety Show' but it comes with a price. His childhood difficulty is not the reason he suffered from this illness although it's true he's isolated from his friends when he start learning ballet because he started at old age and he came from poor family unlike other kids in that school. Only after he won in third place in an international dancing competition when he was just practicing for months instead of other competitors learning it for 3/4 years, the friends start talking to him. He said he started finding real friends when entering college with full scholarship but he quit it to become idol. He's strong willed person and JSM didn't choose the wrong person this time to be in her life :) 

He also has prepared mentally during pre-enlistment, he said he's okay with having another career if he didn't receive any acting offers which I think won't be happening at all because even if it just minor role, the industry will still demand for him. The military environment is very harsh and hellish and I can see why the panic disorder came back, I don't think it's related to his relationship at all, the relationship is what made him stronger especially. 

1 hour ago, shsu said:

SM is a very pretty and friendly person and u can see that even LMK of Because of this Is My First Life also quite attracted to her toward the end ..I guess someone like LJ may not feel secure about that especially for the future .. I read a article before about the men having girlfriend going to military service normally miss their girl friends even more due to strict boring routines.


They're both an actor, LJ can understand SM works and I'm sure SM will assure him not to be worried or jealous, of course both of them will feel jealous if either of them had romance scene with other actor/actress, I've seen article about this from other korean celebrity couple with same problem :) Now they have date publicly I dont think this will be a problem anymore, the co actors working with SM will maintain distance when they work together after this since she's already taken. 

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36 minutes ago, jolee2885 said:

Distance relationship is never easy particularly celebrities who are always in the limelight. 


In one of the interviews, LJ has confessed that he is always worried about his future post MS and willing to explore other options if he can't continue in the entertainment industry.  I agree with him that this is a better approach in this situation.  Why worry over something u can't control or will happen 2 years later? As for panic disroder he sufferers recently,   likely is the harsh military environment that triggers it.  He is under treatment and is recovering.  Many celebrities I.e. John Mayer, Oprah Winfrey, Ellie Goulding, Emma Stone to name a few suffered from it.  Perhaps the public perception in Korea differs from the western countries. 


As a fan of both LJ and JSM,  I hope they can overcome the present challenges and come out stronger and even more confident and committed. 



I agree, even though distance relationship not easy there have many examples of such relationship work, for example kim tae hee and rain, they got married years after he discharged :)

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When it comes to the topic who made the first move first, I personally think it is no more important any more since the day they decided to enter the relationship knowing the difficulties of 2 years distance . They are not teenagers, everything we as shippers can think of as their burdens or obstacles for their love are seriously considered by both sides beforehand, I believe. Why do they mind entering the risk if one of them feel the love forceful and not strong enough? Joon is a big worrier contrast to his playful image, he thinks sometimes way too much and that might trigger his disorder syndromes. But because he thinks carefully and thoroughly, when the decision was made, it is fixed and his mind was strongly made up. If it had not been for Somin willingness  and courage to accept the distance and the long wait, he would have not asked her out. And vice versa had it not been for Joon decisive love and strong will, Somin might have been shy away and would have just let time take it course to make them forget the feeling. People are scared of MS distance, but to be honest with busy schedules of celebrities some of them can not work out to see each other so often, can they? It is the strong will and love of them that are decisive, not MS.

I am afraid that we are not going to get a lot of hints in near future since after the fake news, both of them tend to pull backwards to keep everything as much lowkey as possible which is also a good sign since it is the way to protect their love. I will watch over them warmly as being asked :)

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I believe in their love, because if they are not credibility in their love they are will not  dating at this time. As i said before, both of them is those who are serious in love. They really need each other, despite the distance, despite the time they still come together, loving, support each other. I'm does not matter who is the previous approach, this is not important, important thing is they are love each other, they really need each other. That's enough with me!! :wub::wub:

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3 hours ago, soft1234 said:





Sorry I didnt get the reason why you are here keep asking ridiculous questions ( even rude, regarding the question about Somin above) and then edited the posts. I did not want to mention it before but now chaining and relating all three posts of you today, I seriouly think you wanna insult Somin. You kept implementing that she forced Joon into the relationship which bases on no evidence. They are together is  the truth and if you can not accept it, I just wanna ask you to show at least respect since they deserved to be respected. 


With peace and take care. 

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how to remove @soft1234 ? That person seems like a troll. Nothing she said make sense. She doesn't even read what we posted here before and suddenly barging in the thread to ruin our peace. If she has read it she would not be saying rude things like LJ used SM or LJ rude to her. This is too much to come from someone even though you didn't ship them. Please don't make any stupid post again and edited it to be blank because I can read all your original posts in my subscribed email from this thread.

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3 hours ago, soft1234 said:

Alot man in korea   jealous of  lee joon now , beacuse his girlfriend is so pretty more than his success in army .

What does that have to do with both of em being a couple, as for your other accusations and stupid stuff  Lee Joon is 30 and Jung So Min is gonna be 29 this march and are at an age where they can make decisions for themselves and both are not exactly teenagers and you need to stop speculating every part of their life and leave it at the news that they are dating.

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Hiya. May I just remind everyone that if you suspect that a troll may have come to the thread, please do not respond or otherwise engage with the suspected member. Just report them. Thanks. Happy Shipping!


Also, may I also remind everyone that it's against the thread rules to quote images, gifs, or videos, so please refrain from doing so. Thank you.

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1 hour ago, stroppyse said:

Hiya. May I just remind everyone that if you suspect that a troll may have come to the thread, please do not respond or otherwise engage with the suspected member. Just report them. Thanks. Happy Shipping!


Also, may I also remind everyone that it's against the thread rules to quote images, gifs, or videos, so please refrain from doing so. Thank you.


Thanks and I already reported that suspected troll. All that troll's comments and posts no longer in the thread :) yeay

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