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Lee Joon x Jung So Min Couple (Actor x Assistant) - Official Couple (1/1/18)


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Hi all, 


I have been a lurker here for a while, and maybe some of you might see me around in twitter and IG. The storm stirred my life and i cant just stay silent anymore. Tbh I am not the shipper at the beginning despite i loved them so much in FIS but I decided to watch over them warmly and support them both fairly in the best ways as i always used to. However they gave me courage to support them and i was so inspired by their courageous decision that brought me here today to light up the hope after the stormy news.

It will be a lie if I say I am not worried. I went blank for the whole yesterday, couldnt settle myself during work today and now i write these words after many years giving up fandom. I am very concerned about Joon and of course about their love. 

I also sensed that it is very hard for them at the moment, especially for Joon who is far away from his family and loved one, no source to console his loneliness and his suffering during MS. The relationship is still very fresh and fragile that we as outsiders cant do anything but pray for them to work it out. I am a little bit shaken after the 100th days seeing Somin deleted her picture with the ring, then Joon canceled his schedule to appear at the event, and then the nightmare... oh yes it is scary, true to every sense of the word. But on the flipside if they met each other and ended their relationship, Joon with his known character would have unfollowed everything or at least the famous hashtag but nothing happened. Somin has been lurking around, unfollow one in her list whom unfortunately i cant trace anymore. But looks like everything is on track, isnt it? They dont play pull und push, they are honest and straightforward. Talking about this point, will there ever be friendship after breaking up? Seriously I doubt *praying hard again*.

And more than any reasons, i never believed that the strong willed Joon will be defeated by relationship. That doesnt sound anything like him AT ALL imaging how many hardships he has been over since his childhood. He is the man who strongly declared war to his own bipolar disorder, i trust he can survive till his 100th birthday. The reason for that nightmare still need to be thoroughly investigated. The military department is now focusing on Olympic and further related political figures that they seemed to take this lightly. I need to hear directly from Joon to distinguish all the speculations.

As for Somin, my little girl who is willing to start with love again despite all the difficulties of distance love will be defeated that easy, i wonder. 

Love can be bitter, relationship can be hard. Life taught them about that. 

And after all dont make things complicated, if thing break up, try to fix it and not throw it away... Love can last so beautifully. They treasure each other too much to let love slip through their life even when they have to confront the distance of time and space. 

Of course as fan we never know enough about our beloved idols, one word bla bla is way crossing the border already. I know my post might have pointed out some negative points but I tried my very best to stay rational and not to be overwhelmed by emotion, and that is unfortunately part of rationality.

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I am not worried about his relation with JSM. I know they are supporting each other. About the pic with the ring she erased I think it was to avoid comments that could damage their relation. I think that is better for them if fans know less about them

What I am worried about it is his bipolarity syndrome. Let’s wait and see. I insist, he is ok and this is a misunderstanding.

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24 minutes ago, camichi said:


I am not worried about his relation with JSM. I know they are supporting each other. About the pic with the ring she erased I think it was to avoid comments that could damage their relation. I think that is better for them if fans know less about them

What I am worried about it is his bipolarity syndrome. Let’s wait and see. I insist, he is ok and this is a misunderstanding.

I would like to call all of these challenges for their love. Like i said, i never dreamt of them coming together since I am a coward. They proved me wrong, confirming strongly and firmly that they are in love. Their confession is so inspiring that makes me care so much now. Joon is always aware of his bipolar disorder, he openly talked about it and his insomnia, he never gives up to it, but it can appear and disturbs him anytime and that makes me worried a lot. Actually MS should let soldiers have a break for lunar new year, shouldnt they? Oh i dunno if there is this kind of holiday in KR :(

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14 minutes ago, soft1234 said:

dont you thing it weird that her boyfriend have birthday and she didnt even post somthing about it ,on her IG (and she alredy know that evebody know she is date with him ) it most be hurt for him .


No it’s not weird at all because she is keeping her love life private! Why do you have to publicly celebrate someone’s birthday on the internet when you could just be with them in person? Please stop trying to generate negative news about the couple, this is why false rumours start to spread like wildfire...

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@mocmoc272  Totaly with you , 

As I said before lets stop making conjectures because it will generate more rumors. They have the right to care about their private life and more in moments like this. For me it’s enough that they are together I don’t need to see any pics of them. I only prey for their happiness and that’s


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I can totally understand why you would be concerned about Joonie and his relationship with SM! Frankly, I felt very alarmed when the news first came out and it did put me into a negative state of mind :(. However, the news was declared “false” and even though I still feel uneasy, I have taken the time to sit back and think rationally...


First of all, now that this news has come out whether its partially true or false, Joon will be receiving support and attention from his family members, loved ones and also his army mates. Therefore, I think it’s best not to make “speculatuons” that could potentially turn into toxic rumours regarding his mental status and his relationships. He will be under observation and be provided with lots of care from the people close to him. :)


Secondly, SM deleting that ring picture does not indicate anything. To me, the focus of that picture wasn’t the ring but the sad atmosphere that it portrayed. Her relationship is now public, there’s no need to keep unhappy pictures on her IG wall. Also, you have to remember that a few days after she posted the “Pooh” picture with the caption #extremelyhappy. If she had just gone through a breakup, why would she post that? I’m not saying you don’t have the right to share your concerns but be careful that your speculations could hurt lead to cynicism.


Thirdly, as a student doctor, I have come across many individuals with mental illness. From my observation, Joon does not show signs of being “suicidal”. Yes, he has a background of Bipolar Disorder and Depression but the fact that he can ‘openly acknowledge’ it is testimony that he isn’t letting it dictate his life. In addition, people who are suicidal do not ‘’make plans” for the future. They are constantly stuck in the mindset that “life is not worth living” which is unlike Joon who clearly stated that he has “set goals” even into his old age.


Finally, there are no obvious underlying reasons for him to attempt suicide. Him not attending the Olympics could be due to many reasons for e.g. he wants a break from his hard work in the army or that he wants to spend time with his family etc. From my perspective, Joonie has a happy life. He is well respected in the army and by the public... he has a “loving girlfriend” who is willing to wait 2 years for him and lastly an extremely caring mother. When he was struggling with mental illness before he left MBLAQ, he was fighting it for the sake of his future and out of love for his mum. He has a young niece who he adores, why would he try to end his life? 


This is not a personal attack on anyone but I want to voice my own thoughts on the situation. As fans, we should continue to pray for Joonie, his family and JM couple :wub: Rather than wasting our mental energy on “unconfirmed speculations” that are potentially very toxic, why not send messages of support or offer an abundance of prayers. It’s when people start worrying and overthinking, that many false and hurtful rumours form. Anyways, that’s all I have to say and I’ll continue to show support to the couple unconditionally <3 


Take care,





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Today , is the first Valentine's Day for our  Joonmin couple. So, i will spamming this thread with their pictures, gif, video if im not busy. And you guys can join me because its not fun to do this alone hihi. I miss some of you here(you know who you are) . And please give feedback/comment  to my post if its annoying  you or you want me to stop, you can just tell me, no worries. 

*TBH, im still not okay, why i read comment on Netizenbuzz huhu, im still worry about him. 


Okay, i will start with this ....







Real Life 




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The first ig fanpage that using the #joonmincouple in the instagram after i scroll down is  kdcouple (actually this  excluding another celebrity couple like kim jong min and lee joon ki and park min young couple that using the same hashtag)  

(Date : 20th June 2017) 



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50 minutes ago, soft1234 said:

No .im just said taht somthing weird happen to both .she guita and he is guitar


You can search or exanimate her IG and you can see that is normal that sometimes she takes 2 weeks to post, and for me is normal because I have followed JSM since the beginning.

Could be that they have being spending time together because of his birthday and she hasn’t have time to post anything considering that she hasn’t have to do it.

Let’s take it easy and don’t worry, let’s pray for them instead. not-available.gif not-available.gifnot-available.gif

Praying Hands






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