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Lee Joon x Jung So Min Couple (Actor x Assistant) - Official Couple (1/1/18)


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5 hours ago, eyjooniesh said:


that guy who said LJ is not handsome actually a jjealous Somin fanboy :D don't bother by him, usually jealous man will said that. "Even in the eyes of men, LJ is handsome" LJ also has fanboys when he still in mblaq and they think he's cool and handsome. There's also a popular male makeup artist who praised him saying he's naturally handsome :)

How does that say, Lee Joon is very handsome, as you say I do not get angry about his comment, besides, he has to like Somin, they form a beautiful couple, both are attractive:blush:

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4 hours ago, camichi said:


Siempre, habrá gente así. Soy fan de Jung So Min desde el principio y creo que me gustaba en ese momento porque era diferente de la mayoría de las actrices y mujeres y era muy común ver comentarios que decían que JSM era feo y no sé Por qué, pero para mí ella siempre ha sido bonita.


La primera vez que vi a Joon, pensé que era guapo y lindo. Por supuesto, no se parece a esos actores: modelos que son tan altos y muy apuestos, pero prefiero a Joon.

Lo que quiero decir es que como  @eyjooniesh    dice que no dejo que esas cosas y commets me molesten.

I also saw those unpleasant comments, that Somin was ugly and that not just one person was many. I can not say that those comments did not bother me because they were very ugly comments, from most of KHJ's followers, so I did not support hyunmin. I did not want him to suffer attacks from fans KHJ's comments,

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3 hours ago, camichi said:


Always, will be people like that. I am a Jung So Min fan since the beginning and I think I liked her at that time because she was different from the majority of actress and female idols and it was very common to see comments saying that JSM was ugly and I don’t know why, but for me she has always been pretty.


The first time I saw Joon I thought he was handsome and cute. Course he doesn’t look like those Actors-Models that are so tall and very handsome but I prefer Joon.

What I mean is that as  @eyjooniesh   says I don’t let that those things and commets to bother me.


those who said either joon or somin ugly must be blind, they're beautiful couple without surgery, it's hard to find korean celebrity who's naturally pretty. I really love jung Somin monolid eye, she looks pretty and unique because of it. Joon have sharp jawline, he inherited from his mother, and his pointed nose also real, his half-moon like eyes, curl lip at the corner (joker-smile), those are his unique features, Somin also become prettier as she ages, the feature of her face maturing to become prettier than before but she still looks younger than her age. The visuals of the two is top-notch! 

3 hours ago, MayraR said:

How does that say, Lee Joon is very handsome, as you say I do not get angry about his comment, besides, he has to like Somin, they form a beautiful couple, both are attractive:blush:

agree :)

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2 hours ago, camichi said:

 Dear that pic do not comes from JSM instagram. It look like an old pic. Its what i think. In her official instagram she has not put any new update.




Morning, its a new post from her fd ig:)

But she looks so young in the photo:rolleyes:


*sorry that i dunno how to paste ig link thus made it under hidden comment

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since yesterday there was a comment asking if lee joon ever did any surgery from instagram, so I post this for fun, we can compare his picture during high school to during his idol days and now


this is from high school to actor days


any different?


further proof 

if he had a nose job his nose will be dislocated or get hurt by doing this XD

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38 minutes ago, eyjooniesh said:



since yesterday there was a comment asking if lee joon ever did any surgery from instagram, so I post this for fun, we can compare his picture during high school to during his idol days and now


this is from high school to actor days


any different?


further proof 

if he had a nose job his nose will be dislocated or get hurt by doing this XD



Dear here the coments of that girl. I replayed her already in instagram in spanish. I think she is a kim hyun joong fan. She got angry because someone else told her that at least Joon do not hit women and she said that she will wait for Joon to make a mistake someday. 

I told her that anybody is perfect and all of us can make mistake, but Joon is a good guy, good educated and humble guy.

I told her that maybe he is not the most famous, rich or handsome but he is the best.  i am a little mad at this girl and i wasnt rude at all but it seems that she is a litle silly. 


Copy and paste.

francisc.13@@scarleth_ca7 You can come here and look how handsome he is since he was a child. He had not surgeries . You can see here that his nose is natural with any surgery.

francisc.13@@scarleth_ca7 Hi.. aqui puedes ver que Joon siempre ha sido guapo, su naris era perfecta desde siempre, sin cirugias en ninguna parte de su rostro. Totalmente natural. despues que se rompio su naris ya no le quedo tan linda como antes y lo puedes ver por ti misma aca. Espero que este video te convenza

  • .scarleth_ca7Jajajaja. Guapo?? Uhmm tiene orejas extra largas. Unos ojos estirados una cara larga y una cabeza deformada. Existen manos que hacen magia si que si. DumboDelete Comment
  • francisc.13@scarleth_ca7 Vaya que odio que le tienes a chico...bueno cada quien es libre de pensar como quiera pero no es necesario ofender. Con orejas de dumbo y todo lo amoooo por quien es y lo que representa como ejemplo no por guapo, quenque se que belleza le sobra de pies a cabeza.
  • francisc.13@scarleth_ca7 hi..si te refieres a joon, el no tiene cirugias, y a mi me encanta su rostro y su naris.. puedes buscar sus fotos de niño y lo puedes comprobar, de hecho lo dijo en un programa que su naris era natural. Todo el es real. Mas bien le rompieron la naris en una pelicula de accion y no le quedo igual nunca mas. Su naris original era mas bonita.Delete Comment
  • francisc.13Joon is adorablecutiejoonie26@francisc.13 thank you for explaining, eventhough I don’t understand it but I know you are saying good things about Joon utiejoonie26@francisc.13 yessss he is Delete Comment
  • francisc.13@cutiejoonie26 I am already answered to @scarleth_ca7 because i can speak espanish perfectly. I do not know whay she or he thinks joon had surgeries. I told her/his to look for her pics when he was a child. I think Joon is the only ex-idol without surgery.
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Hace 1 hora, dijo Camichi:



Queridos aquí los comentarios de esa chica. La volví a reproducir ya en Instagram en español. Creo que ella es una fan de kim hyun joong. Se enojó porque alguien más dijo que al menos Joon no pegó a las mujeres y dijo que esperará que Joon cometa un error algún día. 

Le dije que cualquiera es perfecto y que todos podemos cometer un error, pero Joon es un tipo bueno, un hombre educado y humilde.

Le dije que la vez más él es el más famoso, rico o guapo, pero él es el mejor. Estoy un poco enojado con esta chica y no fui grosero en absoluto, pero parece que ella es un poco tonta. 


Copiar y pegar.

francisc.13 @@ scarleth_ca7 Puede venir y ver qué guapo es él desde que era un niño. Él no tenía cirugías. Puedes ver aquí que su nariz es natural con cirugía.

francisc.13 @@ scarleth_ca7 Hola ... aquí puedes ver que Joon siempre ha sido guapo, su narración era perfecta desde siempre, sin cirugías en ninguna parte de su rostro. Totalmente natural. despues que se rompio su naris ya no le quedo tan linda como antes y lo puedes ver por ti misma aca. Espero que este video te convenza

  • . scarleth_ca7 Jajajaja. Guapo ?? Uhmm tiene orejas extra largas. Unos ojos estirados una cara larga y una cabeza deformada. Existen manos que hacen magia si que Dumbo Eliminar comentario
  • francisc.13 @ scarleth_ca7 Vaya que odio tenerle a un chico ... bueno, todo el que es libre de pensar como pero no es necesario ofender. Con orejas de dumbo y todo lo amo por quien es y lo que representa como un ejemplo no por guapo, que se queda con la belleza de la sobra de pies a cabeza. 
  • francisc.13 @ scarleth_ca7 hi..si te refieres a joon, el no tiene cirugias, ya me encanta su rostro y su narrador ... puedes mirar sus fotos de niño y lo puedes comprobar, de hecho lo dijo en un programa que su naris era natural. Todo el es real Mas bien la rompieron la naris en una película de acción y nunca más que nunca Su narración original era mas bonita. Eliminar comentario
  • francisc.13 Joon es adorable cutiejoonie26 @ francisc.13 gracias por explicar, aunque no lo entiendo pero sé que estás diciendo cosas buenas sobre Joon  utiejoonie26 @ francisc.13 yessss él es   Eliminar comentario
  • francisc.13 @ cutiejoonie26 Ya le respondido a @ scarleth_ca7 porque puedo hablar español perfectamente. No sé por qué él piensa que Joon tuvo cirugías. Le dije a ella / él que buscara sus fotos cuando era un niño. Creo que Joon es el único ex-ídolo sin cirugía.   

I made the comment that at least Lee Joon was not a puncher after she made fun of my comment, that it had nothing to do with her I did not provoke her she was the one that started after she was answered in a good way I do not regret it, so you can not say that she got angry about that because from her question it was obvious that she wanted to offend

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2 hours ago, camichi said:



Dear here the coments of that girl. I replayed her already in instagram in spanish. I think she is a Kim hyun joong fan. She got angry because someone told her that at least Joon did not hit women and she said she would wait for Joon to make a mistake someday. 

I told her that anybody is perfect and all of us can make mistake, but Joon is a good guy, good educated and humble guy.

I said that is maybe the most famous, rich or handsome but he is the best. i am a little mad at this girl and i wasnt rude at all but it seems that she is a litle silly. 


Copy and paste.

francisc.13 @@ scarleth_ca7 You can come here and look how handsome he is since he was a child. He had not surgeries. You can see here that his nose is natural with any surgery.

francisc.13 @@ scarleth_ca7 Hi ... here you can see that Joon has always been handsome, his naris was perfect forever, without surgery on any part of his face. Totally natural After I broke his nose, it is not as nice as before and you can see it for yourself here. I hope this video convinces you

  • . scarleth_ca7 Hahahaha. Handsome ?? Uhmm, you have extra long ears. Eyes stretched to a long face and a deformed head. There are hands that do magic, yes. Dumbo Delete Comment

wow why that commenter so rude? maybe the translation by google I made above is a bit off but it seems like that commentator is a person who will worship someone's outer appearance only not the inside. @MayraR  told me that account follow khj instagram, so I also think she's a HyunMin shipper from Playful Kiss. When will people realizes it's just a drama, the reality Somin is now dating lee joon. Who cares about face, if the heart is ugly.

2 hours ago, camichi said:

she said she would wait for Joon to make a mistake someday. 

I told her that anybody is perfect and all of us can make mistake, but Joon is a good guy, good educated and humble guy.


she can wait for it.

Joon has debuted for more than 8 years already, he still lives a humble and good life until now, maybe that's just how he really and truly are

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that girl can say he has big ears or everything she wants.. but to Somin he's always the most handsome person in unviverse:wub: and to his fans too. Ryu Joon yeol actor isn't that bad looking but he also a good person and he has more supporters than LJ, he's lot more popular, if that person think LJ is ugly , like RJY he can have his own supporters too and it's not wrong to adore him, what I don't understand why that person needs to leave hate comments on LJ's fan ig? Maybe she's too bored with her life and her bias idol who can't never recover his career again like before he used to be korean boys over flower. 


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Talking about plastic surgery remind me of this scene ....



This scene was in episode 10. At that time i just watching the drama with no expectation that it gonna be good drama that make me rewatching it until now:tongue: .And i have no interest to know about the actors in FIS.  The only thing I know about LJ at that time is he was a former Mblaq member. When AJH  said he never done plastic surgery , i relate it with LJ real life  and i said  to myself  "yeah , right"(sorry , LJ hihi) . Because i was sceptical  with Korean celebrities beauty especially idol. But, after i look at his high school picture, no doubt that he is natural beauty. 


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Joonmin couple in Running Man 



I hope Somin will join RM again , but maybe this time the RM members will tease her with Lee Joon:wink: . Lee Joon among the guest who make most appearance in RM. 

If Somin said that Lee Joon is manly, Kang Gary said she is feminine. 



Somin Dancing


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