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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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I know JG have western thinking but if he want JE to think he is the one for her, he need to start learning manner hands fast. Look like JE is very like Wang So when it come to relationship. Very possessive of their partner:tongue: It will also be good for him if he can cut down on smoking and eventually quit. Know it does not have much visible effect on him yet and acting can very stressful plus emotionally draining. However we all want him and their future child to be beautiful and healthy:D

JG if you cctv in this thread, we have lots of advise for you to win your girl. Hope you can apply some of them to good use so we all can celebrate together our daily chant come true!:w00t:

9 hours ago, starcandy0516 said:

About JE said she doesn't like handsome man, well .. she said that long time ago when she was teenager :lol:

This is her interview with Hong Kong media that she did in September 2015 when she was promoting Producers.

JE : For me, firstly, I like someone who is nice only towards me. Someone who has cold character towards others, but is only nice towards me. I think someone like that is rather charming.

MC : Does he have to be good-looking then?

JE : Of course, it would be great if he's good-looking. Although it'll be good if he's good-looking, but if he is and he's nice towards many girls, than he's not my type.

I think more than that. IU is looking for someone who is sincere and loyal to her. Someone who only loves her. As you can see, JG did all of that to JE :wub: He showered her with compliment, takes care of her all the time and those heart eyes only for JE :wub: Moreover, he will do everything if JE asked him to :wub:



7 hours ago, kriswu said:

<_< Oh boy, JG better behave. Hahahahahaha!



Edited by akinahana89
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2 hours ago, Diana Blanche said:

I don't know if this video has been posted before but I could not help but laugh watching it. Ha Neul is so confused!

cr: kdramaclips

Hhhh...i cant help laughing at midnight!!

HN was so unnatural even a lil embarrassed when JE put her arm around and...she looked like kinda running away from him when he tried to put hand on her back:dizzy: I was laughing to tears hhhhh

Ironically when JG joined, every skinship just went too smooth by comparison..poor HN..look at those arm touch, head direction, hand and eye gesture..and the gap bw JE HN was too damn wide you can even easily cut HN away from the pic! When they are sync on everything HN can post  nothing but a V gesture with lil confidence...like a poor boy besides  textbook model "close colleagues"hhhhh

Love ur post so much:blush:



Edited by akinahana89
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55 minutes ago, Diana Blanche said:

I don't know if this video has been posted before but I could not help but laugh watching it. Ha Neul is so confused!

cr: kdramaclips

So if HJH is the baker traitor, KHN is the third wheel.

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15 minutes ago, kriswu said:

*whispers* even more kisses


JG, if you're really lurking here... ya know what to do hahahaha i kid!

EDIT: @caramelovers75 ahhh beautiful MV chingu! thank you♡♡

You want a kid?LOL

@caramelovers75 With your latest video, you can take all the time you want away from the thread to make more! Love it! Thanks.

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10 minutes ago, akinahana89 said:

Ah... If Joon Gi saw those cute, wide eyes fluttering and blinking like that at him, he'd totally melt~ So cuuuute! :wub:


Even though Joon Gi is really nice to everyone, especially the females, I heard he actually doesn't have a lot of female friends. That must be a good thing for Jieun. Haha.

We would gladly shoo away the women trying to approach him.

@Siracusa let's get the cauldron ready to make a potion or spell that keeps other women away from him.

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31 minutes ago, chi13lou said:

You want a kid?LOL

@caramelovers75 With your latest video, you can take all the time you want away from the thread to make more! Love it! Thanks.

It was shortcut for I'm kidding :lol: But honestly speaking, I do want one... not mine but Joongi and Jieun's kid! Hahahahahaha :D

(Last night I was watching these wedding videos/SDEs on Youtube, it's been trending, and as someone who's into video editing/film and stuff, my imagination runs wild thinking about JoonU's own wedding vid and prenup pics. Hahaha)

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9 hours ago, caramelovers75 said:

Hello, guyss, so sorry I can't join the discussion lately. Real life & making new FMV's took my time. I'll for sure back-reading & join you guys again when my times available. Just wanna drop this (Delulu-BOMB), LOL, yeah, happy pill BOMB, really fast. Because it's already 2 AM here, and I must go to work in the morning. Just finished my new promised FMV. I decided to upload it since it has already some time from JE's broke up news & we are lacking crumbs lately, so I hope it could cure our hunger & longing to our OTP interactions just a lil' bit. And hope this FMV won't give any misleading rumor. I'll fight for our OTP if that happen!! Btw, enjoy this FMV & so sorry for its imperfections, still have a lot to learning.




Yeay, I can see the details about Ji Eun stare at Joon Gi, what a beautiful FMV, I love this :tongue::lol::wub:

Edited by akinahana89
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1 minute ago, Silvermaine said:

@sublimelyheureuse I don't think he smokes anymore. The last time I saw him smoke was in a bts of the King and the Clown. He runs a lot nowadays and the skin under his eyes looks different compared to maybe four years ago or at least after MS. (You can clearly see signs of people who smoke) Also, he has a strict diet. During his previous FMs, JG Blackhole mentioned that he doesn't run out of breath anymore. :) 

So, so good to know!! Thank you! :)

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