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Kim Yoo-Jung & Park Bo-Gum | Moonlight Couple|


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I don't mean to drag this any longer. But in my previous post I did not tag or quote anyone because I noticed there were more than one person commenting on SJK's guesting. I might have made one particular example. But the whole message was directed to anyone who did not think before they write. Shippers in general are always under so much scrutiny (thanks to hardcore shippers who failed to differentiate reality and fiction) that we sometimes risk hurting our own beloved artists. We want this ship to sail obviously, we want BoYoo to be happy together most importantly. I admit that I do hope they are indeed quietly dating each other. But I certainly don't want to be part of a ship that continuously (although unintentionally) hurt them as an artist. 

If I used harsh words, that's because I have had enough of people leaving negative comments in this thread. I might not be as active as I used to thanks to my other commitments. But I have seen way too many times the impact of every post in this thread. A simple "I think" does not matter because as long as you said something that can be used against either one of them, it's still as harmful. 

3 hours ago, midorinokerochan said:

Just the mere news of her presence would probably have many non shippers roll their eyes because they know what to expect. Instead of just expressing their happyness in a harmless way, I am afraid some BoYoo shippers active on different social media would start to boast, become too vocal and arrogant and possibly attack and offend other ships... and a full-fledged fanwar would erupt. We've already been there. I don't want this to happen (again), because this would reflect badly on Yoojung (even if she has no fault at all), after all she has already been through, and BoYoo. 


I so agree with you. And yes, Yoojung is definitely not the alternate option for Song Joong Ki. He was the Hyung who cried for him when he received his award. She was his co-star who had sizzling romantic chemistry with him. You don't replace your brother with your girlfriend. There was no way Yoojung would fly all the way to Singapore for no reason other than just to attend his FM. That kind of gestures coming from someone who can possibly be his love interest is as impossible as seeing them going on a date together. Korean entertainment industry does not work that way especially for young celebrities. 

I do support this ship in every possible way I could. But I really have zero tolerance to harmful comments. Especially after what had happen to Yoojung. She just came back and I don't want haters to start witch-hunting her again. We have had our dream shattered for KBS awards. We have witnessed ourselves how much pain they were both in. I was on tears when I heard Yoojung's condition in hospital while she was recovering. Remember there was news saying she was getting better but still cried often? How do you feel about that? 

When we express our desire to see people around Bogum to be replaced with Yoojungie, how do you think his fans will take that? And if they got angry, where do you think they will direct their hate? It's no other than Yoojungie. I don't mean to sound bias. But Bogum's fans have been more hostile towards Yoojungie compared to her fans towards him. Think it through. Seriously. I am gonna stop with this post. Sorry for dragging the issue this far.

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How adorable is this guy?!!?





Final fanmeet in Asia (outside of homeground SK) completed. He looked happy n quite relaxed tonight .BG is all that people say he is and more.He really loves his fans and  seems energized by them. He seems to embrace life with  enthusiasm n  thankfulness,  be it :food, new experiences, travel and relationships   Pray he will always continue to be amazed n amazing . Hope he gets to explore n eat all the yummy food in SG over the next couple of days. Thanks for being an inspiration n encouragement to us all BG.

credit to owners


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Nice to see all our antennas are up...

especially when he said he wanted to be that "confident" man....then the statement about the 3 actors being very close...

next is of course my delusion...he keeps saying everything is a "secret "... Is that the new "it" word in fan meets???  Lol


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@robinsss - Thank you so much for sharing BG FM today. BG did a good job for SG as well and for all countries. Now it is time for him to rest at home and prepare his last FM in SK, no more travel for a while I guess. I hope he surprises us again.

I just watched an interview when YJ was in Taiwan and they asked her to choose between PGB and SJK and she chose KDY...lol. She is just a clever girl. That is why I like KDY, he is always there to be part of their secret and his name helps sometimes..lol. We know that in reality, YJ has chosen BG and I am sure BG does not mind when YJ chooses KDY when being asked during interview...I like their relationship!


Credit Pearl0024

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wahhh @robinsss so happy for you can join Bogummy FM, 

FM is Singapore surely have many BoYoo Moment such as

1. when telepathy game, MC asked Bogum n SJK: Moon or Star both choose Moon


idk is right for me to say this but this surely lighten up my heart that he choose moon. Because the other ship of BG is quite fond of star if you know it




2. CHICKEN FOR SURE! Bogummy made pair of chicken just really looks like YJ's drawing hahah






anyway he also make a chicken drawing when Thailand FM hahaha




3. Matchy favourite scene with CHICKEN as a cameo :D









Surely Singapore FM full of RaOn and I can hear many BoYoo shipper is happy!

Media preview

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Wowww..lucky u @robinsss ..jealous ahjuma here..hahhaha.. thanks for share those happy moments. Im soo exited just by reading your post like im there too..:lol:..

@lovelyp..maybe he already know YJngie interview b4 released..wink wink.. he just gave us hard code...

Edit: BG n YJ fav MDBC scene pic...

U beat me ladies @parmma @bubblyflo..have to deleted my post..:D... love u said bout chicken as cameo..hahhaha. Well after #RINGO, chicken became BoYoo next  officialy mascots.. n now i feel like eating chicken meat..wanna join me? :D

What so many facts related bout BoYoo this past days..whatever the reality are. Its hard to ignore it, can't help to always link them. N i choose to believe if it destiny...:blush:..

Im sooo happy shipping galsss..muaachh..#mcSGFMModeOn:lol:

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I just asked my nephew to download the full Ponyo movie hahahaha!! The songs are very cute :blush:

But here's the trailer, I'm sure you've seen it already but there's this line that Sosuke said that really stuck in my head..a line that I like the most, said between LY and RO, " Do not let go of my hand "


Oh, enjoy the remains of a lovely weekend everyone!!! Our BoYoo is real...keep the faith!!! The hints they've been giving us are more than we are asking for, so keep sailing, if you may, always remember that great wonders are in store for those who patiently wait..love y'all!!

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Taiwan media is revealing another more detailed interview with YJ again...(Yj had 12 interviews with Taiwan media the day she landed Taiwan, not sure this one is which #, and how many more yet to be released ;p)

i think most have seen this link already and is self-explanatory;p


the chinese wordings and term this station used is pretty fanciful and hard to grasp but here's the gist with rough translation ;p (will skip eric-related as we already knew it by hard, just like his instantly famous song that YJ sung ;p) 

headline: from child actor to goddess of acting...


-YJ adorable outspoken and spontaneity attitude often leaves a lasting impression on others in a positive manner.  

-from being child actor to present acting, Yj is becoming an elegant and goddess actress;  no character can beat her down as she is capable of meeting the challenge in any given role.

-her free-spirited and emotional expressiveness (esp portrayed sad scenes) and ethereal demeanor in moonlight acting has captivated the hearts of many. 

-almost from beginning to ending, she had to disguise herself as a man/eunuch, and many signed that how they wished they could see her dresses more ladylike in the drama; YJ revealed that directors did tell her that she would have more feminine scenes and get to dress pretty during the second half of the show but she kept waiting but to no avail :(

- after looking back, she thoughtfully expressed that perhaps it is more authentic that way -- having the brief moment of dressing up as a feminine Raon and appeared before the Crown Prince is more appealing -- the effect is much stronger and the feeling is much greater, and the end result is very satisfactory.

- She said that dressing up Raon as a beautiful lady facing CP is indeed a tedious task;  she complimented the staff for the amazing job they had done -- the delicate make up, hairdo, gorgeous hanbok were all well thought out and executed.

-commentator praised YJ for her intense labor in moonlight esp in the classic solo dance with her amazing eyes gazing expression that has stunned and mesmerized everyone. (here Yj explained the process of the dance filming)

-on moonlight best scene, YJ shared that she has been asked this question countless times, she said that it is really tough to choose as there are so many beautiful scenes and each time her choice is different.  This time she opt for the chicken eating scene with the trio at their hideaway by Jahyeondang!  She said it is through that fun shooting scene that their relationship have nourished and bonded (wow, it was only the 2nd episode, and their friendship already so gelled ;p).

-then media quickly tapped on the opportunity to ask YJ (just like the child actress at KBS to choose weather BG or JK) who would she choose; and witty YJ of course did not fall into the trap... and blurted out KDY!!

Everyone laughed, reporter said aww,... she  gonna  made both BG and JK whined/cried but YJ responded as if to say  no lah (they won't ;p)

-asked why DY, she said oppa DY always gives her a lot of strength and support, even during moonlight filming, now their relationship is growing and flourishing; they get along really well and happily and with a lot of trust among them, and that he is like a real brother to her. 

(big caption: Are you watching?? (as if to ask KDY, are you watching and listening to how YJ complimenting you??"

Commentator remarked that indeed from the clip of the chicken scene, one can truly witness how the trio have great acting chemistry and vibrant relationship.


Commentator: YJ not only enjoys acting but is very passionate about it; said YJ is very humble and said that she herself is still lacking much in her acting.

-YJ commented indeed she has debut at a very young age, some of the acting process was quite blurr and she couldn't quite remember the "catalyst" of acting (i think here it means she just acted as told and didn't know how to analyse character)

-Yj said sometimes when she watched her childhood acting and reflecting, she felt so shy and reacted like "what, was that me??" "such rascal kid".  Sometimes in her surreal mind she would think that the her-bubbling-child-actor was not her but other child actors lol.

-Yj said she is still developing and will continue to strive in her acting skill; mentioned that Dongyi drama and director is one of the catalysts that has enhanced her acting skill which help her to self taught on how to interpret character role better.

-Commentator: YJ childhood acting is definitely a great platform for her to slowly cultivate and explore her own style of self-expression in her acting career path.


-asked about being an 18 year old lady, how does YJ like people to describe her, she quipped "beautiful"!

-said she is very happy when hearing people commenting that she is pretty; it boots her confident, gives her strength and ennergy.

-she conveyed that even though she is in her youthful age/stage (sort of not appropriate being known as "elegant or beauteous" for her age), but she doesn't mind being complimented for having such aura.



BoYoo are in demand!

the YES entertainment channel from Taiwan..they usually post very good stars events in taiwan and usually broadcast 20 minute or so of the actual event to whet people's appetite ;p.

their BG and YJ Taiwan FM recordings generated highest viewing among all their youtube links

BG has closed to 100,000 viewing (since Jan 22);

YJ has closed to 95,000 (since Feb 4)

(SJK's Line phone (3rd highest) 19,500 (since Jan 23))


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