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Kim Yoo-Jung & Park Bo-Gum | Moonlight Couple|


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@seoulistic it's even better if the trip to HKG is personal trip. I'm loving it. Probably they will just sneak out together and enjoy what HKG can offer after or between YJ's official schedule. Maybe trip to Macau as well? BG could play SIL- to- be role by accompanying YJ's mom when YJ is not around *delulu*:wub:

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16 hours ago, seoulistic said:

[NOTICE TO THE FANS]: There are #NO confirmations yet from Blossom Entertainment regarding #PARKBOGUM attending the 2016 MAMA Awards in Hong Kong. But according to a reliable source, his December 1 to December 4 scheduled flight to HK is for personal purposes #ONLY

It's probably rumour, but we all hope it's true :rolleyes:

hmmmmm...PERSONAL PURPOSES..love to have personal silly idea with this...GO FOR IT BO GUM AH!!We will pretend not to know your agenda just be careful not to be caught by the media..:glasses:

@4nnlov3pink thanks for the roll call honey started my day with another BoYoo treats...

@superfangermany_stv we need to fire the vote button in yahoo HK for our BoYoo to attend this award..YAY!! GO LETS BOYOO SHIPPERS IT'S TIME TO VOTE VOTE!!:blush:



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9 hours ago, cici1 said:
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About 75% of me tell me that these two is having a casual dating right now, while waiting YJ's age will reach 20 in 2018. The remaining 25% tell me to keep being rational. But my conclusion always end up that they are in casual relationship now. 

I think my delulu >>>>>> my rationale when it comes to Boyoo :w00t::w00t:  Kind of enjoy this moment being delulu right now. Hahaha  please dont burst my bubbles.. 



@cici1  all chingus

Yoo Jung had boy friend around 2014 and date about 300 days. why people say she is underage to date, i do not understand.

 it is because of they both are popular celebrities , then i could be able to understand. they can date but they should not date. am i right . enlighten me please. LOL

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On 11/28/2016 at 10:25 AM, thesecretgarden said:

Good morning (or well good evening in my part of the world) chingus! First of all, let me hyperventilate. asdfhas;dfh ;aksdjf;aksdf;akfjlaiohfjklsdflasdfhlkj.

Oomph. WHAT. JUST. HAPPENED. OMG, OMG, OMG Uri F4 in one frame together after such a long time AND THEN Bogummy's tweet! Bless my poor heart :wub: I should have taken a break and visited this thread sooner. I swear my brain almost exploded from studying too much :/

I know I said I'm only going to post something after I'm done with my assignment (which sadly is still halfway done) but it seems reading all of you guys' VERY CREATIVE imaginations turned on my own delulu switch too XD 

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Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Incidents are either the products of my imaginations or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual events is purely coincidental, and is by no means written to hurt, demean, or insult others. 

Prompt: BoYoo ABC Drabbles (Part II.)

S. Selfish

(November, 2016)


It's a little bit unfair, he thinks, as he watches her skips happily to Jinyoung-hyung and proceeds to wrap her arms around him, smiling and congratulating him for B1A4's comeback. 

He knows he shouldn't read too much into the gesture because her and Jinyoung-hyung's relationship is nothing more than that of a brother and sister, that it's completely platonic -- or is it? That treacherous voice at the back of his mind whispers -- but even as he shakes that ridiculous notion off his mind and forces a smile onto his face; even as he walks up to the two of them and pats Jinyoung-hyung in the back after they have broken apart from their hug, Bogum can't help the heavy sort of weight that settles over his chest and he unconsciously clenches his hands into fists. 

He knows it's irrational to feel this way.

But he's also at a loss of what to do because it is the first time he has encountered such emotions before -- this...this unexplainable irritation bubbling in the pit of his stomach, this urge to wrap an arm around her tiny figure and cover her from the wondering eyes of others, this baffling desire to take her hands and never letting them go because then no other man could ever have the chance to feel the softness of her palm or the two callouses on her index and ring finger. 

Is it wrong, to wish that he would be the only person who is at the receiving end of her smiles?

Is it childish, to think that he is the only person -- man -- who get to pull that tinkle of laughter out of her?

Is it arrogant (and utterly selfish) of him to assume that he is the one whom she is the closest to out of all her male acquaintances? 

But then again, Bogum muses, he never thinks of himself as being a particularly nice person before.

Everybody says that he is -- that he's a gentleman, and that he's the nicest and most innocent person they've ever met in their life before.

But a nice person wouldn't be so petty, he notes; they wouldn't be so childish and so, very selfish -- that it takes almost everything within him not to rake his hair in irritation or let his smile waver when she shows him a picture of her with her former co-stars from The Revolt of Gumiho, and nods along with that fake smile still on his face as she tells him about how sweet Minho-oppa is for remembering that meat is her favourite food and that she prefers them over flowers. 

Bogum remarks inwardly (albeit a little -- okay, a lot childishly) that he knows it too, and that technically Minho-ssi is wrong, because Bogum knows that meat is her second favourite food and that instead of a pack of high-quality beef from the meat shop in Yeouido, she would have preferred a take-out from that pork-rind restaurant in Mapo, two blocks away from her house. 

Something he knows he would have gotten her, had he been the one to go and visit her. 

"--And he's gotten so tall now, oppa. Maybe almost as tall as you?"

Bogum wonders if drinking more milk at this age would still help him grow even taller. 

It's a juvenile thought, but he can't help but feel somewhat competitive toward the younger man -- although Bogum wouldn't consider him a dongsaeng per se, since Minho-ssi is only younger than him by twelve days. The younger actor is, after all, the person who has taken (stolen) her first kiss, and the same person who has candidly declared his affection for her -- this girl in front of him who is currently sipping at her banana yam smoothie with a carefree smile on her face -- and despite this aggravating feeling still nibbling at the corner of his heart, he can't stop the chuckle that escapes from his lips when he watches her accidentally spilling some of the smoothie onto her hoodie.

"Aish. I don't know why I'm so clumsy these days," she mutters, huffing a little.

She flashes him a small smile as he passes the tissues to her and then he sees her letting out a huge breath of relief, lips stretched wider. "But...I'm glad my clumsiness managed to make you laugh. You've been feeling down ever since we got back from visiting Jinyoung-oppa, haven't you?"

Bogum blinks. "Eh?"

Yoojung's cheeks redden. "I mean, I don't want to sound too impetuous and all-knowing, but..." She peers at him nervously, twiddling her thumbs together. "I thought you looked somewhat sad...and lonely. So I thought telling you a story about my day would somehow cheer you up, but I only ended up boring you didn't I?" 

She laughs sheepishly and scratches the back of her neck, "Mianhae, oppa."

Bogum's heart gives a painful squeeze and he shakes his head, berating himself inwardly for making her worry (although he can't deny that there is a part of him that feels delighted that she cares enough about him to do so), and it only leads him to feeling even guiltier, because here he is agonizing about and exercising selfish thoughts of wanting to have her for himself, when she is thinking of him and his well-being properly.

How much more impure (and selfish) can he get? 

"Ah, thank you," she says when he proceeds to help clean some of the mess on her chin and fingers.

He continues to wipe the stain from her fingers meticulously, treating each digit with no less care than the rest, and Yoojung's heart begins to take on a familiar thrum, the very same rhythm that her heart beats at every time she is around him. There's also something different in the air around Bogum-oppa tonight, she thinks, because while he is always so nice and polite and amiable, there's just something about him at this moment that feels different than the Bogum-oppa that she knows. Maybe it's because he isn't teasing her as much and there's this seriousness about him that reminds of her the Bogum-oppa that appears whenever the camera starts to roll, but then he must have noticed her blatant staring at him because he meets her eyes and then --


Yoojung can feel all the blood rushing to her cheeks and almost averts her eyes the moment he flashes her that smile -- so kind and tender and lov-- she shakes her head, biting her lips. No, she shouldn't make any assumptions as to what that gaze of his means. 

But still, she gulps nervously. Why is he looking at me like that?

"...Would you like to tell me about it, oppa?"

Bogum blinks, suddenly snapped out of his trance. 

"I mean..." Yoojung continues to chew on her lower lip, slightly irritated at herself for being such a coward and for being so wishy-washy. Why can't she act normal around him? It feels like every time she has to face Bogum-oppa or try to start a proper conversation with him, she will always end up making a fool out of herself and acting so much like a...like a girl.

"What I mean is," she starts again, this time with a little bit more confidence in her voice, "If you're willing to, I will be glad to lend you an ear and listen to any of your problems." She swallows the non-existent lump in her throat, looking at him through her lashes timidly. "...or maybe...I can't?" 

His eyes soften at her words and he leans forward, ruffling her hair. 

Yoojung pouts a little at his action but refuses to be deterred, continuing stubbornly, "If it's something that I can help you with, then I would like to help, oppa."

Bogum pauses, and he is still for a few moments before she sees a sliver of something unfamiliar passing through his eyes -- and she sucks in her breath a little, because that 'something unfamiliar' is somewhat dangerous, but then the intensity in his stare melts into his usual gaze that for a second there Yoojung wonders if she's just imagining everything in her head.

"I'm feeling sad because," Bogum pauses, looking down as he clenches and unclenches his fists. "...Because I envy Minho-ssi for being so close to you even after all these years. Right now, we may be able to meet up from time to time and we can still spend time together, but once our schedule won't be so accommodating..." Bogum sighs and then lifts his gaze to look at her sheepishly, his ears red. "I'm just afraid we'll grow apart."

Yoojung frowns. "Grow apart?"

"What if you forget about me and go on making new friends--"

"Hold on, hold on," Yoojung flails her hands in front of him, the corner of her lips twitching in held amusement. "You are worrying about that, oppa?"

Bogum nods (somewhat sulkishly? Yoojung notes, her heart feeling all kinds of warmth) and he mumbles in a low voice. "It's not just that for me."

And well, he's not telling her the entire truth as to why he hasn't been acting like himself, but he will faster stab himself with a knife than tell her that he might actually (possibly, likely, most definitely) be...jealous. 

Yoojung laughs. "Really, oppa. What makes you think that just because we will be busy in the future, I will stop contacting you? I will never do that."

"I'm not worried about you not contacting me. I know you would never do that." Bogum says, his tone a bit dejected. "But you never know what might happen, right? Sometimes people can't help but grow apart when they no longer see each other as often. And besides, I'm even more worried about it because you treat me differently than the way you treat your other friends."

Yoojung blinks. "I do?"

"You do. You treat me differently than your other oppas, too." Bogum mutters.

The girl folds her arms in front of her chest and tilts her head. "How so?"

"You don't hug me as often as you hug them."

She flushes. "That--"

"And you're always so quick to laugh with them and yet when you're with me these days, you can barely look into my eyes--"

"That's because--" Yoojung covers her mouth and stops herself before she can blurt all of her feelings to him. That's because you're special!

She can feel her cheeks reddening again and coughs, trying to act cool. "Well, at any rate, you are worrying for nothing oppa, because I have no intention to break off our relationship." 

But then she realizes that her words can be interpreted in a different way, and judging by the surprised look on Bogum's face, Yoojung knows that he might misunderstand her words in that way too (because really, there is no 'relationship' between them, she reminds herself and ignores the painful twinge in her heart) and she quickly rectifies her sentence, "I mean, we will still be in touch with each other in the future. Ten years from now, ani -- even a hundred years from now. I will still remember you, and I will still remember to wish you on your birthday."

Bogum snorts in amusement, his lips quirk upward into a teasing smile. "Ah...but I think a hundred years from now is too much. I will have to be around a hundred and twenty years old by then."

Yoojung rolls her eyes affectionately and grins. "Ne, ne. And even then I will still be six years younger than you, and definitely healthier and less forgetful. If anything, I have to be worried about you forgetting me."

Bogum makes an amused sound at the back of his throat and pokes at her cheek playfully. "Are you saying that I'm old?"

Yoojung snickers. "You are older than me."

"Hmm." He narrows his eyes in mock-contemplation, before suddenly leaning down, face only a few inches apart from hers. Yoojung blinks and holds her breath, finally realizing their current proximity. "O-Oppa?"

"Promise?" He intones in a gentle voice, offering his pinky at her.

Yoojung blinks. "Huh?"

He grins. "That you will never forget about me."

Mouth forming a small 'o', Yoojung shakes her head, laughing. "Alright, oppa, you worrywart." She hooks her pinky with his and huffs. "Happy now?"

Bogum pulls away and gives her his best rejected puppy face. "...Does that you will now treat me the same way you treat your other friends? Will you..." Can I hug you like I used to?

"T-that..." Yoojung looks down and shuffles her feet, fiddling with the hem of her hoodie. "That's impossible."

Bogum blinks, a look of hurt veiling his eyes. "Eh--but...why--"

It's not good for my heart, that's why. Yoojung cries inwardly, and she bites her lips, her cheeks flushing deep crimson. 

"You're..." She swallows, finding it almost impossible to control the anxious drumbeat of her heart. "Because you're different. You're..." She breathes, slowly taking a step closer to him, and curls her fingers into his shirt, lifting her gaze to meet his unblinking eyes. "You're special, oppa."

Bogum's breath caught in his throat, and he can't help but lean back a fraction of an inch, slightly unnerved, both by the unexpectedness and tenderness of her revelation, and it takes a few seconds before his heart starts to beat again, and detachedly, he realizes he would have been less surprised if she had slapped him across the face out of the blue. 


When Yoojung finally looks back up at him, she is startled by expression in his dark brown eyes -- intense, the way she has never seen them before. For a fraction of a second, a tiny part of her feels like running away, but she quickly shuts down that train of thought and continues to watch him, somewhat bewildered, but not daring to pull away. Her hands are still locked with his, and Yoojung starts again, her voice almost quivering at the end. You can do this, Yoojung-ah. Don't crumble! 

"Oppa, can you lean down for a bit?"


Yoojung scrunches her eyes shut and stands on her tip-toes, using his shoulders as a leverage, and tilts her head to initially plant a kiss on his cheek; however, in that particular instance, Bogum also inclines his head to follow her request, and instead of his cheeks, Yoojung ends up pressing her lips to his own ones.

The girl gasps in shock and almost immediately pulls away from her hold on him as if she has just been burned, and Bogum is still rooted in his spot, unblinking and unmoving, akin to a statue.

What...just happened? 

Yoojung brings her hands to her mouth and stammers, blinking and trembling, "Um--that--oppa, I don't mean to--I was aiming for your cheek, I mean--I'm so sorry!" She squeaks out, ducking out from under him and promptly pulls her hoodie up, hoping that it could conceal her now probably neon red face. 

After her abrupt apology, Yoojung quickly dashes toward the door and Bogum, who has just realized that she is running away from him before he can say anything, immediately reaches to catch a hold of her, but she is already nowhere to be found, and instead he can hear her footsteps echoing throughout the hallway. Bogum then slumps to the floor, one of his knees bent, and a hand covering his face.

"Hyung, what's up with Yoojung-ie? I saw her running outside and her face is completely red--woah." Dongyeon blinks and pauses on the door as he looks at the older man who is currently sitting haphazardly on the floor, his face burning bright crimson. 

"...What's with that sneak attack?" Bogum mutters, covering his mouth with the back of his hand, looking completely flustered. He rakes a hand through his hand, groaning. "That's too unfair, how am I supposed to stop myself from being selfish now?"

"What are you mumbling about, hyung?" Dongyeon sends him a strange look, taking a sip at his orange juice calmly as he plops himself on the couch. "Is it that hot in here?"

Bogum sighs into his hands and shakes his head. "I'm just too impure." 

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O. Obvious

(October, 2016)


Soobin wishes that one day, she can find someone who would look at her the way Bogum-oppa looks at Yoojung-ie.

They make such a wonderful couple, she notes to herself, and Soobin has always been a hopeless romantic at heart, so she can't help but pay close attention to the way Yoojung-ie -- the usually so energetic and boyish and carefree Yoojung-ie -- would blush like a girl in love whenever she's in front of him, or how Bogum-oppa -- nice, gentlemanly, and always polite but also maintaining a respectful distance Bogum-oppa -- would perk up like a school boy whenever somebody mentions anything related to the eighteen-year-old, and seems to not understand the definition of 'personal space' when it comes to his younger co-star. 

"How many times has it been now?"

"Three times."

"Aish, I can't believe I lost." Soobin sees Director Kim handing five thousand won to the camera PD and she blinks in confusion. 

"What's going on?"

Hyesung peeks out from the closed doors and waves a hand at her. 

Soobin walks toward her and stops beside the older woman, whispering. "A bet?"

Hyesung nods. "Oh. They were betting on how many times Bogum would hold Yoojung's hand."


"It's been three times already since--ah, never mind." Hyesung snickers behind her hand, pointing at their co-stars who are currently wrapped up in their own little world. "Make that four."

Soobin pulls out her phone from the pocket of her hanbok and grins widely. 



"I can see hearts in your eyes."

The twenty-two year old actress sighs dreamily. "I can't help it, unnie." She squeals into her hand after she secretly took a picture of Yoojung standing on her tip-toes to fix Bogum's gat. "Look at them smiling at each other. They're just so lovely together."

Hyesung laughs at her dongsaeng's antic, but turns to Yoojung and Bogum and suddenly finds herself wishing she has a boyfriend.

It's like seeing honey dripping from their eyes, she mutters, sighing. How nice. Young love. 


Jinyoung has discovered something really interesting recently.

It's usually not in his nature to tease someone so mercilessly, but the way his younger co-star reacts is just too amusing.

For example: 

He places an arm around Yoojung-ie's shoulder.

Jinyoung can see from the corner of his eyes that Bogum has suddenly stood from his seat, causing his stylist to scold him and he can hear the younger man apologizing profusely.

Jinyoung then shifts his body slightly toward Yoojung and leans down, whispering beside her ear: "Yoojung-ah, can you help me fix my hair?"

The younger girl, of course, obliges -- kind girl that she is -- and reaches out a hand to fix the non-existent mess on his hair, but it's enough for other people (especially from a certain someone's angle) to think that she is touching his face. 


Oh. Jinyoung notes in amazement. A frown. 

He then turns around so that his face is directly facing Bogum, while Yoojung's face is buried in his chest, completely hidden from the younger actor's prying eyes.

"Heh," He chuckles at the way Bogum freezes like a statue the second he wraps his arms around Yoojung, and breathes out. "I can't believe the prince is sulking."

Yoojung blinks and pulls away, tilting her head in confusion, "Huh? What do you mean by that, Jinyoung-oppa?"

Jinyoung smiles and immediately retracts both of his hands away from her, and right on time, Bogum appears behind Yoojung, his usually gentle and harmless eyes sharpened into daggers. 

This is as close as he gets to see what a glaring Park Bogum looks like, Jinyoung thinks. 

"Looks like your prince is here," Jinyoung quips, smirking. He pats Bogum on the shoulder, ready to leave, before suddenly pausing. 

"Ah, right." 

Jinyoung turns around to face Yoojung and bends down once again to do what Bogum usually does to her: poking at her cheek.

Yoojung stares at him in bewilderment, while the younger actor's expression sours almost instantly.

The corner of Jinyoung's mouth twitches. Not...good. Must...not...laugh. He tilts his head to the side so he can hide his amusement with a snort. He looks so troubled, though.  


Oh, so cold. Jinyoung coughs. Where did my cute dongsaeng go to? 

"Well, I'll see you two later. The director is calling for me."

Needless to say, it takes almost three days before Jinyoung can look at Bogum properly again without being scared that Lee Min is going to haunt him in his dreams. 


Dongyeon thinks Bogum-hyung can't be more obvious.

And as an actor, shouldn't he be a pro at toning down his blush?

"O-oppa, that's my water-bottle."

"Eh? A-Ah, mian, Yoojung-ah." 

And then cue the blush.

Dongyeon rolls his eyes at the two.

Yoojung-ie he can understand. But Bogum-hyung? 

Really, how old are they, to get so worked up and all nervous over an indirect kiss?

They have technically done other things during filming that should have made them blush even more, and it just proves again and again to Dongyeon how professional his two friends are in front of the camera. 

"Hyung, what are you--"

"Sssh." Bogum puts his index finger in front of his mouth and gestures toward Yoojung whose head is currently nestled on his shoulder. "Let her rest. She hasn't had a good sleep these past few days."

For a moment there, Dongyeon has to pause and gather his thoughts because maybe his eyes are betraying him, but the two of them really do look like a couple.

"Ah, well. Just don't push yourself too hard, hyung." He awkwardly pats Bogum's other unoccupied shouler, clearing his throat. "You haven't had a proper rest too, have you?" 

Bogum smiles. "I'll be fine."

Dongyeon nods and sends his two friends one last look, before he turns around, lips stretched into a smirk. 

Hmm, he wonders who Bogum-hyung would pick as his best man.

There's Taehyung-hyung, so there's a lot more competition on Bogum-hyung's side.

Maybe he should just become Yoojungie's maid of honour.

So deep is Dongyeon in his own pondering, that he almost misses the small blur that passes by him. 

"Oh, wait, Jungeun-ah!"

The little girl stops and instantly covers her mouth with her hands, whispering back, "Dongyeon-oppa?"

Dongyeon walks toward the young girl and bends down on one knee. "Where are you going?"

"I'm trying to find Yoojung-unnie, since she promised she would teach me how to improve my crying," Jungeun says, her voice still in hushes. "Geunde, why are we whispering, oppa?"

"Yoojung-ie is currently sleeping."

"Eh? She is?" Jungeun gasps. "She must be so tired."

Dongyeon nods, bobbing his head up and down as he smiles and offers his hand to the young actress. "Come on, let's leave her alone for now. I'm sure you can ask her again once she wakes up."

Jungeun takes his hand and smiles. "Okay!"

Dongyeon walks in the opposite direction where his two friends are previously, and shrugs inside.

Well, if Bogum-hyung is already that obvious and Yoojung-ie still hasn't noticed, he would need all the help he can get.

"Maybe I should ask Jinyoung-hyung for help," Dongyeong mutters in contemplation, "And Kim-PD too."

Jungeun blinks innocently. "Hm?"

The young actor laughs. "It's nothing."

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W. Wish

(November, 2016)


"Don't be sad, the white first snow will fall..."

"Oh. That song."

She perks up, turning to look at him. "You know the song, Bogum-oppa?"

The two of them are currently eating ice cream at Blossom Entertainment's cafeteria after Bogum picked her up from her supplementary lesson to go on a supposedly after-school date.

"A d-date?" She had asked him, flabbergasted. "Why?"

"Hm? I thought that's your wish? To go on a date in your school uniform." He replied teasingly, as they rode on his bicycle. "I was on my way back from campus after submitting my application so it's just perfect."

He distinctly remembered her huffing in amusement. "Eyy, that's your wish, oppa, not mine. And why are we going to your agency?"

Of course, he had expertly avoided her question and told her that the cafeteria of Blossom Ent. has the best soft ice cream in Seoul. 

"The First Snow is Falling," Bogum replies, wiping a stain of goguma ice cream from the corner of her mouth with his thumb, chuckling. "Do you like the snow?"

"Un. Especially since this morning, I have a feeling it might actually snow soon--oh!" Yoojung suddenly stands up, her chair creaking against the floor. Her eyes widen in delight when she sees the flurries of white fluttering in the air and turns to look at Bogum, cheeks flushing red in excitement, and points at the glass window. "Oppa! Look, look, it's snowing!"

It takes a while before he can pull his eyes away from her adorably red cheeks and bright, sparkling eyes, but then he follows her finger and has to suck in a gasp of amazement as he watches the first snow of the year dancing and flickering in the air outside. 

Yoojung dashes toward the window and unlocks one door, sliding them open, and steps out into the veranda, one arm outstretched in front of her. She giggles and spins around like an excited child, with her ice cream still in one hand, and beams at him. "It's snowing! And it's still November, too!"

The corner of his lips tilt upward at her sudden display of exuberance -- it's been a while since he last saw her being this cheerful and so animated about something; the last time she did it was when he gave her a Ponyo key-chain from a thrift shop in LA -- but he notices that she's only wearing nothing but her school uniform and rushes out with a coat in his hand.

"Yoojung-ah, don't go out in this cold wearing so few," He scolds her gently as he walks up toward her and covers her tiny figure with his black coat. "You will get sick later."

Yoojung shakes her head and smiles at him. "I will be fine, oppa!"

"Ani, you won't," he taps a finger at her forehead, quirking a small smile at her pout. "Humour me, please?"

She sighs and stretches out both of her arms.

Bogum raises an eyebrow, smirking a little. "You want me to help you put on the coat?"

Yoojung's eyes widen in realization, and she clears her throat, cheeks flushing in embarrassment. "Emm, I mean, I still have my ice cream in one-hand, but--"

"Just kidding," he remarks softly, crossing the space between them in one large step and languidly grabs the black coat from her hands, "I know you're excited because of the snow, but don't forget to dress warmly, okay?"

She peers at him through her lashes, chewing on her lips and ducks her head down to bury her face into his coat, unconsciously breathing in his scent that does nothing to calm the fluttering in her chest. "Un." 

Bogum chuckles and tucks a loose strand behind her ear, tenderly stroking the side of her cheek with the back of his hand. "You look like a snowman."

Yoojung looks up and puffs her cheeks, giving him a half-hearted glare. "It's because your coat is too big on me."

Bogum has to bite down the silly grin on his face. "You still look pretty, though."

Yoojung is torn between averting her eyes again (how can he always say such things with such a straight face? She grumbles inwardly) and fighting the blush that threatens to take over her face. A snowflake falls on her cheek and Yoojung is suddenly reminded about the reason why she went out here in the first place. 

"Oh, right, oppa." She reaches out for his hand and tangles their fingers together, waving their joined hands back and forth enthusiastically. "Let's make a wish!"

Bogum grips back at her and shakes his head as he smiles down at her, fastening the last button on her coat. "I'm already so thankful with what I have right now. Wishing for more will only make me greedy."

Yoojung tip-toes to sweep the snow covering his hair and Bogum instinctively leans down, meeting her at eye-level. She blows the remaining flurries on the top of his head and knits her brows together. "Eh, but it's alright to be greedy from time to time, you know." She closes her eyes and makes a wish inside her heart, before fluttering her eyes open and hums happily. "There's nothing wrong with wishing for more happiness."

"Even if wishing for happiness might cause you unhappiness?" Bogum asks.

Yoojung pauses at his words and pulls his coat higher, pondering. "...I don't know, but," she tilts her head and glances at him, her smile curved a little bit softer. "Happiness and unhappiness. All of them stem from one thing, and that's desire. That's why, regardless of the outcome, I think we as humans will always make our wishes. And there's nothing wrong about that."

She turns to look at him again, and his gaze at that moment holds such tenderness that Yoojung's heart unwittingly skips a beat.

"What did you wish for, then?"

Yoojung blinks and sticks her tongue out playfully, licking at her ice cream. "Not telling."

Bogum makes a disappointed face and fakes a sigh. "Eh, what's with that? So cruel, Yoojung-ah."

She laughs at his horrible acting, her hair falling off her shoulder, and his eyes then catch the sight of the chain hanging off her neck.

"You still have them with you?"


Yoojung follows his gaze and finds it fixed on the two silver bands dangling from the chain around her neck. Those are the rings that the two of them wore back when they were still promoting their drama. She then nods, smiling. "Of course I do, they're my treasures." Her fingers slowly hover over them and her eyes soften at the memory they bring. "Besides, they make great accessories for necklaces."


Bogum grins teasingly. "Your treasures, huh?"


"Um," Yoojung mumbles, lips tugging into a shy smile. "It's a souvenir from the time we acted together, after all. Even if the PR only gave it to us for promotional purposes, it's such a waste to throw them away now, right?"  

"It is," he agrees, nodding. 

A comfortable silence blankets over them and Bogum closes his eyes, his turn to quietly make a wish. When he opens them again he is surprised to find her staring at him in excitement. 

"So? Did you just make a wish, oppa?"

He nods again.

"What was your wish?"

The corner of his mouth tilts upward into a cheeky grin and he mimics her previous answer, poking at her cheek. "Not telling."

Yoojung makes a face at him, and he copies her silly expression, and the two of them break out into a fit of laughter. However, their hilarity is short-lived as the ice cream on Yoojung's hand starts to drip onto her fingers, staining the sleeve of her coat. 

"Ah! Oh no, it's dripping." Yoojung wonders why this scenario feels vaguely familiar and points on the side that's starting to melt at a rapid speed, looking at Bogum in panic, "Oppa, tissue, tissue."

Bogum rummages through the pocket of his shirt and thankfully finds some tissues to salvage her dying ice cream and sticky fingers. Wrapping the sheets around the melting cone, he chuckles at her relieved face and takes a brief glimpse at her now crumbling ice cream. Before he can stop himself, Bogum has tipped his head down to take a lick at the dessert.  

"Hmm, it tastes like goguma." He then closes his eyes, cringing at the sudden cold that bombards his brain. "Ah, but too cold." 

Yoojung flushes at his action and gives him the stink eye. "Che, serves you right. You won't tell me your wish. And now you're even stealing my ice cream." She sighs, muttering. "Since when have you become such a meanie, Bogum-oppa?"

He flicks her nose playfully and sighs in fake-surrender. "You really want to know what my wish is?"

Yoojung's ears perk up almost instantly. "Oh."

Bogum makes a gesture with his fingers that motions her to come closer, and Yoojung follows suit, bending her head toward him while he leans down to whisper beside her ear. "You see..."

"Hmm?" She swallows, excited. 

He chortles and blows into her ear. "It's a secret!" 

Bogum laughs again at the look of disbelief on her face, and runs to escape from her prying fists as she chases him around the veranda, harrumphing. "Stop teasing me, oppa!"

He looks at her from one shoulder and suddenly stops, causing Yoojung to pause unceremoniously, bumping her face onto his back. Bogum lets out a small chuckle at the expression she's making, and then turns her around so that her back is against his front. Yoojung mumbles grumpily, rubbing her sore nose, "Oppa, what are you doing--"

Before she can finish her sentence, Bogum has circled his arms around her front and tugs her back against his chest, his chin nestled on her shoulder as he calls her name in a gentle tone. "Yoojung-ah."

Yoojung stills in his arms with a bated breath, blaming the cold for her trembling fingers and red cheeks. "Hmm?"  

The moment she begins to relax in his embrace, Bogum takes both of her hands in his own, lightly tracing his thumbs over her knuckles and the backs of her hands, before carefully interlacing their fingers. There's just something about the simple gesture that causes her heart to pound furiously against her ribcage -- as if they're about to burst out of her chest -- and maybe it's because she rarely indulges in such interactions before, but Yoojung suddenly realizes how small her hands are compared to his, how warm they are against her own ones, and how come it is only now that she notices the length of his fingers and the broadness of his palms?


My wish...

"What is it, oppa?" She asks in a quiet voice, breath coming out in white clouds, and a part of her is scared to destroy the somewhat tranquil silence that's shrouding them. "Are you cold?" 

He shakes his head. 

My wish...is to one day buy you a new ring, and hopefully...

"...Hopefully," he says as he lifts their interlocked hands up a few inches, staring at the friendship ring she told him she's gotten with her classmates. "You will let me put it on your ring finger."

Yoojung blinks, looking up at him from her shoulder. "Hm? What?"

Bogum grins and tightens his grip on her hand. "Nothing."

Maybe the time will come because that rapid thump-thump-thump he's hearing isn't just from his own heart beating, Bogum notices, and slowly, with that smile still etched on his face, he leans down and presses a kiss to the crown of her head for two and a half heartbeats. 

"Eh? What was that? I felt something on my head just now."

Bogum hums innocently. "It must be your imagination."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


(December, 2028)


He is so beautiful, she thinks. How can someone so beautiful and kind really be mine?

She trails her fingers along his face -- from his forehead to his cheekbones and down to his jaw -- brushing the strands of hair from his closed lids, one finger hovering over his eyebrow. She can see the rise and fall of his chest, feel the warmth of his breath on her temple, and she presses an ear against his chest, listening to steady rhythm of his heart beating. 

It's always mornings like this that she loves the most, when neither of them is particularly busy and they can enjoy their Saturday mornings cuddled together in their bed. Bogum-oppa has just recently finished shooting for a movie that's due to be released next year, while she just finished wrapping up a series of CFs for Laniege, and it's been a while since they can spend time together without the prying eyes of the public and the media. 

Yoojung shifts her gaze back to his sleeping face, a small smile tugging the corner of her lips, and snuggles against his shoulder as she continues to watch him rest. The way the morning light falls upon his features really makes him look like an angel, Yoojung muses, and she softly places one hand on his cheek, stroking the underside of his eye with her thumb.

Her small action seems to have caused him to stir awake, because she watches as he slowly flutters his eyes open.

Brown orbs, still hazy and dazed from sleep, meet hers. 

"...Yoojung-ah." He mumbles, rubbing his eyes, and Yoojung resists the urge to chuckle again because he looks so, very cute this way. 

"Morning, oppa."

Focusing his gaze, Bogum is rewarded with the sight of her smiling face, her hair a gentle stream of midnight against the white pillows, and his heart starts to beat faster because she looks so beautiful and so lovely and all his. He wraps his arms tighter around her petite figure and tugs her closer, her face nestled into the crook of his neck, and Yoojung breathes in deeply -- she smells fresh-linen, warm morning, and Bogum-oppa. Her hand trails upward to rest on his back and they stay curled up in each other's embrace that way for a good thirty minutes or so, before Yoojung finds herself unconsciously falling into a light slumber. 

She wakes up to the sensation of someone stroking her hair, and she yawns, tangling her fingers into his shirt. "What time is it, oppa?"

"It's eight-thirty," Bogum replies, chuckling. He leans down to rest his forehead against hers, before kissing her lids gently.

It's a routine, Yoojung thinks. But it doesn't mean her heart beats any less fast when he does that. 

"Good morning, Yoojung-ah."

She smiles and closes her eyes again, savouring the warmth of his hand on her cheek. "...Is this a dream?"

Bogum twirls a stray lock of hair around his finger, before tucking them behind her ear. "Hmm? Dream?"

Yoojung blinks her eyes open. The sliver of light coming off from their wedding ring is bright and palpable and when she pulls herself up to kiss the corner of his lips, the rumbling of his laughter against her palms is as tangible as the pale winter sunshine that peeks in through the curtains.

"Did you dream about something?"

Yoojung shakes her head, her lips stretched into a contented smile. "Ani."

She nuzzles into his chest like a kitten, and Bogum smiles, resting one hand on her waist and the other pulling her closer, his lips warm on her forehead. 



"Are you really mine?"

He blinks at her question, turning his head to the side so he can get a clearer view of her expression. Even to this day, Bogum never gets tired of looking at her blushing cheeks. Maybe that's why he finds himself having a hard time not teasing her.

"...What kind of question is that?"

Yoojung wilts in disappointment, hitting his chest lightly. "...So you're not?"

Bogum laughs, burying his nose into her hair. "You're so silly, Yoojung-ah." He pokes at her cheek and grins. "Of course I am yours." He tangles their fingers together and brings them to his mouth, pressing his lips to her wedding band. "Still don't believe me?"

She's twenty-nine, and he's thirty-five, and Yoojung thinks, as she laughs into his hug, that she is so grateful to be alive.

Her touch lingers over the silver band on his own ring finger, and still smiling, she prays. 

If all of this is a dream, then it is one that I wish I will never wake up from. 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


A/N: Gah. I couldn't stop cringing when I wrote this one-shot (definitely NOT a drabble). I'm pretty sure each prompt exceeds at least 1k words. Sigh. I'm so sorry that it's super long -- it's a bad habit of mine. Just can't stop typing once I start XD

Regarding the prompts -- err, jealous Bogum (p.s. whoever coined the term 'Bogum Wall' -- you rock!), more of jealous Bogum, cute BoYoo, and their married life. :D

p.p.s.: I haven't managed to proofread this but will do so in the near future. Now off to do my assignment! :D Hope you guys enjoy reading this :)


@cici1: I do have another YeongOn story that I posted a while ago, but since they're not necessarily about uri BoYoo couple, I'll put them under spoiler :)




Gaaahhhhhhhh. What a way to start my morning! Author-nim, you are so JJANG! Daebak I may say~

When you put BoYoo + Winter + Jealousy + in bed moments = HOLY GRAIL AMAZINGNESS!!!! :heart::blush:

I'm smiling like a real pabo when I read this prompts of yours. :glasses: Sweetness overload especially the one about their married life. A married adult BoYoo is one that I wish will come true in near future. *praying hard*

Thank you for this one dear @thesecretgarden. Please do write more okay chingu. I'd love to read it. :wub:

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OH MY GOD! THIS IS SO DAEBAK! djdfjqfwpr[wi0idjpwfqwfpqjfqpejq!!!!!! They will attend the MAMA Awasrds thid Dec 2nd! :w00t::w00t:

Thanks for the tips guys! 

Now I feels like screaming in excitement! This news is way more exciting than me passing my examination today. Hahahaha. :lol:

Finally I have the reason to watch MAMA again. ^____^ ^_^

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1 hour ago, canes said:

@cici1  all chingus

Yoo Jung had boy friend around 2014 and date about 300 days. why people say she is underage to date, i do not understand.

 it is because of they both are popular celebrities , then i could be able to understand. they can date but they should not date. am i right . enlighten me please. LOL

Actually, she's the one who set her mind to date only if she turns 20. This she said after her experience of dating at a young age. But I guess she can always change her mind. As long as they don't confirm it, we don't mind either if they're dating in secret-delulu mode again.:)

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