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[OFFICIAL] <3Ɛ> Couple ~ Jota & Kim Jin Kyung Thread


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@syzygium   me wonder  whats in that box they are holding ... did they win a  game or something ....?   cant wait!


@mellynarifqi -  tks!   she is doing so well in her career .... nice!   loving that simmering lipstick btw...


@khairunni - better late than never .... hehehehe.....

i enjoy watching the interaction btwn LG and jinkyung, as  there was no awkwardness even tho its only their second meeting.

young jinkyung spoke her mind even to him, for calling HN noona ... 

i think their meeting during Madtown's comeback really broke the ice.. and BIL can see how easy going jinkyung is.. 



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2 hours ago, indien said:


33 couple basically kisses every time they meet after jota request playfully at a lake.

Ep.10&11&12 (1N2D) request a kiss 

Ep.13&14 (starring contest & photoshoot) jk kiss jota

Ep.15&16 (with jk mother & sister) jota kiss jk

Ep.17& Chuseok. Jk kiss, kiss and kiss jota

Ep.20&21 (Everland) in the preview jota kiss jk


Both of them would be experts in cheek kissing by now. Wonder if they will "level up" to another type of kissing in the future. :phew:

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On 9/26/2016 at 2:08 AM, mellynarifqi said:

I m highly anticipating haunted house date for upcoming ep, but this sweet little affection is haunting me now hahaha



I love how you can see his ring in this scene. :blush: 

I've noticed that the other couples don't always wear their rings regularly, but 33 couple always has them on.   

Jinkyung even kept hers on when they went to catch the mud eels :lol:

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27 minutes ago, mellynarifqi said:

:heart: IS IN THE AIR !!!!!! :lol:

Btw,leegeon n haena brought 3 ice creams n 1 mineral water. Anybody has idea who s asking for the water ? ;);)

Thank you for the updates Samsanizens...:blush:


I guess jinkyung who asking for the water. haena can eat normal in front of camera.

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Episode 20 Thoughts & Highlights

I am SO HAPPY that we are back to having our 33 couple to ourselves for 20 minutes! YAY!

1. I am super happy to see Jin and Jota!! Listening to their conversation about setting their friends up for a blind date, they may have talked about it before hand. Jin said she had asked her BILs their ideal types before but can't remember what they said. This may have happened when she met her BILs during MBC's M Countdown. Sigh, more hints at SO MUCH unshown footage. Can they please just have a WGM spin off where it is ALL ABOUT our 33 couple. I'm SO SURE they have A LOT of entertaining footage they can broadcast. I do agree Jota already knows which friend Jin is bringing. He cannot act (yet), hehe, but it's cute seeing him try. What are the chances that he says his friend likes women who looks like a cat and Jin happens to bring one that has a strong cat-like resemblance, HAHA. I can tell it's sorta planned already because Jin says that she did invite a cat, and Jota responds 'really?', his 'really' wasn't very surprised. Compare this "jinja" of his, to the "jinja" when he happened to picked the cafe that sells healthy dishes and it happens to be the one that Jin frequents, his tone goes really high and his face shows his surprise. We all know Jota can't hide his feelings. I reckon Jin and Jota know who each are bringing, but I'm sure Leegeon and Haena don't know that the other person is coming. Nevertheless, I believe even if you know who the other person is going to bring, it would still be nerve-wracking because it's a first meeting and you don't really know that other person well. HAha, even though Leegeon is so nervous about this matchmaking to the point that his hands are sweating and he is breaking out in pimples, I can see he is also excited to meet his blind date. His heart is beating fast and when Jota feels it, he exclaims "jinja! ....  " .. and that is how his 'jinja' sounds if Jota is truly surprised, lol. Oooh, Leegeon likes older girls because he likes to depend on people, he likes noonas! I can hear the collective sighs and squees of noona Leegeon fans around the world, lol. Omg, Jota's lame joke that Leegeon can always lean on the wall, LOL, *face palm*. No wonder, Leegeon is Jota's soulmate, he casually responds that he's always leaning on chairs, playing a long with Jota's word-play. LOL. BFF goals. HAHa, Leegeon is so funny. He says normally he can't speak well in front of a girl he likes even though he is usually funny, but when Jin mentions that the girl likes funny guys, he says he will try his best, HAHA. It's actually funny watching Jota watching his bff being nervous. Jota is all nervous and shy even tho he's not the one being set up. LOL, Jota WHY are you covering your face when Haena enters the cafe LOOL. She's not your blind date! It's cute that Leegeon copies Jota and covers his face too until Haena is right infront of him. Haena and Leegeon are shy and awkward at the first introduction, hahaha, it's cute. Leegeon is playing it all cool saying he's not awkward at all and Jota's face is getting red and flushed, HAHA, omg, Jota dear, what are you doing. WHY? You have Jin! Is he shy and embarrassed for his friend? Is he like that because Haena is Jin's friend and not just some random girl? OOh, Leegeon orders a VERY COLD ice Americano which is code that he likes his date! What's funny is how Haena unknowingly orders the same - haha, she likes him too, HAHA! While Leegeon and Haena are exchanging their ages and Leegeon asks if Haena doesn't mind seeing a younger guy, I can see Jota whispering something to Jin! Ah! I want to know what these two are whispering about! Leegeon and Haena are 5 years apart. That's okay. That's no biggie. It can work. I know because that's actually very similar to my situation. My husband is 6 years younger than me. What I really like about Haena is that she's not shy at all. I wonder if most models have confidence and are a bit bold just like Jin? Leegeon decides to call Haena noona first, and says he will call her name later. From what I know of Korean culture, usually when a younger guy likes an older woman, he will drop the noona-honourifics. Even though the panel thinks Leegeon made a mistake, I can understand Leegeon's decision. He wants to be polite first because this is their first EVER meeting. He said he will call her by her name later, so that shows that he IS interested. He just wants to show respect first, because she is his SIL's friend. BAHAHA, Leegeon is so dense describing his ideal type which is totally opposite to Haena. I was cracking up at him being so clueless. But I think he caught on near the end, because he says it doesn't matter, now things have changed HAha! Oh Leegeon. It really shows that this is his first blind date. Leegeon definitely finds Haena attractive. He can't really look at her consistently and keeps looking at Jin and Jota when talking. Leegeon sings a song to impress Haena and I'm laughing at Jota covering his face, HAHaha why Jota? I feel like he's worried he will start laughing at Leegeon's behaviour. He's probably never seen this side of Leegeon before. Haena likes the singing. Having a musical trait is a big attraction for most girls. In the BRI, Jota giggles at his friend's behaviour, LOL. I really liked how he mentions the DATES that he goes on with Jin. He's not just meeting her for filming, it's a DATE to him. Samsamnizens have been saying all along that we think these two are using the WGM platform to date. Lol, Jota hints to Leegeon to go to the restroom so that Jin can ask Haena what she thinks about Leegeon HAha. So Haena had thought Jota would bring Moos, the leader, but was thrown off at the beginning because it was Leegeon instead. I think Jota did a great job in picking Leegeon. Leegeon may be nervous but he knows how to carry a conversation with Haena and break the ice, hence making her laugh a lot. It was funny how they made it so obvious they were talking about Leegeon when he returned from the restroom because they ALL fiddled with their drinks at the same time, lol. When they announced they will be have a double date at the Amusement Park, it was cute how Jin followed Jota's hand movement. 

2. Leegeon is a really good talker. He's funny and likes to pay out his SIL. Jota felt jealous that Leegeon was doing so well at his first meeting with Haena that he wished he had been like Leegeon when he first met Jin. But Jota, your shyness, quietness and naivety is what makes you charming! You don't have to be funny. Your action speaks louder. You hooked thousands of girls around the world in that first epiode on WGM!! No joke! YOU are the reason I started watching WGM religiously again since the Solim Couple. HAHA, I love how Jin changes the meaning to the Alzzang Couple from, the best couple once you know them, to the most annoying couple once you know them. LOL. She really does speak her mind. Leegeon is definitely comfortable with Jin, calling her mean. It's as if Jota talks to Leegeon so much about Jin that he feels very close to her already to call her mean and rude, Lol. Leegeon is doing SUCH a tremendously great job at making Haena laugh a lot during the car ride. He unknowly knows how to gain a girl's interest. He may have made a small mistake calling her noona, which I am glad Jin was able to point out and told him to call her name instead, Leegeon made up for it during the car ride. Haena is impressed. Jota doesn't let this opportunity pass and asks Haena how Jin is at work. Haena says Jin is no different than usual. I like that what we see on WGM is how Jin is. There is no false pretences. I keep laughing at Leegeon paying Jin out, saying she's rude and making others awkward. I just realise Jota might not be jealous because Leegeon is talking so well with Haena. He is jealous because Leegeon is able to make both Haena AND his wife laugh so much in the car ride. Jota really likes Jin, even protecting his wife's image by saying that her coldness and boldness is her charm. Heh, he sure has totally fallen for her charms. Jota is really good at being on Leegeon's side. He's definitely the kind of friend you want when you meet a new girl. Jota sticks up for Leegeon when Jin asks if he's the type to be overly friendly to girls to the point that they can misunderstand and Jota says he isn't like that. When Leegeon and Haena pick different answers to the Matching Game, picking different dishes, Jota quickly jumps in and says it's good to have two different dishes to share, lol. He is really supportive of his friend on this double date. It's good to have that kind of friend around. Leegeon knows Jota has his back and can rely on Jota to help him impress Haena. Haena and Leegeon pick the same answers for everything afterwards and it makes me think, they are a good match. For the life of me, I don't know WHY Leegeon would mention if Haena is his lost sister, LOL! Dude! If you are impressed with the same answers you both are giving, say it's DESTINY instead! Leegeon might be a good talker, but he is a bit on the slow side when it comes to knowing what girls want to hear, LOL.

3. Amusement park! I haven't been to one in a LONG time and seeing them on a double date and all excited as they enter really makes me miss my younger days, sigh. Lol, Jota tries to protect Jin from the sun and Leegeon comments, what's the point, she's still pale, HAHA. He is such a smart alec! It's funny when Leegeon then tries to shield Haena's face aswell and Jota's whines don't copy me!, lol. When Leegeon talks about being on Haena's side (more word plays), Jota can't lose and without looking, swiftly takes Jin's hand and says, she's my honey. KYYAAAA!!!! My squee-o-meter just shot up! FINALLY! I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THEM TO HOLD HANDS AGAIN SINCE THEIR NAMSAN DATE! They gave us many cheek kisses but I still wanted the hand holding! Squee squee!! So happy! He did it so smoothly this time! Smooth operator! And not only that, they went straight to INTERTWINING their fingers! That's a high level of closeness there! *is on cloud nine* Look at them whispering to each other, invoking some jealousy from Leegeon, hehe. Jota fans his wife, pffftt, he's going all out showering her with affection infront of Leegeon HAHA! The same guy that could barely look Jin in the eyes in the first episode! Jota has sure come a long way. We knew it was only a matter of time. He's so well prepared with that fan. They check out the pandas and are a bit too excited talking just a wee bit loud. haha, can't blame them. Pandas are so damn cute. I've seen them at zoos. They are so fluffy like a teddy bear that it makes me wanna cuddle them, lol. They check out the monkeys next and I notice Jota keeps the fan on Jin cooling her down. He's so thoughtful! Must be a hot day. I'm so glad the double date is looking to be a success and they are having a lot of fun. I love dodgem cars! They are so much fun. Jota helps Jin buckle up and it's no big deal for Jin that his hands are quite close to her chest, lol. I have to mention their head bands before I forget. They are so cute. The little panda on Jota's head, hehe. I like how Leegeon gives Haena a cute grin when they get in, but too bad she didn't see. They are having so much fun crashing into each other. LOL at Leegeon trying to 'protect' Haena, but she's so out of it being thrown around that she mistakes his enthusiasm as just being excited all by himself, LOL! Poor Leegeon, being misunderstood. I hope Haena will realise when she watches the broadcast. YES! Our couple are holding hands again as they head to challenge the roller coaster. Lol, so sneaky of J&J to suggest the Alzzang Couple hold hands when buying snacks if they fail to complete the mission. Jota is working really hard to help Leegeon enjoy this date! As they line up for their turn, Jin starts getting nervous and scared. Jota puts his arm around her shoulder and I fist pump YES! I've been wanting him to do that too! Put his arms around her! Jota reassures her by rubbing her shoulders. The gate opens and I totally LOL at Jin as she makes her way into the seat. It's like her soul has left her body, HAHA, she's so dazed. It's so adorable how Jota keeps hold of her hand and pats it and he KEEPS STARING AT HER! You can see hearts shooting out of his eyes! Leegeon tries to calm Haena down too. He pats her on the shoulder and it makes me think that Leegeon will be very good at skinship if he was on WGM. It's his first meeting with Haena and he easily touches her. bAHahA! The announcer asks if anyone wants to get off and both Haena and Jin's hands shoots right up! HAha! I would so get out too. Heck, I wouldn't even set foot in there! I am so scared of roller coasters, I will probably faint. Omygosh, Jin is so funny on the roller coaster, she is cracking me up big time. The ride hasn't even moved yet and her mouth is gaping. The ride is slowly making it's way forward and Jin starts to have a panic attack. She's freaking out, and this give Jota the perfect chance to put his arms around her and hold hands again, lol. The ride is crawling its way up and has barely started the scary part (the drops) and she's screaming from the top of her lungs already. HAHAHHA!! Jota asks Jin does she trust him and in response she holds his hand tighter and hooks her arm around his. Sweet! I'm starting to feel bad for Jin at this point. It looks like she's gonna start crying any minute. Leegeon is so cheeky, asking Haena to look over the edge when she is clearly scared aswell. Lol, and he is enjoying it too! Even if I am feeling bad for Jin, I am still laughing at her gibberish talks and screams HAHAHa! She's so funny. OHMGEEE!!! When the ride drops, Jota shouts out a heartfelt confession "JINKYUNG-ah, OPPA LIKES YOU!" and I've turned into a puddle of goo. SO SOOO SWWEEET! Don't know why the subs have it as 'i love you'. But anyways, that confession, is like seriously, Jota's genuine feelings. Some may think it's bad timing, but I think Jota just had that urge to confess and so he did it. He may have done it to take Jin's mind off the drop too, but I will bet anything not a word reached Jin's ear. She's too busy screaming, LOL. That drop looks deadly.

Next week's episode looks to be another heart killer. I'm gonna be hyperventilating for sure! That cheek-kiss! MBC NEVER shows a cheek kiss as a preview. We always get pleasantly surprised with one when we watch the broastcast because of course MBC would save the best for broadcast. But the fact that MBC is showing that cheek kiss in the preview can only mean that there is SOMETHING EVEN BETTER they are saving to show during broadcast!! And I think that haunted house is a big HINT! Look at Jota's ear to ear grin back hugging Jin!! LOL! AH! I can't wait to watch it!

I really like this episode. Even though Jota and Jin had to share screen time with Leegeon and Haena, it sure beats the Chuseok Special. Even if the camera was on Leegeon and Haena, at least J&J were also in the same frame, or they show the Alzzang couple but it's never for long and it'll go back to showing our 33 couple. This is how it should be done. I don't mind when it's done right. This was a good episode. I really enjoyed it.

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HO is back as panelist. Our couple is first now

OMO, jota casually leans on jk'shoulder n then....to her lap GYAAAAAAAAAAAA !!!!!!

so the popo is punisment for losing. i think jota lose on purpose hahaha

JK is really scare in haunted house 

when they are out of it, jk cant stand well,she schocked

it was a sweet moment when jota held her hand while she s still trembling, jota worried of her

they go to dinner, they play a game. i m curious what was it about. JK looks suprise at jota's answer

finally the double date is over, but i think LG had haena misunderstood toward him once again, but it just my guessing hahaha



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