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[Current Daily Drama 2016] The Unusual Family 별난 가족 - Monday to Friday 20:25


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2 hours ago, Triton823 said:

What i love about the coming fall of jr is she blindly allowed yj to do this and did not even bother to check anything out.....when i do stuff with my brothers or parents...i double check to make certain things are right..... Jr greed who destroyed her marriage and everything she touches will have a nice downfall....best thing about it....yj can't be punished because all documents were certified by jr signature....they will fire her for gross neglgence!

JR hardly knows YJ, red flag   is when he married HR after a   month of breaking it off  with his 5 y relationship  and now  his  fiance. and like a con  man  move right into their  home. lol all because JY wanted her  divorce daughter to live happy with the  man she  loves YJ. no one asked  how can  YJ love this spoiled  girl in such a  short time. HR was and still is  rude  ,nasty  condescending towards the workers and  mostly towards DY  cause  DY was talking to YJ. HR was loud and demanding.who in their  right  mind  will  fall in love with something like  that? her  behaviour fits in a  bar with  fights.lol

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Great posts everyone! It's so much fun to read everyone's comments and observations  

When DY told SW that if JR finds out about DY/YJ, that will just increase JR's antipathy towards her, boy, how thrilled was SW! She is all set to destroy DT/DY's happiness. By telling JR and HR about YJ/DY, SR will achieve the necessary explosive reaction of JR and HR. But DT already knows this. But in the aftermath of that explosion, will DT question either JR or HR about who told them. If DT finds out SW told them, that should at least alert him to the snake-in-the-grass ness of SW. Someone here already mentioned this and I totally agree.

What I didn't think about is the possibility (highlighted by @anbud  thanks so much  ) that SW will use the 'we-spent-the-night-together' card with DY to get her to back off or use the same card with JR to set things for a shot-gun-wedding with DT. Yikes, I don't know how to sit through that unless I can be assured that the SW's big unmasking will happen, soon after that, publicly and most humiliatingly. The thing with the public humiliation is that not only SW but also DY and SA will be tainted by associated in a way. 

The office colleagues are so incredibly gossipy, especially that guy with glasses! 

Hello @sk0317, hope your weekend is sunny and filled with fun! 

I keep hoping that DT will be able to see SW for the manipulative cat she is but he seems to trust her, he needs to wake up and realise what SW is!  Oh! I really like that there is at least one more person who detests SW as much as I do. And I laughed when I read the following quote by you! Its just so apt! I feel like throwing something at her when she barges into his office as if she owns him and every second of his time. I also want to shake DT because he shows such equanimity where SW is concerned, and looks like he will learn the hard way about the two-faced SW.

On 3 September, 2016 at 10:08 PM, sk0317 said:

Can they stop plastering the big screens in JR's office with the smug expression on SW's face? Arrgh sorry to sound mean, but sometimes the sight of SW makes my stomach churn:tears:.

Haha! I second you and add that the sight of SW always makes my stomach churn :) 

On 3 September, 2016 at 10:40 AM, sk0317 said:

For a start, DT needs to employ a secretary to stop/ban SW from trespassing his office ANYTIME she wants! Or simply get a cheaper alternative by installing an electronic security door:phew:. The sabotage of the mulberry gochujang is a good reason why he should have one installed.:)

So, I agree that DT needs to employ a secretary. in fact, I am willing to be a door guarding troll if he needs one and I shall be extremely effective against SW haha :) Jokes apart, I also want that the mulberry gochujang sabotage needs to be out in the open, it cannot be put away in the archives, only meant for our eyes. They all need to know what happened and it would be best if SW spitefully tells DY that it was her who did it (in the midst of a screaming monologue with DY) and DT overhears.

And yes, DT should have asked for a formal investigation or even JR should have looked into it. With the police involved, SW would have been panicking and that would have been nice to watch.

I also hope and wish for a DT/DY happy ending, just like you do. And if they have to break up ( before they come together for good) then I hope the writers give us some cuteness overload type of scenes (I'm not saying no to any kinship mind :) ) before they make us undergo some more torture with SW and YJ as the chief inflictors well supported by JR and HR. I also wish they show DT strongly supporting DY, not falling prey to misunderstandings, and standing up to his mom in support of DY! Okay maybe I ask for too much but a girl can wish can she not :) 

I'm also looking forward to this week's episodes. Lets see what's in store for us. I'm guessing we will see lots of SW, so I'm hoping they give us some nice scenes with DY/DT. And will be nice to see HR screech at YJ. Enjoy the rest of your weekend! 

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10 hours ago, sk0317 said:

"..pig in a suit..." LOL
I hope HR's first husband makes an appearance and SW changes her target the minute she finds out he is much richer and more powerful than the Seul family:D.

Now that would be so much fun indeed! lol If only :) 

I'm sure she will shift focus from DT the moment YJ takes over BHS (if he does get rid of JR) and HR divorces YJ (not that SW will wait for the divorce to make her moves)

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sometimes it is good to  have a strong woman behind  you,if  the male is  sort of  weak in making the correct  decisions. as  along as it is the right  path. but  JR she put her  humble  husband through the  washing  machine, she took away his  right to be a  man,made him her poppet ,same thing HR is trying to do to  Yj but fails time and time again. YJ  will not be  ruled  by anyone..

but JR humble  husband  had  enough and left. JR pushed  him too far to  get what she  wants.. now  it is coming back to   bite her  big time.  and humble  husband is  not there to  take the fall for it.

 thinking, how  come KC did not report  his  wife  missing? she was  gone for 4 years,KC said he looked for her  but no one could  find her.lol  KC wife gets paid,she must  pay taxes,so her name is out there .

when it  comes to  SJ  oh  god, she was a  drunk  before she  met KC and  after. she was coming home  at  night   falling  over  time and  time  again,  her  brother  tried to get her to  stop drinking.

lol  then KC a  cop fell in  love  with  the  drunk.lol normal  people  won't touch  SJ the drunk with a  ten foot pole.. they  run the  other  way .she was  drinking   a lot before she found  out  she was  pregnant. that poor baby..


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# Referred to a potential headline-making marriage by the real Lee Sera, a "tycoon's daughter:" I'm fuzzy on this point. Is the real Lee Sera the daughter of the American fashion mogul SW refers to or a different rich businessman in Korea?

# Explained the Korean bar protocol for dealing with inebriated patrons: Interestingly, that seems to be the way things work in our local Korean American community (at least when things work like they should.) A couple of years ago a K-cab driver delivered one of my wife's relatives to our door (our address was on his driver's license.) The K-barman had checked his wallet for the address, returned the wallet as he found it, and called the cab. We paid the cab driver, who seemed to view this as part of a typical night's work, and everything was fine. I was amazed: had this occurred in a typical American bar, my in-law's night would have ended very badly. As for women, my impression is that a woman would not be allowed to get that drunk.

# Wrote: "DT trusting SW is what might make him get drunk with her and end up in some room together." DT, anbud wrote, would feel guilty and honor-bound to give up DY for SW: That's a clever plot twist. DT, of course, would only have the time and motivation to get sloppy drunk with SW if he and DY experience another break in their relationship. The next morning SW would barely have to utter the words "I tried to stop you but . . ." before DT would be on his knees appologizing and commiting his life to her. All Juran would know is that DT had suddenly "come to his senses." SW would confidentially share this tale with DY, guilt tripping her into giving up DT The writers may even now be revising their script to incorporate this scenario.

# Noted that SW would gain nothing by sharing the "DY is YJ's ex" story with Juran: Correct. This is old news to DT, he knows that only SW could be the source, and if Juran fired DY DT would only ne more committed to her and it's game over for SW. That's why SW might approach HR instead with her "continuing affair" spin on YJ's visit to DY's house ("new news" to DT.) Imagine: DT encounters a tearful HR berating DY in the hallway and, after hearing HR's tearful story, turns to DY and asks: "Did YJ visit you at your home after our date?" DY stares at the floor. Game: SW.

# Wrote: "JR . . . made [her husband a] puppet, same thing as HR is trying to do to YJ . . ." Perhaps but to me HR doesn't seem domineering at all. She just wants her husband to pay some attention to her, not to mention spend a little time with her. She senses that YJ has gotten what he wants and moved on and she's right.

# Wrote: "HR was and still is rude nasty condescending . . ." Agreed but her misbehavior stems directly from her privilege. Take away the privilege and the misbehavior disappears. With 30 more episodes there is still plenty of time for her to be Humbled By Adversity.

@auntyem wrote: "DY seems to have lost her feistiness . . . she better find it soon because things with SW are going to get ugly soon.": That's one element of the plot that makes no sense. DY readily threatened YJ with exposure even though his secret was her secret and exposing it would have harmed her as much as him. DY has nothing to lose by exposing SW. One would think that DY would long ago have told SW to butt out of her business or "I won't let it slide." (Not to mention putting SW on a schedule to repay the money she stole.) DT could also stand a (gentle) scolding from DY now and then. He's like the locomotive in the children's story that was always leaving its track to play in the flowers.

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@jimb it was in episode 9 , 14.15  mins  inn..

 SR,SW and SS  went to the  restaurant

first  time  for  SW to  visit  such a  grand  restaurant 

SS asked  SR,did  you lend us  your  clothes  cause  you was  taking us to this  nice  restaurant.

SR smiles  warmly towards  them.SS said  i  wondered  why  you  lent us  such  nice outfits like  this.

SR  told SS and  SW  to order  anything they  want, she  will pay..

SR left the  table..

SW,SS talking  about  how  expensive  the food  is,  SW ask SS if they  often  come and  eat here. SS said  no it is   her  first  time.

SW asked SS if  SR  makes  so  much    money selling  fake handbags..SS said  no.

SW  says to   SS, how does  SR eat at a place like this? SW also mention that  the house SS lives in looks  very  fancy. SW said to  SS don't you rent the  house with the  money  you earned?

SS  said to  SW  well  the  fact is between  you and  me ,SR is from a  rich family.SW, what  no  way.

SW,why  will a  rich  girl sell  fake handbags?. SS  saying its  true SR is  rich..

 SS said .SR mother  died when she was  young , and her  father  remarried and SR  left  home cause she was on bad  terms with her stepmother . she  hold a  grudge against her father. so SR behave badly on  purpose.

SW   ahh  so that's why  SR doesn't keep in  touch  with  her  family.

SW  said    how  rich is her  family?

SS  said, they're  not just  rich, her father runs a large  company, he was on the  newspaper as a  newly-rising business tycoon. they have so  much   money that they can't  spend all until they  die.

SR  returns to the  table and  we  have SW eyeing  her   up.lolol





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@anbud Thank you so much for the background. It would seem that SW knows nothing about the real LS's father except that he is rich. Especially if he is based in Korea, if the real LS made the news, couldn't SW plausibly maintain that she was a different LS? Lee is a common surname and SW claims to be from the U.S.

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2 hours ago, saatchiko said:

I'm sure she will shift focus from DT the moment YJ takes over BHS (if he does get rid of JR) and HR divorces YJ (not that SW will wait for the divorce to make her moves)


Can't wait to see the expression on CJ's face should this scenario becomes a realityB).

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31 minutes ago, jimb said:

@anbud Thank you so much for the background. It would seem that SW knows nothing about the real LS's father except that he is rich. Especially if he is based in Korea, if the real LS made the news, couldn't SW plausibly maintain that she was a different LS? Lee is a common surname and SW claims to be from the U.S.

maybe,  but in  episode 9    after all 3 return   to the  apartment.  SW  got SR a  glass of  water  and  SR spoke  English instead  of  korean. and  said  Thank you  March.

SW asking  SR if she  knew  anyone in the  modelling industry, SR said she  knows  a  few  designers , do you want  me to introduce you to them? SW    said  yes, and  SR said  she  will ask  them..

SW  oh  thank  you  ,you such a good  friend ...

again  SR spoke  english  saying, Ok  no  problem

 then they  agree that  SS sews  the bags  and  SW deliver  them..


so   with that  being  said, and  SR speaking  english  ,I am  guessing it is a  clue that  SR lived  in the usa  with her   father . upset that her  father  remarried  she  came to korea. plus  i can't remember if  SW saw   in  SR papers  she lived /or went to  school in boston?  when DT asked  SW  where she lived in the  usa  ,SW  said  boston, and thats when DT said he   too or something like  that   and  start asking  SW  about  certain  places he  himself been  at .lol and SW could not  answer  properly and made some  excuses ....

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@saatchiko @sk0317 Discussed a possible SW-YJ pairing and CJ's likely reaction: LOL. CJ marries HR, who has been Humbled By Adversity after YJ deposed Juran and then divorced her and the Sul family lost its mansion. HR moves into the Gu family residence and learns how to cook, clean, and defer to her mother in law. SW woos the CEO YJ , YJ woos the "heiress" SW. They both get what they deserve and marry. YJ goes to prison for his many High Crimes and Misdemeanors. Sul Min-Suk and his now chastened wife, Juran, regain control of Bonjour and appoint CJ head of the firm's new produce sales operation. SW, having no other choice, moves into the Gu family home and takes over CJ's job boxing lettuce in their store. The Suls move back into their mansion. CJ, who is "Pro Choice" on living with in laws, but no fool, has chosen not to. HR and SW glare at each other across the Gu family dinner table Forever After.

@anbud  T hanks for enlightening me re the real LS's American fashion industry background.   I now understand that SW is clearly busted if there is any big news about the real LS.

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 in episode  81  SW after taking DT  home  from the  bar ,SW is   telling  JR/GP/HR   that  since she  heard  DT had studied in Boston,I  am from boston  too. GP saying it must've been  hard for you to adjust to  korea.

 now  here comes  the part  where SW can't get out of this mess .

GP said he heard her  father is the  president of Felmort.. SW said   ah  yes.

HR saying she likes  that  brand of clothes,HR- i  was  surprised  when i  heard  about  your  father  why did'nt  you  tell me.. SW  I  don't like talking  about  myself..(lolol)

shocker for  SW,  GP saying he met  the president  of felmort  when he visited  the usa .

lol SW  head  spined and JR surprise.

 GP now saying  oh i met  him before   he founded  the  company. ah whats his  name again.SW looking  scared  cause she do not know the president  name.,lol.. but the  president did  tell  GP he  had a  daughter. so it is good to meet  you SR/SW..

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On 2016/9/3 at 9:12 PM, maribella said:

But really the similarity is so much. Don't they have some other ideas for characters?:huh:

Nope not really I think:sweatingbullets:. As it is the case with any bestselling item/product, most scriptwriters adhere and stick to a certain plot (success formula). All they need to do is substitute the actors and actresses...then it's just simply "wash, rinse and repeat".

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7 hours ago, saatchiko said:

Now that would be so much fun indeed! lol If only :) 

I'm sure she will shift focus from DT the moment YJ takes over BHS (if he does get rid of JR) and HR divorces YJ (not that SW will wait for the divorce to make her moves)

Don't mean to sound crude...but I think SW should just shift her focus to land GP instead. He is rich and unattached; plus SW might not have to wait very long before she gets hold of all the "goodies".:sweatingbullets:

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On 9/3/2016 at 4:32 PM, jimb said:

@sk0317 wrote: "Since I am all for a DT-DY ending, I want DT and DY to take the drastic KC/YJ route (sans drinking) just to stick it to SW/YJ?JR." I'm sure that DT would be "all in" but I suspect that DY would want the "paperwork" done first. No worries. If it looks like SW will prevail over DY for DT's affections. my "burrito money" is on Soon-Ae showing up at Bonjour and, Christ-like, pulling down the pillars of the temple . . .

@jimb To shay my friend I have my burrito money with you andl let's do lunch or better yet let's make it breakfast we can have breakfast burritos.. LOL.. Pulling the pillars of the temple, I think when Soon-Ae shows back up it will be YJ overhearing her and SW conversation on she being a fake and he will learn that she's DY neice.. Now YJ will use her as the go between of DT and DY but he will use the information to blackmail DY.. DY has always protected that fake of a neice because she was taught to let her have her way so let's see how things will turn out and who would be the one to expose her..

On 9/3/2016 at 5:12 PM, sk0317 said:


I agree but I would really really like DY to do something bold for a change:sweatingbullets::lol:.
And I simply can't wait for SA to show up at Bonjour and as you so aptly put it, "tear down the pillars of the temple"!! (keeping my fingers crossed^_^.)



@sk0317  DY has been raised to have lowself esteem it's not in her to do something so bold, If so she wouldn't take such abuse and she certainly wouldn't have just sat back and watch the man she love go to another woman in her face..

JR,SW,and YJ will be the downfall of that company.. JR always using YJ to get her son to do her bidding but yet she runs HR marriage YJ will pay her back for being her yes flunky when the slush funds, the product and the selling of that warehouse all is exposed SW will also do damage to Bonjour repetation for being a fake these three nasty people has it coming.. Like I said dad will go back to help son recover the company and I hope they kick mom out she needs to get in touch with reality and learn how to stop looking down on people..

Just when is HR going back to work it should be soon because of YJ lied to her.. This should help DT and DY dating..     

21 hours ago, anbud said:

@auntyem what is  shocking is  DY mother  blames  her  for  SW fathers  death. how  can  an adult  blame a baby ,when it was  her  adult son driving  the  car.  what if both DY and her brother  died  what  then? SW/DY grew up as sisters , no  huge age difference. Granny spoiled SW cause   her  father  died. and looked  at  DY as a  maybe bad omen.DY SIL seeing the bad  treatment of DY, took her into her  arms and comforted her. lets  just  say  by  how  granny  treated  DY,SW picked  that  up and   treats DY as  granny did/does   . DY got herself a good  education  while SW spoiled    by the granny to get anything she  wants  without  working for  it, is a big ZERO.

 DT loves DY, but it seems  DT is getting  weak  after  being  so  strong towards  his  mother  and  standing up for  himself  and DY. now he is  lying to his mother  instead of  speaking the  truth. DT trusting  SW  is  what  might make  him  get  drunk with  her   and end up in some room together. DT might maybe  if that happens, walk around  with  guilt of  thinking he  spend the  night  with  SW and  will break up with  DY. until the truth  is  exposed.lol  hope it  goes  down this  way , before SW expose DY/YJ are exes.

will SW expose DY/YJ  past relationship  now ? what  will she  gain by it?  SW will have  DT  angry  at  her so  SW  will lose  out on getting  him even  drunk.lol. DT will know  SW  told  his  mother,  cause DY/YJ will never  expose   that fact... so  guessing  SW  might use  that  card  when  all else  fails.. SW will want everyone  unhappy as  she is ...lol

@auntyem  Yes it's very shocking Halmoni blames DY for her brothers death one would think DY was driving the car if they didn't see the beginning.. I tell you Halmoni just wants to place blame on someone else to keep others from blamming her which she is at fault if DY was so sick and had to be rush to the hospital she could have took her in and ambulance that's what a real mother would do I think she was embarrassed because she had a baby at her age wonder did she hid out in the house when she was pregnant..LOL Also DY good education DY had to quit school to help take care of the family by working in the mulberry field. DY was set to graduate but Halmoni made her quit and let SW finish school that's if she finished but SW was a poor student any way never got good grades.. This was another reasons YJ mom didnt likeher she didn't like the fact that she had to quit school to help support her family and thought that her son will end up doing the same for a family full of women..

In regards to DT and Sw I could see your senario working even SW faking she's pregnant to marry into that family we mustn forget even with all her scheming SW isn't the brightes bulb in this drama all her action are just down right ridiculousy stupid and stupid is it's what stupid does..  Even DT his problem is as it's been pointed out he's to trusting of her but if she pulls a stunt like this he will end up hating her this is why I say stupid is it's what stupid does..

I been watching this drama on different web sites and the title they have for this drama is something else.. I'm really fond of the one freaky family.. I'm trying to figure out just what family is freaky.. Any ideas ?   


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12 hours ago, saatchiko said:

When DY told SW that if JR finds out about DY/YJ, that will just increase JR's antipathy towards her, boy, how thrilled was SW! She is all set to destroy DT/DY's happiness. By telling JR and HR about YJ/DY, SR will achieve the necessary explosive reaction of JR and HR. But DT already knows this. But in the aftermath of that explosion, will DT question either JR or HR about who told them. If DT finds out SW told them, that should at least alert him to the snake-in-the-grass ness of SW. Someone here already mentioned this and I totally agree.

SW's eyes nearly popped up of her head in delight when she heard DY said HR/JR are still kept in the dark about DY/YJ.

12 hours ago, saatchiko said:

What I didn't think about is the possibility (highlighted by @anbud  thanks so much  ) that SW will use the 'we-spent-the-night-together' card with DY to get her to back off or use the same card with JR to set things for a shot-gun-wedding with DT. Yikes, I don't know how to sit through that unless I can be assured that the SW's big unmasking will happen, soon after that, publicly and most humiliatingly. The thing with the public humiliation is that not only SW but also DY and SA will be tainted by associated in a way. 

Oh no!!!!!! My stomach is churning for the wrong reasons:(.

12 hours ago, saatchiko said:

The office colleagues are so incredibly gossipy, especially that guy with glasses!

He had better watch out, learn to tone it down a little and not end up a character like RM Park:D!

12 hours ago, saatchiko said:

Hello @sk0317, hope your weekend is sunny and filled with fun! 

I keep hoping that DT will be able to see SW for the manipulative cat she is but he seems to trust her, he needs to wake up and realise what SW is!  Oh! I really like that there is at least one more person who detests SW as much as I do. And I laughed when I read the following quote by you! Its just so apt! I feel like throwing something at her when she barges into his office as if she owns him and every second of his time. I also want to shake DT because he shows such equanimity where SW is concerned, and looks like he will learn the hard way about the two-faced SW.

We have had a couple of good days here but the humidity returned yesterday:tears:! I am so longing for autumn!

Parts in bold: THIS!!! It's the same with DY as she failed to probe further when SW carelessly said "...you should have known better not to record your mulberry gochujang recipe in a notebook!" To that, DY asked SW how did she know her recipe was written in a notebook and SW just gave an ambiguous answer. DT and DY, don't take SW's words or answers at the face value!! I know the two of you are blinded by love right now, but Do. Take. A. Hint!! Open your eyes to read and observe SW's body language! Sometimes it gets so frustrating with these two I get so tempted to call them (please take your pick) "Dense and Denser" or just "Dumb and Dumber" . "D & D" are initials taken from their first names BTW.

I want to channel some of your slapping vibe and give both D & D a smack upside their heads for once.:D Maybe then they will get the gist...

12 hours ago, saatchiko said:

So, I agree that DT needs to employ a secretary. in fact, I am willing to be a door guarding troll if he needs one and I shall be extremely effective against SW haha :) Jokes apart, I also want that the mulberry gochujang sabotage needs to be out in the open, it cannot be put away in the archives, only meant for our eyes. They all need to know what happened and it would be best if SW spitefully tells DY that it was her who did it (in the midst of a screaming monologue with DY) and DT overhears.

That would be wonderful!

12 hours ago, saatchiko said:

And yes, DT should have asked for a formal investigation or even JR should have looked into it. With the police involved, SW would have been panicking and that would have been nice to watch.

Unbelievable on the part of BHS; supposedly a big company but with such sloppy management and handling of the tampered mulberry gochujang incident. I don't remember the exact details, but when did the coffee spiking incident happen? The matter should also have been looked into and reported to the police. I find it rather unrealistic the former top show host could have "let it slide" so willingly/easily although she was often shown to be at loggerheads with SW. Sloppy management on Bonjour's part again.

12 hours ago, saatchiko said:

I also hope and wish for a DT/DY happy ending, just like you do. And if they have to break up ( before they come together for good) then I hope the writers give us some cuteness overload type of scenes (I'm not saying no to any kinship mind :) ) before they make us undergo some more torture with SW and YJ as the chief inflictors well supported by JR and HR. I also wish they show DT strongly supporting DY, not falling prey to misunderstandings, and standing up to his mom in support of DY! Okay maybe I ask for too much but a girl can wish can she not :)

I am so glad we are on the same page!! I am praying literally:) for the "live happily ever after" ending for our golden couple. And yes! I want more PDA scenes of the couple so overloaded with epic cuteness I have to go to my dentist:wub:. And yes! yes! yes! to the parts in bold!!!

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Omg  You are deep in this drama and have so much fun splashing around with the characters. :w00t:  How funny to imagine DT kneeling down  and “apologizing and committing his life to her(SW)”, after a drunken night. :lol:  hahaha    Fortunately  that image isn’t for DT who has tunnel vision only for DY. 



Hello  SJH girl!   I’m so glad to read that you joined here because of Shin Ji Hoon(DT).  I love his chemistry with DY.  It’s so fresh and unpolished.  You know SJH is a newcomer but do you know that he got the role after another actor who was supposed to play DT dropped out after the poster shooting?   I guess the production team got lucky to find SJH for DT on such short notice. I made gifs about the hugging of DY and DY  which I was going to post before but I didn’t because I have been busy.  Poor DT was so afraid of losing DY again. :sweatingbullets::)





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me to. as long as the writer give DT/DY a happy ending. i would be happy.

with the way greedy YJ always stalking DY. i will not be surprise. if DT misunderstood that DY still have feeling left for greedy YJ. after all greedy YJ always telling DT not to date DY.

only in a drama were you will find a man this greedy. he just down right greedy. it not enough he broke the poor woman heart. he bully/stalk her evrery chance he get.after he married.

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30 minutes ago, wunwing1 said:

me to. as long as the writer give DT/DY a happy ending. i would be happy.

with the way greedy YJ always stalking DY. i will not be surprise. if DT misunderstood that DY still have feeling left for greedy YJ. after all greedy YJ always telling DT not to date DY.

only in a drama were you will find a man this greedy. he just down right greedy. it not enough he broke the poor woman heart. he bully/stalk her evrery chance he get.after he married.

Yes, the writers will most likely give DT and DY a happy ending. Just that now we all have to go through the obstacles with them. 

I think the production team wants to give the show a typical soap 'days of our lives' type of vibe. Which explains the bug-eye stare we all dislike. But still the shows has us hooked lol 

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9 hours ago, booha said:


Omg  You are deep in this drama and have so much fun splashing around with the characters. :w00t:  How funny to imagine DT kneeling down  and “apologizing and committing his life to her(SW)”, after a drunken night. :lol:  hahaha    Fortunately  that image isn’t for DT who has tunnel vision only for DY.

@jimB: I was so close to suffering a cardiac arrest after reading your latest "splashing around with the characters"  post.:D Jokes aside, here's my response to the parts in bold: heaved a deep sigh of relief to compose myself like DT did before he steps on stage to serenade the woman of his dreams.:)

9 hours ago, booha said:


Hello  SJH girl!   I’m so glad to read that you joined here because of Shin Ji Hoon(DT).  I love his chemistry with DY.  It’s so fresh and unpolished.  You know SJH is a newcomer but do you know that he got the role after another actor who was supposed to play DT dropped out after the poster shooting?   I guess the production team got lucky to find SJH for DT on such short notice. I made gifs about the hugging of DY and DY  which I was going to post before but I didn’t because I have been busy.  Poor DT was so afraid of losing DY again. :sweatingbullets::)


Hello to you too and thank you for your lovely post!  While embarrassing, I don't belong to an age group who should be going gaga over such a charming actor.:P I became attracted to SJH after watching him in the TUF and decided to run some google checks and yes found out he replaced Lee Hyun-Jin as the latter had to quit due to health issues. I also found several CMs SJH had appeared in and must say he looks natural, amicable and great in all of them.

#He seems to have mastered the art of using the chopsticks. (Apologizes-it's a pet peeve of mine:sweatingbullets:)

Thank you so much for taking the time to create and post the above GIFs!! You really made my day\(^o^)/. I found myself lip-syncing to your GIFs as we speak.:P I kind of sympathized with DT as he had to wear those long sleeves shirts, buttoned up all the way to the top; and wear suits for shooting those scenes under the scorching hot sweltering summer heat. If you look closely enough, he can be seen breaking out in small beads of sweat in this scene and the other one that involved him grabbing and embracing DY away from a speeding car in the parking lot of Bonjour.  I read somewhere Korea has/is experiencing a very hot summer this year.:tears: The actresses were more fortunate as they are/were allowed to wear short sleeves or even dresses/blouses without sleeves for their shootings.
Going off-topic and not trying to body shame, personally I think SJH is blessed in the looks department and also with very good physical attributes to look really dashing and good in anything. In short, he wears the clothes and not the other way around. I am not very fond of those modern trendy suits (for example, the Crisp Summer Suits by Mr. Porter) worn by actors in recent K-dramas. Many may choose to agree to disagree, I just think one should be dressed according to one's body shape. The slim-fit, tapered pants/trousers are a turn off for me:sweatingbullets:. At around 187/8cm, SJH has the height and long legs to rock in them. 

Back to his acting skills. Although a late starter at 28, he is quite a natural I think if you like him enough to observe his subtle gestures and behaviors appeal in the role he plays. I agree DY and DT looked a little awkward in the beginning of this series; but as time passes in a weekday long running drama, they seem to have good rapport now especially as a couple in love.

Thank you once again for the lovely SJH's GIFs and please continue posting when you have the time! Please take care and have a nice day:)!


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5 hours ago, wunwing1 said:

me to. as long as the writer give DT/DY a happy ending. i would be happy.


5 hours ago, wunwing1 said:

with the way greedy YJ always stalking DY. i will not be surprise. if DT misunderstood that DY still have feeling left for greedy YJ. after all greedy YJ always telling DT not to date DY.

only in a drama were you will find a man this greedy. he just down right greedy. it not enough he broke the poor woman heart. he bully/stalk her evrery chance he get.after he married

YJ's greed isn't only confined to money, power and material things. The married scumbag who willingly abandoned his GF of 5 years now wants her to stay true to him. Didn't he give his blessings and tell DY to meet another nice guy in the scene in front of the elevator where YJ was overheard saying he will be meeting HR for her wedding dress fitting? Is he taking those words back right now because he can't stand the sight of seeing DY falling so deep in love with DT, his rival at/after work?

And for the sake of DY's personal protection, she should start carrying one of those mini Taser (if there is such an item:sweatingbullets:) and flash it at YJ each time he rudely grabs her by her arm. It will also come in handy when her delusional selfish ex decides to hide out and stalks her again.


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