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[Drama 2016] Doctors 닥터스


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Before reading all the comments on ep 15, I had my own thoughts on the FRICTION. But I must say you guys have some really good alternative views that I appreciate much too, so thanks for that. Now, I must say I was initially leaning slightly on JH's side during their argument. I think HJ did cross the line a bit by going against him simply because she is his GF. Like for example, would she have done that if Kim Tae Ho was the operating surgeon? Her arguments are based on emotions, lacking statistical probability to support her case. Coming from a well-regarded fellow, I do find her reasoning a bit amateurish. Even Kyung Joon had given a better argument on why he thinks surgery should not be done. Yes, there is that miracle possibility but JH already said the surgery could go both ways. Both mum and baby could die during surgery and therefore they would have lost the chance to extend her life or that miracle to happen anyway. HJ would have deprived the hubby of a miracle by insisting on surgery and they died during it.

However, like some pointed out, JH is a doctor who is afraid to make mistakes or rather, feels too responsible for his patients that he will take it upon himself to "punish" himself if anything bad happens - like when he was an intern years ago. He would rather not do it if he thinks the chances are too low - like preggie woman 13 yrs ago. That is definitely rational and not wrong either. But I am glad he acknowledged to HJ that had she been the patient, his decison would have been different. And I think we finally see how HJ is influencing JH in his profession as a doctor. So it is not just JH teaching her, she is teaching him a thing or two about how to think from guardian's perspective, too.

Urgh..don't want to take sides and I don't think I need to either. Both were right in their own ways. But I am glad we can see them having an argument about work for once. They were on a winning streak for too long it was getting to be unbelievable. We need to see how they deal with losing patients and having work arguments. It is never easy to be working with your partner/love interest at work.

On a lighter note, we did get a bed scene. YAY! Just that the pairing is all wrong LOL. PD-NIM, WRITER-NIM, YOU TEASERS, YOU!!!

And I still don't get the second question bit that she said during picnic. He has not asked the second question yet, right? So what was that about??

And BYUNG, BYUNG, BYUNG? After the english subs, I still don't understand what you mean! What are you? Ambulance sound? Cupid arrows? Love calls? Bo-ya???? I shall create my own meaning for you....


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Wow congrats for the rating. I dont care about the haters. I hope Doctors will show to haters next episode got a better rating, despite compete with another drama. (if the reason is olympics, why rating LFG dropped).

I've watch the raw episode last night (and now watching with sub). I dont understand Korean, but I can feel what HJ and JH feel. They are good actor and Doctors also have a good story. I believe the rest epsiode will more interesting.

Poor KS, I hope he doesnt have serious illness.

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Fighting SW!!! I know you will change and take IJ advice for the better. 




It's not too late for the return of your friendship


SW you need to be strong and I hope you can accept the truth as Im sure you'll soon find out the answer. 



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Wow this case is very similiar with Doctors case in ep. 15

Pregnant woman wakes from coma, is told she had baby

Evann Gastaldo, Newser staff 10:54 a.m. EDT April 10, 2015

(NEWSER) – Sharista Giles opened her eyes on Wednesday, four months after she went into a coma following a December car accident. One of the first things she saw: a picture of the baby she delivered in January. Giles, then five months pregnant, was on her way home from a concert in Nashville with friends when the driver fell asleep at the wheel and hit a barrier, WATE reports; the station reported at the time that Giles suffered a traumatic brain injury. Doctors had to deliver her son prematurely. He was less than two pounds at birth, but is now 6 pounds, 4 ounces, Giles' aunt tells ABC News. Without the 20-year-old new Tennessee mom awake to name him, the family has simply been calling him "Baby L." When Giles' dad held up the picture of him, Giles "followed the picture" with her eyes, even turning "her neck, her whole head trying to follow and find the picture again" when her dad replaced it on a bulletin board, Giles' aunt says.

Though Giles' prognosis is still unclear, that she woke up at all may be a miracle: "Doctors were telling us there was nothing else they could do," her aunt says; she told WATE in December that the family was told the chance Giles would recover was as low as 2%. A Wednesday post on a Facebook page set up by her family says she was "blinking [and] squeezing our fingers when we ask her to. ... She is not communicating yet but this is a great start!" As for Baby L, he is still in the neonatal intensive care unit at the University of Tennessee Medical Center, but as soon as he can leave, the family wants to bring him to his mom. A GoFundMe campaign has raised more than $1,000 for the pair. (This woman delivered her baby soon after emerging from a coma.)

Cr. USA Today via Adriana Nania

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Guest miss_Addm

Who would've thought rating will rise despite networks covering the olympics?! I was in awe too seeing it! Was never bothered what the outcome would be(cos i know regardless of the rating i'll still be happy and satisfied as always).. Surpassing 20%, inspite of negative feed backs, I can say that viewers are mature enough to be mislead or decieved by such criticisms.. Good job pervy patients for staying positive! LOL!;) Hats off to everyone in Doctors! For me, it was really out of curiosity as to why I watched this drama. But now I know why it got me hooked for tons of reasons! I dunno but I just can't complain. This drama is just perfect for me, my cup of tea!:)

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Though I've only seen the raw and will still watch with subs later (I'm at work on lunch break. Tee-hee!), I loved that confrontation between Ji Hong and Hye Jung on whether or not to operate.

As the more experienced neurosurgeon, Ji Hong is very much aware of the dangers to both mother and child and I think he was proven right that such a procedure has a very low success rate. At the same time, he is also very much aware that doctors must strike the fine balance between compassion for their patients and their loved ones, and pragmatic detachment. A doctor can't afford to be too emotionally attached to their patients because it can jeopardize the way they treat them. That's why I think doctors are not allowed (or at least highly discouraged) to treat their own family members or people very close to them.

He knows very well how traumatic it can be for a young doctor like Hye Jung to possibly lose a patient. He's gone through it himself and it made him run away from being a doctor. Good thing he managed to get over it but it took time and a lot of healing I would think on his part. I guess in a way he was trying to shield her too. But in the end, after looking at it from the husband's perspective, he also realized that despite the odds, he should take the chance. It was the same thing he did for his own father.

Hye Jung is still at the stage where she has yet to master the art of professional detachment. I believe her own traumatic experience with her grandmother's death will always make her quite emotional when it comes to doing everything she possibly can for a patient. As her mentor, Ji Hong must teach her that. Otherwise, she can end up having a nervous breakdwon since the risk of death is inherent in her profession. Yet at the same time, she can help Ji Hong not to lose sight of the humanity and compassion that must always remain at the heart of a healer's trade.

These scenes are beautiful because they really show the dynamic between a mentor and his protege and how each can learn from the other. :)

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8 hours ago, Rin90 said:



or this hug could also mean -- a "relief" and a "thankful" one --- after having almost made a wrong decision of never wanting to operate on her -- but true enough -- miracles of miracles -- just when they thought she is on semi-coma and is on decline -- she pulls through and woke up ----

how would that make JH then? -- it would have been another wrong call for him just like when he made that wrong call/decision -- a slight miss on patient's chart detail during his first year of residency -- 

and so last night's episode when he was so set on not doing the operation on bride --- but if not for HJ giving him another perspective that of the groom's feelings -- and him taking the time to think through things especially on the groom's wish/feeling -- finally taking it into consideration -- true! they told him the pros and cons but groom still wanted that few precious minutes of prolonging his bride's life regardless if bride would know it or not --- regardless if it would make a difference or not --- would she survive or  not -- the most important thing is he the groom never gave up on her --- 

i would have understand JH POV -- doctors rarely gamble on miracles --- they want the sure thing as the case of JH --- only do operations on the things they are confident the result would be good and there is high probability that patient would be able to pull through it --- why else would they ever operate if the end result would not be favorable?

it's good to finally see JH's vulnerability --- and for the upcoming episodes in regards to the hospital power battle --- please I am sure KRW was not picked to play JH just because of his charming personality and sexiness :) --- but because he is PUNCH!! can't wait for him to release the beast inside of him --- :):)




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When I rewatched Doctors as people in this forum mentioned several points that I missed from my 1st watching.


I really like the approaches which scripts let the rivals in love triangle describe how much JiHong and HyeJung love to each of them and audiences. These rivals must keep eyes on JiHong&HyeJung the most so each of them can thoroughly consider and comment.

 - ep11: during JiHong&HyeJung's fight, InJoo mentioned to JiHong that HyeJung's fight meant HyeJung loves JiHong.(otherwise, she won't care to be a part of his life)

- ep 13: When JiHong introduced HyeJung as his girlfriend, InJoo mentioned that she's never thought JiHong has this side (lovey dovey in love, JiHong has not shown this side to his gang friends for years).

- ep 15:

YoonDo mentioned he did not feel bad because he lost to Prof.Hong, a decent guy. 

YoonDo mentioned HyeJung might be very happy like in the cloud9, HyeJung can't stop smiling to reflect her happiness in dating with JiHong. (Hyejung used to answer JiHong on bench scene that she has had no happiness since her grandma died. JiHong can make HyeJung happy) 

When YoonDo observed JiHong prepared meal box for HyeJung, YoonDo responded JiHong did too much (In addition to lose to a decent guy as Prof.Hong, YoonDo realized much more how nice JiHong is as HyeJung's boyfriend.)


Any more, could you guys think about? 




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Doctors + Let's Fight Ghost

Doctors Ep 15





Sports Seoul - Naver: 'Doctors', Kim Rae Won and Park Shin Hye, went ahead with surgery but there is no miracle 

1. [+2,412, -58] I'm worried for Kang Soo ㅠㅠ

2. [+2,425, -67] Today's episode is a sad one.. It's normal for a miracle to not happen. That's why it's called a miracle

3. [+2,196, -51] From Namgoong Min to Lee Sang Yeob ㅜㅠㅠㅠ Everyone's so good at acting

4. [+1,472, -60] So sad ㅠㅠㅠㅠ "There was no miracle" ㅠㅠ

5. [+1,102, -71] It made me cry ㅜㅜ

6. [+456, -26] Made it even more sad because Park Shin Hye sounded so composed in her narration. A miracle is called a miracle because it doesn't normally happen.  This episode hits right at the heart

7. [+435, -28] This episode showed the reality of patients... It's so sad ㅠㅠㅠ I'm so glad Doctors wasn't cancelled today

8. [+375, -24] This is sad...I hoped for her to regain consciousness. I have a bad feeling about Kang Soo with all those headaches he's having.. Kang Soo-ya ㅜㅜ



Ilgan Sports - Nate: 'Doctors', Lee Sang Yeob in despair over bride and baby's death 

1. [+370, -8] I bawled my eyes out ㅠ.ㅠ My baby is sick and has to be hospitalized, a hope a miracle happens to us..

2. [+240, -4] This is so sad, I cried ㅠㅠ If something like this happened to one of my family, I wouldn't mind getting in debt to pay hospital feees

3. [+211, -9] I'm suddenly reminded of Signal...The weather's so hot but I got chills

4. [+30, 0] Lee Sang Yeob is handsome *_*

5. [+21, 0] All the cameos have been daebak.. I couldn't stop crying~

6. [+16, -1] Car accidents are the scariest thing. A normal person can die like that in an instant

7. [+10, 0] All the cameos have been great... Hye Jung's grandma, Han Hye Jin, Namgoong Min and Lee Sang Yeob. I cried at every single one




Doctors' Park Shin-hye and Lee Hong-ki's friendship



Actress Park Shin-hye and singer Lee Hong-Ki are friends.

Park Shin-hye posted a picture on her Instagram saying, "My Hong Star sent me a food truck to overcome the exhaustion. Thank you".

The picture is of Park Shin-hye standing in front of a food truck that Lee Hong-Ki sent. She's posing with a V and her hands up above her head.

Meanwhile, these two are known to be best friends.


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really curious for tonight epis...actully i can't focus working now... hahahha... my friend ask me for dinner but rejected cause i wanna see doctors....!! how doctors recently influence my activity....!! :sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets:

long preview not coming yet??? hope tonight hj_jh more romantic deeply emotion... :w00t::w00t::w00t:

if doctors episode increase i'm really okeeee... hahahha...

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3 minutes ago, dins88 said:

really curious for tonight epis...actully i can't focus working now... hahahha... my friend ask me for dinner but rejected cause i wanna see doctors....!! how doctors recently influence my activity....!! :sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets:

long preview not coming yet??? hope tonight hj_jh more romantic deeply emotion... :w00t::w00t::w00t:

if doctors episode increase i'm really okeeee... hahahha...

U are not alone chingu! I turned down my friends invitation too when they are planning a suprise for me... 

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6 minutes ago, firahrah said:

U are not alone chingu! I turned down my friends invitation too when they are planning a suprise for me... 

hahahhaha...so cool.. do u accept that invitation??
doctors.. chinchaaa.. chinchaaa... speechless... :dizzy:

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poor lost puppy looking for underwear :lol::lol:

i'm so satisfied how SW can rebel from his father, she really need to escape ASAP..

and why i feel that PYG will avoid SW intentionally so SW will think about their relationship :phew:


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Thank you for all the recappers for your effort..

Im glad that despite Olympic Event, Doctors still get some attention from viewers..

Its nice to see that all the hardship from staff to talents is paying off...:blush:


Yoo Young Ah, the writer of Miracle Cell No 7 and Hyung sent a coffee truck for SH today shared by @pearl0024

It seems that in all aspect, They love to give food supports to DOCTORS TEAM..I love It...:heart:


credit to the owner

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18 minutes ago, dins88 said:

hahahhaha...so cool.. do u accept that invitation??
doctors.. chinchaaa.. chinchaaa... speechless... :dizzy:

Yeap i did... bt strictly need to be back before the drama live streaming starts. Hehehe

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1 hour ago, akhenaten said:

Though I've only seen the raw and will still watch with subs later (I'm at work on lunch break. Tee-hee!), I loved that confrontation between Ji Hong and Hye Jung on whether or not to operate.

As the more experienced neurosurgeon, Ji Hong is very much aware of the dangers to both mother and child and I think he was proven right that such a procedure has a very low success rate. At the same time, he is also very much aware that doctors must strike the fine balance between compassion for their patients and their loved ones, and pragmatic detachment. A doctor can't afford to be too emotionally attached to their patients because it can jeopardize the way they treat them. That's why I think doctors are not allowed (or at least highly discouraged) to treat their own family members or people very close to them.

He knows very well how traumatic it can be for a young doctor like Hye Jung to possibly lose a patient. He's gone through it himself and it made him run away from being a doctor. Good thing he managed to get over it but it took time and a lot of healing I would think on his part. I guess in a way he was trying to shield her too. But in the end, after looking at it from the husband's perspective, he also realized that despite the odds, he should take the chance. It was the same thing he did for his own father.

Hye Jung is still at the stage where she has yet to master the art of professional detachment. I believe her own traumatic experience with her grandmother's death will always make her quite emotional when it comes to doing everything she possibly can for a patient. As her mentor, Ji Hong must teach her that. Otherwise, she can end up having a nervous breakdwon since the risk of death is inherent in her profession. Yet at the same time, she can help Ji Hong not to lose sight of the humanity and compassion that must always remain at the heart of a healer's trade.

These scenes are beautiful because they really show the dynamic between a mentor and his protege and how each can learn from the other. :)


You described the best ever for our Doctors ep15, HongJiHong, and HyeJung.


Doctors must diagnose professionally and should avoid operation without medical hope to cause death /veggie patients by doctors' operation but let patients be as they are.  In several countries, such operation in such inappropriate diagnosing could result in severe litigation to doctors and hospital. Definitely, doctors should not do operation with no hope or risk of bed death, this could cause inner fear. 

(Audiences watched a couple scenes showed JiHong sit with long face before each operation, I am wondering whether he overcome fear feeling from his resident's time yet. In operation room, JiHong looked very professional and reliably calm but those doctors including HyeJung and audiiences have not known whether JiHong is really fine)


Actually when residents or follows or even staffs do operations, one of them can make error no matter from ignorance or insufficient knowledge or patients' exceptional condition or human errors... other jobs' errors might cause costs but doctors's error might cause death (as same as HyeJung's grandmom's case or JiHong's resident time not know from his senior to take thermometer before patient's operation )

Actually doctors' system by training inexperienced residents with real patients' case might be dilemma if  seniors can't work with the optimum level of learning by low experienced ones and doing by experienced ones. (HyeJung might be more 'doing by herself' while JiHong is more 'mentor' type) 




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