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[Drama 2016] W-Two Worlds 더블유


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[Spoilers] Uncontrollably Fond + W + Wanted



1. [+7,633, -558] Wow, this drama is insane!! I was too engrossed, I couldn’t keep track of the time ㅜㅜ Lee Jong Suk’s cool, Han Hyo Joo’s prettyㅜㅜ Good job with the casting!!! It’s ridiculously fun

2. [+6,344, -383] So crazy fun

3. [+6,169, -393] I’ve never felt this way while watching a drama ㅠㅠ It’s too good, I’m blown away. Script, acting and directing are strong.. and Lee Jong Suk’s handsome

4. [+5,005, -353] ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠShaping up to be the best drama of my life

5. [+4,658, -340] Today’s legendary ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

6. [+1,406, -85] Felt like the episode only lasted 10 minutes… Is there something wrong with my clock? ㅋㅋㅋ

7. [+1,244, -80] “Who exactly are you?” Ahh



1. [+531, -57] A writer is important for a reason.. The script is written by Nine’s writer, that must be why I’m totally captivated. The story is refreshing. Lee Jong Suk has a good eye for dramas.. Looking forward to next week ㅠㅠㅠ

2. [+453, -66] What a crazy drama ㄷㄷ It’s the first time I’m seeing a drama of this kind on public broadcast

3. [+432, -56] I’m reaping all the good benefits of switching over to this drama ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Sports Chosun - Naver: ‘W’, Lee Jong Suk♥ Han Hyo Joo 'kiss x goosebump ending’ public broadcast’s counterattack 


1. [+1,203, -36] “Who exactly are you?”, this part gave me goosebumps. What is this drama’s identity? It’s ridiculously funㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷ One hour went too fast..

2. [+866, -26] Daebak. The episode ended too quick. Totally fun

3. [+707, -25] The story is out of this world

4. [+136, -7] I’m buying you clothes, why did you slap me? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
5. [+117, -6] I love Lee Jong Suk and Han Hyo Joo’s chemistry. W is perfect 


Trans by: kkuljaem.blog


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Aaaahhh i feel so proud and happy :D  :D  to the point that my sisters keep telling me that i'm not the one who wrote it nor acted nor directed kkkk but still i feel proud becquse of my bias, very very proud

my sisters watched W with me (i think i told you how they're so not in k dramas) but suprisingly when the second ep ended : the first kept nagging to watch the rest of the episodes right at that moment because she doesn't know it's not aired yet and she was furious when i told her she have to wait for a week for only two other episodes , the second wanted to repeat the episode because it was so intriguing and wanted to understand it better and the third just asked to watch the bts and evrything else related to it ... that's awesome right ?? I'm so freaking happy !!!!!!!

by the way... i want to share this thought i had and it's so confusing ... what will happen to the webtoon when kang cheol is out to the real world ? Would it keep being written ?? If so then the real world will also be transformed into a webtoon right ? That means maybe the two worlds will collide and become only one ? And there will be no going back and forth and they will just face the one who's writing it ? It's confusing right !!

ps @Rania Zeid were these the translated comments from the article i asked about ?? Because i'm not really sure since the one intalmed about it's top comments had more then 7k upvotes ... unless it was translated before hand can hou please confirm .. and again thank hou for your effort !! Oh how about you tell us what you think and how you are right now ... i left you sick worried two days ago :P and you only kept updating on the drama not your actual thoughts ;)  i'd love to hear your thoughts 


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I don't know if I'm just overthinking, but I feel like the conversation between YJ's mom and her aunt has some significance. The aunt said, "Maybe you should've just made her major art." There are a lot of other majors out there, so maybe YJ has some artistic abilities? If she does, then maybe sometime in the past she helped her father with his comic in some way (maybe she colored in one of the main characters - since her father's staff only do background stuff), and that's why she can go into the other world? 

IDK, I feel like I'm overthinking but I just can't wait until next week. :P

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9 minutes ago, outofspace said:

I don't know if I'm just overthinking, but I feel like the conversation between YJ's mom and her aunt has some significance. The aunt said, "Maybe you should've just made her major art." There are a lot of other majors out there, so maybe YJ has some artistic abilities? If she does, then maybe sometime in the past she helped her father with his comic in some way (maybe she colored in one of the main characters - since her father's staff only do background stuff), and that's why she can go into the other world? 

IDK, I feel like I'm overthinking but I just can't wait until next week. :P

well the character description says Yeon Joo has the ability to draw like her father and i think that ability of her has some significance in the story....

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Everyone should watch 7 min trailer again. I'm going crazy after watched it again

Im sorry Im not use spoiler bc I wrote this on my phone. I noticed some events that might happen on the next episodes :

1. Kang chul will appear on yeon joo's world and meet her at hospital

2. Police capture yeon joo and she ended up in fhe jail

3 Yeon joo father attacked by someone

Anyone have thought about this??

Ps sorry for bad english

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Guest julie721

First time posting here...

i just wanna say, whoooooaaaa what a fun drama. I seriously don't have much expectation watching this. I was anticipating the other drama before, but it's kinda let down for me. And when I give this one a chance I only see it because of LJS and HHJ. I didn't know the premise, didn't even know the writer is from NINE and QIH... But W has gripped me from the very get go...

so, yeah I'll be camping in this thread and spazz here... 

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6 minutes ago, chyantrils25 said:

well the character description says Yeon Joo has the ability to draw like her father and i think that ability of her has some significance in the story....

Really? I didn't really read any of the character descriptions, so this is fresh news to me hehe~ thank you so much for telling me! *_* Now I really want another episode....hahaha. XD 

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15 minutes ago, LyraYoo said:

Pardon me with the math number obsession of some sorts . This is Nine writer anyway.

I presume 10 is Kang Chul's key to karma. I don't know. Something happens between the '10's of events in his life. (Though in Nine, the number game SJJ did was not to hint the story but relfected it to viewers who understood how the numbers in the incense works with the elements of the show. This could happen in 'W')

Someone mentioned KC is 19 when his family was massacred. That was menboong really because in numerology 10 speaks a lot.

I didn't back read yet and maybe someone pointed this out but really i literally jumped into my seat when i searched the numerical equivalent of Potassium. Do the math.


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Holy Christ!!! You are right!!! The writer does play with numbers and ten is a definitive figure here!!!

Gaaaaaaahhhhh!! I didn't even make the potassium connection!! 

Also, Kang Chul has been looking for the killer for Ten years!!! There has to be a link right??!!! Ten!!

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There's only 2 episodes so far and I'm already in love with this drama...

It's so refreshing and unique! It's different from the other drama that I've watched and I really love the unique concept!

I'm so happy that the ratings increased and that so many people are also loving it!! :D

The ratings will definately continue to increase! I'm very positive that it will!! :D


Yeon Joo's father said that Kang Chul is a monster that should've been killed ages ago. I wonder why Yeon Joo's father thinks that Kang Chul is the monster and how is he a monster... What did Kang Chul do to Yeon Joo's father to the point where he wants to kill him?...

Yeon Joo's father looks like the bad guy right now but what if Kang Chul is the actual bad guy?....

I also have a feeling that Yoon So Hee might be involved in a love triangle... the readers were shipping Kang Chul with So Hee in the webtoon so maybe there might be a love triangle???

It's also amazing that Kang Chul is now able to change the story with his own will!! This means Yeon Joo's father won't be able to control the story or kill Kang Chul... Kang Chul also has the ability to stop time??? I wonder what other abilities he's going to have. Maybe the ability to allow Yeon Joo to travel to his dimension anytime? or him travelling to the other dimension at will? It would be cool if he does have those abilities lol

And now we have to wait for another week.... ;-;

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Wow! Episode 2 is even better than episode 1. How's that possible? How have I existed in this year without W in my life. Hahahaha. I love it. I adore it. I'm so willing to give away everything because of it. It's just that good. All the actors are daebak. The scripting is daebak. The directing is daebak. Everything is daebak. And that scene with Seong Moo saying that he wants to destroy his creation before it reaches out to consume him is just terrifying and amazing and real because the guy really is terrified. If characters are reaching out to yank people into the alternate world, then which world is real and which world is imagined? And even better, what if both their worlds are imagined and there's someone else who's manipulating everything (other that the actual writer of course. Hehehe). God, I love love this drama.

Also, hehehehe. Someone please tell me that this is the only way Yeon Joo can return to her world because I'm all up for a ton of smexy kisses (it's Lee Jong Suk. By the time he stops being shocked, those kisses will be steamy :wub:), all for our dear doctor to return to her world. 


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57 minutes ago, outofspace said:

Really? I didn't really read any of the character descriptions, so this is fresh news to me hehe~ thank you so much for telling me! *_* Now I really want another episode....hahaha. XD 

no problem it's my pleasure:)...i hate to think that we have to wait for a week for another episode ottoke?:phew:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

To all newbies welcome-banner.gif?w=150&h=27 to our WORLD!!! wohoo!!!..sometimes i feel suffocated when i visit here cuz our World undeniably got BIGGERRRR.....but i'm not complaning i just feel so happy that W is getting lots of love and supporters happy-diver-leaf-emoticon.gif  

can't help but share this cuz we maintain our position since i log in here and that was what 4-5hrs ago(?):w00t:



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7 minutes ago, VIP_Cake said:

There's only 2 episodes so far and I'm already in love with this drama...

It's so refreshing and unique! It's different from the other drama that I've watched and I really love the unique concept!

I'm so happy that the ratings increased and that so many people are also loving it!! :D

The ratings will definately continue to increase! I'm very positive that it will!! :D


Yeon Joo's father said that Kang Chul is a monster that should've been killed ages ago. I wonder why Yeon Joo's father thinks that Kang Chul is the monster and how is he a monster... What did Kang Chul do to Yeon Joo's father to the point where he wants to kill him?...

Yeon Joo's father looks like the bad guy right now but what if Kang Chul is the actual bad guy?....

I also have a feeling that Yoon So Hee might be involved in a love triangle... the readers were shipping Kang Chul with So Hee in the webtoon so maybe there might be a love triangle???

It's also amazing that Kang Chul is now able to change the story with his own will!! This means Yeon Joo's father won't be able to control the story or kill Kang Chul... Kang Chul also has the ability to stop time??? I wonder what other abilities he's going to have. Maybe the ability to allow Yeon Joo to travel to his dimension anytime? or him travelling to the other dimension at will? It would be cool if he does have those abilities lol

And now we have to wait for another week.... ;-;


Exactly! I kinda mentioned this before. YJ's dad most definitely have a reason for his killing frenzy - and a good reason. The first thing he asked when he sees his daughter was if she was okay. Somehow he got the notion that KC would harm YJ. I'm not sure if it's just the paranoia caused by his fictional creation gaining his own free-will or perhaps he already foreseen something that bad might happen. So, YJ's dad is unlikely to be the bad baddie here. Whether KC could be the real antagonist in the story is still up for debate. Chances are KC might not know it himself; could it be that KC has a doppelganger (w = double you)? The hooded man? The manifestation of his hatred? It's fictional so the possibilities are endless. Whatever, we are in for a good ride. 


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Decided to join the discussion in W, because, yes, I've been expecting LJS-HHJ duo, and yes, I've been eyeing this drama since months ago, and I've been a silent reader in Soompi forum for quite a long time, and can't stay silent no more because I think my brain is suffering from the whole multi narrative in W. Have been aired for just 2 ep. and it's a storm full of guess and possibilities inside my head. Aaaaaand, this drama has like 14 eps. to go, so, another 14 hours of pushing my brain to the limit?

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Uhh, I am desperately wating for the episode in which Kang Chul enters Yeon Joo's world:phew:. It would be so fun:D , her reaction,:lol: her colleagues' reactions when they see kang chul.:wub: Just get there fast Kang Chul.

I don't think anyone will realize who he is. I mean they have seen a 2D , comic book drawing of him , the real face can be a lot different. Hmm , I think I am guessing a lot.:sweatingbullets: Like the theory that Kang  Chul is actually a real person who got stuck in the comic book. He seems to know something when he talks about Yeon Joo. :blink:

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