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[Thai BL Series 2016-2018] SOTUS The Series S1 & S2 พี่ว้ากตัวร้ายกับนายปีหนึ่ง


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On 11.3.2018 at 5:59 PM, Mel_Rios said:


Wow... some "idols" can be real jerks....!

Thank you for all supporting our freedom of speech here in this Forum: OriginalNickname & dustinmyeye....!!


First i'm not an Idol

second it's going on from the first tread until now the same complaining and he still watching...

i didn't see any good feedback you know you don't have to watch it why you complaining so much

i understand it was bad season...yes i also didn't like it fully

but yet i wait every week to watch and enjoy it while it last

you don't have to use this language it's seems you are the real #$@ yourself

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16 hours ago, Mel_Rios said:


Well... you said it yourself...! This has nothing to do with reality...! LOL




Well, I never said it has nothing to do with reality, all I said was the series is not meant to be a gripping drama. There's plenty of sad and morbid lgbt films out there full of despair, and our lives are always painted as self-destructive by media and filmmakers. Sometimes it's nice to just watch something more cheerful, uplifting and romantic.

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On 3/13/2018 at 10:33 PM, dhyperion said:

.......  Don't get me wrong, I liked season 1 - it was entertaining, lovey and fun to watch - but very much a typical BL storyline which is amusing and fun but not very realistic.


Season 2 actually depicted a situation and storyline that in many ways isn't far from reality.  If they had become a couple just as Arthit graduated and started working, many of the struggles and issues they faced would be quite realistic (based on my own experience) - and the storyline actually makes a lot more sense. As a gay person who works in an office environment I know all too well the difficulties of being in a gay relationship in a very hetero-normative environment. There is a regular worry about what colleagues will think of you and how you will be perceived. Gay "jokes" are all too common and casual homophobia can be a real issue - and this coming from someone who lives and works in what is probably one of the most liberal and gay friendly countries in Europe. I'm not Thai or live anywhere near Thailand, but my understanding is that Thai society is still somewhat conservative (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong) where a "gay lifestyle" is generally frowned upon, and there is pressure from family not to embarrass or do anything "shameful" (having said that - you still get this in Europe as well, but it can be a bit more manageable over here).


Anyway, back to the topic at hand before I digress too much and get carried away with these other issues.


As I'm not fluent in Thai I can't read the novels (unless they get translated), so can only base things on the TV show - but compared to Arthit's character, Kongpob's seems to be much more at ease with himself, who he is, his feelings and importantly with being in a relationship with another man. Arthit is still too conscious of how he will be perceived by others and probably only takes sneak peeks on what goes on outside the closet before locking himself back in again. The only place where he is comfortable being himself and with his boyfriend is at home, in private. This is much more common than you think, and the show actually touches on issues which are very real and experienced by many homosexual couples around the world. This disparity in a gay relationship - ie where one is more open and comfortable compared to the other - can be really challenging to deal with, as is shown in episode 7 when Kongpob asks how much distance he should keep in order for Arthit to feel comfortable.


The setting of Arthit starting a job for the first time and trying to find his way in a new chapter in his life, while having a boyfriend who is still in university can be a challenging one for a number of reasons - such as worrying about finding your role in the company, where you fit in, worrying about making mistakes, how well will you perform etc. In the meantime you're also trying to get your relationship to work when your lifestyles are very different (studying vs working). Throw in the issues raised above and it becomes even more difficult.


I liked the fact that the show brought up a lot of these issues - as well as the cutesy stuff- and applaud them for doing so. They were quite subtle at times and maybe not picked up by everyone, but for someone who has lived and still lives this reality, I identified a lot more with the characters and their situation - for example: being with your partner on a company social event (I can tell you it raises a few eyebrows!). In the end you have to decide for yourself what's more important to you - the person you love standing next to you or what people think of you. It may seem like a an easy decision but that isn't always the case.


And yes, we would all like to have seen more touchy feely stuff between the two (who wouldn't  - they're both gorgeous!), but you know what - it didn't massively bother me that there were just insinuations instead.


For me season 1 and 2 are almost two different stories with the same characters - standalone as opposed to one being a sequel to the other. I'm fully aware that wasn't the intention, and for that reason I can understand the frustration many viewers feel. At first I was also a bit bewildered by how the relationship didn't seem to be at the expected stage considering the timeline. But in the end I actually ended up enjoying the season 2 storyline more than the first, simply because it presented a more realistic setting - for me anyway. It was by no means perfect, for instance I would have preferred for the "extra" Bl couples to have been omitted altogether (I actually fast forwarded those bits) and to see more interaction between the two main characters. But nothing is ever perfect.


So I choose to reconcile the show by seeing the two seasons as two distinct storylines with the same characters. Maybe this can help people enjoy season 2 a bit more as well :)




I agree with you in so many points.  I read the novels several times, and I like the 2nd season plot  a bit more than the first season. Here is my summeries.


Novel story plot: 2nd ss is a bit more realistic, but everything is possible in Thailand. 

I'm Thai and working in the university for years. So I think I understand the thouhts if Arthit well. If Arthit is a normal guy who has to deal with accepting his own self, Kongpob is an exceptional  chracter that hard to find. It almost like Khun Ploy creates Kongpob as a perfect symbol, and Arthit is flesh human. 


Screen plot and script: 1st season wins. 

I still don't understand why they added the relationship of Day and Tew that not exists in the novel. It ruined the flow, and did nothing for the whole story. The cost is less time to develop the real plot. The script writer also sucks. Almost the nice lines came from the novel or the actors' ad-libs.



Acting: the 1st season wins due to supporting roles.

In contrary with some people's thoughts, I think both lead actors did very well in both seasons. Singto had been critisized for his acting in the beginning of the 1st ep, pretty much because people didn't understand the charactor of Kongpob well. (IMO, of course.) Once the character of Kongpob is clear to the viewers, he get praised for the subtle acting. In summry, both lead actors do very well in both episodes.

The difference between 1st and 2nd is the acting of supporting characters.   Nai, Day and Tew were terrible, while P'Yong was just bearable. Tot and P' Earth were good. And the rest had too little role to be judged. 


Editing: The 1st season wins.

There're a lot of dramatic scene that need to linger on a bit longer. But no they want everything quick. 

And I don't know why the teasors of 2nd season always showed all important scenes, so it's like I don't have to guess anything for the next episode.


Just my opinion though.

Oh I forgot the bottom line. I still love both seasons more than any series in many years. Thanks for the original plot and the lead actors.

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Hi guys, I'm Kae, my alias at pinkmilk forums ( if you remember me!)I didn't comment as often in Sotus forums because I tried to avoid spoilers and promotions made by the actors.

I'm writing a huge post to counter those who are against season 2 and those who think season 1 was not realistic (joining the discussions :) ):

@dhyperion  Season 1 is not tackling sexuality and societal problems with good reasons. We may relate more but at the end of season 2 the core principles of season 1 are clearly exposed. I  liked they tackled the issues you wrote about only because season 2 ought to be viewed as a season where maturity is a central aspect of their love.

@ Mel Rios Season 2 could have been more than that, but the storyline is actually a continuation. The young love actually matures at its own pace. Keng Thatchaya (the artist behind the intro songs) made art for Sotus. Check both lyrics:

1) Season 1: There is never a fear of storms or obstacles because their resolution (particularly Kongpob) is growing and reaching unimaginable peaks.

2) Season 2: Our hearts are just a chunk of flesh, they can be either strong or weak - they are the most assertive, responsible and intelligent guys there are but their love needs to mature, as some "external problems" exist and need to be dealt with.


For both: Their relationship is like our psychological development - as kids we are considered the purest and innocent -  often a form of wisdom that us adults wished to have in our lives.

Then we mature, and the problems (that existed all along) start to be important to us: they  should be considered, we doubt, the external problems take form - ultimately we can solve them.


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On 31/03/2018 at 3:51 AM, nutpor said:

Hi guys, I'm Kae, my alias at pinkmilk forums ( if you remember me!) I didn't comment as often in Sotus forums because I tried to avoid spoilers and promotions made by the actors.

I'm writing a huge post to counter those who are against season 2 and those who think season 1 was not realistic (joining the discussions :) ):


@ Mel Rios Season 2 could have been more than that, but the story line is actually a continuation. The young love actually matures at its own pace. ..

Then we mature, and the problems (that existed all along) start to be important to us: they  should be considered, we doubt, the external problems take form - ultimately we can solve them.


Better late than never :)


If you view season 2 as an immediate follow up to the first season then I would agree with what you are saying. The problem being, it isn't. Love may indeed mature at its own pace but at least two years have gone by. Holes in the plot I can cope with but there were gaping caverns in their relationship, first and foremost they just don't talk to each other - on real, meaningful subjects. That above all else is what would prevent me from watching it again. Too many moments of : What ! you mean, you didn't tell him ?


It's over. Nothing we can do about it. Huge opportunity missed. Moral of the story : Be wary of what you ask for - you might get it. Not that I did ask. I'm blaming everyone else :)

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I'm kind of surprised to see that not everybody enjoyed season two as much as I did. I normally don't read comments when I watch a drama because I'm afraid it will impact my perception of it but I was curious about what people thought about it... and although everybody has a right to their own personal opinions, I was kind of disappointed to see so much negativity towards season two.


Maybe I am just very simple minded but I loved everything about season two. I love that there was no actual drama and that the drama itself simply displayed a story about love. I loved that this drama was about the emotions of love than intimate love. And I love that although they are hidden in their own world, I loved that they loved each other.


I agree that this drama was not perfect but regardless of that, I am glad we were given a snippet of their progression of love.


And if you haven't noticed, I just love love. Love is beautiful. And I love Kongpop who loves Arthit, and Arthit who loves Kongpop.

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"Chris-Lion" received the award "Thai People example" branch of "the first Dara actor artist", the 5th anniversary of the 2018 campaign project. Good work, good guy, well done, a social template of the year by the Assembly. Radio News & TV Newspaper of Thailand (lit up) #GMMTV



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